I hear a lot of parents talk these days about “screen time.” I can’t seem to escape it for some reason.
Limiting screen time, extending screen time, it never ends!
In the spirit of SCREEN TIME, let’s look at these funny tweets…
1. Sure…
Pediatrician: They're only getting two hours of screen time a day, right?
Me: HAHAHAHA! I mean, yes.
— Ramblin Mama (@ramblinma) May 5, 2017
2. Not gonna happen, friends.
Sure, I could parent without screen time. I could also churn my own butter, but let's not get crazy here.
— Paige Kellerman (@PaigeKellerman) July 3, 2017
3. Don’t bother me anymore.
Me, to all my kids before the age of 2.
"No screens allowed."
On their 2nd birthday, handing over iPad.
"This is your mother now."
— Ash (an female)
(@adult_mom) October 23, 2015
4. Great job.
School: We're hosting a book fair to encourage more reading/less screen time
Me: What book did you pick?
7: Super Mario Skill Book
Me: Right— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) October 25, 2017
5. Can’t get away from it.
My kids made cardboard computers: I'm glad they're so imaginative and equally disturbed that even their creative play involves screen time.
— Molly England (@bluebonetbabies) April 21, 2017
6. Changed pretty quickly on that one.
Me: No screen time. Three is too young.
Me on an airplane: More. Plug him in. Yes hi flight attendant, do these seats come with a Matrix neck-jack
— Dave Learns Dadding (@DaveLearnsToDad) December 10, 2018
7. You’re lying!
Took my son to the eye doctor & was asked “how much screen time do you allow?”
Liar level: EXPERT
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) October 9, 2018
8. A different kind of screen.
I am trying to limit my kids' screen time, which is why today we're going to a movie.
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) August 14, 2018
9. Cat enforcer.
The cat keeps stepping on the surge protector switch and shutting off the television.
My cat is better at enforcing screen time limits than I am.
— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) July 29, 2018
10. Don’t torture yourself.
You don't let your kids have screen time? That's cool. Tell me some other ways you enjoy punishing yourself.
— The Real American Dadass (@R_A_Dadass) February 10, 2017
11. The choice is yours.
I can give Holden screen time and listen to Caillou whining. Or I can say no screen time and listen to Holden whining. #parenting
— Baby Sideburns (@BabySideburns) October 11, 2017
12. Didn’t even bother looking.
“No iPad. You guys have had plenty of screen time today!” she shouts, without looking up from her phone.
— MyMomologue (@MyMomologue) August 29, 2018
13. A serious threat.
"Well, if you don't, I'll take away your screen time."
– my family motto
— Kate Hall (@KateWhineHall) January 10, 2017
14. Definitely the better option.
Spend a few weeks with your kids making and distributing slime all over your house and you'll think, "screen time isn't so bad."
— Kelcey Kintner (@mamabirddiaries) April 12, 2017
15. That’s why she’s doing it…
Yeah, I could restrict my kids' screen time, sure, but I just don't want to be the kind of parent who *limits* her children, ya know? Right, yeah, I want them to feel limitless, that's all…
— Salty Mermaid Entertainment (@saltymermaident) June 29, 2018
Moms and dads out there, how do you deal with screen time for your little ones?
Tell us your methods and tips in the comments so we can all compare notes.
The post Parents, These Funny Tweets About ‘Screen Time’ Will Probably Look Familiar appeared first on UberFacts.