As most of us are sitting in our houses or in our yards thinking back to the glory days of a couple of months ago where we could go anywhere and do anything…but in the meantime, nature and wildlife is reclaiming the land because there just aren’t any humans around to disrupt it anymore…
But, of course, people had to make fun of this new phenomenon with funny posts about nature reclaiming the Earth.
Wild pizzas! What?!?!
Enjoy these funny posts and keep an eye out for developments in your neighborhood.
1. Look at that!
Wildlife finally returning to Thames. Nature is healing
— ruby
(@roobeekeane) March 29, 2020
2. I missed them!
Beautiful. With less ocean traffic due to the virus, Vikings are slowly starting to reappear. The planet is healing
— Big Al (@leeroyjenkinz80) March 29, 2020
3. They’re inside the house now.
Now that everyone is inside, the ducks have finally returned. Nature is healing, we are the virus
— Rocean (@RoshanMcG) March 28, 2020
4. They’re back to roam the earth.
Nature is healing, we are the virus!
— Токсичен1
(@Covek1) March 27, 2020
5. The wild pizza and spaghetti trees.
Will the wild spaghetti trees start flourishing again? : 0
— Tyler @ Isla Nerda
(@theRx_) March 28, 2020
6. Back in their natural habitat.
with everyone on lockdown, the lime scooters are finally returning to the river. nature is healing, we are the virus.
— ronnie mcdonnie (@taladorei) March 26, 2020
7. Look at them jump!
Unexpected side effect of the pandemic. The water flowing through the tidal basin is so clear now that the dolphins have returned. Nature is healing, we are the virus.
— Walter Deleon (@WalterDeleonDC) March 29, 2020
8. I saw one, too.
Guess what I saw in the woods the other day. Mother nature is healing. We are the virus.
— Punkidukaan (@Activelylazyguy) March 27, 2020
9. Sprouting up everywhere.
wow , nature is returning to los angeles
— the nightman (@Coral_Cataldo) March 30, 2020
Amazing to see the wildlife returning to London now everybody is staying at home!
— will jennings (@willjennings80) March 21, 2020
11. Animals just roaming everywhere.
Just been for a walk around Hartlepool and took these photos. Look closely. The wildlife is starting to return. The Earth is starting to heal. Maybe WE are the virus
— Alex Horton (@hortonhearsa_) March 22, 2020
12. Isn’t life incredible?
I wanted to go to the bathroom and found this. Nature claims its place. We are the virus, the earth is healing
— Garrett/GGTTW (@GifDadsPad) March 24, 2020
13. Tears of joy.
People are stuck inside and trolleys have returned to the Liffey.
I’m crying tears of joy, nature is healing
— Andy Leavy (@midniteauth0r) March 26, 2020
Oh nature, we knew you had it in you to make an epic comeback!
Have you seen any unusual activity outside where you live?
Or maybe you’ve seen other funny posts about wildlife returning to take over the world?
Please talk to us in the comments! Let’s see what ya got!
The post Hilarious Posts About Nature Taking Over Because Humans Aren’t Going Outside appeared first on UberFacts.