15 Hilarious Responses to the “Straight Pride” Parade in Boston

That’s right, in case you haven’t heard, some people in Boston planned a “straight pride” parade in response to all the gay pride events taking place in June. It may be pride month, but you know how oppressed straight white men are in this country.

Here are some of the funniest reactions to the planned event.

1. Nailed it

2. Hahahaha

3. Pretty much

4. Nobody wants it

5. Looks like a blast

6. A humiliating defeat

7. Bros…

8. Can you spare some?

9. Boom

10. Sounds awesome

11. This is taking forever…

12. LOL

13. July is the best

14. Beige all day

15. Yes!

Sounds like it’s gonna be a real hoot!

The post 15 Hilarious Responses to the “Straight Pride” Parade in Boston appeared first on UberFacts.

People Reveal the Most Awkward Situations They’ve Had with a Stranger

Weirdos are EVERYWHERE! And sometimes, unfortunately, we have to interact with them sometimes.

In this AskReddit article, people share their very awkward stranger encounters.

1. That is incredibly awkward

“Was adopted at birth. Learned who my birth family was in early 30s. Had met a sister but nobody else yet. Sister tells me grandpa is being taken off life support (cancer) and wants to talk to me before he dies. Travel to hospital several hours away. Meet mom in hospital lobby for the first time ever. Go to grandpa’s room where all of his, and my, family are.

They are all there to say their goodbyes. Probably only 5% of them knew of my existence. Suddenly all the attention is on me, the stranger. The have me kneel by his side and he apologizes through tears for pressuring my mom, that I just met, to give me away for adoption. People looked pretty shocked including me. The experience was a thousand emotions and awkward was in there somewhere.”

2. That is kind of crazy

“I am a pediatric nurse, but we “float” (substitute) to other floors when we have more nurses than we need. So I was sent to an adult floor to work as an assistant, since theirs had called in sick. An older male patient called out asking for help to get up to the bathroom. He stood, tried to pivot, and the newly operated on knee gave out. All 320 pounds of him came down on top of me and we laid there for almost an hour. I had closed the door for privacy, and neither he nor I could yell loud enough nor reach the call light for help.

My phone was 10 feet from me on the floor after it fell out of my scrubs and rang incessantly. Finally the other assistant came to find me because she wanted to go on break and was tired of having to do all my work. The patient was fine, since he fell on me, I was sore for a week. We were nose to nose the whole time and boy was it awkward. His breath was terrible, but he was a nice man and felt so bad.”

3. Mistaken (dog) identity

“Once I was at a dog groomers to pick up my dog. It’s fairly small (20lbs) and white. Usually when I take him, he’s got long semi curly hair and when I pick him up he has short straight hair, which is quite a change and this is what I expect when I go to pick him up.

I walk up to the counter and request my dog and the clerk tells me he’ll be out in a moment. 30 seconds later an attendant walks out to the lobby from the back door with a dog that immediately gets excited and tries to run away as soon as it rounds the corner to me.

“Hey buddy!” I say as I walk up and attempt to pick up my dog, but it turns around and starts recoiling back and gives me a nip as I try picking him up. An old man behind me asks “Hey is that your dog?” And me thinking it’s a pretty weird question respond “yep!”

At that point he goes “I don’t think so mister, that’s my dog” and as I turn and realize this dog that looks just like mine after a grooming is 100% not my dog my face goes completely red and the whole lobby starts laughing. To make it worse, the old couple whose dog it was stuck around just because they wanted to see what my dog actually looked like and of course when he came out with a different haircut there was only a vague resemblance. Yikes.”

4. Dating game

“I serve in the Air Force and one time I got injured at work and had to go to the hospital, nothing serious, just dinged my finger super hard (f*cked up the ligament, my finger was shaped like an “N”). Anywho, when I get to the hospital I walk in the front door, I’m still in uniform, and some nice older man comes up to me and Thanks me for my service, I told him I appreciated his support and then he abruptly asked me if I was married.

I told him no and right at that moment he turns to this woman walking by heading for the door, he turns to her and says something along the lines of “You see this nice man? You should go on a date with him!” at first I thought maybe he knew the woman, maybe his daughter or something but the shocked look on her face I could easily tell he did NOT know her.

She stopped for a moment and he asked her again and she just went wide-eyed, kind of stuttered for a moment and then B-lined it for the door. I really didn’t know what to say so I just stood there looking like a guy who just got whacked in the head. The old man then turns back to me and says “Let’s see who else is here an available.” At this point I just made some excuse about being late for my appointment and walked away.

I don’t know if I’ve ever been so red before or again in my life.”

5. In shock

“I was with my mum buying flowers at a florist for a new year’s eve party. The florist was obviously a very lonely woman and wouldn’t stop going on about how she isn’t doing anything for New Year’s and how it’s so nice we have friends to visit, to the point where it became really saddening. My mother obviously really felt for her.

Every now and again, maybe twice a year, she has a brain fart and accidentally says what she is thinking. That day was one of those rare days. After paying for the flowers, my mum said ‘thanks! Hope you find a friend soon!’. I look at her in shock, the woman looks at her in shock, and my mum just gasps, apologises and literally backs out of the store. God it was so awkward.”

6. The plumbing incident

“While my dad was out of the country there was a major leak from the water tank in the loft which caused serious damage to the property and caused lots of other issues, including a hole in the ceiling.

I called out a repair guy only to hear a huge “boom”, followed by a string of expletives before he called for help. I found him half in a cupboard, soaking wet, with his hand on a burst water pipe.

I ended up having to help. This involved me climbing up to the loft (in a short dress and stockings while he was basically laid on the floor underneath the ladder) and trying to turn off the water from there. This didn’t work so we ended up switching places so he could professionally investigate.

Swapping places involved me getting soaking wet, and having to press up against the guy and contort myself into position in order to minimise the risk of further damage and water explosively spraying everywhere.

There was further pressing against each other and awkwardly closer contortions, as water was sprouting out like from a fountain unless we held it, before the leak was resolved.

The situation was like a bad porn parody.

Our dialogue even included things like: “if you come here you’ll get wet” and “I don’t mind getting wet, let’s do it”.

My friends now refer to this as my plumber porn story.”

7. That’s odd

“That time I screamed at a woman over poo.

My little village has a small annual dog show. We normally enter our little dog who has won “friendliest dog,” “waggiest tail” and “dog the judge would like to take home” in the past. This year she was unfortunately in season so we didn’t enter to prevent any ‘fuss’ from the other dogs but took her along to watch.

Half way across the park she decided to poo and I suddenly realised I’d forgotten a bag. There were loads of other people with dogs around due to the show so I wandered away a little to to ask someone for a bag. I turned back and to my horror a lady was picking up my little dog’s mess. Not wanting to feel like one of those a-holes that doesn’t clean up, I ran towards her to advise here she didn’t have to do that because I was going to get it.

Instead, in a sort of panic, I waved my arms and barked “NO, THAT’S MY POO!” Please note that I did not say, “that is MY DOG’S poo.”

She physically jumped then turned a deep red. She sort of mumbled an apology, dropped the poo and marched off with her dog.

It was at that point that I looked to my left and saw my dog’s poo sitting a few feet away from the lady’s dog mess that she was attempting to pick up.

I think about this at night sometimes.”

8. No more bike rides at night

“I went for a bike ride in my neighborhood at about 12 at night a month ago. It was pitch black other than streetlights every 5 or 6 houses.

I was kinda just zoning out, enjoying the fresh air, when something moved out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to look, and I immediately assumed it was some kind of monster (I had just finished a horror movie), so I let out an extremely loud, bloodcurdling scream in the middle of the night in a silent suburban neighborhood. The thing, which turned out to be a blond soccer mom, screamed back at me, with pretty good reason.

I zipped past her on my bike, yelling “oh my god I’m so sorry!” over and over again until I got off the street..

I haven’t gone on a nighttime bike ride since then.”

9. Man, my nipples…

“When I was a teenager my friends and I would spend the weekends staying up late playing video games and eating junk food. I was also a cross country runner, and on this particular night I was experiencing some extreme chafing from a long run earlier that day.

While we were at the gas station getting Doritos and energy drinks I announced to who I thought was my friend, “Man, my nipples really hurt.” Upon realizing it was a complete stranger with whom I had just shared this intimate detail I simply stared at him and said “You’re not my friend” and walked away. I didn’t go back to that gas station for a long time.”

10. I’m not responsible

“I used to do security work at parties. One night there was an alert call for a young woman gone missing. I found her with her dress hitched up looking for her underwear in the bushes. I managed to unlock her phone to call her dad, who from his name I recognised as the district attorney. He comes over to pick up his intoxicated daughter.

While I was carrying her to the car she was making very sexual remarks about me carrying her, all the while her father is hearing me out like I was responsible for his daughter ending up that way, even suggesting I had raped her. His lecture continued after I put his daughter in the backseat, still making the same remarks while pressing up her body against the car window. When the cops arrived at the scene, she was stark naked, putting her ass out the window.

I told the cops my side of the story, as soon as she picked up my name she started moaning it to the point of waking up nearby neighbours. I was brought to the police station for interrogation, surveillance footage proved my innocence. 5 years later I see this district attorney on a weekly basis at my job.”

11. Way to go

“I was at a wedding reception and went to use the bathroom. I’m standing at the urinal and this guy comes up and stands next to me and let’s off some whopper farts. He goes “oof check out the smell of these! Whew! You gotta let ‘em out here and not by those girls, knowwhatimsayin’?” And I just go “ha! Yep.” And walk out felt very uncomfortable.”

12. That is weird

“I worked the entrance gate for a theme park. Our season pass holders used a biometric scan of their right index finger to verify their identity. One day a little girl walks up with her family, who only spoke Spanish, scans her pass and places her left finger on the scanner. I say, “Can you use your right finger sweetie?” Then, her mother raises the girls right arm to show me she doesn’t actually have a right hand. Seemed to be due to a birth defect rather than a horrific accident.

However, her left finger keeps getting rejected, so I call a lead over to override the old scan and re-do it. He then proceeds to say the same thing to the girl, followed by her mother raising the arm again. It was definitely more awkward for me than the family, but it gets worse. About three months later it happened again, the same little girl. Absolutely mortifying.”

13. Hold me

“Discovered, while at the top of St. Pauls cathedral, that I am terrified of heights. A Norwegian woman was having the same experience. We were so unnerved we ended up holding one another and bumping down the spiral staircase on our backsides. Parted ways at the bottom without a word or a backward glance.”

14. Adventure

“In Denver Colorado I met some man with a giant suitcase full of stolen clothes and a little falling apart backpack that he asked me to carry. We stop to take a break because that suitcase he lugs around is like 100 pounds of clothes and then he says to check out what’s in ‘my’ bag. I open his backpack and it’s full of over the counter pills and a bag of meth. He asked me if I wanted to try it and I just gave him his bag immediately and went away. Shit was wild. Denver 18′ a homeless adventure.”

15. Wrong butt

“At an art studio in LA, my girlfriend was wearing a denim jacket As we looked at a piece together, out of the corner of my eye I saw the jacket and I reach over to grab her butt. A sudden “Oh!” Comes from beside me and a woman 30 years older than me is standing there blushing. I tell her I thought she was someone else and run away to my girlfriend. A few minutes later the lady comes and finds us to talk about young love and how cute we are while making too much eye contact with me.”

The post People Reveal the Most Awkward Situations They’ve Had with a Stranger appeared first on UberFacts.

People Reveal the Most Awkward Situations They’ve Had with a Stranger

Weirdos are EVERYWHERE! And sometimes, unfortunately, we have to interact with them sometimes.

In this AskReddit article, people share their very awkward stranger encounters.

1. That is incredibly awkward

“Was adopted at birth. Learned who my birth family was in early 30s. Had met a sister but nobody else yet. Sister tells me grandpa is being taken off life support (cancer) and wants to talk to me before he dies. Travel to hospital several hours away. Meet mom in hospital lobby for the first time ever. Go to grandpa’s room where all of his, and my, family are.

They are all there to say their goodbyes. Probably only 5% of them knew of my existence. Suddenly all the attention is on me, the stranger. The have me kneel by his side and he apologizes through tears for pressuring my mom, that I just met, to give me away for adoption. People looked pretty shocked including me. The experience was a thousand emotions and awkward was in there somewhere.”

2. That is kind of crazy

“I am a pediatric nurse, but we “float” (substitute) to other floors when we have more nurses than we need. So I was sent to an adult floor to work as an assistant, since theirs had called in sick. An older male patient called out asking for help to get up to the bathroom. He stood, tried to pivot, and the newly operated on knee gave out. All 320 pounds of him came down on top of me and we laid there for almost an hour. I had closed the door for privacy, and neither he nor I could yell loud enough nor reach the call light for help.

My phone was 10 feet from me on the floor after it fell out of my scrubs and rang incessantly. Finally the other assistant came to find me because she wanted to go on break and was tired of having to do all my work. The patient was fine, since he fell on me, I was sore for a week. We were nose to nose the whole time and boy was it awkward. His breath was terrible, but he was a nice man and felt so bad.”

3. Mistaken (dog) identity

“Once I was at a dog groomers to pick up my dog. It’s fairly small (20lbs) and white. Usually when I take him, he’s got long semi curly hair and when I pick him up he has short straight hair, which is quite a change and this is what I expect when I go to pick him up.

I walk up to the counter and request my dog and the clerk tells me he’ll be out in a moment. 30 seconds later an attendant walks out to the lobby from the back door with a dog that immediately gets excited and tries to run away as soon as it rounds the corner to me.

“Hey buddy!” I say as I walk up and attempt to pick up my dog, but it turns around and starts recoiling back and gives me a nip as I try picking him up. An old man behind me asks “Hey is that your dog?” And me thinking it’s a pretty weird question respond “yep!”

At that point he goes “I don’t think so mister, that’s my dog” and as I turn and realize this dog that looks just like mine after a grooming is 100% not my dog my face goes completely red and the whole lobby starts laughing. To make it worse, the old couple whose dog it was stuck around just because they wanted to see what my dog actually looked like and of course when he came out with a different haircut there was only a vague resemblance. Yikes.”

4. Dating game

“I serve in the Air Force and one time I got injured at work and had to go to the hospital, nothing serious, just dinged my finger super hard (f*cked up the ligament, my finger was shaped like an “N”). Anywho, when I get to the hospital I walk in the front door, I’m still in uniform, and some nice older man comes up to me and Thanks me for my service, I told him I appreciated his support and then he abruptly asked me if I was married.

I told him no and right at that moment he turns to this woman walking by heading for the door, he turns to her and says something along the lines of “You see this nice man? You should go on a date with him!” at first I thought maybe he knew the woman, maybe his daughter or something but the shocked look on her face I could easily tell he did NOT know her.

She stopped for a moment and he asked her again and she just went wide-eyed, kind of stuttered for a moment and then B-lined it for the door. I really didn’t know what to say so I just stood there looking like a guy who just got whacked in the head. The old man then turns back to me and says “Let’s see who else is here an available.” At this point I just made some excuse about being late for my appointment and walked away.

I don’t know if I’ve ever been so red before or again in my life.”

5. In shock

“I was with my mum buying flowers at a florist for a new year’s eve party. The florist was obviously a very lonely woman and wouldn’t stop going on about how she isn’t doing anything for New Year’s and how it’s so nice we have friends to visit, to the point where it became really saddening. My mother obviously really felt for her.

Every now and again, maybe twice a year, she has a brain fart and accidentally says what she is thinking. That day was one of those rare days. After paying for the flowers, my mum said ‘thanks! Hope you find a friend soon!’. I look at her in shock, the woman looks at her in shock, and my mum just gasps, apologises and literally backs out of the store. God it was so awkward.”

6. The plumbing incident

“While my dad was out of the country there was a major leak from the water tank in the loft which caused serious damage to the property and caused lots of other issues, including a hole in the ceiling.

I called out a repair guy only to hear a huge “boom”, followed by a string of expletives before he called for help. I found him half in a cupboard, soaking wet, with his hand on a burst water pipe.

I ended up having to help. This involved me climbing up to the loft (in a short dress and stockings while he was basically laid on the floor underneath the ladder) and trying to turn off the water from there. This didn’t work so we ended up switching places so he could professionally investigate.

Swapping places involved me getting soaking wet, and having to press up against the guy and contort myself into position in order to minimise the risk of further damage and water explosively spraying everywhere.

There was further pressing against each other and awkwardly closer contortions, as water was sprouting out like from a fountain unless we held it, before the leak was resolved.

The situation was like a bad porn parody.

Our dialogue even included things like: “if you come here you’ll get wet” and “I don’t mind getting wet, let’s do it”.

My friends now refer to this as my plumber porn story.”

7. That’s odd

“That time I screamed at a woman over poo.

My little village has a small annual dog show. We normally enter our little dog who has won “friendliest dog,” “waggiest tail” and “dog the judge would like to take home” in the past. This year she was unfortunately in season so we didn’t enter to prevent any ‘fuss’ from the other dogs but took her along to watch.

Half way across the park she decided to poo and I suddenly realised I’d forgotten a bag. There were loads of other people with dogs around due to the show so I wandered away a little to to ask someone for a bag. I turned back and to my horror a lady was picking up my little dog’s mess. Not wanting to feel like one of those a-holes that doesn’t clean up, I ran towards her to advise here she didn’t have to do that because I was going to get it.

Instead, in a sort of panic, I waved my arms and barked “NO, THAT’S MY POO!” Please note that I did not say, “that is MY DOG’S poo.”

She physically jumped then turned a deep red. She sort of mumbled an apology, dropped the poo and marched off with her dog.

It was at that point that I looked to my left and saw my dog’s poo sitting a few feet away from the lady’s dog mess that she was attempting to pick up.

I think about this at night sometimes.”

8. No more bike rides at night

“I went for a bike ride in my neighborhood at about 12 at night a month ago. It was pitch black other than streetlights every 5 or 6 houses.

I was kinda just zoning out, enjoying the fresh air, when something moved out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to look, and I immediately assumed it was some kind of monster (I had just finished a horror movie), so I let out an extremely loud, bloodcurdling scream in the middle of the night in a silent suburban neighborhood. The thing, which turned out to be a blond soccer mom, screamed back at me, with pretty good reason.

I zipped past her on my bike, yelling “oh my god I’m so sorry!” over and over again until I got off the street..

I haven’t gone on a nighttime bike ride since then.”

9. Man, my nipples…

“When I was a teenager my friends and I would spend the weekends staying up late playing video games and eating junk food. I was also a cross country runner, and on this particular night I was experiencing some extreme chafing from a long run earlier that day.

While we were at the gas station getting Doritos and energy drinks I announced to who I thought was my friend, “Man, my nipples really hurt.” Upon realizing it was a complete stranger with whom I had just shared this intimate detail I simply stared at him and said “You’re not my friend” and walked away. I didn’t go back to that gas station for a long time.”

10. I’m not responsible

“I used to do security work at parties. One night there was an alert call for a young woman gone missing. I found her with her dress hitched up looking for her underwear in the bushes. I managed to unlock her phone to call her dad, who from his name I recognised as the district attorney. He comes over to pick up his intoxicated daughter.

While I was carrying her to the car she was making very sexual remarks about me carrying her, all the while her father is hearing me out like I was responsible for his daughter ending up that way, even suggesting I had raped her. His lecture continued after I put his daughter in the backseat, still making the same remarks while pressing up her body against the car window. When the cops arrived at the scene, she was stark naked, putting her ass out the window.

I told the cops my side of the story, as soon as she picked up my name she started moaning it to the point of waking up nearby neighbours. I was brought to the police station for interrogation, surveillance footage proved my innocence. 5 years later I see this district attorney on a weekly basis at my job.”

11. Way to go

“I was at a wedding reception and went to use the bathroom. I’m standing at the urinal and this guy comes up and stands next to me and let’s off some whopper farts. He goes “oof check out the smell of these! Whew! You gotta let ‘em out here and not by those girls, knowwhatimsayin’?” And I just go “ha! Yep.” And walk out felt very uncomfortable.”

12. That is weird

“I worked the entrance gate for a theme park. Our season pass holders used a biometric scan of their right index finger to verify their identity. One day a little girl walks up with her family, who only spoke Spanish, scans her pass and places her left finger on the scanner. I say, “Can you use your right finger sweetie?” Then, her mother raises the girls right arm to show me she doesn’t actually have a right hand. Seemed to be due to a birth defect rather than a horrific accident.

However, her left finger keeps getting rejected, so I call a lead over to override the old scan and re-do it. He then proceeds to say the same thing to the girl, followed by her mother raising the arm again. It was definitely more awkward for me than the family, but it gets worse. About three months later it happened again, the same little girl. Absolutely mortifying.”

13. Hold me

“Discovered, while at the top of St. Pauls cathedral, that I am terrified of heights. A Norwegian woman was having the same experience. We were so unnerved we ended up holding one another and bumping down the spiral staircase on our backsides. Parted ways at the bottom without a word or a backward glance.”

14. Adventure

“In Denver Colorado I met some man with a giant suitcase full of stolen clothes and a little falling apart backpack that he asked me to carry. We stop to take a break because that suitcase he lugs around is like 100 pounds of clothes and then he says to check out what’s in ‘my’ bag. I open his backpack and it’s full of over the counter pills and a bag of meth. He asked me if I wanted to try it and I just gave him his bag immediately and went away. Shit was wild. Denver 18′ a homeless adventure.”

15. Wrong butt

“At an art studio in LA, my girlfriend was wearing a denim jacket As we looked at a piece together, out of the corner of my eye I saw the jacket and I reach over to grab her butt. A sudden “Oh!” Comes from beside me and a woman 30 years older than me is standing there blushing. I tell her I thought she was someone else and run away to my girlfriend. A few minutes later the lady comes and finds us to talk about young love and how cute we are while making too much eye contact with me.”

The post People Reveal the Most Awkward Situations They’ve Had with a Stranger appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Posts About Disney That Are Probably Going to Mess with Your Head

If I hear someone claims to hate Disney, I automatically assume that they a) had no childhood, or b) are one of those people who just want to hate everything that is loved en masse.

Because Disney is objectively awesome, right?

Which is why people on platforms like Tumblr spend way too much time thinking way too in depth about Disney films and characters and the philosophies behind them. And thank goodness they do. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to do my best to blow your mind with this post!

15. There has to be a Car Hitler. Because, Internet logic.

Photo Credit: Tumblr,mudkips-mayhem

14. Monsters, Inc. (like The Smurfs before it) is teaching you Marxist propaganda

Photo Credit: Know Your Meme

13. I don’t think Ursula could be called nice, but, sure, she could have been worse

12. When Hercules made a very funny but totally obscure joke…

11. Donald Duck is an honorary member of the Marine Corps and the Navy. It makes so much sense!

Photo Credit: Tumblr, dedalvs

10. Ariel and Hercules are cousins

Photo Credit: Tumblr, karlimeaghan

9. I’m kind of worried about the person who caught this

8. Okay, so I’ve seen Moana a bunch of times and never noticed the shark head in the tattoo

Photo Credit: Disney

7. This guy already creeped me out

Photo Credit: Tumblr, overwatch-in

6. Did you catch that Thumper is Roger Rabbit’s uncle?

Photo Credit: Disney

5. Disney had its first openly gay character before the live action Beauty and the Beast and no one noticed

Photo Credit: Tumblr, hunkules

4. Mulan IS the Great Dragon. And arguably the best princess.

Photo Credit: Tumblr, stirringwind

3. Bet you didn’t notice this cameo in Enchanted

Photo Credit: Tumblr, disney-facts

2. …Or these (The voice of Belle – Paige O’Hara – and Pocahontas – Judy Kuhn)

Photo Credit: Disney

Photo Credit: Disney

1. I’ve seen this before, but I always love it

h/t: Buzzfeed

We know you can choose a lot of sites to read, but we want you to know that we’re thankful you chose Did You Know. You rock! Thanks for reading!

The post 15 Posts About Disney That Are Probably Going to Mess with Your Head appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Most Awkward Moments They’ve Witnessed at Funerals

Suffice to say, most people struggle with knowing how to act and what to say to the friends and family who have just lost someone dear at funerals. That said, you can probably cross these 15 behaviors straight off your list of possible responses.

#15. Check with your lawyer.

“I witnessed the estranged drunk and druggie daughter of a family friend come screaming into the visitation looking for her brothers because she had found out she was never written into the will. It was a hell of a scene.

::EDITS:: I had to actually ask because people brought up good points.

This was in Missouri, Missouri *is* an affirmative disinheriting state. The will according to brother #1 said she was actively excluded from the official will and entitled to no portion of the estate, named her ex husband a portion of the home sale (Brother #2 bought his father out and kept it), and the remaining estate to both of her sons. The daughter was allowed personal effects (hence the police escort when getting them, probably to ensure she didn’t try and swipe anything else.). His mother had hand written an unofficial one to be read to her children.​

Also: Ash had every chance to get clean between 16/18 and 27. Both parents were more than willing and able to pay for treatment. She actively chose not to, as well as actively chose not to seek treatment for whatever was going on in her life that caused her to turn to drugs as a way to cope. She wasn’t even going to come to the funeral until she checked with the lawyer *the day of* and flipped shit.”

#14. Pop pop would have approved.

“We had a snowball fight outside the parlor of my pop pops funeral…

Pop pop would have approved. The non-family mourners seemed horrified.”

#13. Trying to “quietly” open a can.

Someone trying to “quietly” open a can while they were doing the closing prayer.

EDIT: Thank you kind people for the gold and silver!

#12. It’s the little things.

“Maybe isn’t as over the top as most of these comments, but I’m one of the Marines that has to go present the flag to the next of kin when a service member dies. It’s usually old Vietnam and Korea Vets, but sometimes it’s a desert storm or recent war vet and the mother is there receiving the flag instead of a son or daughter. Point is I’ve probably been to 45 funerals in the past year.

It’s striking how often someone’s phone goes off during the service. It seems nearly every other or every third service someones ring tone start playing. There’s been a few times where someone will get up from their seat and answer the phone to.”

#11. A legally blind woman trying to physically fight.

“Picture if you will, two elderly women in a funeral squaring up as people are still crying from the ceremony.

At the lunch after my grandpa’s funeral, his daughter from a previous marriage “Dee” who no one had seen in years showed up. Dee had been writing bad checks all the way to the state prison and had definitely had some unresolved beef with my family when she got out. The last time my mom saw her was when was 11 and Dee left her infant daughter for my mom to babysit and never came back, Fast forward to the funeral, Dee is acting like it’s a family reunion but no one is having it since she’s basically screwed everyone in the room in one way or another. My grandpa’s last girlfriend, a legally blind woman tried to physically fight her until others stepped in.

Edit: gave my crazy half aunt a pseudonym for clarity

Edit 2: the baby left with my mom at age 11 was not me, but that would be an amazing plot twist! Dee had said she was just having a night out and actually decided to run off to San Francisco (this was the early 70s) and left her baby. When Dee didn’t come back, my mom called her mom, got ahold of a relative that took care of the baby until Dee could be reached. Sorry I don’t have a lot of details after that but the baby grew up and she actually arrived at the funeral with Dee and I hear the apple didn’t fall far from the tree,

Edit 3: I had forgotten this part somehow. After the funeral, Dee tried to steal the car willed to grandpa’s blind boo but my family thought ahead and a couple of my uncles waited around the house until Dee came for the car, they came outside and apparently she was scared off. Blind boo got the car in the end and wrecked it immediately. I can’t make this shit up.”

#10. Putting on a show.

“The mother of the deceased putting on a (terribly acted and meth-fueled) show about how much she loved and missed her daughter. Shortly thereafter she was convicted of the daughter’s murder.”

#9. Who does that at a funeral?

“A relative of my husband died.

There was a gathering at her house after the funeral, hosted by her husband. It was mostly family of my husband, but there were a few friends. There was catered food and drink and people were just general socializing and telling nice stories about the deceased.

About two hours in, a man and woman in their mid-20’s show up. They are acquaintances of the widower. They walk around the house a bit, grab a drink and then disappear.

I was asked to get some more drinks from the garage, which was off the kitchen. I opened the door and stepped into the garage.

There was the young couple, leaning against a car and engaging is some pretty vigorous sexual relations.

Another family member who was standing in the kitchen saw what I saw. I backed out of the garage because I was fairly embarrassed. I mean, who does that at a funeral?

I guess the other relative told the widower because the next thing I know there is shouting from the garage and the widower is telling these two people in no uncertain terms that they needed to leave.

Apparently, not only were they having sex in the garage, but they were doing lines of coke off the hood of the car.

Only a few people who were at the gathering found out what happened, thank goodness.”

#8. Spilled a lot of alcohol in the casket.

“At an open casket wake, a friend of the deceased attempted to give her a drink of single malt whiskey. She ended up being forcibly removed as she wouldn’t stop and spilled a lot of the alcohol in the casket. It was as horrible and inappropriate as it was heartbreaking – for everyone.”

#7. Drama queen antics.

“My cousin’s funeral – he was 27 years old and killed in a single car crash after he hit a slippery patch on the road and smashed into a concrete wall.

At his funeral, all of his brothers, sisters, and parents sat on the front row at his graveside service. Then, lo and behold, my cousin’s ex-girlfriend of over a year shows up and immediately inserts herself on to the front row next to his sisters. And proceeds to scream cry, scream wail, and throw herself on the ground periodically throughout the service. All of the family just gave her awkward stares, with no one wanted to address her inappropriate behavior. I had never seen that type of attention demanding drama queen antics before…or since…

**EDIT: just wanted to throw this in ~ this was a funeral with military honors (Air Force), and they did the gun salute at the gravesite. I don’t remember how many times they fire, but at each gunshot, she would literally shriek and collapse into the arms of either of the sisters standing next to her. I do recall at the very end, the youngest sister was sick of that shit and just let her fall on the ground. And it was raining heavily and rather muddy.”

#6. Giggles throughout.

“Only somewhat inappropriate, but certainly the funniest thing…

It was a funeral for an uncle I was very distantly related to, and (this is happening in Greece, in the summer), the church is very full and incredibly hot, you can smell the sweat, there’s incense, the air isn’t circulating, and the priest is just going on and on – I don’t think I can describe how grim the situation was. Not totally unexpectedly therefore, just as the priest is getting to something particularly emotional, a man, an old colleague standing near the back, faints – he’s completely out. Now, this guy was very tall and rather broad, so not only was it a miracle that he didn’t take out the two tiny old ladies right in front of him, he was also really difficult to carry outside to get some air!

Somebody has the brilliant idea that the pallbearers (those people who carry the casket) should carry him, since they’ve practiced it and are reasonably strong. So everybody squeezes a bit tighter (nobody wants to leave the church, things just got interesting) to let them through. They pick him up, three on one side and three on the other, i.e. more or less as they would the casket, and start carrying him towards the door. Suddenly, this guy wakes up, turns his head several times, grasps what’s going on and who’s carrying him faster than anybody can respond, and immediately starts yelling “I’M ALIVE! I’M ALIVE! I’M ALIVEEEEEE!” At which point, one of the pallbearers laughs so hard that he drops what was thankfully a leg, and the others struggle to put him down in what is now a church absolutely exploding with laughter. The whole situation went on for a good fifteen minutes in which this guy walked outside and the priest tried to resume the service, but there absolutely continued to be giggles throughout – I, being a teenager at the time, also couldn’t possibly hold it back every time I thought of this guy yelling he’s alive!

Nobody was even particularly upset because the uncle we were burying was always laughing and joking around, so it somehow felt appropriate that we had a great laugh at his funeral.

edit: My first award! Thanks so much, glad to put some laughter into this thread :)”

#5. Misplaced him?!

“The funeral home putting a random guy in my grandfathers casket, suit, glasses, and wedding band…while then admitting that they had misplaced my grandfather was fairly inappropriate for a funeral.”

#4. An absolute scene.

“A narcisstic family member arrived late (after everyone else was at the graveside for the burial, and probably lurking behind a tomb to pick the perfect time after the priest had just started talking), wearing an enormous hat and sunglasses and low cut gown like she was attending the Golden Globes red carpet or something, and loudly making an absolute scene of how devasted she was, daaaaaarlings and just generally making it all about her.”

#3. Everyone was grabbing things.

“When my dads mom passed away, there were a lot of people there, he comes from a family of 11, (10 now as his sister passed away a while ago), so there were a lot of nieces, nephews and cousins. It was an open casket, I was around 12-13, but everyone was grabbing things from her/off her from the casket, all the aunts grabbing things for their kids who don’t even know her/remember who she is/way too young. The ONLY thing my dad has a keepsake of his mother is a little rose pin that she wore in the home she was in before she passed. It’s unfortunate and makes me feel very sad for my dad.”

#2. Time to shine.

“Oh fuck. My time to shine. Former mortuary industry worker.

The worst is hard to call because I’ve seen a lot. Some honourable mentions:

-A rando walking on off the street and proceeding to help herself to coffee and ODing in our bathroom. Didn’t die. Did get narcan’d.

-A couple fooling around in the urn/casket showroom during the viewing.

-An angry old woman storming out of the bathroom with a fistful of tampons, screaming about how inappropriate we were for keeping them in there, because “THERE ARE CHILDREN HERE!!” She threw them at the funeral director’s face. They were kept in a cabinet, in a small basket, well hidden from public view. She was definitely rifiling around to have found them. We were no longer allowed to keep our sanitary products in the restrooms after this.

-A grief stricken mother tipping her son’s casket while wailing and trying to climb inside. Less inappropriate than it was terribly sad.

-Caught a junkie relative digging deep into the pockets of the deceased looking for, the family and is assumed, money.

-A woman pulling down her child’s pants and letting it shit in a potted plant.

-The funeral home owner’s horrible dog sashaying up to the front and taking a giant liquid shit in front of the casket and horrified guests in the middle of the service.

-The same dog biting someone at another service.

-Tons of brawls. Lots of drinking. Biker funerals were INSANE. The women were meaner than hell and fighting one another constantly. The dudes were awesome though. Super respectful, cleaned the place up perfectly, and even hauled their trash away. Most of which was bags of beer cans and liquor bottles. I loved biker funerals.

I have some, SO many. But I’ll stop here.”

#1. Poo Poopy Doo.

Not super inappropriate, but my grandfather was always a trickster. He had a great sense of humor. He had this little song he would sing to me, my siblings, and my little cousins where he would just repeat the words “poo poopy doo” over and over. At his funeral, my aunt was telling stories about him and in the middle of her telling a story, my 6 year old cousin screamed “POO POOPY DOO” in front of 50 people. Needless to say it lightened the mood a little bit and made everyone a little happier remembering him in a good way.

Edit: for people asking, it’s not the Betty Boop song ?

Seriously, what is wrong with people?

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A Comedian Tweeted an Epic Play-By-Play of the Breakup Happening Right Next to Him

Comedian Kyle Ayers was just trying to enjoy the view on top of his NYC apartment building when a couple began breaking up right next to him. Instead of going back inside, he decided to stay out there and live tweet the whole thing. And boy are we glad he did.

Continue reading below to experience the entire epic saga for yourself.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Sure…that doesn’t sound suspicious at all.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

What we wouldn’t give to see what he was wearing that fateful night.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Time and shit…it’s heavy stuff.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Well, you can’t argue with that logic.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

How dare you be cold!

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers


Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

If you wanted labels, you should have dated that successful label-maker your parents tried to introduce you to.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers


Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

This guy might want to rearrange his priorities.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

What a ride! We wish those two the best of happiness, wherever they are (which is hopefully not together).

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People Are Flocking to the Site of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster to Post Pics on Social Media

Due to the success of the hit HBO show Chernobyl, naturally now Instagram “influencers” are descending on the site of the 1986 nuclear disaster in Ukraine (and risking their health) to have their photos taken. Seems like kind of a disrespectful place to showcase your fabulous lifestyle, doesn’t it?

The show’s creator even tweeted this message out.

It kind of reminds me of this story about people taking “playful” photos at the site of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Get a load of these photos. Very bizarre…

1. Okay, that’s weird

2. Very stylish

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Chernobyl ☢ ☢ ☢

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3. Nuclear tourism

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Hbo выпустили последнюю серию своего нашумевшего сериала «чернобыль», который в рейтинге обошёл «игру престолов», так что я тут не могу не поделиться сборной солянкой фотографий со своих трёх походов в чзо. На полке у меня пылится ещё не проявленная фотопленка, которую я забрала из Фукусимы. Ее я собираюсь до конца отснять в Чернобыле этой осенью, надеюсь получится что-то веселее, чем засвеченные кадры и что ещё никто до меня не снимал руины одной крупнейшей техногенной катастрофы на фотоплёнку найденной в зоне отчуждения второй по масштабам ядерной аварии пхахах. PS Стеллу ПРИПЯТЬ какие-то мудаки щас в украинский флаг раскрасили ;(

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4. Exploring the grounds

5. Radiation levels

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6. Hmmmm

7. All decked out

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Inside the control room of the destroyed unit 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant ☢ Yesterday I had the chance to visit one of the most fascinating but also most terrible places on earth – control room number 4 ChNPP. Amongst other things, the actions taken in this room 33 years ago led to the worlds worst nuclear disaster. Standing there is just indescribable, it’s shocking and something I will never forget ?? Diesen Ort zu betreten, die Geschichten und Handlungen, die sich vor 33 Jahren dort abgespielt haben, in Gedanken vor sich zu sehen und zu wissen wie sehr sie ganze Welt beeinflusst haben, ist etwas das man nicht in Worte fassen kann… Ein Ort, der an Faszination aber auch an tiefer Betroffenheit kaum zu übertreffen ist ☢ in meiner Story nehme ich euch in das Atomkraftwerk mit ☢ #chernobyl #nuclearpowerplant #reactor4

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8. A good place to work out

9. Artsy shot

10. Wow

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И снова здравствуйте ?? Повреждение атомов клеток. Процесс воздействия радиации на организм называется облучением. Это крайне разрушительная сила, которая трансформирует клетки, деформирует их ДНК, приводит к мутациям и генетическим повреждениям. Деструктивный процесс может запустить всего одна частица радиации. Действие ионизирующего излучения специалисты сравнивают со снежным комом. Начинается все с малого, затем процесс нарастает до тех пор, пока не наступят необратимые изменения. На атомарном уровне это происходит так. Радиоактивные частицы летят с огромной скоростью, выбивая при этом электроны из атомов. В результате последние приобретают положительный заряд. «Черное» дело радиации заключается только в этом. Но последствия таких преобразований бывают катастрофическими. Свободный электрон и ионизированный атом вступают в сложные реакции, в результате которых образуются свободные радикалы. Например, вода (H2O), составляющая 80 % массы человека, под воздействием радиации распадается на два радикала – H и OH. Эти патологически активные частицы вступают в реакции с важными биологическими соединениями – молекулами ДНК, белков, ферментов, жиров. В результате в организме растет число поврежденных молекул и токсинов, страдает клеточный обмен. Через некоторое время пораженные клетки погибают или их функции серьезно нарушаются. Что происходит с облученным организмом. Из-за повреждения ДНК и мутации генов клетка не может нормально делиться. Это самое опасное последствие радиационного облучения. При получении большой дозы количество пострадавших клеток настолько велико, что могут отказывать органы и системы. Тяжелее всего воспринимают радиацию ткани, в которых происходит активное деление клеток: * костный мозг; * легкие, * слизистая желудка, * кишечник, * половые органы. Причем даже слаборадиоактивный предмет при длительном контакте наносит вред организму человека. Или когда убегаешь от чужого мужа.. ?? Photo : @annaliza.ph ; @balans_belogo_ MD : Принц пилорамы савдеповской . #дорого #насопрте #classicphisique #arnoldclassiceurope #spain #спортивныйфотографкемерово #графскайпа #солошенко

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11. True love

12. He looks satisfied

13. So odd…

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Поток туристов в Чернобыльскую зону отчуждения в 2019 году после выхода мини-сериала HBO "Чернобыль" может возрасти вдвое по сравнению с 2018 годом. 90% туристов составляют иностранцы, несмотря на то, что стоимость тура для граждан Украины в три-четыре раза дешевле ⠀ Чернобыльская АЭС расположена вблизи города Припять в 18 км от города Чернобыль. Авария на АЭС произошла 26 апреля 1986 года. Взрывом был разрушен четвертый энергоблок, в атмосферу выбросило большое количество радиоактивных веществ. Авария расценивается как крупнейшая в истории ядерной энергетики – как по предполагаемому количеству погибших и пострадавших от её последствий людей, так и по экономическому ущербу. 31 человек погиб в течение первых трех месяцев после аварии. Отдаленные последствия облучения, выявленные за последующие 15 лет, стали причиной гибели от 60 до 80 человек, пишет Интерфакс ⠀ #краснодар #krasnodar #krasnodarnews

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14. Top of the world

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В одиночку на заброшенный энергоблок атомной станции. ________________ Фото сделано в первые минуты, после подъёма на крышу 5-го энергоблока АЭС. К сожалению, фотографировать мог только на телефон. Но ценность этого фото крайне высока. У него есть история. ________________ Далеко не один раз бывал я в Припяти, в ЧЗО в целом. Но третью очередь ЧАЭС, и сам пятый блок все как-то обделял вниманием. Те, кто был там, – говорили, объект впечатляющий, даже эпичнее Дуги будет. Но, пока лично не убедишься, не поверишь. _____ Май. Есть готовый план одиночного похода, с проникновением на третью очередь. Конец мая. Воплощаю план в жизнь. Успешный заброс в Зону. В одном из сел забираю велосипед, оставленный @svyatogr, что упростило перемещение внутри ЧЗО. Два дня в Припяти. И ночь проникновения на новую территорию. _____ В голове только общие представление о местности, о третьей очереди знал мало, но у меня были карты и энтузиазм. И этого достаточно.. Первое, что увидел ночью – градирня, она огромная. К ней ещё вернёмся. Ранним утром – увидел пятый энергоблок вблизи. Он монументален, не меньше. Чистый постапокалипсис. _____ Крыша делится на несколько ярусов, на каждом меня удивляло, то что я вижу. Но когда поднялся на самый верх, – у меня отняло речь. Вполне возможно, это самый удивительный вид, что видел в своей жизни. Впереди, как на ладони – территория ЧАЭС, справа – пруд-охладитель станции, слева – "железный лес", справа – третья очередь, за спиной – хранилище отработанного ядерного топлива, а внизу над котлованом для 6-го блока летают чайки. Это поражает воображение. Словно я герой фильма про постапокалипсис, и это аху*нно! ________________ #chernobyl #nuclearpowerplant #nuclearpower #powerunit #pripyat #exclusionzone #chernobylzone #stalker #urbandecay #urbexphoto #urbanexploration #urbex #chnpp #urban_shots #urbexworld #urbexplaces #abandonedplaces #urbanexplore #atmosphere #awesome #illegal #chernobylzone #заброшенныеместа #чернобыль #зонаотчуждения #сталкер #нелегал #заброшенныеместа

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15. She’s having a blast

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チェルノブイリ原子力発電所 個人ではいけないので、ツアーに参加 10人のツアー 日本人はいなかったけど、シンガポール、ドイツ、トルコ、中国などなどの方 40度前後の気温で、長袖長ズボンで完全防備 なぜなら蚊だらけ 直射日光も照りつける 多分放射能測定するのを首から下げた 遊園地跡 バスケットコート、スタジアム、団地 かなり恵まれた環境だったみたい 遊園地は住民の子どもはタダだったらしい でも誰もいなくて、朽ち果ててた 謎のピカチュウいた #ukraine #ウクライナ #ウクライナ旅行 #kiev #キエフ #Chernobyl #チェルノブイリ

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What do you think about this phenomenon? Share your thoughts in the comments, por favor.

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10+ People Admit How They Bribed Cops to Get out of Trouble

When you get pulled over by the police, you usually just hang your head and go along with the program, right?

But these 13 people DID NOT like the idea of getting a ticket. So they took matters into their own hands and just straight up bribed a cop. And yes, bribing is extremely illegal and can lead to even more trouble.

Read on to see what actually went down…

1. I bet it didn’t work?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Ummm…. what did you do?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Make a run for the border!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Damn. That would be hard to pass up…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. But… did you fuck him?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Hey, as long as it worked out in the end…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Okay, this isn’t exactly bribery…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. For life? You’re going to work at the sex shop FOR LIFE? Hahaha… yeah…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Well, that wasn’t a soul crushing night or anything…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Yeah, sure you did…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Trashy is as trashy does…

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Okay, that’s actually funny. But I doubt this works.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Cops like to get high too…

Photo Credit: Whisper

If you haven’t lost faith in law enforcement before, did this hurt your perceptions?

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Big Idiots Share Their Misogynistic Beliefs and You’ll Be Rolling Your Eyes

We still don’t have equal rights for men and women just yet, but we’re getting closer and closer with each passing decade. True equality will eventually happen, and it’s only a matter of time.

So why do guys still hold these sexist views?

I’ll let these idiots speak for themselves…

1. Then you are a goddamn monster.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. A boat of lies!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. You should stay home and die.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, I’m sure they’re the problem…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Oh, you don’t like a woman who wants to breed?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Boring people are boring. It has nothing to do with gender.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Good luck on that!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. What a piece of shit.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Oh, things are gonna change…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. While there is evidence the last thing is valid, the other two are bogus.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. You literally just said a SUPER crude thing.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Fucking gross.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Who are these people?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

14.  Neither should you.

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. They are TV SHOWS!

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Future Alabama Republican politician…

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. I hate these people SO much.

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. What does being straight have anything to do with it?

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. Incel problems…

Photo Credit: Whisper

DO NOT feel bad for these guys. The fact they can’t see women as equals is insane. They deserve to be ignored and forgotten by history and everybody else.

Done and done.

The post Big Idiots Share Their Misogynistic Beliefs and You’ll Be Rolling Your Eyes appeared first on UberFacts.

Nurses Admit the Worst Things People Got Stuck Inside of Them. Yikes.

Are people ever gonna learn? You probably shouldn’t put foreign objects in the orifices of your body! I mean ever!

Here are genital horror stories from the Buzzfeed community and they are absolutely harrowing!

Nothing can prepare you for this, so here we go!

1. That’s your revenge?

“A lady came in with a knife still in her vagina. She claimed that an intruder assaulted her, but the area was not bleeding; it was as if the knife was slid into her.

She later revealed that she did it herself to ‘get revenge’ on her boyfriend…”


“My step-grandma was a gynecologist.

She once had an older woman come in, and at one point they took X-rays.

Apparently the woman had a potato growing in her uterus. INSIDE OF HER UTERUS!”

3. I fell on it…

“My adoptive mom who was a nurse once had a patient who came in with a flashlight stuck up his butt.

He claimed that he accidentally fell on it, but he had a history of ‘falling’ on objects that way.”


“A coworker of mine had a patient who decided to stick a crochet needle up his penis while drunk.

The urologist on call had to surgically remove the object.”

5. Not a joke

“A guy tried to make a butt plug out of Lego and duct tape, and got it stuck in his ass.

I wish I was kidding.”

6. Not very bright (Hey o!)

“My mom always remembers the guy who put a lightbulb up his ass.

I asked her how they got it out, and her response was, ‘With great difficulty.’”

7. We need that back

“One night a man came in with the biggest black dildo I have ever seen shoved in his butt. We actually had to follow him around while holding a bucket under his ass.

When it was finally removed, his partner asked us to clean it off and said, ‘We’re going to need that back,’ and then she winked at me.”

8. This is insane

“A man came into the ER, blue in the face, looking like he was about to die. They checked all over his body but couldn’t figure out what was wrong. They flipped him over and saw a TAIL coming out of his butt. After doing a CT scan, they found a rat inside his rectum. The rat bit off part of his colon, and the man was suffering from internal bleeding, which is why his face turned blue.

Apparently the man decided to place a condom over the live rat to suffocate it and then place it up his butt so its breathing would hit his prostate and he would feel pleasure. The man made a full recovery, but the poor rat died.”

9. Time for surgery

“I work at the gastrointestinal lab at a local hospital. We were doing a colonoscopy on a guy who had a carrot stuck up his butt…that his wife put there. We weren’t able to remove it, so he had to go into surgery. The colon is curved, people. Don’t shove straight, long things up there that aren’t flexible.”

10. Trailing behind him

“I once had a guy come in with a shower head up his butt. He had the whole hose trailing behind him like a tail as well.”

11. Ballerina

“My friend is a nurse in the ER. One time a guy came in and complained that something was stuck in his urethra.

He said it hurt too bad to take out, and he ultimately started bleeding from there.

Turns out it was a little ballerina figurine from a music wind-up jewelry box. Wow.”

12. What is wrong with everyone?

“The craziest thing was when a man came in with a Barbie doll’s arm stuck in his urethra (pee hole).

Apparently, he ordered a sex doll off eBay, and when it arrived it was actually a Barbie doll.

He was so angry that he ripped off the doll’s arm and shoved it up his penis.”

13. At least it was a toy

“I once had a patient come in with stomach pains. I took an X-ray of his abdomen and asked what happened.

He told me he didn’t know. I hung his X-ray on the light box and saw that there was a toy lizard in his rectum.”

14. That sounds awful

“A prisoner came in with penis issues. Turned out he shoved a piece of floss really far up his urethra, just so he could get out of his cell.”

15. Did you learn a lesson?

“I’m a nurse in an ER. One day a woman came waddling in with a set of tongs stuck between her legs.

She used them to masturbate and inserted the tongs into her vagina. The clip that holds the tongs shut opened, and the tongs became hopelessly lodged into her vagina.

She had to be taken to the operating room to have them surgically removed and nearly perforated her uterus.”

Okay, I need a shower… stat!

The post Nurses Admit the Worst Things People Got Stuck Inside of Them. Yikes. appeared first on UberFacts.