It’s better than actually sitting around a table with co-workers, but video conferences aren’t much better.
And that’s where most of us are at right now because we’re stuck at home…so we better get used to it.
Here are some pretty funny tweets about the reality of what happens during video conferences.
1. Sorry. It’s permanent.
omg HELP i was messing around with some zoom add-on and now i have to do a serious business interview and am stuck like… this
— erin griffith (@eringriffith) March 24, 2020
2. That is amazing.
So apparently whoever was in charge of live-streaming my brother’s church service knowingly or unknowingly used a googly-eyes filter on the priest.
— Kelsey Lewis Vincent (@KelseyMLoo) March 22, 2020
3. You’re living a lie.
Everybody in my Zoom meetings uses these virtual backgrounds that show them in national parks or magical places like Hogwarts, meanwhile I uploaded a photo of my clean living room and feel like I've been pulling one over on everyone for weeks.
— Nina M. Flores, PhD (@bellhookedme) March 30, 2020
4. That’s rough…
in my first zoom class prof started sharing screen and one of her folders is just in all caps DIVORCE
— Magdalena Paz (@magdalenapaz22) March 16, 2020
5. Not funny at all.
My research team met on Zoom today so we can keep up with work. I added a virtual background and decided to have fun with it. But, I fell off my chair. However, my team has such deep and abiding respect for me that they didn't find this funny at all. Not at all.
— Jeffrey Butts (@JeffreyButts) March 17, 2020
6. They can hear you…
My husband's working from home and just shouted to me from the living room: "I'm going into a video meeting…" so I jokingly shouted back "I guess I should put a shirt on?" and then he finished his sentence "…and they can hear you."
— Rita Meade (@ScrewyDecimal) March 17, 2020
7. Mrs. Potato Head.
my boss turned herself into a potato on our Microsoft teams meeting and can’t figure out how to turn the setting off, so she was just stuck like this the entire meeting
— Rachele with an e but pronounced Rachel (@PettyClegg) March 30, 2020
8. That’s a major fail.
Undoubtedly the first of many bathroom fails. #zoomfail #Zoom
— Zoom Fails (@ZoomFail) March 23, 2020
9. It’s a lot more fun!
proposing on the beach:
– boring
– predictable
– ignores social distancing adviceproposing on a Zoom call:
– romantic
– can change your background to a sad clown if they say no
– Greg from Accounts is there for some reason— ruby
(@roobeekeane) March 25, 2020
10. Head on a plate.
Zoom lets you set custom backgrounds and I have a green screen and green shirt so my coworkers have to deal with my shit for the next 2 months
— Lesbian Disaster (@xespera) March 24, 2020
11. He sounds cool to me!
My kid just walked into my video conference, yelled "look at my penis," and hit the button on his fart machine. Working from home going really great!
— Jenna Weiss-Berman (@WBJenna) March 17, 2020
12. Now they think you’re crazy.
just started talking to my cat in the middle of a 68-person zoom meeting—and i wasn't muted!!! send the meteor!!!!
— daniel taroy (@danieltaroy) March 16, 2020
13. I see Stanley back there!
Finally found the perfect background for my zoom meetings
— Raya (@RobDa64) March 26, 2020
Hey o! Those are pretty hilarious…and definitely timely…
What about you?
How are your Zoom meetings and video conferences going?
Let us know in the comments!
The post Funny Tweets About the Hell of Video Conferences appeared first on UberFacts.