Twisty Riddles To Kill Some Free Time

There are days when you’re looking for ways to pass the time – and improving your logic skills has to be one of the better investments of your free time!

If you agree, we’ve got 6 twisty riddles that will pair perfectly with your morning cup to get those brain juices flowing!

Let’s go!

6. Full of holes.

5. Heavy, poor, but full of silver…

4. Invisible but needed?

3. Not the classic couple.

2. Holes and more holes.

1. Don’t let it lick you.

Continue reading to check your answers.







Did you solve them all? Which one did you think was the cleverest?

Let us know in the comments and thanks for playing along today!

The post Twisty Riddles To Kill Some Free Time appeared first on UberFacts.
