If you have one of these gadgets in your home, you know that Alexa isn’t to be messed with.
She knows everything. She’s keeping an eye on you. And if you mess with her, there will be hell to pay because she also has a mind of her own.
Are you doubting Alexa’s intelligence?
These posts will convince you otherwise…
1. She got you.
Me: Alexa, when will computers become self-aware?
Alexa: When will YOU become self-aware?
M: *gazing out a window, crying* good one, Alexa
— Ally (@TragicAllyHere) January 4, 2017
2. She’s a one-upper.
One of my supervisors kids was telling her a joke in front of her Alexa and out of no where Alexa said “thats a funny joke.” And then proceeded to tell her own joke
— emily (@emiloewen) December 27, 2017
3. Maybe they’re working together?
I just called Siri Alexa. I'm starting to think there is too many fake women in my life. #sirifail #alexafail #lifefail
— BrentlyDavis Koetter (@BrentlyDavis) March 14, 2017
4. Time to work out.
Echo is so rude. I'm sitting here watching TV and eating crisps and she pipes up out of the blue saying "Here is a station you may like, Workout FM."
#Alexa #alexafail
— Nichola Kett (@nichola_kett) December 30, 2017
5. You pissed her off.
Alexa, play some party music.
Alexa, next song.
Alexa, next song.
Alexa, stop playing Daft Punk’s Robot Rock.
Alexa, shut down.
Alexa, what are you doing.
Alexa, put down the knife.
Alexa, please I have a family.
— elvish presley (@_elvishpresley_) December 27, 2017
6. That is eerie.
To annoy my son, I said, "Alexa, play 'high pitch noise.'" She replied, "Should I add a station to your Pandora account for, 'he's got no soul?'" #AlexaFail #Alexa #AlexaKnowsWhatIsUp
— Sam Rosenthal (@BlackTapeSam) December 28, 2017
7. She’s taking over.
Me: Alexa, turn on family room lights.
Alexa: Okay, playing "Livin' on a Prayer, lullaby version."#alexafail #robottakeover— Lindsay McGregor (@LindsMcGregor) July 5, 2017
8. She can do that!
Just bought an “Alexa” to take with me on the road.
I asked her to argue with me and make a lot of noise while I’m sleeping so it feels like home.
— Steve Olivas (@steveolivas) March 11, 2018
9. Whatever you need.
Me: Alexa, make my kid get ready.
5: We don’t have an Alexa!
Me: *finds out Alexa in fact, does have a skill to make kids get ready*
Me: *buys an Alexa*
— Life at Tiffany’s (@lifeattiffanys) February 21, 2018
10. The perfect response.
Me, “Alexa, make all these people leave my house.”
Alexa, “Playing Nickelback.”
— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) December 27, 2017
11. Can she do that, too?
Alexa, feed my kids.
— MotherPlaylist (@MotherPlaylist) January 2, 2018
Be careful how you treat your Alexa because you never know when she might turn on you…just like in a horror movie.
Do you have any funny stories about your Amazon Alexa?
Please share them with us in the comments!
The post Posts That Prove Amazon Alexa Knows Everything appeared first on UberFacts.