If you spend any time at all around dads, you’ll pick up on something very, very fast.
They love jokes. The cheesier, the better. I mean, how else are they supposed to humiliate their wife and kids on a daily basis?
Dads: these jokes are for you. Consider it new material for embarrassing your family!
1. Kind of edgy for a Dad joke.
2. Trippin’ all day.
3. No, not onions…
4. Ouch…that hurts.
5. Which will come first?
6. Not what you were expecting.
7. Nothing out of the ordinary.
8. I get it!
9. Orange soda nightmare.
10. Popping for days.
11. A classic Dad zinger.
12. Oh, Dad! You son of a gun!
To all the dads out there…you’re welcome.
Now it’s your turn! We want to hear the funniest/cheesiest/corniest dad jokes you have.
Share them with us in the comments, please!
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