What’s the greatrest thing about Snapchat? Well, the dogs, of course!
And especially the captions on the actual photos that the humans write…or maybe the dogs have gotten so smart that they’re writing their own material but we haven’t figured it out yet…
Did you think about that?
Enjoy these pics of simply adorable dogs!
1. Look at that face!
He’s like an angel, only with ears instead of wings!

Photo Credit: Snapchat
2. Can’t get any work done.
Okay, my day is over. Only petting now.

Photo Credit: Snapchat
3. We sure don’t.
That smile! That cute little smile!!!

Photo Credit: Snapchat
4. A package deal.
Omg… I can’t believe this is actually real!

Photo Credit: Snapchat
5. Faithful companion.
Now that’s loyalty!

Photo Credit: Snapchat
6. That’s so sweet.
Smiles for dayz!

Photo Credit: Snapchat
7. Hahaha. Took me a second.
Ummm yeah, that looks REALLY weird.

Photo Credit: Snapchat
8. New BFF.
Oh. Mmmm. Gee!

Photo Credit: Snapchat
9. No more escaping for you.
Haha, you little dumb ass.

Photo Credit: Snapchat
10. Got your tongue!

Photo Credit: Snapchat
11. Zoinks, Scooby!
Wow! Looks just like him!

Photo Credit: Snapchat
12. Aren’t they all?
Okay, well, that settles that!

Photo Credit: Snapchat
13. Are you okay in there?
Hey buddy, I’m fine.

Photo Credit: Snapchat
I love it! You love it! We all love it!
Now we want to see some photos of your doggos. Come on folks, can you PLEASE let us see some of those best friends? We’ll love you forever!
Please share them with us in the comments! Do it now!
The post Great Dog Snapchats for Your Viewing Pleasure appeared first on UberFacts.