Every job has its perks and every kid gets at least some kind of advantage because of what their mom or dad might do for a living.
For example, my dad worked at the Ford plant when I was growing up and I knew that if there was anything really wrong with my car, I’d be able to get a discount for repairs.
Not bad!
And in this Twitter thread, people shared the perks they got because of what their folks did for a living. Check it out.
1. This all sounds good.
You hit the jackpot!
What perks did you enjoy as a kid bc of your parents jobs? My parents ran a computing company and they had a huge computer with a very primitive couple of games I’d play. They also has a coke machine on the honor system and I drank those all the time.
— scott cunningham (@causalinf) May 14, 2021
2. Minerals for days.
Not to mention that human body model…
My dad taught biology and geology. We had boxes of the coolest minerals and fossils at home. At his office , there was a life size anatomical model of a human that you could take apart—all the internal organs etc.
— DrOhioGirl (@BunnyCarlos66) May 15, 2021
3. All over the world.
Sounds like a good childhood.
My dad was in the Army. I enjoyed the perk of being born and raised in some beautiful places (Okinawa, Taiwan, Italy) and being shielded against the discrimination that occurs in the “regular” parts of the United States. All Americans on foreign US bases felt like family to me.
Knomia Curses a LOT
(@knomia) May 14, 2021
4. This is really cool!
My grandpa did the same thing!
If grandfathers count: when I was 10 I got to stay up all night in the print room of the Boston Herald. I got (and still have) my name in several typefaces on metal slugs.
And I got to press the big, red STOP THE PRESSES button!
Which is actually big and red.
— Allen Downey (@AllenDowney) May 14, 2021
5. All the brownies you want.
Who’s hungry?!?!
Dad was a mechanic at the Pillsbury mill and plant; he brought home cakes and brownies from the test kitchen as often as he could. Perfect brownies wrapped in white wax paper closed up with masking tape.
— Sassbeard Thee Pyrate (@Sassbeard) May 14, 2021
6. Traveling by train.
Sounds like a blast.
My father was a train driver. Our family – 7 kids – got free or reduced priced train travel across Europe. Him and our mother set up a travel group for transport workers in Ireland to organise holidays “on the continent” to avail of the privilege. Still love travelling by train.
— Séamus White (@seamuswhite) May 14, 2021
7. History in the making.
You’re lucky!
Mom was secretary at local Chamber of Commerce where I got the perk of being employed as an unpaid child laborer (aka office clerk). My Father worked at NASA. I got to see every single Space Shuttle launch from my backyard. Dads friend worked at Kraft and sent us free caramels!
— §ⓤMMⓔR (@SuMMeRFLi) May 16, 2021
8. Arts and crafts time.
Let’s get creative.
My Dad worked for the phone company and back in the 70’s, he would bring home tons of coated wire in all different colors. The whole neighborhood would come over and make stuff with it. We were inordinately pleased
— Susan Durkin (@DurkinSusan) May 15, 2021
9. Do you know my dad?
Well, get him on the phone.
My dad was NYPD. I had literal get out of jail free cards.
“Officer…my dad is on the job”
— LeftDial (@LeftDial) May 15, 2021
10. Ice cream for days.
That’s a good perk.
My dad worked for Dreyers Ice Cream, so we had a floor to ceiling freezer full of Nestlé, Dreyers, and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in our garage for my entire childhood. Neighborhood kids circled our house like buzzards.
— Billy Cook (@wdcook12) May 14, 2021
11. Farm to your mouth.
That’s awesome!
My parents owned a farm, so if I wanted a snack I could pick it and eat it right away. Cherries, tomatoes, corn, plums, apples, apricots, peaches, peas, green beans, cantaloupe, watermelon…I had no idea this was a privilege, because I was just a kid.
— mmouse15 is gardening (@TheRealmmouse15) May 15, 2021
12. This might be the best.
Go wherever you want, my friend.
OMG my dad was an airline captain. I had books of BLANK TICKETS y’all.(Pre 9/11) I used to just go up to the ticket counter & figure out where to go just to fly first class & eat & drink for free. I was in college, it was so fucking cool. I flew to see the grateful dead.
— ElizabethWifeOfAnImmigrant (@elizabethreadsa) May 15, 2021
Now it’s your turn to sound off!
In the comments, tell us about the perks you had growing up because of your parents’ jobs.
Thanks a lot!
The post People Share Stories About the Perks They Enjoyed as a Kid Because of Their Parents’ Jobs appeared first on UberFacts.