These Employees All Made Work Hilarious

Days like this just make work a little bit easier.

There are few things that bring us as much joy as making fellow employees feel like they just got played.

Yes, trolling your coworkers is a game that many can play, but few can win.

It’s time to meet the winners. 17 of them, in fact.

We’re not worthy.

1. “This sly cursor switcharoo”

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. “This beloved colleague who was #blessed with a priceless parting gift”

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. “This coworker who was done with all of his other coworkers’ shit”

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. “These coworkers who were never good at goodbyes”

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. “These employees who surprised a fellow employee with a sturdy cardboard fortress”

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. “This medic who went to work dressed as her co-medic for Halloween”

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. “This *URGENT* Post-It note that a couple workers left for their security team”

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. “They wanted to make sure that their departing team member could never ~truly~ leave them”

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. “This chummy exchange over some ham”

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. “This coworker who managed to keep their coworker’s birthday ~under wraps~”

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. “This coworker whose tolerance was running low, but whose creativity was at an all-time high”

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. “These coworkers who kept track of when their coworker started humming or singing”

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. “This teacher who valued grammar above sanitation”

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. “This colleague who found the perfect way to deflect any and all human interaction”

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. “This touching memorial *wipes tear* for when an accountant moved cubicles”

Photo Credit: Reddit

16. “This coworker who stayed late to tape Nicolas Cage to the bottom of everyone’s computer mouse”

Photo Credit: Reddit

17. “This employee who found this particular mode of transferring money more fun than Venmo”

Photo Credit: Reddit

I mean, what else can you say except these are all absolutely on point in every way?

Still, we want to hear from you! Which ones did you love the most?

Let us know in the comments!

The post These Employees All Made Work Hilarious appeared first on UberFacts.

16 Awful People Talk About Serving Vegans Meat and They’re Not Sorry

I’m TOTALLY against pretty much everything that these people are admitting to in these secrets. Because, yes, vegans and vegetarians can be a bit pretentious when it comes to their lifestyle choice. But they trying to LITERALLY not eat another animal’s flesh. Or byproducts of that animal. That’s a good thing.

Still, meat eaters (especially these assholes) have had enough and are taking matters into their own hands by serving meat in their dishes.

Get ready to meet some horrible people!

1. Yeah, how dare he…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. She hasn’t noticed but she knows? Whaaa….

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. How does that work?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, you’re dumb for wanting to be health and not kill things to eat them!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Well, this is gonna happen sometime…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Yeah, this will last…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. So… why? Do you not like her?

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. You daredevil!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Haha lol… fart…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Starting to feel guilty? Hmmm…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. I mean, butter isn’t that bad, but meat? Come on…

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Well, ketchup covered pasta is pretty much a crime against food, so…

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Isn’t it harder to cook meat than put together a bunch of veggies?

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Yes… never be rude to assholes. You never know what’s going to happen…

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Okay, not mad at this…

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Oh, grow up!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Have a story about being an awful human being and tricking people into eating ACTUAL flesh when they don’t want to?

Well, share those stories in the comments! ?

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12 Funny Memes About Losing Weight

Trying to diet? Yep, a lot of us have been there.

All you think about is food. You’re thinking about food right now, aren’t you?

Well, feast on these tasty memes and laugh until you cry. That’ll burn some calories!


Photo Credit: Someecards

2. This is sustainable, yeah?

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. Bread cat looks DELISH!

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. You’re going the wrong way!

Photo Credit: Someecards

5. Yes, I think it is…

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. With friends like these…

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. Come on… it’s been FOREVER!

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. Just stay home…

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. Enhhhhh….

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. I’m just better than everybody else

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. Unfollow 4 lyfe!

Photo Credit: Someecards

12. That’s healthy, right?

Photo Credit: Someecards

So, that probably wasn’t as satisfying as knocking out a whole bag of potato chips, but we’ve got plenty more where that came from?

Which did you like the best? Let us know in the comments!

The post 12 Funny Memes About Losing Weight appeared first on UberFacts.

“Men Writing Women” Twitter Shares What Male Writers Actually Know About Women: Not Much

It’s a joke in the writing community that male writers manage to create the most cringe-worthy, impossible female (and sexual) moments – and now, there’s a Twitter account dedicated to giving shoutouts to the best (worst) of the bunch.

Buckle up, because these are amazingly too much.

15. I mean why not just get a dog?

14. Still trying to figure this one out.

13. I mean, who doesn’t?

12. At least he mentioned her face first?

11. Snoozer.

10. Her wheat-colored nest.

9. The breasts.

8. Nipple-weary.

7. I obviously need to get to know my boobs better.

6. Can you say “rape-y?”

5. Never you worry, ladies.

4. Skim alert.

3. A decent little pooper.

2. Is that supposed to be a good thing?

1. IDK I’d be reaching for the pepper spray.

I’m off to walk “boobily” to the kitchen for a cookie that will somehow never find its way to my waist!

The post “Men Writing Women” Twitter Shares What Male Writers Actually Know About Women: Not Much appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Their Stories About Big Mistakes They Made

Listen up, y’all!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. And these 12 people made mistakes, but then realized it and the results were hilarious.

Best + Worst = Better Than Best

Sit back, relax, and let these hilarious mistakes roll!

1. YUM!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. OH NOIZE!!!!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. I approve this mistake!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Fan fic probs!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. Uh ohhhhhh…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Roped in!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. Hahaha… does Australia actually exist? Hmmmm?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Haha… wrong man, MAN!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Awwww! Wasabi frog!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Same same…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

12. You will always be “anal sneeze boy”

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

Which one did you like the most?

Let us know in the comments!

The post People Share Their Stories About Big Mistakes They Made appeared first on UberFacts.

These Tweets Will Help You Get Through Today, Tomorrow & Maybe Even the Day After That

Life can be rough…that’s why the women of Twitter are here to help you laugh your troubles away!

Enjoy these 13 tweets from the female Twitterati that are sure to make you titter your ass off!

1. Does it have to be five? Isn’t it usually one?

2. Same

3. Shy guy…

4. Surprise ending!

5. Okay… I can see that…

6. When he right, he right…

7. #HotGirlSummer

8. This somehow makes sense…

9. There he is!

10. Mind. Blown.

11. Hands down the best news all day!

12. Nobody expects…


Okay, that’ll do for a couple days.

Unless you need more. Then we got you. Just click somewhere and magic will happen.

The post These Tweets Will Help You Get Through Today, Tomorrow & Maybe Even the Day After That appeared first on UberFacts.

15 of the Best “Video Games Don’t Cause Violence” Memes

There is a chart in this article that shows that violence has gone down as more video games have been sold. Like, LITERALLY. Not figuratively. It’s completely a literal, real thing.

So yeah, can we all just calm the fuck down already? Please? And focus on… oh, I don’t know… GUNS?!?!?!

Alright, enough politics…

1. Let’s go!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. Same same…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. Ummm yeah, what about Japan?!?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. Quality meme

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. All those moms out there be like…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. Stone. Cold. Killer.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. He sees you…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. Ahhh yessshhhhhh

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. No explanation…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. Ugh… anti-vaxxers are the worst…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. Don’t mind me and my FISHING POLE!!!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. “Science”

Photo Credit: Cheezburger


Photo Credit: Cheezburger

14. Just planting murder. Nothing to see here.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

15. Never forget…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

What video games do you play? Who have you murdered as a result of playing them?

Let us know in the comments!

The post 15 of the Best “Video Games Don’t Cause Violence” Memes appeared first on UberFacts.

These Mistakes Were Hilariously Cute so We Really Don’t Care They Were Wrong

Sometimes, you just gotta own it…

Have you ever made a mistake online and thought, “I should really delete this.”

Yeah, these 16 people didn’t do that. Instead, they owned up to what they posted and the results are amazing.

1. The most adorable mistake ever?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. All of this is fantastic

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. Ummmm…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. I’m done with Denmark!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. Oh snap…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Mirror mirror on the wall… who’s the dumbest of them all?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. Brain… melting…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. All of this oddly fits!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Yeah, they must have been TIRED!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Somebody was stoned AF…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Ah ha!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

12. Haha… actor concerts…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

13. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

14. Hahaha… does Australia actually exist? Hmmmm?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

15. Haha… wrong man, MAN!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

16. Roped in!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

Thank you people of the internet! You make life worth living!

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A Guy Told Women ‘How to Be a Better Mother’ — People Didn’t Hold Back with Their Responses

Women seem to have had it up to here with taking unsolicited advice about their bodies, roles, and future from men – a fact that one guy found out the hard way when he thought he’d offer up advice on best mothering practices.

Here it is:

How to be a better mother:

– Be feminine

– Wear dresses

– Don’t hit your kids

– Enforce boundaries

– Be physically active

– Don’t tease your kids

– Cook your family’s meals

– Don’t call your children names

– Do not get drunk in front of them

– Show up to their games *& cheer*

Now, let’s point a couple of things out right upfront. First, he’s very likely a man still hurting from the ways his own mother disappointed him as a child and is using this list and his platform as some weird way of fixing himself. This excuses nothing, because he is now a grown man and should know better.

Second, there are things on this list that many pointed out were absolutely arbitrary when it comes to being a good mother.

For instance, how a woman dresses.

Why would he care?

And what does it matter?

And whether she cooks dinner or goes for a run afterward.

Does it truly matter if she’s physically active?

But mostly, women just seemed to take offense at the idea that someone on the internet who doesn’t know them or their kids or how they actually run their family from day-to-day, would dare criticize them based on this list.

Or any list, honestly.

Because lists are not a good way to determine how whole groups of people should behave.

No, not at all.

Also, shoutout to the men out there – obviously raised by good women – also confused and irritated and not afraid to clap back!

Seriously bro? Seriously?

Who hurt you?

Let’s all just stop trying to force other people into small, arbitrary boxes labeled “good” and “bad,” shall we?

We’re all going to be happier if we do.

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These Funny Memes About Time Travel Might Make You See the Future

Time travel is most likely impossible, but what if it wasn’t? What if somebody tapped you on the shoulder tomorrow and it was YOU and YOU told you to not go to work the next day? Would you go to work?!? Well, would you?!?!

All we know for sure is that these 13 memes will transport you through space and time to a reality where you’re laughing more than you thought you would. Basically, 2 minutes from now.

Enjoy the trip!

13. So those jokes didn’t age well…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. My compatriots!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. Sorry Romans!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. Heh. 69…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. There’s a second one?!?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. You know it’ll happen…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. Oh snapppppppp…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. But why?!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. Let’s go!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. How many wars will there be?!?!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. **squeeeee!**

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. Uh oh…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

1. Ladies and gentlemen… we will be victorious!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Are you a time traveller? Answer yes or no in the comments. Then provide proof.

Don’t worry, we’ll wait.

The post These Funny Memes About Time Travel Might Make You See the Future appeared first on UberFacts.