10 of the Most Brutal Revenge Stories in History

Confession time: I’m actually a bit of a history nerd (or buff, if you prefer). History is full of so many interesting moments if you know where to look.

So go ahead and thank these 10 people in advance for telling some pretty amazing, true historical stories, this time about revenge.

#1. The best and the wisest out of the way

“Princess Olga of Kiev. Her husband was murdered by the Drevlians. So she was in charge of the city. Then the Drevlians wanted her to marry their prince. They sent 20 of their best men to convince her to marry their prince. She had them buried alive.

She then sent a message that she accepted the proposal, but required the Drevlians to send their best men to accompany her on her journey in order for the common people to accept the transition.

They sent the best and wisest men who governed their land. When they arrived she sent them up and offered them a bath house to get cleaned up and relax after the long journey. Once inside she barred the doors and burned it down.

With the best and wisest out of the way, she invited more of them over for a funeral service. And somehow not sensing the trap, 5,000 of them showed up. Once they were good and drunk she had her men kill all of them.

She then placed their city under siege. And after several days she asked for 3 pigeons and 3 sparrows from each household, claiming she didn’t want to burden their city any further. The people happily complied.

Olga then had her soldiers each take a bird and attach a burning coal to it (somehow) and released the birds and they all flew back to the city and it burned to the ground.

Damn it’s good to be gangster.”

#2. The Indian Slayer

“Maybe not the most satisfying but, the story of Tom Quick the Indian Slayer is pretty insane and fucked up. The Quick’s were one of the first white families to settle on the Delaware river near Milford PA. Initially they had good relation with the natives but after a group of them killed Tom Quick Sr., Jr. swore he would never rest until he killed the entire Lenape tribe, who were responsible. He supposedly killed 99 of them in his lifetime and on his death bed asked his son to bring him one more so he could make it an even 100. His son refused but after his death members of the Lenape stole his body, cut it up and sent parts to all the neighboring clans. Each clan had a pow-wow where they burnt their part of the body as a celebration of the death of their long time foe. The only problem was Tom Quick died of small pox and these pow-wow effectively spread the illness to nearly the entirely of the Lenape people. He swore he wouldn’t rest until he destroyed the tribe and in death, he did just that.

Here’s a write up from 1851 that paints him as a hero: http://www.jrbooksonline.com/HTML-docs/tom_quick_1851.htm”

#3. The men who killed his father

“Frank Eaton, who became a sharpshooter when he was 15 by outshooting everyone at a nearby fort, then personally hunted and shot down all the men who killed his father. One of the men was killed before Eaton could get to him, so he went to his funeral to make sure he was dead.”

#4. Long game revenge

“Count of monte Cristo is a pretty good one. That book is practically a standard for long game revenge.”

#5. A queen’s vengeance


(According to Tacitus’ version of events which are much more fucking metal).

Boudica, as queen of the Iceni after the death of her husband King Prasutagus, saw the Romans rape her daughters, confiscate her lands and then publicly flog her. So doing the sensible thing, she raises an army and marches on Camulodunum (Colchester) in AD60.

She massacres the population, methodically burns the city, and displays the bodies for miles around. After effectively destroying the IX Legion sent to relieve it, she marches on Londinium (London). This she also burns, to such an extent that a fine red layer of pottery fragments and brick ash is visible under London’s streets, and then does the same to Verulamium (St. Albans).

Boudica is only finally defeated by Governor Suetonius Paulinus, who marches down from his campaigns in Wales to halt her at the Battle of Wattling Street in AD. 61. By this point though, she’d killed around 80,000 Roman citizens and auxiliaries.”

#6. Without retribution

“The Cask of Amontillado, specifically because of the main character’s insistence on not only having revenge, but having it without retribution, and such that Fortunado knew that it was him who did it.”

#7. Not history, but it’s too good to leave out

“The giving tree.”

#8. Too sore to defend themselves

“The story of Dinah from the Old Testament.

TL;DR- Dude rapes girl, then asks her family to marry her. Family says sure, but all of your people need to be circumsized first.

After the circumcisions happened, the family fell on them and slaughtered the men while they were too sore to defend themselves.”

#9. Rural American Punisher

“Buford Hayse Pusser, he was sheriff, they killed his wife and he went on a one man war to rid his county of all crime. He was basically rural America Punisher.”

#10. A pretty good one

“Titus Andronicus is a pretty good one and an overall interesting book.”

I’m off to fall into a Wikipedia hole!

The post 10 of the Most Brutal Revenge Stories in History appeared first on UberFacts.

12+ People Reveal Shocking Truths They Learned About a Loved One After Their Death

Losing a loved one is always terrible, but it’s even worse still when their passing starts to reveal some unsettling truths about their life. Learning something unexpected after a loved one is gones can add a whole other level to unpack before you’re able to move on.

#1. It was a match.

“We very recently found out via ancestry.com that my grandfather had an illegitimate child that was born the year he married my grandmother. I have a half-aunt, blood test confirmed.

She’s 50, and only knew who her father could be (my grandpa) because her mother told her what his name possibly was; went looking, and she eventually found us. My mother sent her DNA test in to confirm, and it was a match.

Edit: he passed away 19 years ago, after a car accident.”

#2. He got away with it.

“After his death I found out my Biological father sent a bomb to his ex-wife’s work. My mom was pregnant with my baby sister at the time. Luckily ex-wife had some weird feeling and reported the package. A bomb squad was able to do a controlled detonation.

He got away with it.

This is what I know. Remember I was a very small child so all my info is second hand.

From what I’ve heard there were no prints, no unique parts, nothing really all that special about what was recovered from the bomb after detonation. The only sort of tie was a portion of the label which was apparently a really odd/specific size and manufacturer. The only local/semi local places that purchased them were a place he volunteered for and some random law office or similar. They got the ex to tip him off that there was a lead on the labels and they were trying to find places that kept them. Then they set up a camera in the supply closet to see if they could catch him destroying evidence. Apparently he went in, reached for them, dropped his hand, grabbed a pen or something instead, smiled to himself and walked out. The place was very easily accessed by a large and varied group of people from around the city.

I have no fucking clue how was able to get off Scott free. But my mom said the police and FBI never came to the house again. It seems bizarre that when I was 3 years old the FBI was at my house for a bombing case while I probably played with my cabbage patch kid and my my little ponies.

When I cleaned out his house a couple decades later I found a wooden cigar box hidden in a closet full of wires, very small pliers and such. I thought it was really weird. About a week later I found out about the bombing.

Again I’m not 100% on all the details. I’ve heard all this info from my half brother, his mom the ex, and my mom. It was so long ago and before internet news was much of a thing. If really at all a thing in our town. I would dig up more but I really think the fuck face deserves as little thought as possible.”

#3. He died saving people.

“My dad was an Air Force pilot who was killed in a crash during a plane malfunction. I grew up thinking he couldn’t do anything and couldn’t land and that was it. 20 years after he died, I found out he had the choice between jettisoning to safety and risking the plane landing on the base and killing people or steering the plane as far away from people as he could and going down with it. I hate that I grew up without a dad but I’m glad he at least died saving people.”

#4. Even his wife had no idea.

“My mom’s step-grandpa told everyone he was an electrician and that he was always being called out of town to do various repair jobs.

After he died, the family received a letter from the president of the United States, revealing that he was actually a demolitions expert and worked in some sort of special ops bomb squad for the military. Even his wife had no idea.”

#5. Huge shock to everyone.

“My grandpa was a CIA operative during the cold war whos job it was to intercept Russian transmissions. Nobody except my grandma knew and she never told a soul. When he died, we found all his documents and she finally had to tell us. Huge shock to everyone.”

#6. It was really sweet.

“When my grandma died, a lot of homeless people showed up to her funeral. Turns out she was or had fed/helped them. They were crying so much, it was really sweet.”

#7. I’m glad.

“I had an aunt who was severely disabled most of her life and confined to a wheelchair. I was surprised to find out after she died she had a lover most of her life with similar disabilities who passed away shortly before her. I’m glad she had someone in her life like that.”

#8. One of her greatest moments in life.

“A few years after my great aunt passed away, we found out that she had a daughter no one in our family knew about. The daughter, who I’ll call M, had been put up for adoption when my aunt was very young.

M had been searching for her missing side of the family since she was young, and was in her fifties when she finally found us. Unfortunately, she never got to meet her biological mother, but she and her daughters couldn’t be happier to have found us, and we have welcomed them in with open arms.

My family is very musically inclined and several of us play(ed) instruments, my great aunt included. M’s daughter is very musically talented and always says that she never knew where she got it from until she met us. Her daughter told us that learning there was this whole side of her family who is just like her was one of her greatest moments in life.

M acts and talks exactly like my aunt did, always saying quirky stuff and being very animated, which fascinates me because she never was able to grow up and live with my aunt. My family is very close knit, and it hit really hard when my aunt passed away, so finding this woman who is my aunt made over has been such a blessing.

Sorry for the long story, I just love telling it.”

#9. Money makes people do horrible things.

“My Great Uncle raised my mother on the family farm, He wrote the will so that the farm would be in a trust for my mother, and if it were sold the money would held in an account with the interest going to my grandmother until she died, then my mother could do as she pleased with it.

Years go by and the area undergoes massive expansion and housing and property is at a premium. He turned down multiple multi-million dollar offers because he wanted to die there and told the developers to come back after he was gone. He passes away, then my grandparents contest the will and have it changed to become their property.

They get in touch with one of the developers and start trying to sell, in the middle they declare bankruptcy and take the first offer…..$250000 instead of holding out for the big numbers. Best part is they go and buy a new house and pay cash, then promptly lose it a few years later for not paying taxes.

So in closing I got to witness my family get ripped apart, my families property that had been in the family for since the early 1800s get sold for a song and to top it off it all got pissed away for stupidity.

TLDR: Money makes people do horrible things.”

#10. To everyone’s amazement.

“An elderly man at church lived alone (a widower) and was thought to be quite poor.

Every Thanksgiving and Christmas, parishioners would bring him food baskets and practical things he could use for daily living.

To everyone’s amazement, when he died, he left the church just under $2 million with a letter expressing his gratitude for the years of care the church had shown him.”

#11. He had planned his suicide for years.

“After my brother’s suicide, I pieced together that he had planned his suicide for years and used this long period of time to set my mother up to have a mental break down.

He was a junior high teacher and also intentionally messed with his students by claiming that he knew his date of death. He gave them hints (which of course came true) and his death fucked them up too.”

#12. I have no idea.

“I learnt 2 hours before my partner committed suicide that almost everything he ever told me was a lie.

The hours after his death I learnt that myself and our daughter were actually his second family. I had been with him for 13 years. He had been with his wife and sons for almost 30 years.

I have no idea how it was possible that he kept 2 completely separate lives going for so long.”

#13. She didn’t know what to do.

“That my great aunt had a baby in the backyard and buried it. This was in the 40’s, she was a teenager and she became pregnant due to rape and she didn’t know what to do.

Edit: To answer the most asked question, nobody knows if the baby was alive when it was born but if it was, she most likely smothered it to stop its cries and then buried it.”

#14. Until I looked…

“I had a great aunt that lived with her son. Actually her son lived with her. But we found fucking nasty pictures of them fucking. I think my mom had a suspicion it was going on. They both died around the same time and my mom ended up as executor or whatever of the estate. I remember her specifically saying not to look at any pictures we found, but I had no idea why until I looked at them.”

#15. Monster.

“My great aunt died about a year ago. She was in her mid 70s. We were unpacking all her things and we found her diaries, some from years ago and some just before her death. In her diaries she had mentioned that she despised her sister (to be honest, non of us liked her), and didn’t like a lot of my cousins.

Most shocking, she kept on talking about a man who she called, ‘monster’. This man had been sexually harassing her and abusing her for years. She never mentioned it nor indicated that anything was wrong. We suspect that it was her boss.

I loved her dearly, she was so sweet.”

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15 People Reveal the Things Their Hometown is Infamous For

No matter where you end up in life, you’ll always remember your hometown. Maybe it’s a great place with fond memories, or maybe it’s a total s**thole that you’re glad to be away from. Every town has that one “thing” that defines it. Some places, though, have a darker claim to fame than others…

AskReddit users went on the record and shared what their hometowns are infamously known for.

1. Not the South

“I’ll preface this by saying this is not the South.

Back in the day, a crowd tried to lynch a black man over an alleged assault. A mob gathered, overpowered police, and stormed the courthouse where he was on trial. In an attempt to stop the violence, many government officials tried to address the crowd themselves. After none of this proved successful, the Mayor, fearing for his life, shot a member of this mob. The mob then attempted to hang the mayor as well.

Nowadays, it’s still one of the most dangerous cities in America, however only if you’re black.”

2. True crime

“A disproportionately high unsolved murder rate. In my 40+ years alive, there’s been less than 10 murders, (probably less than 5, but the last couple years have been a little crazy). Of those only like 3 are solved.”

3. It’s complicated

“The waterfall we have here and part of the Erie Canal. And it’s kind of a ghetto place. There’s the snobby tourist who come in and judge the people who live here. Like, dude take your hipster butt somewhere else if you don’t like us.”

4. The Big Easy

“Jambalaya, red beans and rice, Popeyes, Mardi Gras, French quarter, Bourbon Street, oh and Arby’s on canal.”

5. Dallas

“JFK got an unpleasant greeting from a guy named Lee Harvey.”

6. C’mon, sheriff…

“Our sheriff arrested Willie Nelson’s band… for weed.”


7. Well, sh*t

“Being full of sh*tty people. I’m not even kidding, if you go anywhere else in the province, and you mention my hometown, people usually grimace or pity you or even straight up ask you if you’re a piece of sh*t like everyone else there.”

8. Dad doesn’t reside there

“Big old prison. Smaller newer prison.

The big old one is used in films a lot, for example Shawshank.

The funny thing is, being born there it had no connotations for me. So when my parents split up and we moved, and people asked where my father was, and I told them, they all assumed he was locked up good.”

9. Deep in the heart of Texas

“Andrea Yates

Clara Harris

Enron collapse

Candy Man killer in the 70s (I didn’t exist then)”

10. Oscar!

“A giant, possibly man-eating, certainly terrifying snapping turtle, whose name is Oscar. We also have the oldest continuous annual festival in Indiana, which is a celebration of same turtle.”

11. Hellhole

“Very little, but Fatboy Slim, who grew up there, once called it “A suburban hellhole” which made the front cover of the local newspaper for three weeks in a row as people were so upset. He wasn’t wrong though.”

12. Google it

“The local football/Soccer team lied and said one of the players died so they didn’t have to play a match. (Players wanted to go to a stag do) There was a minutes silence for him and everyone thought he was dead. He was fine and just went home to Spain. This was like 2 days ago lol. Google it. Clubs name is Ballybrack FC. It’s been all over the news and I imagine it’s what we’re gonna be known for from now on.”

13. A sad state of affairs

“Apparently it’s a heroin death rate 25x the national average.”

14. Not a good combo

“Country music and meth.”

15. What an honor

“We were the subject of a 4chan prank and got Pitbull to come to our Walmart.”

The post 15 People Reveal the Things Their Hometown is Infamous For appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Reveal the Things Their Hometown is Infamous For

No matter where you end up in life, you’ll always remember your hometown. Maybe it’s a great place with fond memories, or maybe it’s a total s**thole that you’re glad to be away from. Every town has that one “thing” that defines it. Some places, though, have a darker claim to fame than others…

AskReddit users went on the record and shared what their hometowns are infamously known for.

1. Not the South

“I’ll preface this by saying this is not the South.

Back in the day, a crowd tried to lynch a black man over an alleged assault. A mob gathered, overpowered police, and stormed the courthouse where he was on trial. In an attempt to stop the violence, many government officials tried to address the crowd themselves. After none of this proved successful, the Mayor, fearing for his life, shot a member of this mob. The mob then attempted to hang the mayor as well.

Nowadays, it’s still one of the most dangerous cities in America, however only if you’re black.”

2. True crime

“A disproportionately high unsolved murder rate. In my 40+ years alive, there’s been less than 10 murders, (probably less than 5, but the last couple years have been a little crazy). Of those only like 3 are solved.”

3. It’s complicated

“The waterfall we have here and part of the Erie Canal. And it’s kind of a ghetto place. There’s the snobby tourist who come in and judge the people who live here. Like, dude take your hipster butt somewhere else if you don’t like us.”

4. The Big Easy

“Jambalaya, red beans and rice, Popeyes, Mardi Gras, French quarter, Bourbon Street, oh and Arby’s on canal.”

5. Dallas

“JFK got an unpleasant greeting from a guy named Lee Harvey.”

6. C’mon, sheriff…

“Our sheriff arrested Willie Nelson’s band… for weed.”


7. Well, sh*t

“Being full of sh*tty people. I’m not even kidding, if you go anywhere else in the province, and you mention my hometown, people usually grimace or pity you or even straight up ask you if you’re a piece of sh*t like everyone else there.”

8. Dad doesn’t reside there

“Big old prison. Smaller newer prison.

The big old one is used in films a lot, for example Shawshank.

The funny thing is, being born there it had no connotations for me. So when my parents split up and we moved, and people asked where my father was, and I told them, they all assumed he was locked up good.”

9. Deep in the heart of Texas

“Andrea Yates

Clara Harris

Enron collapse

Candy Man killer in the 70s (I didn’t exist then)”

10. Oscar!

“A giant, possibly man-eating, certainly terrifying snapping turtle, whose name is Oscar. We also have the oldest continuous annual festival in Indiana, which is a celebration of same turtle.”

11. Hellhole

“Very little, but Fatboy Slim, who grew up there, once called it “A suburban hellhole” which made the front cover of the local newspaper for three weeks in a row as people were so upset. He wasn’t wrong though.”

12. Google it

“The local football/Soccer team lied and said one of the players died so they didn’t have to play a match. (Players wanted to go to a stag do) There was a minutes silence for him and everyone thought he was dead. He was fine and just went home to Spain. This was like 2 days ago lol. Google it. Clubs name is Ballybrack FC. It’s been all over the news and I imagine it’s what we’re gonna be known for from now on.”

13. A sad state of affairs

“Apparently it’s a heroin death rate 25x the national average.”

14. Not a good combo

“Country music and meth.”

15. What an honor

“We were the subject of a 4chan prank and got Pitbull to come to our Walmart.”

The post 15 People Reveal the Things Their Hometown is Infamous For appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Abandoned Film Sets That Are Hauntingly Beautiful and Still Intact

Everything is make-believe in Hollywood, and it’s no surprise that after countless productions, there are a lot of sets that get left behind. Eventually, they’re reclaimed by Mother Nature, as is the way of all things. There’s something eery about places like these, as if the ghosts of the past are still there. And while there’s no reason to think any of these still-intact film sets are teeming with ghosts, well…there’s no reason to think they’re not, either.

#1. Port Royal (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Image Credit: Disney

Image Credit: Twitter

The set was constructed on St. Vincent, on Wallilabou Bay, and you can find many of the set pieces still hanging out like someone is coming back for them.

#2. Bus/Train crash (The Fugitive)

Image Credit: Warner Bros.

Image Credit: YouTube

The bus/train crash from the film was physically recreated…and left to decompose somewhere in the Great Smoky Mountains. Tell me you wouldn’t run the other way if you happened upon this in the wild.

#3. Gas station (The Hills Have Eyes)

Image Credit: Fox Searchlight

Image Credit: YouTube

This creepy horror flick takes place in Nevada, but if you want to visit this relic of the set, you’ll have to trek all the way to Ouarzazate, Morocco.

#4. The Long Branch Saloon (Gunsmoke)

Image Credit: CBS/Twitter

The building is still standing in Kanab, Utah, though based on these pictures it looks as if that might not be the case for long.

#5. The diner from Looper.

Image Credit: Reddit

Image Credit: Endgame Entertainment

Out in the middle of nowhere, Louisiana, and completely intact, as if it was dropped there by aliens. Or, you know…time travelers.

#6. Popeye’s village (Popeye, 1980)

Image Credit: Paramount, Flickr

The village was constructed in Malta and left to the country’s government after wrapping. They’ve done nothing to keep it up, but it does function as a tourist attraction if you’re up for a visit.

#7. The Bar None Ranch (Hey, Dude!)

Image Credit: Nickelodeon

Image Credit: YouTube

If you’re a millennial, this probably looks familiar, but Nickelodeon hasn’t used the set since 1991.

#8. Westworld Set Piece

Image Credit: HBO, Instagram

The Hawthorne Mall, in California, has been closed since 1999 but Hollywood can’t leave it alone – Taylor Swift also shot her “Ready For It” music video inside.

#9. District 12 (The Hunger Games)

Image Credit: Lionsgate, Instagram

The set, in Henry River Mill, NC, looks more like it belongs in the final installments of the trilogy cause it’s rundown and eerily empty.

#10. The American West in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Image Credit: United Artists, Instagram

It’s actually Texas Hollywood and, oddly enough, stands untouched in Almeria, Spain. Huh.

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10+ Flight Attendants Dish on the Most Ridiculous Passengers They’ve Ever Dealt With

From the outside, working as a flight attendant might look like a pretty cushy gig. You get to fly to exotic locales, meet interesting people and eat all the peanuts you want. But, in reality, they have to deal with a whole lot of nonsense and interact with folks at their absolute worst.

In these AskReddit stories, flight attendants (and people who’ve witnessed flight attendant horror stories) shared the most ridiculous and wildest passengers they’ve ever come in contact with.

Next time you fly, give them a break, huh?

1. Another slap in the face

“A lady with a very fake British accent basically behaved the same. And then she touched the female flight attendant who was probably half her weight. Next thing was the French flight attendant and her colleague tackling her and restraining her (with the rest of the crew helping). I got a bit involved (and almost spat on) as they called for medical personnel to make sure she wasn’t hurt or psychotic (she wasn’t).

Once landed she was released from her seat by a cop. Who she directly slapped across the face. Which is never a good idea. But a really bad idea in a predominantly muslim country. She got dragged out of the airplane.”

2. Drug mule

“My wife used to be a flight attendant.

They were coming back from Brazil and some dude had swallowed a bunch of drugs to smuggle. They ended up popping inside his stomach and when he realized it he was sticking his whole hand down his throat to try and claw it out. She said she still has nightmares to this day about his eyes and him screaming to save him. They had to restrain him and cover him with a blanket.”

3. He started crying

“Not a flight attendant, but last Christmas I was flying from Amsterdam to Seattle, and you know how you have to “have your window shades open, have your tray tables locked, your seat in an upright position and the arm rests down for take off and landing” ya, well this 50ish year old grumpy face of an old man literally did the opposite of all those things. (Was being a complete boob the whole 9 hour flight)

So when the attendant came by to tell him to get his stuff together, he pretended to be asleep and ignored her, so she shoved his seat forward and slammed his try table up. This guy starts screaming at her, flailing his arms, and STARTS CRYING, yes, crying because she was “rude.”

I’m literally just staring at this dude in pure disbelief.

Then when we finally land, they were like “please stay seated until the seatbelt sigh turns off.” This idiot stands up while we’re taxiing and starts to get in the overhead bin. So the same flight attendant comes by and in the sternest and most pissed off voice, says “sit. Down. Right. Now.” She slams the overhead bin closed and just returns to her seat.

That woman needs a raise.”

4. No more booze

“I was working on a return flight from Moscow to New York at the back of the plane. One of the guys smuggled on a 5th of jack Daniel’s and was drinking that along with the free drinks we passed out on international flights. None of us really cared that he had smuggled on the bottle and was drinking it with his friends but we thought it was stupid since we offered free booze.

Everything was fine until he asks the flight attendant for another drink and when she leaned over to put it on his tray, he licked the side of her neck. We confiscated his alcohol and shut down drink service for the rest of the flight after that.”

5. Outburst

“Not a flight attendant, but I’ll share. You know how as soon as you get to the gate and the seatbelt sign turns off people leap out of their seats to stand around, this takes it to a new level.

A man in his 50s or 60s is at the front of the plane with his elderly mother. As soon as the seatbelt sign turns off, he jumps up, unbuckles his mother and lifts her up.

Attendant: Sir, we just got to the gate, there isn’t a wheelchair here yet. Please put your mother down until the wheelchair comes.
Attendant: Sir, they are bringing the chair to the gate now, but it isn’t here.
Attendant: Sir, please put your mother down.

This continues on for another minute until the man finally loses his strength and breath.”

6. A veteran

“Getting ready to board a flight from California to Vegas (Vegas flights were notorious for being “eventful”) and we didn’t have a jetway. So this was a flight that had passengers come outside the terminal and board up the stairs. Lady comes out the door, puts down her bag, and starts pretending to be an airplane zooming around with her arms outstretched. Mmmmkay. Keeping an eye on her at this point. She comes on board, and has a cat with her in its carrier.

While we’re taking a seat count (for weight and balance before takeoff), the other FA and I notice she took the cat out, which isn’t allowed. We tell her to put the cat back and keep it secure for the flight. She complies, we take off, and before we’re even at 10k ft I see a cat head poke out into the aisle from her seat area. You fucking kidding me? I have to get up, while still in a very steep angled takeoff, and tell her to put the fucking cat back in its crate. Poor kitty was clawing at the seat and terrified. Luckily she behaved after that.

Another time I had a pair of sisters who started drinking, no big deal. First sister said the other was a nervous flyer. They were behaving so I let them order more drinks. They each had four, but still seemed fine. Come to find out the nervous sister had also taken Xanax before the flight – great. She comes to the back lavatory and has already wet her pants. Oh god. She asks if I can make her another drink, “but this time it needs to be Christmas tree!” Uhhhh, I think you’ve had enough for now. Rest of the flight is fine. We land and start to deplane and as I’m saying goodbye to passengers I hear a WHOMP. The hell?!

It was her. She totally ate shit and face planted in the middle of the aisle right before the galley. She gets up and there’s blood on her mouth, so I tell the captain to call medics down. They get her into a straight-back wheelchair and as they’re strapping her in she starts asking, “Are we in Denver?!” over and over. The medic goes, “No, were in Omaha and you need to hold still!” (And no, Denver was not where we left from either.)

I also had a mother and son who boarded, and our plane had a seat that was MEL’d. (Minimum Equipment List is for things that are broken but not anything that’s bad enough to keep you from flying the plane – so this seat would be fixed when we got back to our base that had maintenance workers.) This seat literally had no seat cushion, and had bright green tape over the armrests with a sign saying it was out of order. While I was still boarding passengers, the mother had taken the tape off, sat her son in the seat, and put the tape back on the armrests on top of his arms.

I looked at him, looked at her, and said, “Ma’am, he can’t sit there, the seat is out of service.” Of course I helped them find seats together somewhere else, but man, that was weird.

I have a million of these stories, lol.”

7. Annoying

“Not a flight attendant.

Was on a flight from the UK to Japan. As soon as we were cruising the guy diagonally in front of me reclines his seat. That doesn’t bother me: we all need to relax. But it’s a personal insult to the woman beside me (directly behind him). She immediately attacks his seat, quickly growing increasingly violent while the guy ignores her. Flight attendant gets involved. Somehow it’s this guy’s fault that the lady had cancer. She argued with the flight attendant for at least 30 mins before loudly giving up.

It was a long flight.”

8. Nice to meet you

“I was sitting next to a couple with a baby that was nursing who unlatched suddenly causing me to get squirted in the face with breast milk.

It was definitely an ice breaker.”

9. Weirdo radar

“I am a flight attendant for a major airline, have been with current airline for 7 years. I gotta say – over those years, my “weirdo” radar has gotten considerably more lenient.

you get a lot of run of the mill odd balls, or just people from different cultures who have different ways of doing things.

there is one person who sticks out in my mind as being absolutely a nutball. she was traveling with her ~8 year old daughter. to this woman everything was the end of the world. out of a certain drink? oh god how will I go on! the straw that broke the camels back was when our wifi was down momentarily and she got in my face screaming at me (we had two hours left until landing, and it was an overnight flight so she was definitely disturbing other passengers who were just trying to sleep) about how her life was ruined and it was all my fault the wifi was down.

her daughter started crying because the mom was being obviously psycho and the moms response was to slap her daughter, turn to me and threaten to have me fired. while she was screaming that I was going to “never have a job again” she started poking my shoulder. if there’s one thing you don’t do on an airplane, it’s touch the flight attendant especially in an aggressive manner. from then on we straight up ignored her, and told her only to ring her call button if there was a medical emergency.

we got to our destination, had the cops meet her just to escort her out of the airport so she didn’t stick around to yell at us any more. she decided not to go quietly. SHE SLAPPED THE COP ACROSS HIS FACE and from then on it was out of my hands. mostly I just felt bad for the daughter.”

10. How to get banned

“Had a flight get f-ed up so the airline upgraded my next flight to first class. It was a pretty long flight so sweet. I happen to sit next to a retired flight attendant and, being the pro she is, she orders us a bottle of Champaign. I didn’t know you could get the bottle on a flight but I’m not asking any questions.

Obviously I ask her for her horror stories. She’s like, “I can’t tell you names, but I’ve seen some very famous people get banned from airlines.” Not off the flight, from the whole airline.

How to get banned from an airline (drugs and booze help, but apparently some people don’t need those):

climb the food & beverage cart while it’s in use
accost flight staff repeatedly
let your kids climb on other passengers and blame the other passengers
DIY medical emergency via drug / alcohol abuse
incite a riot mid-flight
We had a blast that flight, she was lovely.”

11. Probably shouldn’t do that

“My sister in law is a flight attendant. And a very sexy one at that! She had a drunk guy offer to buy her pantyhose for $500. He wanted her to go in the bathroom and remove them and give them to him. She said she would have done it but didn’t want anyone she works with to notice her pantyhose were no longer on.”

12. Classy

“My fellow flight attendant had the pleasure of kicking Lil Pump off her flight last year (for those of you who are blessed enough to not know him, he is an obnoxious mumble rapper). Him and his whole entourage were screaming and throwing money during the flight and were super drunk and taking percocets. They diverted the flight and kicked them off. He so thoughtfully dedicated a verse about it in his song Gucci gang.”

13. Up to something

“Flight attendant here. Quick one hour flight, we board, uneventful. We get in the air and this guy is paranoid. Edge of his seat, looking around. He’s either on something or is a schizophrenic who didn’t take his meds. We (the crew) are doing our service thing, but watching this guy.

He calls me over several times, points out a different passenger each time and mumbles about them being “up to something.” I assure the guy everything is fine, make small talk with him, and try to land without incident. He keeps up the paranoia, this time grabbing a young girl who is trying to walk past him to go to the lav. Now he has to be supervised non stop since grabbing a teenage girl is a no no.

The Captain has been filled in that we’re keeping an eye on this guy, and it’s getting close to landing time. Just prior to touching down, he jumps up and rushes the exit. Me and another passenger, an off duty pilot who is quite buff, rush over to what we assume is a guy trying to pop the exit doors. All the passengers who have been watching the shenanigans go into f**k this s**t mode, and physically restrain the guy, while the plane is landing and taxiing.

Meanwhile the guy is yelling about some other passenger having a gun. We get to the gate, cops come on, and the guy attacks a cop and tries to flee across the tarmac, meanwhile I’m watching this happen in the galley from the galley. I google the guy’s name and of course he has a history. The gate agent I find out later had a problem with him at the originating airport too but never bothered to inform us about him. Company sent me a $25 gift card for dealing with all of that.”

14. A little unstable

“There was one guy who kept insistently pressing the help button before we even took off. “Just making sure it works,” he said. Then, during the presentation, he kept insisting I repeat myself. At once point, he shushed the women behind him that were talking to each other, supposedly because he couldn’t hear. Then, he asked “how do we know that the best people possible are in the emergency rows?” Yeah. Yeah, he did.

Oh, and I’m pretty sure that he suspected one of the passengers had murdered his wife. Never mind the fact that his wife was sitting right next to the man. Weirdo.”

15. Keep your mouth shut

“A little off topic but I felt the most ridiculous I’ve ever felt. I was flying from ATL-CDG on Delta. I like sitting in the last row especially on the 777. When I got to my seat I noticed the armrest between the two seats was broken and flopped around. As I worked in law enforcement it was my habit to let someone know if something was broken so I showed it to the flight attendant behind me.

Everyone boarded but the plane stayed at the gate for a while past departure time. About then the Captain of the plane came back to look at the seat. He asked me if I was ok sitting there. I was so embarrassed that I had been holding up departure. Staff was very kind and courteous. In the future I’ll keep my mouth shut unless it’s something that could endanger someone’s life.”


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10+ People Share the Most Improbable Thing That Ever Happened to Them

Have you ever had a moment where something happened that you just couldn’t believe? Something that made you think, “What are the odds?” You hear people say that a lot, but it’s not usually about anything that improbable.

These folks on AskReddit, however, have had some extremely random things happen to them — some downright weird, lucky, random things.

See for yourself.

1. Stolen ID

“In 2012 I was mugged at gunpoint while walking home late at night. Lost my wallet and phone but fortunately was fine. Reported to police and never got my stuff back, no surprise.

4 years later I had moved 4500 km away and got a phone call from my sister. She was at a music festival and lost her ID. A guy camping next to her found it, noticed the address on her drivers license. He recognized it because it was the same as the address of the fake ID he had been using. He had my ID from my wallet that had been stolen 4 years earlier.

My sister handed him the phone and I was more amazed than anything, but I asked where he had got it from, and it sounded like it had been passed around a few people at the school he went to. I told him I didn’t want it back, but asked him to promise to not give it to anyone else, and not to steal my identity.

So far my identity hasn’t been stolen.”

2. Freeze!

“I had a police helicopter light me up in my car with the spotlight and red and blue lights. Pulled over and waited for what I assumed was a swat team coming to get me. Waited 10 mins and then the lights went off and it flew away.

The statistically improbable part is that I was selling weed and had just made a drop. So I thought I was done for. Nope…. Never found out why they lit me up.”

3. WOW

“I have a good one!

When I was still dating my wife, she was on vacation with her parents in Cancun and her flight was cancelled due to a storm. She had a hugely important job interview coming up and no one in the airport could get her on a flight home in time. She called me, frantic, from her hotel asking me to help.

So, I went on the airport website and found a single first-class ticket to fly to JFK that same night. I bought it, knowing it might not still be available after calling my then-girlfriend to confirm. $1,400 later, I call her hotel in Cancun only to find she and her parents have checked out and are nowhere to be found. This was quite a while ago, so they did not have cell phones with international plans.

Now freaking out more than a little, I call both the hotel and the airport multiple times trying to get in touch with her. No luck. So I Google to see if there are any other numbers listed for the airport, where I assume she must be, and I come across a crappy looking little website listing what it claims to be the phone numbers of a bank of pay phones in the airport.

I called the first number on that list of pay phones. It rings for a while, and someone picks up. It’s my wife’s voice. In the middle of a Mexican airport jam-packed with stuck travelers, she overheard that exact payphone ringing and happened to pick it up.

I passed her all the flight details, spoke again with the airport to confirm she could board. She got on the flight to JFK with 15 minutes to spare. She now tells this story as the day she decided to marry me.

Oh yeah, and she got the job.”

4. Seriously, what are the chances?

“I bought a family reunion T-shirt (not my family) at a thrift store outside Houston. Two years later at Northwestern University outside Chicago I was wearing the shirt, and I ran into a guy in the dining hall wearing the same shirt. He was also not in the family.”

5. Weird

“When I was in middle school I friend requested around 30 people with the same name as me. only like 4 accepted but around 6 or 7 years after that I was scrolling through Facebook and saw my name was tagged in something. The picture was at a basketball tournament I went to the previous weekend but when I looked at the picture while I was on the other teams beach the person that was tagged was playing against us.

The crazy part was we both travelled 500+ miles from different sides of the country to play in the same tournament on different teams in the same game and picture. And the only reason I saw the picture was I friended other people with the same name as me when I was 11.”

6. That’s…extremely bad luck

“Not me, a friend.

He was very depressed and became a hermit, picking up agoraphobic fears. He was convinced bad things happen when he leaves the house. Usually referring to injuries or mess sups that did happen to him.

Myself and others convinced him to take a college class just to get out of the house 3 hours a week. He already had a college degree, even from an ivy league school.

It was an elective class, only 15 people. The only thing he had to do for the class was a group project with two other people. One member never showed up, so he spent all his time with the other student.

The partner was a transfer from one of those good California schools. My friend bonded with him in class. Things were looking up for my friend’s morale.

3 days before they were set to present, the entire college shut down because of a murder. His partner was the culprit.

My friend was called in for questioning, but that’s it. The other student was found guilty and is now sitting out a life sentence.

If that wasn’t enough, we convinced my friend to take another class at a different college the following semester.

He became friendly with the kid that sat next to him. A month in, the other student went missing, then found dead. Authorities say it was a suicide.

We’re not making him take anymore classes. He hasn’t left the house since.”

7. Gramps?

“When at college we had old style (plug in) phones in each of our rooms. Never used them, didn’t even know the number. One day mine rang, I picked it up and some old guy was asking for a Phillip. I told him that, no, there wasn’t a Phillip here – but this old guys voice sounded really familiar, like really really familiar, like I was 90% sure, so I asked,

“Grandpa? *(Insert grandpa’s full name) Is that you?” (It was)

Turns out he was trying to call an old friend, and had been pressing 2 instead of 5 when dialing the number ie 2782 387 instead of 5785 387. And it happened to be the phone number to my room.”

8. See you in the sky

“My father and I are both airline pilots. Early one morning I am working a flight from Louisville to Detroit and he is going from Columbus to Chicago. It’s quiet on the radios at that early hour when ATC calls out some traffic for us to look for, and us to another aircraft. When I hear my dad answer the radio. Shortly after that, he says hi to me, and I reply with “Hi Dad.” Then we passed directly over his aircraft by 1000 feet. One of the coolest moments of my flying career to date.

Follow up: Thanks for all the support. It means a lot to know people find it as cool as I did. It was a pretty significant moment for me because I was a little a**hole when I was young and flying and our shared love for aviation was what really made my Dad and my relationship take off (pun intended).”

9. What are the odds?

“I was telling my coworkers about an interesting customer of mine from a month before, who looked like a hobo but bought a very nice product and talked about his international travels, to remind them not to judge customers on appearances only. Right as I finished the story, he walked in to buy another identical one as backup.

Cue a month or so later and I was telling the story again to a different coworker, with the update that he’d appeared as if summoned the last time… AND YET AGAIN he walked in right on the heels of my story about him, to buy again.

…he’s probably standing at the locked door of the closed store now since I told the story again….”

10. Magic wallet

“I lost my wallet one night partying in Redondo Beach. About a month later I was sitting down on some big boulders that make up the breakwater again in Redondo and I looked down by my feet and there was my wallet, sitting there water logged on one of the rocks. Nothing missing out of it. About a year later, the same wallet goes missing again. I’m like wtf is going on? No idea. So a month later, I’m in a random grocery store and the cashier sorta recognizes me and says “hey stay right here” She goes over to an office and comes back with my wallet. Nothing missing. Had all my cash still there.”

11. What just happened?

“Opened a beer while sitting around a bonfire, threw the cap in the fire and it bounced in the air off a log and landed on top of my friends beer. We just froze. I don’t even want to know the chances of making that happen again.”

12. Oh, hi there

“I went to a small university in the midwest, less than 6,000 students.

I bumped into an old classmate one day. On a train in southern Japan.”

13. Pain in the ass

“Someone with multiple felonies has my same birthday to the year and first, middle and last name as well as the same eye color and height in my state. It makes all background checks a big pain the ass as well as renewing any official documents like my drivers license.”

14. Old friends

“I run into the same Ukrainian guy every time I go to the Vegas airport. He was my roommate briefly in college and since then it’s happened three times.”

15. Same name

“First day of fourth grade a guy and I were confused because we both have the same name and last name, no middle name. Had to deal with that through elementary and middle school. He goes to the same college as me and back in the day we were pretty good friends.

An annoying thing is that we’d get each other’s papers, grades, Test scores handed to each other. Just from habit I know his old school ID number to this day, as well as his birthday lmao. Even a couple years back a guy sent me a message on FB saying that I’ll be his roommate but I live at home. I immediately knew he was talking about the other guy and gave the other guy’s account.”

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If You Know a Kevin, They’re Probably an Idiot (According to Reddit)

Do you know a Kevin? Are they kind of a jerk, or an idiot? Maybe they’re an overachiever who’s a jerk and an idiot? I mean, really think about all the Kevins in your life. I have to admit, I don’t want to generalize against any nice, smart Kevins out there, but the ones I’ve known definitely fit the bill.

So, are all Kevins really idiots or just misunderstood?

Like most weird phenomena, you only need to visit Reddit to see proof of this Kevin a-hole’s stupid existence.

So grab a brewski (because that’s what Kevin often drinks) and scroll through these 15 pieces of evidence to decide for yourself if Kevin is really a nitwit or not.

Photo Credit: Pxhere

But, first a definition

Photo Credit: Reddit

1. Dr. Kevina

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Kevina gets confused about all the States.

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. If Kevins don’t know the answer, they will ask the question.

Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit

5. Kevin is hard to live with.

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. The Stupid Diaries

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Kevin is a flat earther, obviously.

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Kevin is deluded.

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Kevin should be bubble-wrapped.

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Kevin is a rebel without a clue.

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Kevinas are people too.

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Kevin can’t learn a damn thing.

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. Falling Kevins seems to be a recurring theme.

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. Sometimes adorable.

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. Oh, Kevin.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Kevins may be dumber than big bags of rocks, but wouldn’t we miss them if they weren’t here making the rest of us look like geniuses?

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10 Deeply Profound Shower Thoughts

Shower thoughts are the random little epiphanies that you experience while you’re showering (hence the name). There’s just something about idly scrubbing between your toes that opens up your mind in ways you can’t access at other times. Some of these thoughts can be truly revelatory. Others… are a bit more random.

Reddit’s “Shower Thoughts” thread is chock full of these useless ideas.

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/tr666ple_6


Photo Credit: Reddit, u/JetSetMiner

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/k1l2327

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/PainMatrix

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/Free-Tshirts

The next time you step into the shower, remember your thoughts aren’t as crazy as you might think.

The post 10 Deeply Profound Shower Thoughts appeared first on UberFacts.

This Hidden Shrine of Danny DeVito Inside a College Bathroom is Raising So Many Questions

Danny DeVito is a pretty famous guy. He’s played some memorable roles in films like Matilda and Get Shorty, as well as his extended run on TV’s It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. But he’s not exactly the kind of actor you’d think would have a shrine dedicated to him, right?

Wrong. Apparently, students at New York’s SUNY Purchase College have done just that… or they created a cult following for their leader, Danny DeVito. Who knows.

Here’s what we know: recently, someone discovered a secret shrine in one of the college’s bathrooms, hidden behind a paper towel dispenser.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @reasonssmile

Not only is it wonderfully creepy and/or charming (depending on who you ask), it’s filled with treasures left behind for the It’s Always Sunny in Philiadelphia star. Plastic spoons, cigarettes, liquor bottles, and a graffiti picture of Squidward, to name a few, were laid at the feet of a cardboard cut out of DeVito.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @reasonssmile

Photo Credit: Twitter, @helaineDiane

Once the Administration caught wind, they tweeted:

Photo Credit: Twitter, @SUNY_Purchase

But soon after it went viral and students began clawing to give thanks and service to the shrine, the school sealed it up.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @Lauren_f0StER

Many students, as well as other twitter enthusiasts, took to reviving it in various ways to show the love and support every fallen shrine deserves.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @cfields1031

Photo Credit: Twitter, @Mildly_Fun

Photo Credit: Twitter, @heIIishboi

Danny had a good laugh as well and sent an important message about garbage:

Photo Credit: Twitter, @DannyDeVito

But questions still remain…Who did this? Why the obsession with DeVito? And how in the world did they find a removable paper towel dispenser? Alas, we may never know the truth, and I hope it doesn’t keep you up at night wondering as well…

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