We could all use a little comfort right now.
And one good way to do that is through positive and uplifting movies.
We all have those “comfort films” we watch when we want to feel better, and Twitter users shared theirs.
We all have that one film we watch to provide an emotional escape. When we’re having a tough day, we turn to Dorothy and the gang in THE WIZARD OF OZ (‘39).
What’s your #ComfortFilm? pic.twitter.com/SEV8skSA4c
— TCM (@tcm) March 16, 2020
So be sure to add these to your queue if you’re looking for some new movies to watch when you’re having a rough day!
1. A classic.
The Princess Bride for sure. pic.twitter.com/VBDXcqSpvC
— Amy H (@amilee_h) March 16, 2020
2. A good choice.
Or The Philadelphia Story! pic.twitter.com/8bX4VmxFtU
— Kyle Borcz
(@KyleBorcz) March 16, 2020
3. Funny Face.
A big #ComfortFilm for me is FUNNY FACE (1957). Givenchy! Dancing! Paris! Dovima! Kay Thompson being fabulous beyond belief! It always soothes a troubled mind. pic.twitter.com/T4R6y5tpcw
— Sarah Ganske (@thebasementtan) March 16, 2020
4. Just singin’ in the rain.
It’s definitely a rotation of a few… “The Wizard of Oz”, “White Christmas”… but the one I go most often to is “Singin’ In The Rain”
#ComfortFilm pic.twitter.com/GMCD2JrjoJ
— Serena Hohenstein (@SerenaHope14) March 16, 2020
5. Gene Wilder was a gem.
Many of my choices have already been suggested, so I’m going to go with what is absolutely one of the American films ever made. #TCMParty #ComfortFilm #YoungFrankenstein pic.twitter.com/bWzgONzz7a
— ????? ???? ????
) (@Gayer_Than_Thou) March 16, 2020
6. Pillow Talk.
PILLOW TALK (1959) with Doris Day, Rock Hudson, and Tony Randall is definitely a #ComfortFilm for me. pic.twitter.com/SCfMKdbclw
— Priscilla Smith (@Priscilla_MR21) March 16, 2020
7. Such a great movie!
THE STING (1973). So much fun, endlessly rewatchable, and plenty of eye candy. #ComfortFilm pic.twitter.com/HCptOEvv2m
— Julia Ricci (@julsrich) March 16, 2020
8. The Thin Man.
The Thin Man #ComfortFilm pic.twitter.com/molt1O8kau
— Dave Hollingsworth (@_daveyH) March 16, 2020
9. You know this one.
— Kristopher Pistole (@krispistole) March 16, 2020
10. Frankly, my dear…
Brb headed to Casablanca to be swept up in a whirlwind romance. pic.twitter.com/jiFlkUHgnD
— HBO Max (@hbomax) March 16, 2020
11. White Christmas.
Year-round #ComfortFilm pic.twitter.com/cDMVMoJ7Vm
— ashley (@heyitismeashley) March 16, 2020
12. The Gang’s All Here.
Busby Berkeley’s THE GANG’S ALL HERE is my #comfortfilm. pic.twitter.com/b6es35VcKZ
— Trapped by Television (@LouLumenick) March 16, 2020
13. All Judy, all the time.
Literally anything with Judy Garland in it tends to be a #ComfortFilm for me–especially those lighthearted early Mickey/Judy films like Strike Up the Band or Babes in Arms. pic.twitter.com/8XNO6SGH4K
— Dr. Annette Bochenek (@Home2Hollywood) March 16, 2020
14. Cabin in the Sky.
Cabin in the Sky pic.twitter.com/2hE6QEkJ9y
— missa
(@missanachelle) March 16, 2020
15. Pee-wee For President!
For goofy escapism, nothing compares to Pee-Wee #comfortfilm pic.twitter.com/SYiSKLI7s4
— Will J (@buddywillj) March 16, 2020
All great suggestions, in my humble opinion.
We want you to help us add to the list!
In the comments, please share the “comfort films” that you rely on when you need a pick-me-up.
The post People Share the “Comfort Films” They Watch When They’re Having a Hard Time appeared first on UberFacts.