Emma Watson Is Hiding Books Around New York City’s Subway System

Everyone’s favorite on-screen witch is now playing the role of book fairy in the New York City subway. As Gothamist reports, actress and activist Emma Watson descended into the subway system earlier this week to hide copies of Maya Angelou’s Mom & Me & Mom for commuters to find.

The random act of literary kindness was organized by the London-based group Books on the Underground. Each week, the organization scatters roughly 150 books around the Tube for passengers to discover on their travels. Watson played book fairy for them last week in London, and this week she headed to New York City to spread some of that literary positivity stateside.

According to Books on the Underground, Angelou’s autobiography was chosen for its themes of “love, loss, family, and relationships.” Lucky commuters who pick it up will also find handwritten notes from Watson tucked inside.

Mom & Me & Mom is the current pick in Watson’s international, feminist book club, which reads and discusses a new work each month. So even if you don’t get your hands on a free copy, the book is still worth seeking out. 

[h/t Gothamist]

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November 10, 2016 – 12:30pm
