These Neighbors Took Petty to a Whole New Level

My parents moved a few years ago and while there were several reasons, one of them was that they lived next to an absolute lunatic who lived to antagonize my dad.

Among the things this man did for spite were erect giant floodlights that pointed right into their yard all night and buy a chicken which he had classified as a therapy animal to get around city ordinances so it could make a bunch of noise and bother everyone.

Neighbors can be nightmares.

What’s the most petty thing a neighbor has done to you? from AskReddit

Here are some other tales from Reddit.

1. The Carcass Killer

I had a neighbor, who I had never met, continue to throw dead animal carcasses in my yard. This went on for several months. Rabbit. Rabbit. Possum. Squirrel. Raccoon. You name it. One day, I witnessed him doing it and this was how I determined who was actually performing this strange act. He was probably in his 60’s. He opened his garage door, walked out with a pitchfork and something dead on it, then proceeded to yuck it in my front lawn.

I waited until that night, picked it up and hurled it onto his car’s windshield.

He never did it again. My other neighbor, who I eventually met, said he had some feud with the previous owner of my house. I guess he never realized I wasn’t the guy he feuded with.

– sump___erson

2. The Worst Woofer

A dorm neighbor was a huge d**k and didn’t care for anyone in the suite. So he did something like tip over his sub woofer, turn the music up and left for the weekend. The entire crew could feel it from our beds. I guess he didn’t know that RA’s have keys to the rooms. Maybe he also didn’t know that you could get ejected from dorms.

F**k you Bosco. You turd.

– GirlsPMYourSpreadAss

3. The Loser Litigator

Not me, but what the woman who did live in our house did to her neighbors.

We moved into a house up a long shared driveway. Our neighbors are an elderly couple and she has dementia. Sometimes she doesn’t know where she is or what she is doing.

The new neighbor came over one sunday night to ask if he could put his wheely bin in the end of the drive so the rubbish truck could back up the drive to empty it as it would save him trying to move it to the road. I said that was no issue. Turns out the old resident had her lawyers send the elderly couple a cease and desist letter over putting the rubbish bin in the driveway the first week after she moved in. No knock on the door and ask to stop or talking to them. Straight to get the lawyer involved.

We also found out she got upset about the neighbor with dementia wandering onto her driveway. Remembering she had dementia and didn’t know what she was doing. So she put a chain across the driveway to stop her wandering into her property. The chain was fitted and hung at about 8 inches off the ground and the first time the elderly lady wandered over she tripped on it and fell face first onto the drive, knocking several teeth out and breaking her hip. She spent some time in hospital and before she even got out of hospital, the elderly neighbor had a knock on the door from the police with a trespass notice…………

All the neighbors were ecstatic when she left and we moved in. I met the woman once and she seemed Ok. But what sort of piece of s**t acts like that towards neighbors?

– Amockeryofthecistern

4. The Salty Surveyor

He’s salty about a land survey that was done decades before I moved in. We have a decent neighborly relationship in general, but when I moved in he tried to convince me that a whole section of my yard was his. Fortunately, the previous owner had warned me he might try this.

Now we rent the house out. Every time a new tenant moves in, he walks the property with them and tries to move the property line again. Very petty, and so consistent!

– pachatacha

5. The Trashy Treasure Hunter

I was at this neighbourhood treasure hunt when I was around 11. It was in a big park with lot of trees and rocks, parking lot and a community centre next to it.

Me and my neighbours kid both figured out final clue and sprinted towards the finish, only for me to ‘accidentally’ bumped by his dad and fall.

Still salty about it till this day

– f__h

6. The Queen of the Streets

I had a neighbor who literally thought she owned the actual street and had some big beef with my landlord (she’d sued him several times for things that never made any sense).

My landlord installed cameras because she took him to court so often and he needed proof that she was making stuff up.

She would mark down the time that I or any friends of mine arrived at or left my house and would sit in her driveway watching us.

Once, my landlord was going out of town and told me I was welcome to use his grill and have friends over (he lived next door to me). I did so, inviting maybe 5 friends, max, and we had a nice, mellow cook out. No loud music, no drunken debauchery or anything like that. True to form, the nosy neighbor called my landlord and told him that she was calling her lawyer and threatening legal action over our small party. Thankfully my landlord had footage of our gathering and deemed it all totally fine and completely within the bounds of what he’d invited me to do.

She sucked. F**k you, Sandra.

– Violinist-Rich

7. The Counselor

Lived in a neighborhood for about a year that was also home to one of the city council members. This bitch would send notices to everyone for anything she didn’t like and she’d try and sway the council to crack down on those she deemed the “worst” offenders. We earned a spot at the top of her sh**list because we put our garbage cans at the curb in the afternoon rather than the evening. None of us were going out after dark and dealing with rats springing out of the cans like tiny, flea-ridden missiles.

We didn’t stop because legally, we weren’t doing anything wrong. She was a stickler for making the neighborhood look fabulous even though most of the houses were in sh**ty condition and as mentioned earlier, the entire city had (probably still has) a really bad rat problem. So every week, we’d get a new notice from her, though she always tried to say it was from the council as a collective. Yes, she hand delivered that s**t.

– rarestereocats

8. The Fruitful Foot

We were sort of that neighbor a few years ago. We were in the process of building our new house and had everything staked out before any of the groundwork started. I guess our neighbor thought we were too close to their property and had some city official come out to measure and in the process delayed our contractor.

Turns out we were 1 foot further away from their property than necessary and so, without even bothering to ask, our annoyed contractor picked up all the stakes and moved them 1 foot closer to the neighbor

– RxHumdinger

9. The Poo Pointer

People in the building were complaining that he didn’t pick up after his dog. All of the apartments except mine were accessible behind a security door. Mine opened right onto the porch.

One day I came home from work and saw he wrote this HUGE note in thick Sharpie that said, “Clean up after your dog!”

He must have told the neighbors it was me, and left that note so that they could all see it really was me. To prove his point.

Except it wasn’t me. It was him.

– waterbottlejesus

10. The Shady Shader

He had a tree in his yard that threw a lot of shade on my side, which eventually killed everything that was growing there.

So I spent a lot of time and money to plant a beautiful shade garden. He watched me the entire time, asking questions about the plants and how much they cost.

The following spring, he cut the f**king tree down.

– darkpixie1

11. The Buttpicker

Water people were out checking meters. Water guy asked me where our meter was – showed him where it was at.

Buttpicker neighbor comes out of his house hollaring to the world that was HIS METER and I was not to touch it. We shared the in-ground meter thingie, two separate meters. Water guy had a good laugh and instructed the neighbor that it was indeed where my meter was, neighbor was embarrassed at his own behavior and went back into his house but watched us for a bit.

They were sort of weird. Always remember that they smelled like dirty bedsheets. #andersonisland

– frenchkids

12. The Poor Pluggers

Mine was a downstairs neighbor and they would constantly switch the drier plug to our outlet to charge our unit for drying their clothes.

– Notsodarknight

13. The Trash Bandits

Stolen my green trash can. What the f**k am I going to do? Go up to them and accuse them of doing it? They only had one, but I knew they f**king did it, but what if I was wrong?

Would have been mortifying. Just unbelievably petty and shady

– 10Cinephiltopia9

14. The Big Dog on the Block

My upstairs neighbor (in an apartment) was peeved that I contacted the office about him and his loud wife. I had no contact with them directly.

So this grown man waited until I took my 15 year old, blind, dying of cancer dog outside to relieve himself, and he came out to loudly bark and growl at my dog to scare him since he couldn’t see.

Luckily, my dog didn’t care, but what a petty thing to do.

– Ok_Eye_3511

15. The Misguided Guardian

Called CPS on my family because we took a family vacation with our two older kids and let our youngest with special behavioral needs and violent outbursts spend the week with my mom.

They did movies, swimming pools, children’s museums, a food truck festival, and a fireworks show together in that time.

He had a blast, and the rest of us got some badly needed respite.

Neighbor thought it was blatant favoritism and reported us.

– bubblegum1286

Kinda makes ya want to just move out to the wilderness, doesn’t it?

What’s your worst neighbor story?

Tell us in the comments.

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