If you have kids, you know that life with an 8-year-old (or any kid for that matter) ain’t easy.
It’s a funny age where kids are starting to mature but they still have a lot of that crazy “little kid” in them.
Here are funny tweets from parents about the ups and downs of life with an 8-year-old kiddo.
1. He’s learning.
My 8-year-old son told me my veins on the back of my legs are looking better, thus showing me he really knows how to compliment a woman.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) June 27, 2019
2. That really is sad…
Are you guys aware there’s a debilitating arm fatigue that can render an 8yo unable to do their chores.
Tragic I know.
— Professional Worrier (@pro_worrier_) January 5, 2020
3. Probably shouldn’t ask that.
My 8-year-old looked my mom dead in the eye and asked, "How long do you think you'll live, Grandma?"
She gets her social skills from me.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) December 30, 2018
4. This is gonna hurt.
My 8 year old just walked up to my 6 year old and with a very poorly concealed hockey stick and said “lemme see your knees real quick”
— The Dad (@thedad) December 8, 2018
5. Clearly, he’s a genius.
My 8 year old son is a budding scientist and he has shared with me this graph of the most powerful substances in the world pic.twitter.com/KU8rNqPZWZ
— Ally (@TragicAllyHere) May 23, 2019
6. Think about that one…
8yo: I feel like you're always making up rules and stuff
Me: like what?
8yo: like if we don't pick up our room a portal will open and take us to another dimension
Me: well that's what happened to your older brother
8yo: what older brother?
Me: exactly!
— Marcy G
(@BunAndLeggings) September 19, 2019
7. I’m outta here.
once again, 8yo tricked me into believing she wanted a family movie night, when in fact she only wanted family movie night until the two huge bowls of popcorn were gone; then she peaced out to do some art
— Nicole Chung (@nicolesjchung) December 14, 2019
8. No comment on that one.
Stop talking trash about my family:
My mother is KIND
My father is GENEROUS
My wife is BEAUTIFUL
My 8yo
My toddler is ADORABLE
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) September 11, 2019
9. Good while it lasted.
Our 8yo said “I’m never talking to you again” and I gotta say the next 4.5 seconds were the most peaceful of my adult life.
— Richard Dean (@dad_on_my_feet) September 25, 2019
10. Just do it.
8-year-old: You didn't pack chocolate in my lunch.
Me: You don't need any.
8: What if there are dementors?
Me: *packs the chocolate*
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) March 14, 2019
11. Most terrifying thing in the world.
Fear used to be a masked man breaking into my house at midnight. Now it's sending my 8 year old son into a public bathroom alone.
— Stella G. Maddox (@StellaGMaddox) April 16, 2013
12. He might be on to something.
My 8yo woke up this morning and said “Artichokes are rude!”, and honestly he is probably right.
— Katie Didn't (@Pork_Chop_Hair) January 16, 2020
13. They grow up so fast.
Kids watching a movie with some 'adult language'. My 8 year old just said "Good thing we already know all these words." Where's my trophy?
Just Linda
(@LindaInDisguise) March 25, 2013
14. Whoa! That’s pretty harsh.
my 8-year old nephew: *tells me a long story*
me: pretty sure none of that happened, you fucking liar.
— the drake gatsby
(@DrakeGatsby) May 10, 2019
Parents, do those tweets ring a bell?
How are your kids behaving these days?
Share some good stories with us in the comments!
The post Hilarious Tweets About Life With 8-Year-Olds appeared first on UberFacts.