People Share The Best Non-Sexual Experiences Someone Can Have

There’s a great meme that started going around in 2011 that says, “Yeah sex is cool but have you ever…” and the poster would fill in the blank with something like garlic bread or other wholesome versions.

People may choose to be celibate or sober for a number of reasons.

During the shut downs and quarantines of COVID-19, many of us began to take stock in what was actually bringing us joy or peace when we couldn’t see other people.

Staying present, taking stock of the simple things in life, can actually bring you happiness, making the little things more pleasant.

Redditor Ihavemeditatedalot asked:

“What is the most pleasant – non-sexual , non-drug – experience a human can have?”

Here are some of the best answers.

Air conditioner.

“Coming into an air conditioned space after being out in intensely hot weather.” – Wuskers

“They said non sexual.” – geoffs3310

“That was so funny I came inside an air conditioned space.” – Billy-Mays-Ghost

Unclogged nose.

“When your nose is finally unclogged and you are able to breathe properly and actually feel more oxygen entering your bloodstream.” – jmilla360

“Had a bad cold and decided to use one of those neti pot things. Blew my nose in the sink after using the thing three times with refills. A huge yellow blob the size of a credit card came out of my nose I could suddenly feel the wind inside my head. It was one of the greatest feelings ever.” – softcatsocks

“I remember the first time I could breathe properly after my nose surgery. I was doing my prescribed irrigation routine as I had for the previous two weeks, blew my nose, and POP, out comes this huge rock of blood and snot. I spent the next few minutes relearning to breathe through my nose, not doing it too hard so I wouldn’t hyperventilate. Felt amazing.” – stevenbrown375

“When you remove the stints after a septoplasty and 3 inches of hard bloody boogers trail out of each nostril and fresh free air enters in for the first time in a month.”

“It was enough to tear me up and I walked out of the hospital like a total weirdo smiling ear-to-ear.” – Tomato-Tomato-Tomato

The shy person makes the group laugh.

“Ever made a group of people laugh when you’re that type of quiet/shy person? Literally the rarest feeling for me..” – CattaChonk

“This is precisely why stand-up comedians are addicted to their craft.” – bobbythegoose

“I have met a lot of stand-up comics and many overcompensate for their insecurities this way in a very unhealthy way, unfortunately. That’s why bombing is so important.” – bellen_daze

“A lot of stand up comics have substance abuse and depression / personality disorders too. They use their pain to create humor, but they’re still not doing well. Greg Giraldo is one that comes to mind.” – MrBoDingleberries

Uncontrollable laughter.

“That deep, rare laugh when you’re doubled over, with tears in your eyes and every time you almost stop your companion starts up again.”

“Also massage. And I find adrenaline based sports exhilarating too.” – Luna-shovegood

“This is especially good when your friend has a unique laugh, because they don’t even have to say anything but if they start laughing it starts up a chain reaction!” – ovz123

“And then you’ve laughed so hard there’s no more air left in your lungs so you end up all just thrashing around in silence with the occasional *wheeze*, that kinda laughter hits the spot.” – qldrail

Crawling into bed.

“Crawling into your nice, clean bed when you are really tired and peacefully drifting off to sleep!” – ToastedCheezer

“And it’s the night before your day off. Haaahh” – nikkaaaaa

“And after a Hot Shower.” – YesIamlookingstyou

“With freshly shaven legs.” – TikiLicki

“First time I shaved my legs it was pure euphoria.”

“For all the other women who hate shaving their legs, I wish it wasn’t seen as a ‘requirement,’ but even if it went completely away as a social norm I would still do it.” – Min_kast

For kids.

“When you’re a kid: Last day of school.” – shf500

“Not even bringing your backpack the last day felt like pure freedom.” – TheHelpfulRabbit

“Waking up the morning after the last day of school.” – IWillDoItTuesday

“Imagine…. looking forward to waking up. I miss that.” – Horrible_Harry

“As a teacher, you still get this feeling too, especially when you feel the excitement all the kids have for it.”

“But it’s still not as magical as being a kid and experiencing it yourself. The start of summer just feels like this endless paradise when you’re a kid. As an adult, you know it comes to an end and the weeks go by quicker than you want!” – Mrow_mix

“Still amazing to just get the summer off. Goodness I miss that.” – rahoomie

That feeling of release.

“P*ssing with a full bladder.” – Cooldudeyo23

“The first pee of the day, the first pee after a car ride, and the first pee at the bar after about 4 drinks all hit different but are amazing in their own way.” – FarmerExternal

“After a 5 hour car ride, the feeling just hits different.” – PumpkinKing2020

“Just recently went to a concert and I decided to hold in a double shot of tequila and 5 beers because the band was so good. That p*ss afterwards was magical.” – Diablo516-

“I’ve literally moaned at the urinal during the first bar p*ss.” – Banana-Republicans

The beginning of an adventure.

“That moment at the start of a road trip, early morning and you first get on the highway and start to feel like you’re on your way, sunrise in bloom and your favorite song on the radio.” – malvisto_the_great

“I will ALWAYS enjoy 5:00 AM foggy drives to the airport.”

“Just quietly driving in the dark on empty roads by the open fields as the sky starts to lighten and the light morning fog begins to dissipate.”

“I don’t know how to describe the feeling, other than it feels like the present is forever.”

“Also the air at that time of day has a smell. I don’t know how to describe the smell, but I know it.” – DeathCabForYeezus

“There was a certain sound the road made at that hour too. Whether it was a bridge or the type of asphalt, or just a feeling, the highway that went to the airport just had a different sound. Like something exciting was coming.”  – americainperdu

“Equally good, pulling into your spot at home after a long trip, making your way into the house, amazing feeling of being home, and then getting to take that big dump you’ve needed for days but your butt doesn’t like strange commodes…” – ReadontheCrapper

Sleeping when it rains.

“Sleeping at night with rain out side.” – Chemical-Ad-9402

“No, sleeping in the morning while it’s raining and you know you don’t have sh*t to do all day.” – drkumph

“With just the right amount of thunder.” – Shadowex3

“Oh god I slept till 1pm the other day because of a morning thunderstorm. Best day ever.” – ajv857

“Sleeping while camping at night with rain outside.” – An0nymousRedd1tor

Sitting in peace.

“Sitting alone in the woods by a river in silence.” – Silvertongue-Devil

“With your doggy. And nobody knows where you are.” – SaltySpud76

“This comment (and the memories it brings up) makes me feel peaceful.”

“I agree 100%. Silence is underrated in overly loud, crowded world.” – tsl13

Some people have expressed some of their greatest experiences being filled with sex, alcohol and drugs.

It’s not that those things can’t be fun, but there’s always more to life than just that.

We can find peace, euphoria or joy in so many other experiences, we just have to give them the attention and presence to find out.