15 Photos of People Who Probably Should’ve Used Spellcheck

With the advent of spellcheck (and, you know, the fact that most people have Google at their fingertips at all time), spelling errors are less and less common (at least on public signage).

Which is all to say, these 15 people decided they just really, really didn’t care. At all.

15. Decidedly less appetizing than oatmeal, which is honestly pretty hard to do.

14. I can see that.

[Legit] Delicious hand soup from BoneAppleTea

13. Related to peas, not, well…you know.

12. I bet they didn’t sell a whole lotta those.

11. Those are some bold eggs. Plus an ‘e.’

10. Come on you know what they mean!

Image Credit: Tumblr

9. What happens when you’ve only heard a word and not seen it in print.


8. Mmm, a winning combination if I’ve ever seen one.

free hotel breakfast in alabama from excgarated

7. That is…not the same thing at all.

Skin Milk from BoneAppleTea

6. This one is honestly pretty darn adorable.


5. An answer to the ranibow sprimkles.


4. I mean just oh my laundry please don’t stop.

3. I definitely was not going to smork out here, officer.

Smorking from excgarated

2. The person who could spell quit too, sorry.

On a Burger King. Sorry for the what? from excgarated

1. They have that nice, swampy flavor to them.

Some of these are super cringe-y, if you ask me!

Are you good at spelling? Does stuff like this get under your skin?

Let us know in the comments!

The post 15 Photos of People Who Probably Should’ve Used Spellcheck appeared first on UberFacts.