People Share Stories of Huge Mistakes They Fixed Before Anyone Noticed

Have you been in this situation before?

Maybe it happened at work, or maybe it happened out in public, but you BLOW IT and FUCK UP in a huge way and you go into panic mode.

Now you need to fix your FUCK UP before anyone notices.

It’s a race against the clock but somehow you pull it off.

Whew! That was a close call!

AskReddit users shared their stories that are just like this.

1. Whoopsy daisy.

“Fucked up numerous times working on live applications. The best one was accidentally deleting the user table.

I was trying to delete a subset of users and managed to hit the key to run the statement before I’d written the “where” clause. If you don’t have a “where” clause to tell the database which records you want to delete, it just deletes all of them.

Luckily, the user table was only ever read by the application on log-in, so no one was going to notice unless they happened to log-in in the 2 mins or so it took me to load the records back in from a back-up.”

2. Working with acid.

“Working at a laboratory that used acid solutions to dissolve geological samples for various tests, my technical manager left a component of a machine in a plastic beaker filled halfway with concentrated hydrofluoric acid, unlabeled, in a fume hood that other people used regularly, “to see what it would do”.

I dumped it in a neutralizer and this asshole had the balls to yell at me for ruining his “test”. I told him it would etch and dissolve the part because it was glass, and he didn’t require a test because that’s already a known property.

Had someone spilled it on even a gloved hand, the hydrofluoric acid would pass through protection and enter the bloodstream without sensation, where it would leach calcium out of the bones, wreaking havoc on the nervous system causing a horrible, agonizing death.”

3. In the trash.

“I once had a roommate who didn’t speak English too well. She was moving away, and she was leaving in a hurry, and before she left she asked me to “take care of” a big bag of what was apparently clothes.

I assumed those were trash she didn’t want to take with her, and she just didn’t have time to throw them away, so once she left, I took that bag to the trash canister outside. A few hours later, that interaction just came back to my mind and seemed strange to me. I went back to the trash canister, the bag was still there, and brought it back inside.

The next day, she came back to get it and thanked me for “taking care of it”. She was a nice, poor girl from a rural region that was already struggling in the city, and I don’t want to think about what would have happened if I had to tell her that I threw her clothes into the trash.”

4. A wonderful song.

“Worked at a record / video rental store. After work on a weeknight, we close at 10pm, clean the store, count the register, lock the safe and go home.

When we clean the store we would often play a CD someone may have returned or which we wouldn’t normally play. Tonight it was 2 Live Crew’s ‘Banned In The USA’ CD with their hit single, ‘Pop That Pussy’. We put this on and crank it and start falling over laughing.

The bass is insane. We have 8 speakers set up around the perimeter of the store, all on shelves hanging near the ceiling. We hear this loud “THUNK” and cannot pinpoint what it was. We notice a speaker is “missing”… then find the corpse. It had jumped off it’s shelf and split into several chunks in the aisle.

Our night manager acted fast. “YOU!” she said, pointing to the 18 year old cashier. “Here’s $10. Go next door to Walgreens and get wood glue!” He’s gone. We start seeing if we can piece it back together. He returns. We glue it up and gently set that bitch back up on it’s shelf and left the speaker wire oh-so-gently unhooked.

The store closed about 6 years later and the manager never found out! We won! Yay Miami bass! Yay Pop That Pussy!”

5. Life and death.

“I was mixing IVs at the hospital.

Someone had put the wrong bag in the wrong bin. I didn’t notice.

I proceeded to make a batch of epidurals out of the wrong medicine. No one caught it. It somehow made it to the OB floor.

I came back into the IV room and saw the empty bag hanging and my stomach dropped. I called OB to ensure none had been used and to make sure it wouldn’t. Brought them back and wrote myself up.

If I hadn’t caught it, it would of caused major issue’s including the possibility of killing the patients. There were 12 syringes if I remember correctly.

I learned a very valuable lesson that day.”

6. Chicken drama.

“This is great timing, I was just thinking about this a few hours ago.

I rented a room from a couple and one of the rules was that I could not enter their yard. In their yard they had all sorts of animals a lovely quaky duck, a few cats and chickens. The chickens were in a big coop cause the cats hunting instincts were still to prevalent.

One weekend they asked me to feed the chickens while they went on a trip. On the last day of feeding all the chickens got out (5), and I noticed just in time to rip one of the chickens from the cats mouth.

After another hilarious 30 minute chase I’d put all the chickens back in the coop, minutes before they came home. I don’t think they noticed.”

7. That was awesome!

“Years ago, I lived in DC. One morning, riding in on the Metro I was changing trains from the Red line to the Blue. I heard the door chime and realized I wasn’t going to make this train. As I stopped, a guy bumped into me and ran on around and jumped on the train as the door chime sounded again. As he passed, I heard a thump and saw his cell phone hit the ground.

In one motion, I knelt down, grabbed the phone, stood up and under-armed the phone 20 feet and hit hit smack in the middle of his chest. He caught the phone, and looked up right at me in shock- then the door closed.

I said to myself, “Well, damn. No one saw that so I can never brag about it.” Then I heard a voice behind me say “Holy shit! That was awesome!” Guy who sat in the office right next to me was coming up behind me, heading into work at the same time. So since Tony saw it, I get to brag about it!”

8. That’s not good.

“Working on a presentation and managed to misspell the CEO’s name.

We’d been working on it for weeks, the name had been there probably since day 3 or 4. No one spotted it cause who would be dumb enough to get it wrong? I finally caught it about a week before it went to the presentation.

Definitely one of my sections, so glad I got it before it could do damage.”

9. A lucky break.

“Worked in an IT company. Had to switch of the routines for data backups because of I even don’t know anymore. Forgot to switch them on again. After around 2 years I noticed it more by coincidence. Felt very warm and sweaty instantly.

If data loss had happened, that would have been the end of the company. And the end of my career of course.”

10. Almost a bad accident.

“Caught a coworker pulling safety pins out of a support stand for a rather large and heavy jet engine component. I had two guys under the component and she was about to pull the last pin when I stopped her.

She was working with knowledge from a different style engine, and would have been correct on that model. In our model, she would have dropped a ton of metal on two guys.”

11. That would’ve been very embarrassing.

“I am a University professor.

I was watching porn one morning and closed my laptop without closing the browser. I then went to class, plugged the computer into the teaching station, and opened the screen. I was saved by the very brief delay between the image on my screen being displayed on the teaching station and it being displayed on the projector.

I managed to rip the HDMI cable out just before I projected to 100+ students.”

12. Catering.

“I work in catering, on multiple occasions have noticed food that has managed to be packaged on site, hasnt reached its sell by date (most foods we label with a sell by date of 3 days after packaging) and yet has mold on it. I’m sure I dont have to explain the consequences of that, physical or legal.

Also one time i was on my break and the food on sale was curry and somehow the one batch they happened to serve first managed to be ice cold because some how they managed to forget to heat that one up.

Luckily I was the first person to take some so I picked it up before the customer otherwise there would have been issues.”

13. Don’t play with fire.

“I was lighting matches and throwing them around a yard beside the one that I grew up in and bf it was so sunny out I couldn’t see that I started a grass fire and it had gotten big. ( the grass was also dead) I managed to find an old oil drum, tipped it over and rolled it all along the perimeter of the growing bush fire.

If I hadn’t had that barrel I would have burned down several graineries and possibly vehicles. If it had gotten into the tree line, my yard would have gone up. Only you know about this. None of my family.”

14. Dodged a bullet.

“Was going on a three night backpacking trip with friends, it was my job to round up three breakfasts.

At REI I picked up what I thought were six packages of freeze dried eggs hanging from a peg. Turns out only the first was eggs, the ones behind it were Neapolitan ice cream. The packages were identical, only a small label indicated the contents.

Fortunately for me the first day and night of the trip we were harassed so badly by biting flies and mosquitoes everyone wanted to abandon the trip as nobody brought bug spray.

I only discovered my mistake days later. Bullet dodged.”

Whew! Those were some close calls!

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us your personal stories about mistakes you fixed at the very last second before anyone noticed.


The post People Share Stories of Huge Mistakes They Fixed Before Anyone Noticed appeared first on UberFacts.

If You Despise Your 9-5 Job, These Funny Memes Are for You

All jobs have their ups and downs, but corporate jobs come with a lot of baggage.

You have to get dressed up, half of life feels like you’re stuck in traffic, and you have to learn all the corporate lingo and follow the RULES.

So many rules…

It can be kind of soul-sucking and that’s why these memes about working corporate jobs are hilariously accurate.

Let’s take a look, shall we?

1. You deserve some kind of award.

You did it! Look at you!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. Every single week, this happens.

It’s a total transformation…and then it starts all over again on Monday.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. I ain’t doing shit today!

Sometimes, you just have to stare at your computer and do NOTHING.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. Dammit…I forgot what time it was.

That’s always a soul-crusher.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. Ahhhhhh. That’s better.

Ladies, back us up here.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. Well, look at what we have here!

You just earned some points with the boss.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. I remember that feeling.

It was glorious!

8. Very, very true.

It’s always good to get that last bit of crying in before you start your day.

9. Sundays are for depression only.

And maybe a little day drinking.

10. I’ll be right back.

I promise…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. It’s gonna be a very long day…

Hang in there! You can do this!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

I think you need to stop laughing and get back to work ASAP so nobody knows that you’re messing around on company time.

Do you have any funny, ridiculous, or infuriating stories about your corporate job? Or maybe about one you had in the past?

If so, please share them with us in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post If You Despise Your 9-5 Job, These Funny Memes Are for You appeared first on UberFacts.

Hysterical Memes About People Who Really Don’t Like Their Corporate Jobs

Some people are really cut out for corporate jobs and some definitely are not.

The 9-5 grind can be a real grind, sitting in traffic both ways and having to deal with corporate culture in all its glory. The rules, the regulations…the bullshit.

Here are some hilarious memes that will definitely look familiar to those of you who work corporate gigs.

Let’s take a look!

1. It’s okay if you have to cry…

You still need to stack that paper, right?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger


Here it comes again…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. Trying to be polite…

But you’re getting on my nerves…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. You gave it your best shot.

Don’t beat yourself up about it.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. And never come back!

Have you tried this one yet?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. I’m THIS close.

And getting closer every day.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. It’s a very precarious situation.

But you’ll get through it! We believe in you!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. Let’s just forget about today.

And forget it ever happened…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger


Take some deep breaths.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. Oh Jesus, not again…

I don’t know if I can handle this today.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. THAT’S how I’m doing.

If you really must know…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. All fired up!

But it’s best to just keep those thoughts to yourself.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Are those accurate, or what?

Okay, now we want to hear from all you who work 9-5, corporate jobs out there.

Tell us what you like most AND what you like least about your job in the comments.

Do it when the boss isn’t looking!

The post Hysterical Memes About People Who Really Don’t Like Their Corporate Jobs appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Stories About Terrible Co-Workers Who Miraculously Weren’t Fired

There’s a huge difference between people who aren’t very good at their jobs and those who willingly do bad things because they are…well, terrible people.

Sometimes, you can cut people some slack if they mess up at work and it was an honest mistake, but it always blows my mind when rude, crude, ignorant people are bad at their jobs (seemingly on purpose) and they still don’t get fired.

It’s enough to make your blood boil, isn’t it?

Here are some very interesting stories from folks on AskReddit about co-workers who got away with a whole lot of stuff and weren’t given the boot.

1. Eventually paid the price.

“Had a boss storing pictures of himself in only his wide open bathrobe on company servers. It was reported to HR but wasn’t fired for it.

Later he was arrested as part of an undercover sting where he thought he was meeting a 15 year old girl about 500 miles away.”

2. That’s pretty bad.

HR rep found out about a person’s elective surgery and made fun of her with a former employee.

Let me recap: this person knew about an employee’s private medical information, because she worked with our healthcare plan in her role as HR, and shared that private information with another person for the sole purpose of mocking the employee.

She was not fired.”

3. Sounds like a piece of work.

“One of my former coworkers (she’s since been fired for stealing customers lottery winnings) told an elderly woman that she was stupid for not knowing how to pump gas.

This woman’s husband had recently passed and he had always pumped the gas for her, so she never learned. I had horrible second hand embarrassment when the woman came in and told us (we relayed it to the manager).”

4. Sounds like a great worker!

“Eat weed, urinate outdoors on garbage cans in public, masturbate and drink on the job.”

5. That’s messed up.

“This dude walks a server out of the server room every six months or so to sell on eBay.

We have literally no security except the front door, but the owner is so ancient and out of touch I doubt she even remembers things are being stolen.”

6. That’s a lot of weed.

“I work in a medical marijuana state.

One guy neglected to check a dry room for a few days assuming all was well. All was not well, at all. The dehumidifier crapped out while the plants were being hung to dry and sat in a warm, dark room for 3 days before it was someone elses responsibility to check it.

By that point every single plant was coated in mold and we had to throw out a little over a million dollars worth of product (side note: I had never done the math to see what he cost us until now and am mad all over again.

His only punishment was to be denied moving to day shift but other than that it was forgotten about.”

7. Psycho.

“Telemarketing co-worker was very obviously a psycho or sociopath. Showed up late every shift by definition, had quite a temper with authority, but would often just cause trouble out of boredom, by his own admission.

The most controversial thing he did one particular day was address every client he spoke to by the ‘n’ word. Once the manager heard him, he yelled at him outside for 20 minutes and that was the end of it.

A week later, this co-worker denied it had ever happened before going on a tangent about how he liked to start arguments with his girlfriend just to see her cry. Fucking sociopath.”

8. Baffling.

“I work in a garden center, this just happened today. Buddy has worked ONE (today) of his scheduled shifts in the past two weeks. He calls in all the time, leaves a message with the cashiers, and hangs up before a manager can talk to him.

On the off chance he does show up, he doesn’t do anything besides move some plants around. Hell, my mom was walking through the garden center today and saw him squatted behind a stack of plants playing on his phone.

Further, the guy takes multiple unauthorized breaks a day and sits in his car for at least an hour because his “back hurts.” He has had two write-ups for missing work and somehow this lazy shite is still on payroll. He’s an asshole towards both coworkers and customers alike.

Nothing he’s done is as preposterous as some of the stories I’m sure are on this thread, but the sheer consistency of his laziness is baffling to me.”

9. At the mall.

“I worked at a convenience store in a mall. We had lotto, and I had this worker who people called “crazy Joe.”

Sometimes, when people are doing lotto, they take a long time picking out tickets. So Joe was waiting on a guy, and he was taking a while, and a line was forming, pretty long. Joe looked at the line and yelled out “does anyone have a gun so I can kill myself?” He then stormed off.

Same place; Gene, a guy in his fifties, touched two of my co-workers’ asses; one was 17 at the time, the other 19. Both girls.

Neither one was fired.”

10. Very classy.

“Guy in the same building I work in was going into the common bathroom and watching porn in one of the stalls on his phone.

Dumbass was using earbuds but had the volume up so loud that anyone could hear it and know what it was. And to top it off, in the background noise you could hear him whacking it while the video played.

Finally someone noticed the shoes that were in view and busted him in the hallway later. HR was called and did interviews with all the dudes in the building who may have overheard him yanking it. Despite many confirmations he was never fired.

But oh the nicknames that came from it……”

11. That’s ridiculous!

“He was caught selling cocaine on work premises. Everyone was talking about how he was going to get fired for a week. Then everybody seemed
to have forgotten.

It helps if the owner is your kid’s godmother.”

12. Why is he still there?

“I have a coworker that has terrible work ethic.

He doesn’t know how to separate his personal life from his work life so if he’s in a bad mood (which happens often), everyone will know including customers. He’s had at least three disciplinary meetings. Once he was caught just fucking around for an hour (not exactly sure what happened but our boss wasn’t happy).

Another time he just didn’t show up to work without calling in, and it was a day that everyone knew would be busy. I don’t know why he hasn’t been fired yet, everywhere else I’ve worked he would’ve been gone by now.”

13. I would think this would lead to termination.

“Drive around the yard on a forklift, no hands on the steering wheel, firing a nailgun at people and objects around the yard.”

14. WTF?

“A coworker jumped out from behind a door at my husband, who is a disabled combat veteran with PTSD, dressed as if he was from the Middle East.

He was literally trying to trigger a flashback.

No repercussions, as he was the boss’ friend. Two weeks later, he fell down some icy steps and broke both legs. Karma took care of that one.”

Some of those stories bring back some bad memories from old jobs I’ve had…

Have you ever had any really terrible co-workers that seemed to get away with everything?

If so, please share your stories with us in the comments!

The post People Share Stories About Terrible Co-Workers Who Miraculously Weren’t Fired appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Worst Things They’ve Seen Co-Workers Do and STILL Not Get Fired

I used to work with someone. Let’s call him Tony.

To put it bluntly, Tony was a real piece of shit AND he was a terrible worker.

But, for some reason, my boss wouldn’t fire him under any circumstances.

He showed up late every day, he was lazy, and he was just a total jerk to everyone. Tony must’ve had some dirt on my boss because it’s still a total mystery.

Some people just never get fired from jobs no matter what they do.

Let’s dive into these funny and ridiculous stories from AskReddit.

1. Still didn’t get fired!

“A guy at the plant I work at scrapped $360,000 in airplane parts because he didn’t even bother to look at the work instructions.

He just drives a forklift now…”

2. Shaking my head…

“Stole a bunch of marked tools (they were painted white).

Showed everyone in the shop pictures of his deer with said tools in the background.

Gets reported, boss calls him on it.

He said ” you got me, I stole a gallon of white paint”

Never heard the boss laughing so hard

Year later or so he gets promoted.”

3. Wow!

“He tried to run over a security officer with his car when the security officer told him he couldn’t park where he wanted to park.

Almost succeeded, too!”

4. Sounds dangerous…

“Worked with a guy who punctured the main gas line to our shop three separate times.

It was a construction company and he somehow was still my superintendent although he could have blown up the shop.”

5. That’s pretty bad.

“Accidentally send the last three years of account details/back statements from one company to their direct competitor.”

6. Ugh. The worst.

“Worst coworker ever was the credit mooch.

He would constantly horn in on other people’s projects, getting his name added to them to make it look like he was doing shit when he actually not.

If people tried to assign him any work on said project he would have “a personal emergency” or “a virus would make him lose all his work” or “his schedule is booked with other project” or the worst, he would pull some sucker in to “help” him with it, and said sucker would end up doing it all in utter frustration.

Because he was so good at stealing credit, he managed to get top marks on his reviews despite doing absolutely zero actual work for the company. I know at least four people quit due to this guy getting better raises than they did.”

7. Shady stuff.

“Had a co-worker as a standard business practice falsely condemn furnaces in winter to pressure homeowners into buying new systems and pad his commission check.

I couldn’t do anything as I had no direct proof, but he would joke about it all the time. It did finally catch up with him when one customer smelled BS and called other companies with advanced testing machines. Took those results and sued the poop out of him.

I ended up working for that second company and haven’t looked back.”

8. “Blew my mind.”

“Oh man.

It was winter time and she was helping a customer by carrying something they had purchased out for them. Once outside (but still on the store property) she slipped and sustained an injury.

Was threatening to sue the business and was also trying to claim workers compensation – came into work every day with a sling on her arm and constantly wincing and being in pain.

Anywayyyyyyyys. HR and the store manager call her into a meeting, sit her down and show her the video surveillance from OUTSIDE (which she obviously didnt know was there) showing her faking her fall. I dont know everything but she got called out hard and she broke down and admitted everything. For some reason they kept her on.

She then tried it AGAIN like six months later (this time claiming that a customer had something from their cart hit her or fall on her or something). Again, tried to claim workers comp and had this whole show of being injured. They pull up security footage AGAIN and disprove her injury/claims.

She still wasn’t fired. Blew my mind.”

9. Unbelievable.

“Guy at my wife’s old job was brought in because he was really good at selling the services they provided. Proceeded to send dick pics to the women at work and solicit nudes from them.

Women said to stop or they’d take it up with management and it subsided some. Solicited nudes from a new chick who asked my wife about it and my wife went to management with everything and said this guy’s out or I’m quitting. Well, she quit.

Guy’s still there but most the original female staff has quit.”

10. This is weird.

“As an assistant manager at a Valvoline Instant Oil Change. I was dealing with an unreasonable customer that had just spit at a female employee that he didn’t want working on his car. He didn’t know that the guy under his car was her boyfriend.

The guy comes up the steps, grabs an oil gun, and starts pumping 10W30 All Climate into the guy’s window as he’s frantically trying to start the car and roll up the window.

The employee was reprimanded pretty hard, but it was understood why he did it. No charges were filed, the franchise owner paid a lot of money to have the guy’s car cleaned. Obviously, I never saw him again.”

11. Sounded like a good idea…

“I know someone who managed to close an entire supermarket early for the first time in its history (costing the company several thousands of pounds) because they tried to set a clock on a computer back an hour to avoid missing some deadline for a daily routine.

He said it seemed like such a good idea at the time.”

12. Busy doing nothing.


Documenting work as completed when no actual work had been done.

Management knew or was suspicious of it, but not so much as a write up our reprimand. Eventually, management changed, figured out no work was being done, called it fraud, and canned them.

The job was easy too, and good money. I don’t get why they didn’t just do the work.”

13. So gross.

“Full on sexual harassment. (Little back story: I work in a private country club style dining/banquet event space. )

A drunk-on-the job manager pinned an hourly server against the wall during a nighttime wedding reception. She punched him in the ribs and tried pushing him off of her. We all saw it.

We all reported to HR. Another manager physically removed him off of her. This was about 4 months ago and he’s still in his position. S

he quit due to him telling everyone she’d lied about the entire situation.”

Jeez…some people…

Have you ever had co-workers who were pretty terrible but for some reason they never got fired?

If so, please tell us all about it in the comments!

The post People Share the Worst Things They’ve Seen Co-Workers Do and STILL Not Get Fired appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Work Unusual Jobs Talk About How Folks React When They Tell Them About It

Not every job is 9 to 5.

A lot of folks out there work jobs that some people don’t even know exist.

It’s always interesting to learn about the different vocations that people have and you’re about to hear about a bunch that you might not be familiar with.

Let’s dive into the responses from AskReddit users who opened up about how folks react to their unusual occupations.

1. Wow!

“I had a brief stint as a “junior cheese evaluator.”

People loved hearing about the cheese tasting part, but what is less known is the business analytics side of things — we have to know what good cheese is and what consumer tastes are like and how to influence those tastes to make room for company products that maximize profits for the cheesemaker and retailer.

There’s a whole national certification exam I was studying for before I decided to take a drastic career shift because the whole cheese thing wasn’t paying the bills and it was too much work holding down three jobs.”

2. That’s pretty cool.

“I produce subtitles, for TV and now for online learning at a university. It’s been amazing how many people have thought that either A, a computer does it or B, I’m a sign language interpreter.

I was also a teleprompter / Autocue operator for a while, when I first left uni, and it was one of the best jobs I’ve had. Though again, people thought a computer did it. And I’ve had likes of actors literally laugh in my face because they consider it beneath the lowest of the low apparently (until it breaks…)”

3. That’s interesting.

“Train Controller.

People ask me if I drive trains. I am in the habit now of just pre-empting people and saying “It is like air traffic control but for the rail network”.

In the U.S.A. I believe it is called Train Dispatch. People are generally sort of impressed and want to ask questions about the railway.”

4. Get out the mannequins!

“I work on a truck doing simulated emergencies with high fidelity mannequins . The mannequins have pulses they breathe, you can listen to lung sounds, and their eyes move back-and-forth.

We take the truck to fire departments and critical access hospital‘s in our state to provide emergency training at no cost to the fire departments and hospitals. There are only five states that I know of in the nation that do this training.”

5. Still around?

“Chimney sweep

Usual reaction: that’s still a thing?”

6. Could you do this?

“A friend of mine is a harbor pilot.

Brings huge ships in and out of harbors. Makes mid 6 figures. A lot of boredom with high stress in the middle.”

7. If you’ve got the guts…

“Once upon a time I worked at a boarstud. I got hired in the lab preserving semen for sale. Dull, morning headachy work staring at semen under a microscope.

Buuut the shed often needed help collecting semen and a fun, well paying, easy job. Go get the pig, get him to mount, grab a penis and then nap as they ejaculate for ten to fifteen minutes. Repeat.

I got paid $27 an hour to sit on a stool and hold a curly penis three days a week. I now work 6-7 days, collect blood samples, monitor surgery, take phones, do inventory and handle angry clients with a smile for $16 as a vet tech. Hmm.

If you’ve got the guts, consider pig wanker.”

8. Never heard of this.

“I was an enucleator.

When people passed and wanted to donate their corneas I would retrieve their eyes from their body and take them to the lab to process for transplant. When people found that out they were either completely grossed out or thought it was really interesting.”

9. Sounds…erotic.

“My boyfriend’s parents own their own erotica publishing house. They hire ghost writers to churn out the kind of smut you can get for $2 on kindle.

My boyfriend narrates the audiobooks.”

10. Make it look good.

“I was talking to a food stylist and there is one lady who does all of the sour cream commercials because she can make perfect dollops.

Apparently they call her “The Dollop Queen of Georgia”.”

11. Sounds like a big job.

“I’m a procurement officer for an airline, I order parts for planes.

No one seems to realise my job exists but everyone gets it when I tell them what I do.

Reaction is generally wow that’s so cool! In reality I raise purchase orders all day. But it’s pretty cool to wander out to the hangar when a plane is in.”

12. A lot of cash.

“I work for a pond and water garden company specializing in Japanese koi fish sales.

Nothing too crazy, but people always seem a little surprised when I tell them I sell imported koi fish for way too much money.”

13. This is a job.

“One of my best friends’ husbands job was to read Bill Gates’ mail with the intent to prevent crazy people from showing up at the Microsoft campus demanding to speak with him.”

14. Espionage.

“I was an industrial espionage specialist for a year. Basically companies would pay the company I worked for to gain intel on their competitors, their distribution chain, expansion plans, contracts etc.

My job was to gather intelligence, sometimes I would go undercover as a low level employee, sometimes I would go undercover as a headhunter & interview current employees, carefully using questions to elicit information, sometimes I would use a “discretionary fund” to “purchase” intel from employees, once I even went undercover as a reporter to interview a logistics manager.

Sometimes I would just spend hours reading information on the stock exchange, government planning departments etc.

It was a weird job, but I could usually piece together a good amount of info.”

Do you work an unusual job that most people don’t even know exists?

How do people react when you tell them about it?

Please share with us in the comments. We look forward to hearing from you!

The post People Who Work Unusual Jobs Talk About How Folks React When They Tell Them About It appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Industries That Are Much Shadier Than They Seem

Some industries are just shady right on the surface. But then there are the industries that most of us would never even think would be shady.

That’s why these articles are so enlightening!

You just never know what an industry is like until you have first-hand experience with it.

Are you ready to get shady?

Folks on AskReddit definitely had some thoughts on the matter.

1. Better not cross them.

“My dad knows a story from someone who works for a nationwide grocery chain, they have to deal with an Italian mafia to import balsamic vinegar.”

2. Vanilla wars.

“More people died last year over vanilla in Madagascar than cocaine in South America. They’ve even coined the term “vanilla murder”.

Farmers hire armed mercenaries to guard their crops from thieves near harvest time, and if one is caught… well… let’s just say it’s in response to all the farmers that were killed by thieves for the same reason.”

3. On the high seas.

“The maritime industry.

Most of the big companies do things by the book and treat crews well because they’re afraid of lawsuits and unions, but many smaller “mom and pop” companies break laws and violate safety regulations with reckless abandon because they’re not as visible and can “stay under the radar” so to speak. I

t’s very common for a small company to ask a captain/crew to do something illegal and dangerous in order to increase profit, and for the captain/crew to comply out of fear of losing their jobs.

And that’s just the US maritime industry; sailors from poorer nations who work on ships are often fed little more than rice and cheap ramen for months at a time and paid pennies for their backbreaking work.

I love running tugs for a living, but the industry as a whole is rife with shady business.”

4. Never thought of this.


You have no idea the snow job they put most people through when it comes to buying them. Its far, far worse than trying to buy a new car from a dealership.

Wholesale frames are about $5-20, wholesale lens blanks are another $10. Any kind of dip coating (UV, tinting, etc) is negligible cost and effort to apply – literally pennies.

To top it off, they don’t even do a whole lot in house, but send it to “labs” which are basically sweatshops that can take up to 2-3 weeks when labor time is literally under 5 minutes.

Instead of training real opticians and technicians, they’re just glorified sales staff now. Most of the time they don’t even bother with proper measurement for pd, frame width, or arm fitting.

Was an optician in the early 90’s. I’m horrified at what the business has become.”

5. The ratings game.

“Rating services like Yelp. Refuse to advertise and your good reviews magically get rearranged. Hey, look if you want to do that and be transparent, I get it. But most every business owner knows how scummy this is and most clients just have no idea.

I have a business that isn’t something that would usually be looked for on Yelp. They called and I just froze. Luckily I do long term rentals and was sold out. Explained I wouldn’t have an opening for months, they seemed to leave me alone.

Yet they have my business on the front page of Google search (under the wrong category).”

6. A bunch of lies.


The margins are razor thin and so everyone is trying to nickle and dime each other constantly.

The drivers lie to their dispatchers, the dispatchers lie to the brokers, the brokers lie to the clients.

All of this for like $50-100 sometimes.”

7. Sounds like a really bad industry.

“Cruise ships.

I was told I was having a minimum of one day off every week and work normal hours (8-10h/day) with a good pay and good pre paid tips. I ended up working 30 days in a row, Ewell over 400 hours, for $1600 with tips included.

This company I was working for was called Scenic Cruises (ship was called MS Scenic Crystal), which was an Australian company working over a Swiss company going under a Maltese flag, sailing in Central Europe. That’s how I understood it anyways, they deliberately did this so they could break international laws, I counted at least 5 that they broke.

Biggest scam company I ever worked for. I resigned after my first month. The police boarded the ship every once in a while because they knew this but they couldn’t do shit because they had no jurisdiction over the ship.

I was forced to work with a 39 Celsius fever.”

8. This is terrible.

“The pet industry.

Basement puppy mills and dogs that are so inbred they can hardly breath. There are plenty of ethical breeders out there (and some unlicensed breeders are ethical even if in a legal grey zone) but the conditions of some of the so called puppy mills can be really bad.

Sometimes when breeds are mixed and the pup gets the recessive genes the breeders weren’t looking for.. they straight up euthanize it because they know it won’t sell. Not to mention how many “purebreds” are actually not pure at all… and sold as is.


9. Big, shady business.

“Avocado farms.

Most of the farms in Central America are taken over by cartels because of how much money is in selling avocados.”

10. Higher education.

“Higher academia is badly broken.

Some of the smartest people are some of the most badly exploited. Old tenured professors limit the number of faculty many departments can have, forcing people to work as postdocs forever, effectively doing all the work the prof should be doing in the first place.

Meager pay and long hours, plus constant pressure makes postdocs some of the most depressed people.

The grad students are no better either. A lot of the times grad students don’t complain about ill treatment, harassment and outright bullying as they don’t want to jeopardize their prospects of graduating.

If you’re a foreigner, this situation becomes even worse, whether you’ve a grad student or a postdoctoral researcher.”

11. That’s a shame.

“The nonprofit world, unfortunately.

Most people at the top are in it to make a name for themselves and don’t usually care about the mission of the organization.”

12. Kind of depressing…

“Mental health facilities…

A lot of people trust today’s mental health facilities, but from my experience they’re quite flawed. Staff can be judgemental and condescending and downright cruel.

A family member of mine was institutionalized for a while, I say with full certainty she was healthier before she went in than coming out. The places I’ve seen are most definitely for profit. They had no intentions of having her “fixed” and released. Also, sloppy.

She was given the wrong people’s meds several times. She was also prescribed dangerous combinations that wound up having her sent to the ER. Really stupid mistakes were made over and over.”

13. Everyone needs them, though.

“The tire business.

Tires are a scam and shouldn’t cost anywhere near what they do. Everyone along the supply chain is making bank. It’s one of the industries I would love to see disrupted.”

14. Tying the knot.

“The Wedding industry (at least in the US). The whole point of the wedding industry is to trick people into overspending by preying on their desire to have the “perfect” wedding. So you “have” to have multiple photoshoots, a beautiful venue, excellent catering, an expensive dress/suit, etc, all at an exorbitant price. It’s a scam.

A lot of “traditional” wedding staples (like the white dress, service performed by minister, etc) are based on actual traditions and beliefs, but those traditions don’t mean anything anymore and now are sold as “traditional” to squeeze more money out of you.

Tell me, why would you ever need 1000 photographs each of your engagement, your “first look,” the ceremony, the bridal party, etc? How many of the 50 good ones are you going to actually look at and will mean anything? Maybe a handful. The rest just get dumped on social media and forgotten in a few months.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t take pictures at your wedding. You should. But there’s no reason to spend thousands to take pictures of contrived setups, like the “first look.”

I’ve been to and been in a number of weddings of my friends and have seen the ludicrously overpriced things the planners convinced them to buy into.

And that’s just the financial side. That’s not even getting into the insanity that is planning the damn thing. Trying to get families on board and compromise their demands is a whole other shady industry.”

15. No thank you!

“Vape juice.

I did some work for a company that use to whole sale to a whole lot of smaller vape shops. The places that sold to us ranged from vape juice laboratories to guys making it in bathtubs.

I actually quit vaping seeing some of the conditions the juice is made in.”

16. This is crazy.

“The gourmet mushroom industry. The short of it is that I pulled over to check on what I thought was a forest fire in the middle of nowhere, British Columbia. Turned out it was a wandering rove of – for lack of a better title – Canadian mushroom gypsies looking for matasuki (pine) mushrooms and chanterelles.

Next thing you know, my car keys vanished and I was put to work for 2 days with payment being a sandwich and a few beers.

We wandered the forest, digging up pine buttons and learned way more about mushrooms than I ever imagined, and we were warned heavily to stay close to our own/captors/kidnappers/whatever as the rival group was not above violent tactics if you entered their territory… this was affirmed when I stumbled upon an angry man from the other side pointing a shotgun at me.

Whether or not there’s truth to it – I don’t know – but supposedly the mushroom world was once incredibly lucrative until the Chinese mob infiltrated it and gouged the prices. After 2 days my keys mysteriously reappeared with my car unharmed and nothing missing.

No one would answer where it went, but they all knew. Hands down the nicest kidnappers ever, but it was a wild experience.”

17. It’s definitely an industry.

“Televangelist and megachurch owners (especially those preaching a Prosperity Gospel) will make money hand-over-fist off the backs of the poor through product sales.

The sad part is if many of these people save their money instead of giving it to these men, they are statistically more likely to have greater wealth in the long term.

Instead money from little old ladies goes to fund Pat Roberts’s private jet or Joel Olsteen’s MegaChurch power bill.”

Wow, some of those really caught me by surprise.

Do you have any thoughts on this matter?

Do you know of any shady industries that most people have no idea about?

Please tell us all about it in the comments!

The post People Talk About the Industries That Are Much Shadier Than They Seem appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Weirdest Questions They Were Ever Asked During Job Interviews

Job interviews are uncomfortable no matter which way you look at them, but when you get inappropriate and weird questions thrown your way, things get even more uncomfortable.

But, that’s unfortunately what happens sometimes when you go in hoping to land a job.

It’s time to get weird and inappropriate…

Here are some quality responses from AskReddit users.

1. Testing you…

“I was asked over the span of about five questions if I would let employees steal.

“What would you do if you saw a customer walk out the door with product?” “I would tell the manager and not confront them” (the correct answer for almost all retail companies, but not this one apparently)

“What if it was your store? ‘Gmony Retailers’ and you are the manager?” “I would try to stop them or call the cops”

“What if it was an employee trying to steal something really cheap like a $1 water bottle?” “I wouldn’t let them steal so I’d tell a manager”

“What if they have been having family troubles and their checks haven’t come in so they have no money but need that water” “I would offer to pay for them so they don’t feel like they have to steal”

“What if you left your wallet at home that day?”

What am I even supposed to say to that???”

2. Just looking for a job, buddy.

“This was quite a while ago, and I was interviewing for a janitorial position at a private middle school.

The interview was going well. The interviewer was asking me why I wanted to work there, what my previous job experience was, etc. The bog standard interview questions.

Out of absolutely nowhere, he asks ” You’re not attracted to underage girls, are you?”. I was taken aback for a moment, and just sort of stared at him waiting for clarification.

I think it only occurred to him after having said it how weird the question was, and he quickly started to give some context. Turns out the previous janitor had attempted some sexual advances on some underage students.

I was just there to sweep the floors for some cash. Not commit a felony.”

3. That’s outrageous.

“What are the chances of you leaving your spouse if we relocate you? You mean… for a period of time until we figure out our living situation? No, I mean would you divorce him if you had to move to, say Europe, for the job?


Also, this was a local advertising agency. They didn’t even have that many national clients.

But also, the interviewer then continuously called and messaged me for days after I declined their offer. So I don’t know.”

4. Waterloo!

“I had a guy end my interview by asking me what my favorite ABBA song was. I was so caught off guard and honestly kind of creeped out, because I couldn’t figure out how he knew that I loved ABBA.

I found out later that when he spoke to my references, he asked them to tell him something about me that wasn’t on my resume, and my old boss told him that I was a huge ABBA fan.”

5. Sweating bullets.

“First question of an interview: “Wait, aren’t you the guy who owes me that thousand dollars?”

Realized after three of the longest seconds in my life that he was joking, but boy that caught me off guard.”

6. What a dick.

“I had an adversarial interview once.

Passed the skills interview and was sent on to the guy who would be my manager if I got the job. He made a big show of throwing my resume in the trash and told me the next best use would be to “wipe his ass with it” since he went to Yale and I didn’t, and why did I think I deserved the job?

I didn’t say anything, just got up and walked out. (This was at AIG, remember them? Lol).”

7. Don’t worry about it.

“”What does your father do for work?”

I was like 24 years old…pretty sure he was seeing how little he could pay me.

8. Excuse me?

“Would I be ok with going shirtless?

Small private casino company that mostly did charity fake money events with prizes like champagne and chocolates. Corporate gigs etc.

I was hired as a blackjack croupier and thats the job I went for, advertised as above. Corporate events and charity events, dealing blackjack. Must be good with people (if you knew me that would make your gut bust).

The woman interviewing me, gave me the job, then asked would I be willing to wear just collars and cuffs like a male stripper.

Turns out they also did stag and hen nights and would ask new employees if they’d like to be considered for those shifts. But it requires the women to wear bikinis and men to wear only collars and cuffs, no shirt but wearing dress pants. They paid twice the rate for it.

Was not expecting that question I can be honest.”

9. Well, that’s a funny story…

“I was asked if I’d ever had sex with animals. That question certainly caught me off guard.

This was for a job as a Sheriffs deputy.”

10. Really getting the third degree.

“I was a private nanny.

I have been asked many questions that wouldn’t be considered appropriate in any other job interview. I’ve been asked: How often I shower. Whether I have ever been to a therapist/psychiatrist. If I am promiscuous. If I have ever had an affair with an employer. How much I typically eat in a day.

Do I have a partner. What religion I am. Whether I was gay or straight. If I had ever been bribed or had anyone ever attempt to bribe me. Whether I had ever taken nude pictures. Etc.

Not all in the same interview.”

11. Ummmmm….

” Can you make your breasts smaller? They might be a distraction for some of our patients here.” This was at a hospital. And I wasn’t wearing anything provocative, I just have big boobs.

I didn’t get the job, they told me it was because I was too inexperienced.”

12. You FAILED.

“Lovers (an adult toy/accessories shop) handed me an elephant-sized, wiggly dildo and asked me to describe it.

You giggle you lose.

I lost.”

13. What’s more important to you?

“They asked me if I could stop my dialysis treatments so I can be more available.

Yeah Karen, let me just die for less that 15 an hour.”

14. A bear?

“Had an interviewer who unexpectedly asked me, what my spirit animal was at the end of the interview.

I didn’t know what to say but the first thing that popped out of my head was a bear because the thought of hibernating and being lazy on cold seasons sounds like something I’d do… it’s the most stupidest reply I could give.

He ended up being one of the best, if not the nicest and funniest boss I ever had.”

15. That’s classy.

“Listen I have nothing against hiring a chick for the job, but I can’t afford to have you go off on maternity leave, so are you planning on getting knocked up in the near future?”

16. Not getting hired for this one.

“I was once asked about my religious upbringing in a job. I’m a teacher. The new principal was apparently a heavy born-again Christian-type.

My friends who had recommended me for the position had not had similar questions with the previous principal and were completely shocked I was asked this question.”

I am not religious and did not get the job.”

Ugh…weird stuff…

Has anything like this ever happened to you during a job interview?

If so, please share your story with us in the comments.

Give us all the dirt!

The post People Discuss the Weirdest Questions They Were Ever Asked During Job Interviews appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets That Remind Us We Have No Idea What Day It Is Right Now

The great Grouch Marx once said, “Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana.” If you don’t get it at first go back and read it a few more times. It’s a delightfully confusing quote about time that keeps rolling through my head in an era when nobody, including me, seems to have any idea where we are chronologically, ever.

At least the people on Twitter are being funny about it. Here’s 14 examples of tweets about how we’re all sort of lost in the wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey stuff.

14. The 8 Commandments

Yeah I think I remember these from The Bible.

13. Days’d and confused

If my phone breaks I think I’ll actually lose my soul.

12. A Planner Darkly

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

11. Thank God it’s whatever

We can start drinking even earlier! Or later? I don’t know how it works now.

10. The days are years

We need a whole new set of idioms.

9. Time is relative

It’s always now.

8. Public service announcement

Quit trying to take Rebecca Black’s job, she has this ONE THING.

7. It slows

I don’t know what “take your time” even means anymore.

6. Eternal matrimony

For as long as you both shall live.

5. Hot take

Whoa there buddy, I’m on Twitter to have a good time.

4. I hate Mondays

I wonder how Garfield feels about this latest revelation.

3. Digital fatigue

Even our robot butlers are bored.

2. Show-offs

Nobody likes a bragger.

1. Oh no…

But the other tweet said…ah, nevermind.

Maybe it’s time to invest in the sundial market. That seems about as sensible as anything else right now!

Oh, also, what day is it?

Tell us in the comments. We genuinely don’t know.

The post Tweets That Remind Us We Have No Idea What Day It Is Right Now appeared first on UberFacts.

Things People Probably Shouldn’t Have Texted to Their Boss

There are pros and cons to living in our connected world. With greater ease of instant communication comes more of a chance that we’re going to accidentally misuse it; like, say, sending your boss a text ABOUT your boss that you MEANT to send to your girlfriend and now you’re not sure if you’re still going to have a job tomorrow. Oops.

I need some kind of app that asks me if I’m ABSOLUTELY SURE I meant to send my message to certain contacts. We all need it.

Here are 13 examples of exactly why we all need it.

12. Can’t handle it

Why would you text this to your boss?

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11. Love is love

Clearly someone hasn’t read the handbook on office romance.

10. A reasonable request

Did you mean to say that?

9. Sass

I’m gonna need some popcorn to watch whatever happens after this.

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Texts from my boss. #bosstexts

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8. Sick of your crap

Some details maybe don’t need to be shared with anyone at all.

7. Don’t show weakness

Look we’re all thinking it but don’t say it out loud.

6. Texts from last night

Texting your boss should require a breathalyzer.

5. Self-evaluation

It’s always worse when there are pictures involved.

4. An adorable mess

Who could possibly be offended by this?

3. Happy birthday?

I don’t know who’s in the wrong here but it’s all-around miserable.

2. Party time

Hold on, why does your boss call you “Peewee?”

1. Behind your back

I wouldn’t count on that vacation.

Let this be a cautionary tale to us all. Maybe change your boss’ name in your contacts to just “CAREFUL!”

Have you ever done something like this?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Things People Probably Shouldn’t Have Texted to Their Boss appeared first on UberFacts.