15 Parents Confess the Worst Thing They’ve Done in Front of Their Teenager

Parents aren’t perfect, and let’s face it – by the time you kid is a teenager, they are probably already well aware of that fact. Even so, I’m not sure some of these 15 kids were entirely prepared for the moment their parents did this.

#15. Just bemused.

“Went to my 12 year old son’s end of season dinner for his sports team, just an informal get together at a local family pizza place on a Friday night. One of the parents brought multiple cases of wine with him (wine salesman) and we all went a bit nuts. I don’t drink much these days so it hit me extra hard. Apparently when we were walking home I was hiding in the bushes then leaping out at random people pretending to be a Nosferatu type vampire and hissing at them. Hissing! My poor kid was mortified. Ps I’m a hobbit sized woman so the people passing weren’t scared by me, just bemused/annoyed.”

#14. Oh god.

“Not the parent but my boyfriend in high school was having a friend stay over and he forgot something at home and he went in to grab it and walked in on an orgy. We all felt so bad for that kid like… Oh god…”

#13. Never watched Tarzan again.

I woke up at night to grab some food, as I walked to the stairs I saw my dad crawling naked on the stairs making sounds like Tarzan on it’s way to my mom. never watched Tarzan again.

#12. We laugh about it now.

“My husband left us when my daughter was nine. I was single until last year when left she high school and went to college.

When she was fifteen she was supposed to be staying the night at a friend’s house so I had a friend of my own over. We got a little drunk and started hooking up on the couch and I got his pants down and he had the biggest rig I’ve ever seen in person. I went down on him.

And then my daughter came home early because her friend got sick. She walked in on me with this guy’s giant penis in my mouth and went “Mom what the fuck?! Holy shit!” and ran out of the room.

We were all mortified.

EDIT: Holy hell this blew up. No I don’t want to see your dicks. His size was only important to the story because it was big enough to make my poor daughter’s reaction go from mortified to just shocked, then back to mortified. No life isn’t a porn movie. She and I laugh about it now.”

#11. Folded up.

“Late, but funny. My girlfriends dad came home late after a night of drinking when she was a kid, didn’t know my girlfriend was having her friends for a sleepover. he stumbled in her room to give her a kiss goodnight and tripped over a cot in the middle of her room. he was confused as to why it was there, so he did the nice dad thing of putting her cot away for her. turns out there was a teenage girl sleeping in said cot that got folded up. Makes for good storytelling.”

#10. Home unannounced.

“Hope this qualifies: With our daughter away at college the wife and I would take advantage of many situations to do the bump-bump. One day I came home from work and I heard the shower running. I went into the bathroom and reached inside the shower curtain and pinched her ass. All of a sudden I hear this voice say, “what the fuck dad?” Apparently our daughter decided to come home for the weekend unannounced. I think I was more fucked up over it than she was.”

#9. The worst thing I could think of.

“The worst thing I could think of was my dad yelling at some guy that stole a parking space he was waiting for… this thread makes me appreciate having such a good childhood.”

#8. I got caught.

“I got caught masturbating. Didn’t hear them come in, they threw open the shower curtain to prank me. Couldn’t look ’em in the eye for a week.

Edit: The prank was the bucket of freezing cold water they were about to throw on me, not just ripping the curtain open to expose my shame.

Also, my top comment is about masturbating. Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed!”

#7. My stepdad’s fault.

“Kinda funny. When I was about 12, my mom threw a wooden cutting board at my stepdad. He dodged it, and the cutting board obliterated some super fancy antique set of spice storage jars my mom held dear to her heart. This was, of course, my stepdad’s fault.”

#6. Thought I was alone.

“Thought I was alone with my wife in the kitchen. Shoved my hands down her backside, started grabbing her butt like it was bread dough. Told her I was going to **** her until she passed out. We are into it and then I look up and lock eyes with my son. He doesn’t look traumatized or grossed out. He just starts laughing like it’s the most ridiculous thing he’s ever seen. I’m telling you: two decades later and I’d still drop everything to grab my wife’s butt. She’s a hotty!”

#5. Guess what?

“My daughter was 17 when this happened:

An old friend called me and wanted to hang out so I said sure. I’m not a drinker but occasionally I’ll smoke weed. Until then I’d only smoked out if pipes and occasionally a doob. My friend handed me this weird looking pen thing and thinking it would be like a normal high I hit it hand three times pretty hard.

This wasn’t like smoking a doobie.

I was the highest I had ever been and my friend saw this and took me home. It happened that my daughter was home (summer) when I got through the door. I went directly to my room thinking I could just sleep this off. Unfortunately I am one of those people who gets ravenous when I get high and I was in no way able to cook anything. So I’m thinking about what I had in the kitchen and my brain flashed on cornbread. I could make cornbread. It turned out I couldn’t and I gave up after mixing the ingredients. So I’ve got raw cornbread mix and I’m really God damn hungry so my messed up brain just says “Fuck it. Eat the cornbread.” And I did.

About halfway through the bowl my daughter comes in the kitchen. There is no way in hell I can hide eating uncooked cornbread so I looked at her and said “hi! Guess what???” Her answer ? “Mom, I know you’re high.”

The story is not over.

An hour later I’m still high watching YouTube. I happened to be watching something like this (https://youtu.be/rGOOlcdpfLg). My daughter is crazy talented with makeup. I am not. She already knew I was stoned anyways so I asked her to give me a makeover like that. She did but it turned out terrible. The reason it was so bad was because I turned on my webcam just to watch transformation during the process. I could not stop laughing at how ridiculous I looked the longer she spent on my face which made her laugh.

She still gives me shit about 5 years later.”

#4. Could not stop laughing.

“Going to a movie with my 15 year old, getting out of the car I turn just wrong and twinge my back. She asks whats wrong and I say “I threw my back out humping your mom last night.”

She is looking at me like a deer in headlights, and I cannot stop laughing, which incidentally did not help my back.”

#3. Just any man.

“Friend was the parent. Found him in complete shock saying he was trying to stay calm, but knowing he’d just messed up with his teenage daughter.

Before breakfast at the start of what was going to be a non-stop busy day he decided to shoot a foreplay text to his girlfriend about some kinky thing he was going to do to her that night.

At the table he decided to sneak it in while his daughters went into the kitchen to grab the food… only he accidentally sent it to one of them… and it notified on her phone as they were walking back to the table.

He said the girls sat, and the one asked why he just texted her. He said “hmm?” – as he quizzically watched her eyes process what she read, look at him with betrayal, and then his heart slammed to a stop.

He realized what happened too late, or he said he would’ve dove across the table and knocked the phone out of her hand.

Cue a profuse apology and long address to many tearful questions about how daddy wasn’t lying that every man should respect women – it’s just that some women want to have certain things done and said when it’s only supposed to be a private matter between two consenting adults.

She now is over it, but from then on he went from being her hero, to just an any man.

Edit: for clarity”

#2. Nothing to see here.

“This happened to my husband. We had a whole gaggle of teenage kiddos over at our house one Friday night. My husband had a few beers, and then snuck off behind the garage to have a smoke. He doesn’t smoke in front of me since I quit. He had bummed a really strong cig, and it made him super dizzy. Just as he was keeling over, a group of teenagers came along the path just in time to see him fall over onto the lawnmower. He pretended to be getting ready to mow, which made them howl with laughter. They still talk about “that time Dad fell and tried to cover it up by saying he was going to mow at 11pm”

#1. A pony named Speedy.

“Shit I am so late to the party, but ..

My dad always tells the story of when he was 6 or 7 and his father (my grandpa) came home from a rowdy night of drinking. My dad says my grandpa sidled slowly into the kitchen with a rope in his hand and my grandma, who was sitting at the kitchen table, asked what he had done.

He then led a miniature pony into the kitchen.

The pony was named Speedy, he bit like a motherfucker and would never let anyone ride him, and one day he ran off. They lived around a lot of farmland so we like to think someone took him in and got the devil out of him.”

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Chrissy Teigen Kept It Real About Motherhood Even on Father’s Day

The majority of mothers (and humans in general) love the fact that Chrissy Teigen (and John Legend) keep it real online when it comes to the realities of relationships, parenting, and parenting while trying to maintain your relationship.


Photo Credit: Twitter

After the birth of their second child (a boy!) Chrissy and John were on their way to a Father’s Day dinner…but, as this image showed, not off duty.

Photo Credit: Instagram

And people love them for keeping it real about how mommies are never really off duty. Not for a few decades, at least!

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These Digitally Restored Images of 5 Famous Historical Ruins Look Incredible

As amazing as it is to wander through the amazing ruins of the ancient world, it can be hard to visualize what they might have looked like in all of their painted, jewel-encrusted fineries. Luckily, one of the cool things we can do these days with digital devices is to re-imagine and digitally restore these old buildings, allowing people to get a glimpse of what they might have looked like brand-new.

These images are awe-inspiring, truly, and I, for one, wish once again that time travel were possible.

#5. Lower Terrace, Masada (Masada, Israel)

Josephus Flavius, a governor of Galilee and Roman historian, told of the fortress of Masada that was built by Herod the Great between 37 and 31 B.C.E. The ruins stand atop an isolated rock cliff overlooking the Dead Sea, which is beautiful on its own, and featured three terraces.

The image only imagines what the lower terrace, reserved for entertainment and relaxation, would have looked like in its heyday, covered by frescoes and gilded columns.

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

#4. Domus Aurea Octagonal Court (Rome, Italy)

Emperor Nero’s “Golden House” was constructed between 65 and 68 C.E. and played host to his lavish parties and banquets. Roman historian Suetonius describes the building as a “circular banquet hall which revolved incessantly, day and night, like the heavens” and also goes into detail regarding gem-encrusted walls, ivory and mother-of-pearl decorations, and ceilings that showered guests with flowers and perfumes.

The following image was created from his account.

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

#3. Angkor Wat (Siem Reap, Cambodia)

This complex housed a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu and took around 30 years to construct. At the end of the 12th century it was converted to a Buddhist temple and is one of the world’s largest religious buildings. The massive building is home to elevated towers, porches, and different levels of courtyards linked by a series of stairways.

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

#2. The Parthenon (Athens, Greece)

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

The Parthenon was built in the mid-5th century and housed a golden statue of Athena. It was over 12 meters high and contained about 1,140 kilos of gold and ivory.

#1. Roman Baths (Bath, England)

The bathhouse was constructed around 70C.E., as the baths were an important part of life in Ancient Rome. Citizens congregated there to mingle, gossip, and relax in the geothermally heated water. The roof is long gone, but it was originally an impressively high and barrel-vaulted.

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

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15 Totally Epic Items Stored at the Smithsonian

After seeing Night at the Museum and watching Bones for several years, I have to say that it didn’t surprise me to learn that there are some pretty cool things stored in the Smithsonian Museum. That said, I didn’t realize how epic some of them actually were until now.

#15. Unknown political prisoner.

Photo Credit: American Art

I can’t stop staring.

#14. This filing cabinet…

Photo Credit: Facebook

Where Phyllis Diller kept her jokes.

#13. This waste collection system…

Photo Credit: Facebook

Used onboard NASA’s space shuttles.

#12. A wooden clock.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Yes, the sheet is carved from wood, too.

#11. The skeleton of anthropologist Grover Krantz.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And his dog, Clyde.

#10. Giant, glowing mushrooms.

Photo Credit: Instagram

They expand and contract when you step on their pads.

#9. A missile system…

Photo Credit: Facebook

Guided by pigeons.

#8. The original C-3PO and R2-D2 droids.

Photo Credit: Facebook

From 1983’s Return of the Jedi.

#7. The Woolworth’s lunch counter where a sit-in protest happened.

Photo Credit: Facebook

It was to challenge racial inequality in the South.

#6. The very first Macintosh computer.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Before they were Apple.

#5. The preamble to the Constitution…

Photo Credit: Imgur

Spelled out in license plates.

#4. The Remington Self-Check Kit

Photo Credit: Twitter

A home pregnancy test created in the 1970s.

#3. A box of glass eyes.

Photo Credit: Facebook

From before WWII.

#2. A dead parrot collection.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Why? Who knows.

#1. The world’s first frozen margarita machine.

Photo Credit: Facebook

This is important stuff!

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Here Are 6 Tips That Could Make Your Next Hotel Stay Much More Comfortable

Some people love staying at hotels, but even if it can be sort of a fun adventure, the fact of the matter remains that you’re still without the comforts of home – and often, issues crop up that maybe, just maybe, could have been avoided.

Here are 6 tips from the professionals of the industry that should help ensure your next trip out of town is as comfortable as possible.

#6. There are several ways to get a better price on a room

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Use a booking service like Trivago to find the best possible deal, first of all. But before you book there, call the hotel directly and give them the chance to match the price – they often will, since if you book directly with them, they don’t have to pay the commission fee to the booking site.

You may also be able to get additional discounts by mentioning you’re a repeat customer or booking a 12-hour stay as opposed to a 24-hour one.

#5. Know the check-in rules

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Don’t arrive before 2pm and expect to have your room ready. Also, don’t check out late and expect not to be charged. It’s your job to be aware of check-in and check-out times and to ask for exceptions in advance should you require them.

#4. Be aware of freebies

Photo Credit: Pixabay

You don’t need to pack everything – extra pillows, blankets, hair dryers, toiletries, umbrellas, fans, chargers, tea/coffee pots, and a bunch of other things can be provided if you only call and ask. In addition, if your hotel features a concierge service, they’ll be able to reserve a taxi or a table at a restaurant, free of charge.

If it’s your anniversary, birthday, or you’re on your honeymoon, make sure they’re aware. Most hotels will leave you a little something to help celebrate.

#3. Always have I.D.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Your passport is preferable, especially if you’re traveling out of the country.

#2. Get your money’s worth out of the food

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If your hotel provides a complimentary breakfast and you won’t be partaking, you can usually ask that your bill be lowered accordingly. Conversely, if you would like a complimentary breakfast but won’t have time to eat it/leave before breakfast hours, the staff will likely be happy to pack you one to go.

If you have special dietary concerns, you should always call ahead and ask whether they’ll be able to accomodate you.

#1. Expect your linens to be fresh

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Most hotels will change your towels every day at your request (some have signs stating that they only change them every other day to preserve water unless you ask otherwise) and linens should be changed every day of your stay.

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People in Japan Turn Trucks into Gardens and They’re Lovely

When you think about a truck – particularly a tiny, flatbed construction and landscaping truck like a kei – beauty probably doesn’t come to mind. But every year, the Japan Federation of Landscape Contractors challenges those perceptions when they put on their annual Kei Truck Garden contest.

The contest encourages landscapers from across the country to create amazing little gardens in the cargo areas of their trucks, and the winner receives the title of the best mobile landscaper.

The rest of us win the chance to take a peek into what one can do with even a tiny space, some creativity, and some bits of nature.

#10. Rustic elegance on the go

Photo Credit: zoenren-osaka

#9. Small but perfect

Photo Credit: zoenren-osaka

#8. Fancy a cup?

Photo Credit: zoenren-osaka

#7. That paper door, though

Photo Credit: zoenren-osaka

#6. You almost don’t even notice the truck

Photo Credit: zoenren-osaka

#5. Bamboo galore

Photo Credit: zoenren-osaka

#4. A traditional bonsai tree

Photo Credit: zoenren-osaka

#3. With a train for the kids

Photo Credit: zoenren-osaka

#2. Drive to the sounds of a waterfall

Photo Credit: zoenren-osaka

#1. A lush autumn

Photo Credit: zoenren-osaka

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15 People Share the Awesomely Weird Way They Bonded with a Complete Stranger

Human beings can be hard. We’re gruff, caught up in our own crap, or sometimes just having a bad day. Which makes it all the sweeter when you magically bond with a random person over a shared interest, moment of need, or common experience.

#15. Dying together

“One of my best friends took me out for “proper” Caribbean food, the place was legit. Looked like somebody just took out most of the walls on the ground floor of their house and started serving people food. It smelled amazing. It looked amazing. I had my friend order for me because how the hell was I going to know what was good?

It was hot. Spicy like I wasn’t ready for. It was like a punch in the throat… and then being kicked repeatedly in the mouth as you were trying to recover. The heat kept growing every time you thought it had to plateau. My head started leaking. My eyes watered. My nose ran. It felt like smoke should have been coming from my ears or lava from my mouth.

I glance up and there’s the one other not-Caribbean-looking person going through the same thing a few tables over. Bright red and glistening with sweat, snot, tears, saliva just panting and looking helpless.

We never exchanged a word but we were together in that moment. The split second I caught his eye was sublime. Everything I wanted to say but couldn’t was reflected back at me. All I wanted was to be understood and I was.”

#14. Language barrier

“I was on a two week work rotation at a automotive plant down by Mexico city. My job was setting up some high precision measurement devices. One of the local interns came up to me and started asking all kinds of questions about my company’s equipment ( I think). Now, I dont speak a bit of Spanish beyond a few words and he did not speak English. He started to get real discouraged. Wanting to figure out what he was talking about, I got my phone and used Google Translate to ask him to use the phone. We sat in silence for the next two hours while I continued to work, passing my phone back and forth useing Google Translate to text each other. It was an odd experience and he was an awesome guy full of intelligent questions. I never went back to that plant but my coworker said he ended up doing his senior project on what my company was working on.”

#13. A moment of brilliance, witnessed

“I have a standing coffee date with my friend at this tiny boutique coffee shop in NYC. The line can get pretty crazy, but we get there early enough to get seats most of the time. He and I are enjoying our lavender lattes and chatting about life, and I am watching the line grow longer and longer.

The clientele at this coffee shop ranges from tourists to midtown office workers in their business formal/business casual wear. One of the office workers in line opens up his wallet before his turn so he can pay quickly. He drops his credit card and sticks out his foot to soften the blow.

His credit card falls and gets stuck in the seam of his leather shoe at a perfect right angle. He is standing there with his leg still sticking out, his jaw open as he stares at this card quivering. He looks around to see if anyone else witnessed this, and our eyes meet.

His eyebrows shoot up and he points at his shoe. I nod furiously and give him the thumbs up. It’s his turn at the register so he pulls the card out reluctantly and pays. After he gets his coffee he comes over.

“Oh my gosh did you see that?!”



We high five, and he leaves with his large iced caramel bourbon latte.”

#12. There’s friendship in truth

“Dude was trying to sell me his mix tape every night as I’m walking into work for a solid week. After awhile I started ragging on him like “DAMN BRUH YOU STILL TRYIN TO SELL THAT SHITTY ASS MIX TAPE?!?!”

So for the past month when we pass each other in the parking lot we talk shit to each other to see who has the best insult of the night.”

#11. Joint laughter

“A few couples, gf and I included, were waiting to be seated at a restaurant, when a woman comes in with three or four small children. One couple had just finished eating and was walking toward the door to leave, when the smallest of the children walks right in front of the man and just stops directly in his path, maybe a foot in front of him, so he has to awkwardly stop and move around the kid. The kid’s mother snaps, “Say excuse me!” and the poor, shy woman who was with the man sheepishly let out an, “excuse me,” while looking at her feet, to which the mother just says, “not you.” As soon as that couple was out the door, everyone who had heard the whole exchange was cracking up over it.”

#10. Basically family

“I helped a guy on the bus figure out where to stop and told him what bus to catch next to get to his destination and he gave me a beer from his backpack. another guy recognized that it wasn’t a twist off so he whipped out his keychain bottle opener and opened it for me.

I never saw either of them again but they’re basically family.”

#9. Just go with it

“This took place years ago. I was 17, flying on board a DC-9. I was sitting on a window seat, the middle seat empty. Some guy of about 40 I think, who I later realised was a very nervous flyer (1st time?) sitting on the aisle seat. Anyway, coming in for landing, this guy grabs my hand. I turn in shock and look at him. The fear and shame I saw in his eyes really shook me. Well, we held hands till we landed and he left without a word. I’m a guy.”

#8. All you need is love

“Concerts. I’ve put my arms around people I’ve never spoken to and treated as if we’ve been friends forever

Edit. Reading your comments makes me happy. Lots of good memories at concerts”

#7. Pokemon love

“During Pokemon Go craze… saw this dude running towards my direction and I pointed to him where this Snorlax had appeared… he’s staying near my block so we exchange numbers and whatsapp each other when rare pokemon appears…. it’s crazy bonding with a random stranger for both 30+ guys playing pokemon lol”

#6. You can call me Camille

“I was waiting for a bus at, like, 6:30 in the morning and there was a homeless lady at the stop, just kind of hanging out. My experience with homeless people and public transportation hasn’t been the best so I was immediately hyperaware of my surroundings and her presence. She came over and started making small talk and I didn’t get the sense that she was dangerous (a stereotype, I know) and so I tried to keep the conversation going because I didn’t want to be rude or upset her.

She ends up telling me how she used to live in the area and how she used to be an actress but got into drugs and pretty much lost everything. She started telling me about her experience as a homeless person. She said she was reluctant to accept clothes from strangers because other homeless people have beaten her up and robbed her for having nice jackets or shoes. She mentioned that she prefers sleeping on concrete because when she would sleep on grass in public parks, she could feel bugs crawling on her at night. She mentioned that she once saw a fatal car accident, and saw how people left flowers and candles at the site, and how lucky the victim must have been to have so many people love them.

My bus arrived and I said, “Well, it was nice to meet you. I hope you have a good day! What was your name again?” And I will never forget the look of surprise on her face as she said, with tears welling in her eyes, “I…don’t…remember. But you can call me Camille.”

I never knew what this meant but I interpreted it to mean that nobody had asked her name in a long time or that nobody had taken the time to have a conversation with her in a long time. Maybe she just needed to be heard. I have never seen her again but I will always remember that experience, as uncomfortable as it made me at first.”

#5. The extra mile

“Truck driver ran out of fuel a mile from the truck stop I worked at with his young daughter in the truck. He walked to our store and I told the only other person working I was going to load up a five gallon bucket of diesel in my truck to get him to the pumps. We get to his truck and put the fuel in, won’t start of course because I was an idiot and didn’t think about needing to prime the filter. Go back for ten more gallons, prime it, finally get it started and he gets to the pumps to fill up. While he’s fueling I remembered I’d been killing our claw machine on my break earlier and I picked out a cute stuffed animal so when his daughter came in with him after fueling I could give it to her to make it seem like not such a big deal(she seemed very worried while we tried to get the truck going). It has been twelve years or so and I still have him on my Facebook and occasionally get to see updates on him and his lovely little girl ❤

#4. That escalated quickly

“Ripped open a strict Muslim girl’s dress in public. She was in front of me on an escalator and got it stuck at the landing. I couldn’t pull her loose and she was freaking the fuck out, so I went the desperate measures route. We had a good laugh about it after!”

#3. Life changing encounter

“Years ago I took the train home late at night and right as I stepped into the train I saw/heard a girl crying in the seat-section next to me. I sat down but went to gave her a tissue after a while and asked her if she wouldn’t mind me sitting with her.

The minute I sat down she broke down completely and told me why she was crying. In our 24 minutes ride I knew about her situation – she was a foster-kid in her third family and the foster-dad kept hitting her and flirting with her. I called my mum who called child services and when we got to the train-station there was already someone who picked her up.

We stayed in contact for a few years and one day she messaged me that if I wouldn’t have talked to her, she would have killed herself that night.

We lost contact but I hope, she is safe.”

#2. In over your head

“Happened 4 days ago. i was on my scooter at the red light next to a guy on a motorcycle. I was looking at him, he was looking at me. I gave a bit of gas, he did the same. When the light turned green, i gave as much gas as possible and he did as well. Though in his case his motorcycle was far more powerful and he lifted of with his front wheel driving solely on his back one. He laughed, I laughed and drove away.”

#1. Not her date

“I was on a disaster date with another woman a while back. Before the date, she was super late to the bar and I struck up a conversation with the dude sitting next to me. We chatted for like an hour (she was SUPER late).

When she finally did arrive, my duderino at the bar was all ears. She went to the bathroom at one point; he leans over and says “I’m a straight man and I don’t think I’ve ever blundered as hard with a girl as she is with you.” And we proceeded to commiserate for a while till she got back. Even offered to buy my next round.

edit: for those asking, the date itself didn’t really go anywhere.”

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Photographer Captures Epic Battle Between a Fox and an Eagle

Imagine how mad you get when someone at work steals your perfectly labeled lunch from the fridge, and then you might understand how this little red fox felt when his hard-earned kill was snatched by an eagle.

Photo Credit: Kevin Ebi

Photographer Kevin Ebi was capturing photos of young red foxes when he saw this epic, lasting, and dramatic battle play out.

Photo Credit: Kevin Ebi

Photo Credit: Kevin Ebi

“Eagles really don’t like to waste a lot of effort in getting their food, so they look for easy opportunities,” he told Bored Panda. “I thought the fox would drop the rabbit, giving the eagle an easy dinner. Instead, the fox, with its jaw still clenched on the rabbit, inadvertently got snagged by the bald eagle.”

Photo Credit: Kevin Ebi

Photo Credit: Kevin Ebi

He held on for 8 seconds before giving up and falling 20 feet from the eagle’s clutches.

Photo Credit: Kevin Ebi

Photo Credit: Kevin Ebi

But don’t worry – he seemed fine.

Photo Credit: Kevin Ebi

“It shook off the encounter and resumed playing with its fellow kits. I took several pictures of it after the ordeal and couldn’t find a single scratch,” he said.

Photo Credit: Kevin Ebi

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7 Surprising Benefits of Walking

We should know by now that the simple act of walking can have many health benefits – mental and physical – but here are 7 benefits that you might not have been aware of until now.

If so, the knowledge will definitely get you up and moving!

#7. It can increase vitamin D levels

Photo Credit: Brightside

Vitamin D is connected with brittle bones, fractures, and difficulty in walking – but walking 15-30 minutes a day in the sun can help you get enough to avoid these common health issues.

#6. It can help reduce your blood pressure

Photo Credit: Brightside

40 minutes of daily walking can reduce blood pressure in individuals with hypertension – 3 to 5 points.

#5. It increases creativity

Photo Credit: Brightside

It turns out creative types who like to take walks for inspiration aren’t crazy – this study found that creativity levels rise for a short time during and immediately after a walk.

#4. It can reduce instances of breast cancer in women

Photo Credit: Brightside

7 hours of walking per week reduces the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women by up to 14% – if you walk more than that, your chances drop by up to 25%.

#3. It can boost your immune system

Photo Credit: Brightside

A moderately-paced 30-45 minute walk every day can help protect your body from common colds.

#2. It reduces your risk of contracting diabetes

Photo Credit: Brightside

Just 3,000-7,500 steps per day can help treat and/or prevent type 2 diabetes.

#1. It slows the aging process

Photo Credit: Brightside

Walking is one of the most effective ways to avoid losing mobility as you age – it also keeps your skin tighter and can even reverse the aging process (and help avoid dementia!).

The post 7 Surprising Benefits of Walking appeared first on UberFacts.