15 People Reveal the Hardest Thing They Had to Tell Their Parents

Serious talks with the ‘rents can be hard on everyone involved but I gotta say, these 15 heart-to-hearts would have been a doozy from either side.

#15. Parent your parent.

“To my widowed mom: that if she didn’t start using the internet safely (she fell victim to romance scams twice) and stop sending money she doesn’t have to strangers online (she’s definitely on a fixed income), I’d get power of attorney over her and her finances. Sucks having to parent your parent.”

#14. I had to tell my parents.

“One morning i got a call from a police officer who told me the that my sister was found dead in her apartment and that she apparently died of a heroin overdose. She was living in another city and i hadn’t spoken to her for 2 or 3 weeks. We knew she was addicted but went through recovery and was doing fine, back in her job and had her live on track for nearly a year.

I can’t even remember the words or what exactly he hold me because it swept me right of my feet. I just told him to hold on, please hold on i need to find a chair and suddenly my husband was there and talking to the man on the phone. I then had to tell my parents. We drove over and my mother was alone in the kitchen and i internally screamed because my dad wasn’t there. He had a small workshop and went there in the morning. So i told my mother and she just dropped onto the floor with the most horrific scream i ever heard from my mom. I then walked over to the workshop because i didn’t wanted to tell my dad over the phone. I just said her name and he knew, he fucking knew right away and he just held me while we both cried and then we went back to my mom.

Yeah that was a real shitty day. It’s been 7 years since i lost my sister and i still go through severe depression the weeks leading up to the date of her death.”

#13. Seemingly normal.

“That their seemingly normal infant grandson had a terminal disorder and had maybe four years to live.”

#12. I wasn’t supposed to know.

“That I had known for ten years about the half sibling I wasn’t supposed to know about.

Edit: wow, it’s nice knowing this isn’t uncommon. I was pretty broken up about it way back when my sister I grew up with spilled the beans. It took me so long to bring it up because at the time, she asked me not to tell our mother that she told me, and I didn’t want to betray her.

I never made contact. I thought about it a lot, still do, but I’ve battled some serious depression in my life and if it went badly it might be bad for my mental health. So I let it be.”

#11. Work up the courage.

“When I was 17 I had to work up the courage to tell my mom I didn’t think my penis worked correctly (I had no feeling due to an extreme bend). It was such a hard topic to talk about with my mother, but I’m glad I did. About 2 years, 30 doctor’s visits, and one surgery later, I had a working penis ?

Edit: Have, it still works. It just doesn’t get much use lol.”

#10. Total shock.

“My ex and I of 10 years amicably split up 3 months before our wedding date. When we told my parents together, I’m 100% positive they were expecting us to tell them she was pregnant. Total shock from them.”

#9. 10,000 miles away.

“That I had cancer. I live overseas and I know how much my parents miss me, I can only imagine how they felt while I was 10,000 miles away battling it.

I tried to be super positive about it. Mom only wanted to hear as much as was necessary, Dad kept on talking about all the ways I could die or could go wrong(his way of working out a situation).

Cancer free for six months now though!

Edit: blown away that this took off and to see all the congratulatory messages. Thank you.

I shared it with my mom whose first concern was that they weren’t present enough and made me feel i was battling it on my own, but I assured her that they were the most supportive parents and did everything they could given the distance.

I love them a whole lot.”

#8. Less than a month.

“I had to tell my mother she had less than a month to live.”

#7. Wailing the heartbreak.

“My younger sister’s husband called me to tell me that the baby that my sister, his wife, was carrying had died in utero. He asked me in between sobs to call my parents because my sister wanted everyone to come to the hospital before she was put into induced labour to give birth to her stillborn daughter.

So I called my parents, who were in a cafe. First thing my Mum said, naturally (considering what day it was), was ‘Happy Birthday, Janie!’

There was no way to break the news nicely, so I just told her that sister and sister’s husband’s baby had been stillborn and we were all to meet them at the hospital. I’ll never forget the sounds of my Mum wailing with heartbreak in our local cafe.”

#6. Guilt incarnate.

“Mom, we’re moving you out of your house into a home. (Guilt incarnate)”

#5. Everyone suffers.

“It’s me dad, your son”.

Having a parent who suffers from Alzheimer’s is fucking heartbreaking.”

#4. It broke my heart.

“That my sister was spreading lies about the family to her friends to get attention and pity. She told them things like “Step-dad hits mum and because he’s a [job title] they cover it up for him”, “I’m actually a twin but he died when we were 6 weeks old” some were so horrible, all about being abused and how my family was rich but she never got money/food/adequate shelter because we hate her so much.

I watched their faces go from confused to angry to sad it broke my heart.”

#3. The perfect couple.

“That my husband beat the crap out of me then went to bed and overdosed on pain pills. They thought we were the perfect couple.”

#2. Terrified for weeks.

“Telling my parents I flunked out of college was the hardest thing for me. I was terrified for weeks.”

#1. It was true.

“Got home from school and my mom had already received a phone call from my principal. I had to tell her it was true, my teacher had been touching me.”

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6 Puzzles That Might Keep You up All Night

Whether you’re an insomniac or just someone who doesn’t get up until they’re solved, you’re going to have to buckle down to solve these 6 puzzles.

#6. How did she plan it?

Photo Credit: Brightisde

There was an old, sick man with three daughters. One day, Death came to take him but the oldest daughter asked Death to let her father live for 2 years and Death agreed. When he returned 2 years later, the second daughter asked and was granted 1 more year.

A year later he returned and the youngest daughter gave Death a candle and asked Death to let her father live until the candle burned out. He agreed, and never returned.

Why not?

Continue reading when you’re ready for the answer!

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7 Introvert Myths, Disproven

There are a lot of opinions out there about what introverts are and how they act, but the truth is, every introvert is different – just like every extrovert – and many of the things we believe to be true about how introverts think and act just aren’t right.

If you are an introvert (unite!) or want to better understand the introvert in your life, take a scroll through this list of 7 myths as we bust them, one at a time.

#7. Introverts don’t enjoy being out in public.

Photo Credit: Lifehacker

#6. Introverts don’t like to talk.

Photo Credit: Lifehacker

#5. Introverts always want to be alone.

Photo Credit: Lifehacker

#4. Introverts are shy.

Photo Credit: Lifehacker

#3. Introverts are weird.

Photo Credit: Lifehacker

#2. Introverts don’t like people.

Photo Credit: Lifehacker

#1. Introverts are aloof nerds.

Photo Credit: Lifehacker

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7 Facts You Learned in School That Are No Longer True

It stands to reason that, with technology and our understanding of the world changing so rapidly over the past several decades, at least a few of the things we were taught back in the day would no longer be applicable.

Even so, you may not have considered these seven “facts,” or when, exactly, they became obsolete.

#7. Who built the pyramids?

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It wasn’t the Israelites exiled to Egypt, since the massive structures were erected before the Jews existed.

#6. The names of the nine planets.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In 2006, the International Astronomical Union decided that Pluto is a dwarf planet, and therefore doesn’t count. So there are only 8.

#5. The toilets in Australia.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you’re still under the assumption that the water spins the opposite way down the drain in Australia, you’d be wrong. The reasoning behind the claim is the coriolis effect, but it’s not strong enough on Earth to affect small appliances like a toilet or sink.

#4. The hardest material in the world is…

Photo Credit: Pixabay

I bet you said a ‘diamond,’ but if so, you’d be wrong. According to the Scientific American, there are two substances that are (quite a bit) harder: wurtzite boron nitride and lonsdaleite.

#3. You can’t see the Great Wall from outer space.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

According to NASA, the Great Wall is only visible from a max of 1200 miles up – low Earth orbit, not outer space.

#2. How witches were killed.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In the United States, more witches were hanged than burned, especially during the Salem trials. Witchcraft was punishable by hanging here – in Europe, where the crime was heresy, more burning was done.

#1. Your favorite dinosaur is dead…again.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

There’s no such thing as a brontosaurus. Womp-womp.

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Home Burglars Reveal 10 Things That Could Make You an Easy Target

No one wants their house to be broken into, whether you’re home or not. It’s happened to me, and the sense of violation alone is enough to make you want to take whatever steps possible to ensure you never have to go through that again.

And while knowing the main things a burglar is looking for might not be able to protect you 100% of the time, it can’t hurt to be informed, right?

#10. Your home is in a convenient location.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you live near a major highway or bus route, you might be in danger. Likewise, if you live on the outskirts of town or without close neighbors, thieves see a chance to spend some time without being seen.

#9. Your house is empty during the day.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Despite what Hollywood wants you to believe, the majority of burglars are looking to rob empty houses during the day, not houses the contain sleeping occupants at night. A career burglar might watch for a few days in order to try to determine a routine, while others might simply knock to see whether someone answers.

Timers on your lights and making your place look otherwise occupied (like opening the curtains during the day) could be enough to deter some, but unless you can quit your job, there’s not a whole lot you can do to fix a regular, 9-5 routine.

#8. You don’t have an alarm system.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

They really do work. If you can afford one, think about investing.

#7. You don’t lock you doors and windows.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It seems like a no-brainer, but thieves will tell you that many people don’t check all of their locks before they leave the house. And while a determined burglar can break through a door or pick a lock, many will simply keep checking until they find one that’s already unlocked.

#6. You don’t have a dog.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

A dog might not deter a serious burglar, but someone looking for an easy score would definitely think twice. Also surprisingly, size doesn’t matter – thieves are just as wary of a small, yappy dog that won’t shut up as they are a big, menacing dog. Number one? Train your dog to be wary of strangers.

#5. Your backyard is easily accessed.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

A fenced in backyard – one that’s locked – can be helpful since many thieves prefer to break in through rear doors/windows in order to avoid being seen from the street.

#4. You don’t stop your mail on vacation.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It’s a simple call, but if you don’t make it, anyone checking out your house will be instantly aware that you’re not home – and that you won’t be coming home anytime soon.

#3. You have a window air conditioning unit.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Houses and apartments without central air can be targets because thieves can remove it to gain easy access to your house.

#2. You make it obvious that you have nice things.

Do your best not to flaunt your wealth or your nice things from the outside. Don’t put boxes from new televisions, computers, etc out in the recycling, etc.

#1. One of your “friends” sucks.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

66% of burglaries are committed by someone the victim knows. They know your routines and they know what sort of stuff you own. It sucks, but it’s true.

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12 People Confess What Song Always Brings Them to Tears

You know you’ve got one, too. For me, it’s A Drop in the Ocean by Ron Pope and Everything Changes by Sara Barellies. Check them – or one of these 12 – out the next time you need a good cry in the shower (or anywhere, really)!

#12. Too many memories.

“If It Means A Lot To You by A Day To Remember

Too many memories I don’t want to remember.”

#11. Someone I love.

“All I want by Kodaline

Remindes me of someone I love before.”

#10. Melancholy.

“I’ll Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie.”

#9. Hallelujah.

“Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley.”

#8. Tear trigger.

“Cats in the Cradle – Harry Chapin Lost my dad to a car accident early in my life. I have a wonderful life still thanks to my mom but this song automatically triggers tears and I can’t seem to quite rationalize why.”

#7. Heartbreak.

“For me its Terrible Things by Mayday Parade because my mom passed :(“

#6. But not the friends.

“Pictures of you by the cure. I have a few great memories and pictures but not the friends that go with them anymore.”

#5. It’s complicated.

“I Can’t Make You Love Me – Bon Iver….things are complicated right now in my love life.”

#4. A lot of pain.

“When i was like 7/8 I went to hug my sleeping dog basil who was about 14, he was a Rhodesian Ridgeback, anyway he bit me cause I think I must’ve woke him my mum took him to the vets cause she thought something was wrong and it turned out he had cancer, I can’t remember what kind exactly but apparently he was in a lot pain and we couldn’t even tell, so we had to have him put to sleep that evening. On our way back from the vets The Frays “How to save a life” played, it was first time I ever heard it now whenever I hear that song I always cry.”

#3. There were so many of us.

“Blink 182 – Adam’s Song

It’s sad, it’s emo, it’s teenage angsty bullshit. But there were so many of us that felt that way. And so many of us didn’t have anyone to talk to about it, and didn’t know how to properly cope with it. There didn’t really seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

This song made me realize how truly fucked up suicide would be, and the extent to which it would hurt everyone around me.”

#2. The best I’ve ever had.

“Maybe stereotypical and cliché, but Mad World.

“The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had”

#1. Relatable.

“How To Disappear Completely by Radiohead. Mostly while I was struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction. Since I’ve been clean and sober for 2 years now I only relate to it if I’m feeling particularly down or sad.”

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15 People Share What Helps Them Cope with Their Anxiety

For any number of reasons, anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses seem to be even more common these days. People are always looking for ways to cope (outside or in addition to modern medication) and these 15 people are ready and willing to share the mechanisms that have worked for them.

#15. Running.

“Exercise- I find running has helped me a lot and built up my confidence.”

#14. Just saying.

“Vodka, comrade.”

#13. Counting backward.

“Counting backwards in a foreign language and or basic math.”

#12. The happy painter.

“Watching Bob Ross! His voice is so soothing, and he exudes positivity. Wrapping up in a blanket, touching something soft, or running my hands under warm water also help. I also have a squeezable pineapple keychain with little popping eyes that helps me re-focus when I’m on the go.”

#11. Reaffirmation.

“Deep breaths when a heavy feeling is preventing me from breathing correctly. (Shallow panicked breathing) So countering whatever it makes me want to do.

I have to remind myself that not everything is the end of the world. Even if I might feel like it is. Even if I feel all hope is lost and everyone hates me. I can’t ‘indulge’ myself in these thoughts. They only spiral out of control if I focus on them.

I remind myself that I can do things and that no one judges me. (At least not as harshly as I do myself) No one wants to see me fail. No one would be happy if I disappeared out of their lives. If they didn’t want me as their friend, I wouldn’t be their friend. They don’t invite me to things out of pity. Strangers on the internet don’t automatically hate me. Written text is hard to convey emotion.

That are things I know I should do. I should tell myself these things but as you probably know. It’s not always as easy as this. Tbh I’m not the best at dealing with my anxiety. I panic very easily. And the feeling just drowns out any rational thoughts. But those reaffirmations is something I can do before the feeling drowns me.”

#10. Take a step back.

“Reframing the situation.”

#9. I’m golden.

“Weirdly enough, having a little mini breakdown helps a lot. I go home, go into the shower and freak out for a bit then all of a sudden I’m feeling a lot better. Add a game to that and some solitude and I’m golden.”

#8. Give in.


#7. Creativity.

“Being creative helps me along with breathing exercises.”

#6. Temporary relief.

“Stretching. Doing a little, five-minute stretch session makes me feel a lot better. It’s relief is temporary, but it helps a lot and is easy to do.”

#5. It helps me so much.

“Something I have been doing recently is talking to myself. I get bad anxiety when I’m driving sometimes, so I’ll turn off the radio, focus my mind, and speak to myself out loud. Really try to believe what you’re saying. Instead of saying “you’re gonna be fine” try saying “you’ve dealt with this before and you know you will come out the other side.” It helps me so much to hear my own voice. It sounds silly and I’ll admit it is a bit strange, but dammit if it doesn’t help me a ton.”

#4. But also.

“Meditation, and deep breathing exercises. But also pharmaceuticals.”

#3. An important first step.

“Forgive myself for feeling anxious and then step back and work out how I got there and discard what isn’t valid and work through the emotions / feelings that are.

Forgiving myself is an important first step or I end up in a spiral when I get anxious about being anxious and so on.”

#2. Every single day.

“Meditation. Breathing exercises. Positive thinking. Not just for a week but every single day. Make it a habit. Set goals. Meditation in particular has helped me a lot. Also don’t be afraid to talk about it with family and friends. Just knowing that someone understands what you’re experiencing also helps.”

#1. You were ok.

“Sometimes when I’m having a “there’s-no-hope/no-tomorrow” kind of episode, I remind myself about the last time I felt that way, then I ask myself a question. What happened between the last time you felt this way and now? You were ok. You were ok and you will be ok again. <3″

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10+ People Dish on Which Minimum Wage Jobs Should Pay Way More

There are a lot of jobs out there that most people wouldn’t want – and for some reason, the people who take them aren’t compensated very well for picking up the slack. I bet you can think of a few off the top of your head, but these 12 people had some pretty good takes on which ones deserve better pay and why.

#12. A pitiful amount of time.

“Care assistants that travel to the patients house usually in their own transport with a pitiful amount of time to spend with the patient and nearly zero time allowance to get to the next patient. They are also expected to lift patients in and out of bed or a bath which can lead to them injuring their back.”

#11. Very demanding.

“Childcare! You have to get CPR and first aid certs and do a bunch of technical training. You’re on your feet, moving and active all day (for older students nap time is a lie and they will try and come bother you about everything). You have to deal with sometimes upwards of 15 kids for 12 hours a day.

Amd you’re barely making $10 an hour. It’s a very demanding job.”

#10. A bonus every time.

“dishwashers should get a bonus every time they clean a grease trap!

#9. Pay may vary.

“Emergency Medical Technicians.

Granted, depending on the area/agency/company they work for, the pay can vary. However, there was a short period where I worked for one company who gave us “raises” to minimum wage after the minimum wage increased. We were making $0.50 above minimum, but the increase was by $0.75. So for quite some time, it was a minimum wage job.”

#8. Longer than expected.

“I’ve always thought minimum wage cleaning jobs don’t seem worth it. You don’t get that many hours and they expect too much in too little time.

When I had a cleaning job they paid me for a set ammount of hours but the job always took longer than estimated. Some times getting paid half of what minimum wage was for the hours.”

#7. On quotas.

“Any retail job that has quotas you have to sell things by that doesn’t give commission.”

#6. It’s gotta change.

“Cooks. For what they are paid and what they can typically do job-wise, they are the most critically underpaid job-wise. What I find absolutely infuriating is guys who’ve been doing it for decades, even with certifications or degrees, still usually barely earn above $13/hour.

By cooks too, I mean non-fast food. I’m all for fastfood getting better wages, but actual restaurant cooks with refined skill sets are barely making more. I’ve watched my share of head chefs rapidly age and get beaten by the workload, causing them to drink, do drugs, smoke, etc…

It’s gotta change. Food is such a primal and basic need. We can’t underpay the people giving us good food, otherwise no one will want to have those jobs.”

#5. Someone’s life.

“Pharmacy technicians, pay them as much as fast food workers, even put in drive-thrus, but if you mess up an order, it could be someone’s life instead of their lunch.”

#4. Hardly a livable wage.

“Animal handlers at zoos. It isn’t minimum wage, but it’s damn near close to it.

These people get masters degrees in how to care for and handle these animals only to get paid a hardly live able wage.”

#3. I’ve literally saved people.

“Lifeguarding. I have literally saved people from drowning and am the most trained person on sight, yet i make 8 bucks an hour.”

#2. Truth bomb.

“All of them. Nowhere in the United States can a full-time minimum wage employee afford a modest two-bedroom apartment (here).”

#1. All while smiling.

“CNAs. They get harassed, bit, puked on, clean up poop and other bodily fluids all while smiling or at least being polite/friendly. They deserve way more than minimum wage.”

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15 People Reveal the Piece of Conventional Wisdom They Think Is Total Crap

My personal pet peeve is the saying that “In the end it will be okay – if it’s not okay, it’s not the end,” largely because it’s total crap. But there are plenty of pieces of wisdom or common sayings that drive people mad.

Here are 15 people who shared the ones they think are complete baloney.

#15. Outdated advice.

“Starve a fever.

You need energy to power your immune response, don’t rely on 14 century medicinal advice.”

#14. Incorrect.

“There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”

Yes, there is. The notion that there isn’t is just a self-serving publicists’ lie; a way of saying that everything can be spun if you just hire the right publicist. But it’s just not true. Bad publicity can wreck careers, tank companies, cause bank runs, prompt suicides and murders.

No publicist in the world is going to get Harvey Weinstein’s career back on track; Theranos will never recover from Carreyrou’s pieces in the Wall Street Journal.

I think most people know that it’s not really true, but for some reason I keep hearing it said as though it were genuinely an axiomatic truth—as though being universally loathed were genuinely better than being unknown.”

#13. Not a good piece of advice.

“Live every day like it is your last one.” That is just not a good piece of advice”

#12. How many times.

“listen to your heart.”

No no no. Think things through rationally and do the right thing no matter how you ‘feel’. You know how many times I’ve had to get up to go to work or go for a run when my heart was telling me to go back to bed or eat chocolate in front of the TV?”

#11. Sometimes.

“‘Violence never solves/solved anything.’

Yeah, tell that to history.

Sometimes, a good swift ass-kicking is the only response on the table.”

#10. Do what you love.

“Do what you love, and the money will follow.” This is not true most of the time.”

#9. Not anymore.

“He only picks on you, because he likes you.”

#8. How about that?

“Finish your plate”. How about “stop eating when you’re full”.”

#7. Go get it.

“Good things come to those who wait.”

Bullsh*t, go get it.”

#6. The universe conspires.

“Everything happens for a reason. Well technically it does but that reason could be chance, mistake etc. Sometimes the universe conspires to collectively fuck you.”

#5. Idiocy.

“Most of the bullshit that comes from advice on dealing with ‘bullies’ at school.

Usually from people that clearly have never had to deal with bullying in any form. Some of the ridiculous ones I’ve seen have been along the lines of “Laugh with your bully, they’ll have no reason to bully you and leave you alone!”


#4. No means no.

“Don’t take no for an answer.”

#3. Except when you’re tired.

“Never go to bed angry.” Not all problems can be solved before bedtime and you aren’t required to accept someone’s b.s. because it’s bedtime.”

#2. Pyramid scheme.

“The US food pyramid.”

#1. Ok, so no.

“ignore the bully”

Ok, so no.

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