Kids these days are raised on technology. It’s become such a ubiquitous part of our lives, and – let’s face it – it’s an easy way to buy a few moments of peace after a long day of parenting. We all do it, and that’s ok.
Listen, as long as you limit screen time it’s not a big deal. And even if the kids get a bit oversaturated on the tech, just remember how much TV you watched as a kid. Isn’t it better to have a babysitter that’s interactive than one that kids mindlessly stare at for hours on end?
The following 20 parents (and potential parents) honestly couldn’t care less what people think of how much tech they give their kids (or will give their kids). Because reasons. Deal with it.
1. It’s a part of life people. Time to accept that.
Photo Credit: Whisper
2. Yes, kids can be jerks.
Photo Credit: Whisper
3. Moderation is key.
Photo Credit: Whisper
4. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Photo Credit: Whisper
5. Keep the focus on what’s important.
Photo Credit: Whisper
6. Perhaps!
Photo Credit: Whisper
7. Bigger isn’t always better.
Photo Credit: Whisper
8. These are learning machines too!
Photo Credit: Whisper
9. Pro move.
Photo Credit: Whisper
10. Oh, that’s evil…
Photo Credit: Whisper
11. This parent has a solid plan!
Photo Credit: Whisper
12. Not a parent, but already planning…
Photo Credit: Whisper
13. Judge away! They could care less.
Photo Credit: Whisper
14. Coloring?! You ARE weird! 
Photo Credit: Whisper
15. A genuine concern about NOT having tech.
Photo Credit: Whisper
16. And you shouldn’t have a problem!
Photo Credit: Whisper
17. Kids become pro gamers these days!
Photo Credit: Whisper
18. They’ll learn eventually.
Photo Credit: Whisper
19. Whatever works!
Photo Credit: Whisper
20. Hey, at least they’re using their imagination!
Photo Credit: Whisper
If you still think tech usage is bad… imagine it in 20 years!
The post 20 Parents Whose Kids Are Obsessed with Technology appeared first on UberFacts.