A twitter thread on the career lives of women by @amy_riveter has been getting a ton of traction. Amy, a “recovering attorney” and current business owner, posed the question:
To my working women friends: If you could give your younger working self any advice, what would you say?
— amy_riveter (@amy_riveter) February 18, 2020
The responses came pouring in fast. To date there have been more than 2,000, and it’s a pretty interesting read, with several strong themes repeating throughout. Here are 10 examples of the kinds of principles respondents are advocating:
10. Know when you’re overworked
A job where you can’t take an occasional sick day or planned vacation without falling behind or feeling guilty about what you’re leaving to coworkers is one where the office is understaffed or you are overloaded. Neither is sustainable.
— EmIpsaLoquitur (@EmIpsaLoquitur) February 19, 2020
9. Don’t kill yourself
No job will care about your personal quality of life. They will replace you in a minute. Do not sacrifice your health and family….definitely not yourself
— yanaba (@yanaba9) February 18, 2020
8. Show your worth
Make your invisible work visible. If you don’t communicate your value, no one else is going to do it for you.
— Leslie Lovato (@leslie_lovato) February 19, 2020
7. Don’t worry about age
There will be about a two minute gap between when you’re being told you’re too young for the job and when you’re told you’re too old for the job. Don’t listen to any of it. Age is unwinnable for women.
— Megan K. Stack (@Megankstack) February 19, 2020
6. Don’t fall for propaganda
“Loyalty” is a word they use to keep you in your place.
— Gennifer Hutchison (@GennHutchison) February 19, 2020
5. Treat yourself like a friend
Also, if you have to negotiate and you’re having difficulty advocating for yourself (don’t feel bad, it happens) imagine that you’re advocating for your best friend instead. We don’t let ourselves want what we deserve, but we’ll demand those things for our friends in a heartbeat.
— Tanis Fowler (@TanisFowler) February 19, 2020
4. Be bold
Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.
Proactively seek mentorship and feedback (it won’t always come to you).
Be yourself unapologetically.— Jennifer Jones Newbill (she/her/hers)
(@JenNewbill) February 19, 2020
3. Negotiate
Always, always counteroffer and fight for more pay when being hired.
— Angela Gillette (@gillette_girl) February 19, 2020
2. Don’t work for free
Don’t do any unpaid work with the hopes of it translating to future paid work. It’ll only set up a dynamic to be devalued.
— dr timaree (@timaree_leigh) February 19, 2020
1. Set boundaries
Yes! I want to like this several times! Similarly, don’t respond to emails or calls outside of work hours; that also sets a precedence of work expecting you to respond to their every whim.
— Ri Zoldak (@rizoldak) February 19, 2020
What work advice would you give your younger self if you had the chance?
Let us know in the comments.
The post Helpful Bits of Career Advice From Women on Twitter appeared first on UberFacts.