Sometimes when my whole family is together, one of my siblings will bring up something that my mom did 20 years ago and we all have a good laugh…
And then my mom gets upset and yells, “why can’t you remember any of the nice things I ever did for you?!?!”
And then we all laugh some more, she gets more upset, and Christmas is ruined. It’s a great family tradition!
And apparently we’re not unique, because all kinds of kids out there don’t let their parents forget about little mistakes they made. Let’s check some of them out.
1. You did this!
This is a tough one…
I once boiled my kids bath toys to kill some germs and I forgot about them and they didn’t survive. The next day she told a group of moms at the playground: “my mommy burned all my toys”
(@Clairebeario729) March 4, 2021
2. It only happened once.
And yet, here we are…
When my twins were in kindergarten FIVE YEARS AGO, I switched their lunches. Once. Teachers enabled a hallway swap after a few tears and they still check their lunches every day.
They didn’t even have to eat the wrong lunch, but they unzip box and give me side eye every day.— (Maureen Flaherty) (@maureenflaherty) March 4, 2021
3. Where was I?
A tough one to explain.
My kid is convinced after seeing our wedding pictures that we planned and had a big party and left them at home alone as a baby. They say, “Remember that big party you had where you left me by myself when I was a baby?”
— MT (@HowlinJustice) March 4, 2021
4. What a deal!
But I bet you still do it anyway.
When I was 20 my mom offered to buy me a new winter coat if I promised never to bring up anything she had ever messed up during my childhood ever again. I took the deal.
— Laura Rudkin (@laura_rudkin) March 4, 2021
5. Be quiet!
It was an accident!
I was trying to force a stuck zip up on my 7 years old cardigan in the street. It wouldn’t budge and he kept moaning he was cold and so I pulled it even harder. My hand slipped off the zip and I chinned him. He shouted across the road to his dad “mum just punched my face”.
— pumpkinkeely (@pumpkinkeely) March 4, 2021
6. Still bringing that up, huh?
Don’t ever let her forget!
My mom accidentally stepped on the first fish I ever caught when I was 8. It was left on the dock and had an almost cartoonish footprint of a shoe indented across the middle of it.
I’m in my late 30s and still bring it up annually to her.— Pete Jolicoeur (@PeteJolicoeur) March 4, 2021
7. This is a power move!
You should be proud of this.
I have 3 grown daughters and when they were little I once threw a taco out of the car window because they wouldn’t stop fighting over who got the last one. Every time they get together that damn taco gets brought up.
— Cake Lady (@SheldonJuliana) March 4, 2021
8. What would Gordon say?
This is pretty harsh.
My 10 year old son turned to me while eating my meatloaf and said “What do you think Gordon Ramsay would say about this? Probably that it’s bland and could use more spices.” Then insisted he didn’t think that, just that Gordon Ramsay would.
— CW (@Taupher) March 4, 2021
9. Oh, get over it.
Some kids…
When my son was 4, I was carrying him across a street, & stooped down to pick up a plastic bag, and drop it into a garbage can. Half a block later he decided he wanted to be the one to throw it away, but it was too late. Six years later, AND YOU DIDN’T LET ME THROW AWAY THE BAG!!
— Don’t believe the hyperbole (@Mikevago) March 4, 2021
10. Pass the burnip.
It was 1998! Let it go!
My mom toiled away peeking and cutting turnip then boiled it around 1998. She got to talking and the water evaporated and it was scorched. To this day we call it burnip at every family dinner.
— ambmorrison (@26aball) March 4, 2021
11. USED to make me.
He was trying to tell you something.
When my oldest was in K, he made a little fill-in-the-blank card for Mothers Day in school. Five Senses-themed. Smell was: I love the smell of ______. And he chose “. . . the cookies you used to make me.”
— MB Scott (@mbscott77) March 4, 2021
12. Sorry about that…
An honest mistake.
I’m 59 and can still get my mother to apologize by bringing up the time she kept trying to close the rear automatic window but my head was stuck in it and that’s why it wouldn’t close. (She was in the front seat, using the switch up there.)
— Susan Brown (@SacTownGrandma) March 4, 2021
13. I know it’s been 36 years, BUT…
Moms never change.
My Mother once told me to NOT let My duvet touch The floor because of what happened last time
She meant when I tripped with it and got a scar on My eyebrow when I was four. The reminder came when I was around forty— El Hematocrítico (@hematocritico) March 4, 2021
Do your kids ever do things like this?
If they do, please tell us all about it in the comments.
Thanks in advance!
The post Parents Talk About the Hilariously Petty Things Their Kids Won’t Let Them Forget appeared first on UberFacts.