When I was young and hungry for adventure, I wish I would have taught English abroad.
What an amazing experience it must be!
Getting paid to immerse yourself in a completely different place, life, and culture?
Here is what 12 young people had to say about why they went, and how teaching English can be as life-changing as it is scary.
1. I don’t want to grow up
Like Peter Pan and the Lost Boys. It’s a great way to put off the real world just a little while longer.
Image credit: Whisper
2. Who am I, anyway?
There’s nothing quite like an adventure on your own. It can really show you the truth of who you are.
Image credit: Whisper
3. Getting there can be hard part
After the hurdle of deciding to go, then you gotta get there.
Image credit: Whisper
4. It can be scary, no matter who you are
No matter what you’ve seen and done before.
Image credit: Whisper
5. It can be scary, no matter how prepared you are
There’s nothing quite so frightening as the unknown.
Image credit: Whisper
6. But if you crave excitement?
What an amazing opportunity!
Image credit: Whisper
7. It could be a new experience on both sides
But experiencing different cultures is how we learn and grow and become more accepting.
Image credit: Whisper
8. It might not be perfect every minute
But learning how to deal with annoying people is part of the experience.
Image credit: Whisper
9. There might be some funny moments
Oops. Just roll with is.
Image credit: Whisper
10. You might end up teaching more than just the language
It’s good to show both sides of things I guess.
Image credit: Whisper
11. It might be lonely at times
But the friendships will be so worth it.
Image credit: Whisper
12. It can be hard to come back home
But if you found your calling, there’s no reason not to stay.
Image credit: Whisper
All this talk about traveling and new experiences–these certainly gave me the urge to get out there and try something different.
What about you? Did you ever think about teaching English abroad? Share your story in the comments.
The post People Discuss How Teaching Abroad Can Be Both Amazing and Terrifying appeared first on UberFacts.