10 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Living with ADHD

It may surprise you that living with ADHD is about more than managing your ability to sit still or pay attention – but as someone who lives with a partner who suffers, I can tell you that the way his brain functions infiltrates more areas of his life than I would have believed at the beginning.

So if you have ADHD, this post will hit you in the feels. And if you’re living with (and loving!) someone who suffers, this post might give you a better ability to understand their daily struggles.

#10. They don’t always think before they speak

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And like everyone, what comes out is sometimes inappropriate. They regret it, but they likely won’t apologize.

#9. It’s hard to silence their inner child

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ADHD sufferers often come across as selfish. As adults, they understand that they aren’t going to to be able to do what they want or get what they want all of the time, but sometimes the impatient five-year-old inside of them wins the day and they come off looking poorer for it.

#8. It’s a constant battle between confidence and doubt

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Some days, it’s easy to pretend to have it all together (or do they?) and other days that voice asking when they’re going to stop pretending and admit they suck at everything is too loud to ignore.

#7. It’s hard to let things go

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People with ADHD replay their entire day and obsess over things said (or not said), items not checked off lists, as well as what needs to be done tomorrow – and next week, next month, etc.

#6. Their brains are exhausting

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ADHD minds never stop and never take breaks – and that can be exhausting. The exhaustion can lead to poor behavior and snapped responses, none of which is easy to deal with for the person…or their partner.

#5. It might look like laziness…but it’s not

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Up to 50% of people with ADHD have chronic sleep issues – and it takes awhile for their brains to shake off the fog and get moving. Sometimes hours.

#4. Obsession can be part of the diagnosis

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People with ADHD often live in excess – they spend too much, eat too much, exercise too much, and so on. The obsessive part of their brain isn’t limited to one thing.

#3. It’s part of who they are

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It can be frustrating and challenging and exhausting, but the bottom line is that ADHD brains were made that way, and the people who own them would be different without them. So like the rest of us, they wouldn’t trade who they are for a more “normal” existence.”

#2. They can’t hear you sometimes

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Yes, they’re staring at you and they look like they’re listening, but sometimes their minds have focused on something else. They’re not being rude; it’s just how their brains work.

#1. Hyperfocus is a blessing…and a curse

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People with ADHD get into hyperfocus modes and woe to anyone who interrupts their train of thought. If they lose it, they will lose it for good so think twice about how important their attention really is in that moment.

The post 10 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Living with ADHD appeared first on UberFacts.