John Malkovich Reinterprets Dale Cooper and Other David Lynch Characters

filed under: Movies, tv

John Malkovich has teamed up with David Lynch to put a surreal spin on the cult director’s already surreal works. IndieWire reports that Malkovich will reinterpret several of Lynch’s most famous characters as part of “Playing Lynch,” an experimental meditation on Lynch’s films and television shows, which will also raise funds for the director’s transcendental meditation foundation.

In the first episode of the series, which is available to view for free on the Playing Lynch website, Malkovich plays Dale Cooper, the quirky, coffee-loving detective from Twin Peaks (1990), originally played by Kyle MacLachlan. In later episodes, which can be purchased on the website, Malkovich will play the Log Lady (also from Twin Peaks), John Merrick from The Elephant Man (1980), Henry Spencer from Eraserhead (1977), and even Lynch himself.

The series also features new music from contemporary musicians like Sky Ferreira and Zola Jesus, as well as Twin Peaks composer Angelo Badalamenti. According to the Playing Lynch website, the project gives world-class artists and musicians the “opportunity to do to Lynch’s world what he has done to ours for so long: show it in a new light to reveal a whole new realm of possibilities.” Check out the trailer above.

[h/t IndieWire]

Banner Image Credit: Squarespace, Vimeo

September 29, 2016 – 7:30am
