Was that a brain freeze? What the hell just happened?
Do you ever have those moments where you just can’t remember what something is called? And you don’t think you’d be able to come up with the word (or words) even if your life depended on it?
It hits all of us differently, but I think we can safely say that it definitely hits all of us sometimes. I guess it’s just our brain telling us that we need to take a break. Or a nap. Or a two-week vacation.
Whatever the case, I think we can agree that it is always FUNNY when this happens.
So let’s check out some funny tweets from folks who had to come up with new words because they just couldn’t seem to summon up the right ones.
1. Finger necklace.
I love the second one, too!
I know someone from Brazil who kept calling rings “finger necklace”, and we once went to the grocery store to get lightbulbs. She asked an employee where they were located, and couldn’t think of the word so she described it as “sunshine for your home”
— wenter (@beavis_grande) March 10, 2020
2. It all worked out.
Maybe it should be renamed?
I once completely blanked on the word for milk in Italian, which is very obviously latte. A word widely appropriated in the English language. In my panic with much arm gesticulating, I blurted out “Sai? Succo di mucca!” (You know? Cow juice!). Got the milk though so…
— Gᴀʀᴇᴛʜ LᴜTʜᴇʀʏɴ (@GarethLuTheryn) March 8, 2020
3. Flat beef.
Yeah…that’s what I meant.
one time i forgot the word for “steak” and when i opened the fridge i asked my mom why we had flat beef in the refrigerator and she looked at me like the bloody idiot i am and said “YOU MEAN STEAK???”
— nadis @COMMS OPEN (@nadis_subdued) March 8, 2020
4. You’re gasping.
In a good way!
I love shit like this. My bf is Bulgarian and says the cutest things. He calls crumbs, ‘crumples’ and it makes me gasp from the pure loveliness.
— Andrew Grace (@AndrewBGrace) March 8, 2020
5. That is very cute.
And it makes sense to me.
my old roommate is Chinese and she forgot how to say paper towels so she called it “kitchen toilet paper” cute
(@PlasenciaMarian) March 8, 2020
6. Ouch! Double whammy!
Well, he was just doing his best.
When my Dad was new to the US fr Bolivia
in the early 60’s, he was flirting w a woman and told her in his limited English- “I love your navel.” “Oh I mean your nipples.” He meant her dimples.
— Kari Peláez (@kari_206native) March 9, 2020
7. An umbrella?
Yes! One of those!
My first language is English and when I was in England I wanted to buy an umbrella but I forgot what an umbrella was and I just went to the guy and was like “can I have one of those rain things you put over your head” and he was like “an umbrella?” And i said yes like an idiot.
— vin | BLM
(@daisukesclown) March 9, 2020
8. I’d like a REALLY wet salad.
And by that, I mean soup.
One of my cleverest and most fabulous friends at university (now PhD in neuroscience) once forgot the word for what she wanted in a restaurant and tried to explain with “like a really REALLY wet salad”.
She wanted soup.
— Wesley “WASH YOUR HANDS” Mallin (@wesleymallin) February 18, 2019
9. You had baby brain.
We’ll forgive you.
When I was pregnant with my first, I cried one day because I forgot the word “banana.”
I described it to my then-husband, “It comes it its own case! It’s yellow!”
— muriel puce, antifa wangdoodle #acab #blm (@fisty) February 19, 2019
10. At least it sounded good.
They were impressed. Maybe…
Hello my name is Sue. I have a PhD and a career in landscape archaeology and thanks to a random brain freeze forgot the word for trowel so had to describe it as ‘a digging implement’ to an archaeologist colleague
— Prof Susan Oosthuizen (@DrSueOosthuizen) February 18, 2019
11. I’m hungry, I’m hungry, I’m hungry for sleep.
Sing this to yourself in the tune of “Burnin’ for You.”
I once forgot the word for tired and said I was “hungry for sleep”. In English.
— Ashley Nicole Black (@ashleyn1cole) October 7, 2019
12. I like it!
And I’m gonna start using it!
Couldn’t remember the word “railing” and instead said “upstairs fence”.
— Midwest Elite
(@folderolz) October 7, 2019
Does this ever happen to you?
Where you can’t remember a pretty common word or phrase?
If so, please share your funny stories with us in the comments.
The post People Who Forgot Words and Came up With Hilarious Alternatives appeared first on UberFacts.