15 Zookeepers Share the Weirdest Things They’ve Seen Animals Do

I’ve always wondered what goes on behind the scenes at zoos. After reading through this list, I’m not surprised by animals anymore. Ever. Nope.

#15. Chimps love treats.

“I would bring the chimps treats each week. I once brought a bag full of lychee, which they thought was only “meh” but the keepers loved them. Surprised me, since I thought they would go nuts for them so I picked a whole tree’s worth.

One day I bring a dozen kiwi, and it was clear they had never seen them before. Watching them peel the kiwi so delicately with their lips was amazing.

Also, given watermelon, they will eat it all the way through to the skin. I’m talking all the rind down to one millimeter of tough green skin.

They’ll chomp a banana tree stalk like candy… anyway, chimps love treats.’

#14. Howler monkeys are weird AF.

“Male teenage red howler monkeys that grab their asshole while pooping, and taking all the shit out with their hands.

Seriously, howler monkeys are weird AF.”

#13. Like nothing was happening.

“I’m a zookeeper!

We had a lone, male Marabou stork that found a water bottle, picked it up and put it in his nest, then proceeded to incubate it for a while. He got mad when we eventually had to take it away from him.

I’ve seen adult giraffe attempt to nurse from lactating females and seem peeved when she wouldn’t let them.

I’ve seen a Nyala get a whole square of sod skewered upside down on his horns that eventually slid down and completely covered one of his eyes. He acted like nothing was happening.”

#12. Check mate, kid.

“Not a zookeeper, but a few years ago we were vising the Berlin zoo and some kids that were in our group were really fascinated by the chimpanzees.

After a few minutes of making faces and trying to get the chimps attention – one of the kids shows the monkey his middle finger.​

The chimp responded with lifting both its arms and showing the kid TWO middle fingers.

Check mate, kid.”

#11. What the people are doing.

“Generally, the weirdest stuff you’ll see at a zoo is what the people are doing.”

#10. Planet of the Apes.

“Ex zookeeper here, I remember once there was a period of a few days where one of the chimps had this stick and was spending hours at a time just rubbing it on the ground. Some of the keepers tried to give it other toys to play with etc but it wasn’t interested. Anyway, long story short, it was sharpening the stick and then tried to stab a keeper through the bars of their indoor part of their enclosure.”

#9. She ate a skunk.

“Volunteer (former), not keeper. I liked to show up early before my shift to watch the big cats get let out into their space. One morning, one of the lionesses was already out and she was sitting there, like the famous NY library lions, only with a Calvin face. Her tongue was hanging out and her eyes were squinched up. I asked the lead cat keeper what the deal was. “Oh, she ate a skunk yesterday, so we decided it’d be a good idea to let her stay outside overnight instead of stinking up the night house.”

They opened the doors to the lions’ night house and her brother and sister came bounding up to her in what appeared to be great concern (“Where WERE you last night?!?!?). Her sister took one whiff and bounded to another place in the exhibit. Her brother started to sit close to her, thought better of it, walked about six feet away and then settled down and watched her.”

#8. Every damn day.

“I work at an aquarium, not a zookeeper though. We have one male sea otter who likes to play with his dick right in front of the glass in the most prominent spot. His dick is bright red and he just strokes it and nibbles at it in front of everybody. Every damn day. I’m the one who stands by the exhibit, so I’m the one who has to field all the awkward questions.”

#7. Absolutely distraught.

“I was a zookeeper and worked in animal care in various capacities for a long time. One of the weirdest things I’ve seen is when a reptile “drops” their tail. It’s only happened to me once with a Lemon gecko I was transferring from one terrarium to another. I had a poor grip on him and as he was wiggling loose I desperately grabbed on to his tail which he promptly dropped and I was left holding a dismembered, writhing tail while the gecko escaped.

Also, two of the lions at one of my jobs were afraid of a raccoon. I could hear them (the lions) making the most pitiful, pathetic bellowing sounds. I went to check on them and lo and behold a raccoon was up one of the trees in their enclosure. These two large alpha predators were absolutely distraught over a little raccoon. For it’s part, the raccoon was completely unbothered and just observed them for a bit before going on it’s way.”

#6. A little too frisky.

“Super late, but actual Zookeeper. I was once charged by a very large male Sulcata Tortoise who apparently thought I got a little too close to his female. Fortunately I was able to step over the foot high fence in time so that I was viciously mauled. Our tortoises are characters. I’ve also had to flip the male over by myself, who mind you, is on the upper end of his life span and about as big as they get, because he got a little too frisky with the female and fell off.

edit: I did not in fact step over the fence to be mauled, but to avoid being mauled. spell checking is for squares.”

#5. Off the steep hill behind her enclosure.

“I worked at a private zoo for a while and the weirdest was probably the female baboon rescue we had. She was very well tempered but she would beckon new workers over to her cage with a gesture and if you had anything in your hand, she’d reach out and rip it from you then throw it off the steep hill behind her enclosure.”

#4. The pickiest eater.

“Been a zookeeper for almost 2 years now. We have a giraffe that has a couple meds he has to take daily, but the little shit will NOT take the same food from you two days in a row. He knows exactly what we’re up to and also happens to be the pickiest eater ever so sometimes it takes an hour to get five pills, the size of A TYPICAL ADVIL PILL, into this 2,000 lb animal.

Also was watching lions in their inside enclosure once, mom and dad we’re laying down and daughter was just walking around trying to find a spot. The daughter is notorious for bugging any other lion with her to play by sitting on them. She walks over to mom and starts to sit, or so I thought, and just starts PISSING ON HER. I’ve never seen a lion double take but that second I swear to god I saw mom look at what was falling on her and then just DISGUST on her face and she jumped up and swatted at daughter. It was pretty freaking hilarious.”

#3. Licking the beaver.

“I’m a zookeeper! I work in a small department with lots of random animals that we take on programs to show guests. In our department, the cages are made of mesh, so the animals can sometimes be housed next to each other where they can reach each other and interact. One time, the beaver was housed next to the tamanduas (lesser ant eaters), and we went over and saw the tamanduas licking the beaver ALL OVER! By the time the beaver went back to his own enclosure he was soaking wet with tamandua spit.”

#2. Flossing baboons.

“Not a zookeeper but primatologist. During my masters I did a study on spontaneous tool use in captive baboons. The weird bit? They were flossing. Literally flossing with hair and broom bristles like we do with toothpicks and…well dental floss. You can Google ‘Flossing Baboons’ and you’ll pretty quickly get a photo of Georgia.”

#1. Then repeat.

“I once saw on gorilla poke another in the butt then sniff his finger.

One gorilla was laying in a hammock and the other was sitting on the ground beneath him. He would reach up, poke the gorillas butt, look at his finger, sniff it then repeat.”

If it’s your dream to become a zookeeper, you’re a better person than I.

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A Guy Tweeted His Story of Accidentally Smuggling Drugs and It Should Seriously Be a Movie

Do this mental exercise with me… imagine that your best friend calls you up and randomly invites you on a road trip. You’d say yes, right?

And then you find $40,000 worth of heroin.

I’m not going to give anything else away because ALL of this is edge-of-your-seat reading.

It all started with a random phone call from a friend.

They make the necessary arrangements and away they go!

And, yanno, they buy a van to make the trip more comfortable…

Next, they stopped in Santa Barbara.

It was all going great!

But Shane had an idea: “What if I make some modifications to the van?”

Aside from some strange shit going on with the engine, everything else was going smoothly…

They camped at Mt. Shasta and enjoyed the view.

Eventually, though, the van need some fixing…

And now, the REAL story begins.

They found an entire BRICK of drugs…

And then somebody unexpected shows up…

They thought they were royally screwed…

Luckily nothing happened even though it was a close call.

So what did they do? Well… maybe some of us would do this, but not many…

Now, this is where everything goes wrong.

Yes, the guy who put the brick in the van came calling…

However, Shane managed to outsmart him.

How many of you would have tried this? I wouldn’t have…

So, he quickly got in touch with the guy he sold the van to and started making arrangements.

Shane keeps going with the scam…

To make everything look more genuine, he added a little twist.

The only thing left was to make a fake heroin brick.

And then… it was showtime!

That’s when Shane realized he had gotten involved with the wrong crowd.

No one suspected anything; the plan worked.

Or did it?

They agreed on $5000.

But, this is where sh*t actually got real.

Yep, Shane got caught.

However, there was some room for doubt.

Though he talked his way out of the mess, it was still not over.

Then Shane found himself in yet another situation.

They were the same guys.

And they finally found out…

It was a life and death situation, so Shane escaped when he got the chance.

He continued to play dumb and actually made it out alive.

As it turns out, they were MS-13 gang members.

So, what did you think about Shane’s story? Would you have done the same?

Oh, you wouldn’t have? ME NEITHER!!!!!


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Here’s More Proof That Keanu Reeves Is Better Than All of Us Combined

Recently on Twitter, someone posted this photo of Keanu Reeves talking to a kid and… wait… what’s going on with the water… and that glass… is that wine?!?

Take a closer look and you’ll see why.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Over 73,000 retweets later, Twitter had a lot to say about this…

Because now we’re all thinking about converting…

Dropping one miracle at a time…

And let’s spread some excellence around, right?

But was there something else going on?

Naw, it couldn’t be. It’s Keanu!

And who needs reasons anyway?!?

Besides… what is this really about?

Yeah, that’s right. Keanu is the fucking best.

The end. No other theories necessary.

The post Here’s More Proof That Keanu Reeves Is Better Than All of Us Combined appeared first on UberFacts.

Take a Look at These Real Life Stories of People Who Stumbled upon Dead Bodies

I’ve never seen a dead body, even at a funeral, so I think it would be pretty horrible and disturbing to just come across one in the middle of my day. Some of the Redditors on this AskReddit thread absolutely agree with me:

1. Absolutely Devastating

“I found my mom’s dead body on the floor of her bedroom in March of this year. I called 911 and then my father, who was out of town on business. Hardest phone call I’ve ever had to make. Apparently my mom had a kidney infection from kidney reflux disease as well as pneumonia. It caught her in the middle of the night and she passed away.”

2. RA’s Worst Nightmare

“I was an RA in college. I got a call that one of my students didn’t go home for Easter. We found him hanging in the closet in his dorm room. I was upset about it because he seemed okay and never showed any signs of depression. Having to talk to his parents afterward was beyond hard.”

3. All a Blur

“I was 14 and babysitting for my baby 2nd cousin. He died from SIDS and I found him when checking on him in the morning. I frantically tried baby CPR but knew it was useless. I had to go and tell his mother who had been out late and was sleeping in the next room. Then it was all just a blur of crying, ambulance, calling my auntie and uncle and then being questioned by police.”

4. Delayed Reaction

“I must have been in total shock, because I was completely calm (detached). Saw something weird in the bushes, found the body, called the cops, talked to the cops, went on about my day. Two days later had a panic attack when walking down same path.”

5. “I Miss You, Tom”

“There was a park worker named Tom who used to always smile at me and say hello when I was a little kid. Sometimes he would have candy or a small toy for me. Fast forward 20 years, and I’m an adult. Walking back from work one day I saw tom in the park, and stopped to talk to him. At this point he was close to 70 years old, but still working 50 hours a week.

During our conversation he was still working, and he needed to go into the maintenance shed for something. I followed along with him, continuing the conversation. When he opened the door, I saw a bed. He had been living in the maintenance shed, with no running water or electricity. I decided to let him move into my spare room, and things were going great. I spent 4th of July weekend at my girlfriends house, leaving Tom by himself in the apartment.

He refused to turn on the air conditioning because he didn’t want to “waste” my money. It was over 100 degrees that weekend, and we lived in a top floor apartment in a shitty wooden building, so it had to hit 120+ inside. The heat killed him. He died drinking his morning coffee. He fell out of his chair, halfway through the cup. When I found him he had been dead for a couple days.

He was discolored, and slightly bloated. The smell was horrible, it took me weeks to get it out of the apartment. I called 911 (in hindsight, it wasn’t much of an emergency, but I wasn’t thinking clearly) and they came and took the body. They didn’t clean up all the bodily fluids though, which I was not expecting. I had to do it. It was rough. I wish he hadn’t been so concerned with wasting my money. I wish he would have turned the AC on. I miss you Tom.”

6. Landlord

“I’m a landlord. I got a call from the father of one of our tenants. He hadn’t heard from his son for a few days and he didn’t live in town. I said I would go by and check on him. No one answered the door and I just felt something was wrong. I used a master key to enter and could see that he was laying on the couch. I thought he looked dead and went back out the door, but then I realized I had to be sure.

I went back in and stared at him for about 15 seconds to really be sure. I don’t recall how he died, but I know he was a very heavy drinker. The worst part was that, after I called the police, I had to call the father back. Not an easy phone call to make, but I felt he should know.”

7. Not Suspicious At All

“My dad and I found a body in the middle of the road in Ohio. It was on the 5th of July at 5:30 A.M. He was just in the road, one leg almost severed. We blocked the road and called the sheriff. I guess he was either drunk and fell asleep in the road or someone just hit him and bailed. They never did find out who did it. There was a couple that supposedly discovered him shortly before us, and for some odd reason they went 10 miles home and switched vehicles before the sheriff showed up. We told the sheriff about it but he didn’t see anything unusual about that.”

8. Murder/Suicide

“I came home and discovered the bodies of my husband and son from a murder suicide. I knew something was wrong when I opened the apartment door, because usually my son would be greeting me, crawling on the floor (he was 2) and it was totally quiet and I hadn’t had any responses from texts from my husband. They were lying side by side on our bed. My initial reaction was “Okay… you don’t know yet.” I started moving towards my son, just enough to see that his chest wasn’t moving. I started shaking, looked around briefly for a note with some sort of explanation, couldn’t find one and decided that I would be better off not touching anything.

I ran out of my apartment and into the hallway and called 911. I sat down on the floor and just wailed into the phone until emergency services showed up. I just sat there, staring ahead of me unable to respond. After I don’t know how long a paramedic came out and asked if I was okay. I asked “Are they gone?” and he nodded, and said, “Yeah…” There aren’t really words to describe the shock and grief. There was also the big question of, “Now what?” – what do I do with my life? My whole planned future was nulled in the space of about 10 minutes.”

9. Missing Girl

“My brothers and I were playing around in the woods at a park up the street from my house, and had been playing near a pile of leaves picking bits up, throwing them at each other, when my brother noticed a purse laying on the ground. He picked it up, and he looked through it, he found a wallet, there was money in it, credit cards…We took it home, and showed my mom, who thinking it strange that it had been abandoned called the police. The I.D. in the wallet belonged to a woman who had been missing for three days, the police searched the park, and found the woman’s body. She had been hidden in a pile of leaves, the one we had been playing around (luckily not jumping in). To make matters worse, the woman was murdered by her estranged boyfriend, whom she agreed to meet the morning she died only a few days before she was due to testify against him in court for domestic violence.”

10. Desensitized

“I was driving home at about 2 a.m. and I was going around a turn at about 50 MPH but I noticed something off and slowed down it was a car in a ditch. And there was something in the road I hadn’t slowed down quickly enough and narrowly swerved around the object. As I passed it realized it was a human body. I pulled into the nearby driveway. Ran over to them and tried to get them to wake up or show some sign of life. I think I had leaned on their chest and it sounded like they may have breathed a bit but I think it was just wishful thinking. Called the cops and told them I thought he was breathing so they would hurry. Took an ambulance about 10 minutes to get there and as soon as the guy stepped out the ambulance he said “oh yeah he’s dead.” I was struck by his callousness. It happened to be a guy a few years older than me that grew up in my neighborhood. I didn’t even realize it until I got home and then I finally cried myself to sleep.”

11. Med Student

“Was coming back home from school. Back then I was in my first year of med school and had not seen any dead bodies yet. I hear one of my neighbors scream and call for her husband. I walk over to see what was going on and turns out another neighbor fell down a set of stairs just outside her apartment and hit her head. She had a very faint pulse, her pupils were fixed and she wasn’t breathing anymore, I also suspect she had fluid in her lungs cause she had froth at the mouth. We called an ambulance but all they could do was confirm her death. I was truly shocked at the time because I had never ever seen a dead person before that day. She was a single lady, no kids and I felt really bad that there was no one around to help her while there was still hope.”

12. Surprisingly Normal

“I once found my neighbor dead in his yard. He looked quite normal as if alive, but he wasn’t. He had a fatal heart attack. His body still had color in it. Before that I always used to think that dead bodies look horrific, but they look surprisingly normal to me.”

13. Not Suitable For Children

“I was eleven years old and a friend of mine and I were playing near my friend’s house which was near a lake. We say a dog barking by a small jetty in the lake. He stood there barking for a long time and tried to get our attention so went walked over to see what it was. We saw the legs of an old woman sticking out from under the jetty. She had been there for a long time. We told my friend’s parents and they called the police. It was a little scary but I felt pretty detached from the whole situation. The thing I remember the most was when she was picked up and I wanted to see what was going on, the cops yelled at us to get lost.”

14. Career Change

“When I was 9 years old coming back from a dentist’s appointment. My mom and I stopped at a service station to get gas. There was a red truck in front of us facing our car at the other pump and the man inside was wearing sunglasses. He was sitting in a odd position with his head resting on his shoulder. I walked into the station to get a coke and when I came back I saw he hadn’t moved and noticed chewed up food in his mouth. I poked his shoulder to see if he was just sleeping but he didn’t move so I took his glasses off and saw his eyes wide open. He got hauled off in an ambulance and I asked one of the workers if he was alright but he was said he dead for at least thirty minutes. I cried the rest of the day. That mess is scary! I wanted to be a brain surgeon prior to that incident but that changed my mind. I can’t deal with the traumatic stuff.”

15. Terrifying Find

“My friend’s mum was going for an early morning jog on some boardwalk that ran through a creek (which is usually a pretty fucking scary place at the best of times). She was on a long straight stretch and saw a white figure at the end; on closer inspection, it was some guy who hung himself off a tree.”

We know you can choose a lot of sites to read, but we want you to know that we’re thankful you chose Did You Know.

You rock! Thanks for reading!

The post Take a Look at These Real Life Stories of People Who Stumbled upon Dead Bodies appeared first on UberFacts.

A Man Unwittingly Put Flowers on a Murderer’s Grave and Met the Woman of His Dreams

You really never know when you’re gonna find love, so it’s a good idea to always keep your eyes open!

A writer on Twitter shared his own personal love story that has to be seen to be believed.

Let’s look at this thread. Be sure to read the whole story because it takes a few twists and turns you won’t be expecting.

It even starts off in an unconventional way.

Flowers were common at the grave…

And then things got interesting…

He thought he was being nice…

But he had to know who he was…

And then things got very weird…

Oh boy.

So he did the only thing he thought he could…

And then things got awkward…

But, wait! Here’s a happy ending!

Bet you didn’t see that one coming, did you?

What can you say? True love happens in the most unusual places and when you least expect it.

Do you have a similar story? Share it in the comments, please!

The post A Man Unwittingly Put Flowers on a Murderer’s Grave and Met the Woman of His Dreams appeared first on UberFacts.

Thrift Store Workers Share the Weirdest Items They’ve Pulled from the Donation Bin

If what you see on the shelves at the thrift store is the good stuff, then what gets donated and doesn’t make the cut?

Below are 15 solid examples.

#15. There’s a story there somewhere.

Not something I’ve found particularly but something very strange. Every month and a half or so, a man would come by right before we closed and would donate a single blank cd. Every single time. My coworkers and I would always put it in and see if anything was on it. There never was.

#14. The extra stuff inside.

A grinder with weed still in it, and somehow a suitcase full of dildos made it onto the floor and was brought to our attention by an elderly lady who was wanting to purchase the suitcase but didnt want “the extra stuff inside”.

I still think a customer had to have somehow snuck a bag of dildos in and dumped them there since anything going to the floor is opened and sprayed with disinfectant, plus it was heavy so it definitely wouldve been opened if it arrived that way. Either way it made for an interesting day at work.

Edit: I forgot to add money! We were allowed to keep any money we found, usually it was the occasional few bucks in a purse someone forgot. Other times it could be big bills or one lady locked out and found a stash of around $2000 in two dollar bills in a trinket box.

#13. A get out of jail free card.

We’ve had some nipple clamps on a chain, a rampant rabbit with car charger, a jug in the shape of a tit and a book with a hole in it that you stick your dick in for a novelty puppet show.

Oh and there was also a mobile phone with a bunch of photos of a local policeman wearing his girlfriend’s underwear. I securely deleted those. He owes me a get out of jail free card for that.

#12. I look fantastic in it.

I found a full Tommy lee jones Two face suit. I look fan tastic in it. Only $15

Here it is in all its glory.

View post on imgur.com

Edit: thank you all for the self confidence boost!

#11. A human skull.

A classmate of mine found a human skull that was donated. It still had reminents of human on it. They reported it to the police and turns out it was part of an active murder investigation 1 state over.

#10. That’s not sand.

I was a receiving and loading lead at a thrift store for a few years. We had this guy that cleaned out storage units for a living and then he’d dump whatever he couldn’t flip with us for a tax slip.

He pulls up and we’re going through it all. Pretty nice stuff, looked like it was an estate sale. We get it all unloaded and then we start snooping through to see what needs to get brought to where and we find this green glass vase filled with sand.

I started pouring the sand out into the trash so we could figure if the vase was worth using

“That’s not sand”

Somehow we ended up with an unmarked, full urn.

#9. I’ve seen it all.

Ah something I can contribute to. In college I was one of the people that directly sorted donations.

I’ve seen it all, vibrators, boxes of dildos, a nunchuk collection to name a few. On more than one occasion have we found large amounts of money stashed away in hollowed out books, usually $1000+ in new bills.

The one story that sticks out the most was this middle aged man who consistently came on Saturday evenings to donate used underwear. Bags and bags of men’s used underwear, for almost 3 months straight, then suddenly he just stopped.

#8. So much nope.

When I was about sixteen I worked at goodwill for about 6 months. There was this old homeless man who used to try and sneak inside to sleep and stuff like that. Everyday he’d get kicked out pretty quick by one of my female coworkers. After about a month of working there with her, the homeless man came up to the counter she was working at, gave her a target bag filled with rocks, and left. We open the bag and find a doll underneath about a layer of rocks. It was so friggin creepy. The doll looked exactly like her. We flipped it over and the back had her FULL NAME sewn into it. She quit about a couple days later because she was worried about that homeless man coming back to the store.

#7. Defaced by a complete lunatic.

One time, someone donated a book (some country singer’s autobiography I believe) that had been massively defaced by a complete lunatic.

That’s not a great description, but fortunately I took pictures:

Book donated by lunatic

Utterly fucking insane. I didn’t meet the donor because I was at lunch at the time, but my coworker said they seemed completely normal.

#6. A good read.

Used journals… Highlights include someone recounting the time they bit someone, and a tale of an explosive funeral. They make for a good read, but why wouldn’t you throw them out?

#5. Unwanted gifts.

I worked in donations. In the same day we got a pickled baby tiger shark and a coin purse made from a kangaroo scrotum.

Edit: for everyone wondering how I knew, it still had the original tag on it. Me and my co-workers were guessing it was an unwanted gift someone felt bad about throwing away.

It was not the same person that donated the shark.

Who knew my most upvoted comment would be about kangaroo balls?

#4. Cool job for a while.

Someone donated an entire trash bag full of dirty diapers.

Sex toys. Lots of sex toys. Some older, and more naive, workers actually priced them and put them in the sales floor.

An old electronic chessboard that was somehow worth $2000+

Some rich old lady came in and donated a ziplock bag full of gold and platinum jewelry – it was real.

Huge beanie baby collections. Guess someone finally figured out after 20 years that they weren’t a solid investment. It’s something you hear about but I never really saw before.

Maybe not the strangest but you actually do find some cool old shit people think is worthless. Cool job for a while.

EDIT: drinking some beers now. Ask a former Goodwill employee anything!

#3. Investigation warranted.

My aunt’s a cop and had to go investigate a donated hand grenade.

Edit: People keep asking if this happened in ______ city, so apparently it’s super common in America. For the record, keep it classy, San Diego.

#2. The Big Red Dog

A high school diploma still in its leather case. We were selling it for $1.39.

Also a porn movie inside a Clifford the Big Red Dog DVD case.

#1. Lobotomy tools.

I was sorting out some donated items and come across an unusual set of tools. Through some research, we discovered that it was a full transorbital lobotomy tool set. It got donated to a local university for display. Apparently, a vintage set in good condition can sell for around $1,000.

It’s high time I took another look around!

The post Thrift Store Workers Share the Weirdest Items They’ve Pulled from the Donation Bin appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Delivery Drivers Reveal the Most Messed up Places They’ve Ever Been

I delivered food for a while (Mojo’s, Lawrence, Kansas, RIP) and I can attest to how many weirdos you have to interact with on a daily basis.

And how many odd and creepy places you have to go to.

AskReddit users who have done time in the delivery field shared their experiences. Buckle up.

1. Awkward

“Someone ordered pizzas to a funeral. There were A TON of people there, all somber and dressed in black while I rolled up in my bright red greasy T-shirt lol. Definitely one of the most awkward experiences I’ve had.”

2. Get outta there

“It was outside of town on a dirt road with tall trees. Every “house” was basically just plywood shacks. There was broken down cars and trash everywhere. The entire neighborhood just reeked of a b rated horror film. I find the right house and walk up to the “door” but it was just a blanket so I had to yell “Pizza!” They come to the door and grumbled.

It was a haggard looking man wearing boxers and a dirty white tank. Something felt wrong as he handed me a bill that looked washed. I held the $100, with old Ben Franklin’s face on it, up to the light and could clearly see Abe Lincoln in the paper.

They had ordered around $50 worth of pizza and wanted change. He tried convincing me that he went to the bank and they gave him that bill. I asked him why then wrong face was on there and he said that’s how they do it. I said hell no and drove away as fast as I could. We stopped taking orders that don’t have street roads.”


“You just reminded me- my husband delivered to an older woman who ended up dying during the time it took for him to get there after she placed the call (~20 mins). He said he showed up as they were loading her up into an ambulance (I think) and that the family was standing around watching and he didn’t know what to do so he gave it to one of the family members (who paid for it) and left.”

4. No thanks

“I didn’t end up delivering the pizza but the address was an abandoned house.. it was around dusk and the house was so obviously uninhabited, I could see trees growing through the windows and the backside of the house was crumbling so badly I could see to the backyard… from the street.

The instructions were to “come around back”. I double checked the address after locking my doors called the customer a couple of times, called the store and told em what was up and why I wasn’t delivering the pizza and headed out.. I mean seriously who would have been dumb enough to go to the back of that house?”

5. I’m under here!

“I once delivered to a guy living under his porch if that counts.

I drove up to the house. Its pitch black. No lights on. I look at the ticket and it says “use back door.” I go up the steps and no lights on. Nothing. Then I hear a voice from below me say, “hey down here.”

I look under the porch and theres a small door leading into what looked like a makeshift apartment. I had to actually crouch to get to it. Gave the guy the pizza and bounced the fuck out of there.”


“The one where they tried to pull me in the house.

Not coincidently the last delivery I ever made.”

7. A bunch of good stuff

“Extremely large man naked on his bed telling me to come in. i yelled that i wouldn’t like to do that and he replied “oh it’s a girl, why’d they send a girl” as if we knew the situation there….

Delivered to a trucker in his rig. berated me for having a single nose piercing and colored hair because he had a son “with all them piercings” and all he does is drugs now. then the man texted me “can i ask you a silly question” (i had called him to find his specific rig for the delivery). i ignored and blocked him and he called the store asking for me specially to return and bring him a specific sauce packet…… my manager said no and had me stay in the store with the crew until it was time to leave.

One woman answered the door in a thong and asked where another delivery driver was. told her he wasn’t working. she replied “well he knows to always do mine for me”. again tried to explain that he was not present in the store that day. later found out he was dealing while delivering.”

8. Hoarders

“Every Hoarder House I ever delivered to. Honestly, I feel for those folks, there’s usually a mental issue that starts it. Sometimes it’s just learned behavior, either way it’s still just sad to me.”

9. Weird

“I was delivering chicken (KFC) not pizza, but my worst stop was pathetic, really.

I knock on the door, I hear a kid yell “I GOT IT”, he opens the door, and runs up the stairs yelling to his friends “The chicken asshole’s here! The chicken asshole’s here!!”, after which a crowd of about 8 pre-teens at the top of the stairs start throwing change down the stairs at me to pay for the delivery.

I asked if they could hand me the money, they laugh and just throw the quarters/dimes/etc. harder.

So I picked up the bag of food, winged it up the stairs at them, it hit the wall, and I split.

Told the boss what happened and if they call to complain I won’t listen or apologize; I’ll just quit if he brings it up. I found out later he did get a call and told them to get stuffed.

Good boss.”

10. Classy

“Used to deliver part time in a not so nice part of town. Used to do a regular delivery to an adult book store, my 18 year old mind was blown the first time I went in & saw all the sex toys & shit hanging on the walls.

Another time I delivered to a room at a hot sheet motel. Dude opened the door & while he was counting out the money I saw a naked hooker sit up in the bed behind him.”

11. Obsession

“I worked at Domino’s and we had to blacklist a guy because he was obsessed with me. He would come in and ask if I was there. If I wasn’t working that day he would just show up the next. If I was on a delivery, he’d wait around in the store for me.

He would tell me that he loved me and ask me out on dates. He was very bad on heroin and made it obvious. The last time I delivered to his house, he ordered about $40 worth of food and drinks, and kept trying to hand me $100 even though I told him numerous times I didn’t have the change.

He apparently stole his grandma’s cell phone and wouldn’t give it back and him and his cousin were screaming at each other the whole time I’m waiting to get the smaller bills he kept telling me he had. He had nothing smaller than a $100 and he kept arguing with me because he changed his mind and just wanted 1 pizza and a drink and I told him I couldn’t do that.”

12. A dodgy part of town

“So while I was in under grad, I worked as a pizza delivery driver. I had a delivery to a dodgy part of town with a delicious pie. When I got within a couple miles of the residence, a local sheriff’s deputy got in front of me. We made all the same turns. Then as we got closer, another got in front of him and one behind me. I start freaking out a bit as I’d been smoking some weed, but carry on.

Finally, we all get to the same residence which is totally surrounded by police in riot gear, guns drawn, all that shit. I get out with my pizza and discover the house I’m supposed to deliver to is the one with SWAT out in front. One of the officers waves me off and says, “he’s not gonna need that today” and they proceed to breach the door, to which I return to the car with a free pizza and get the hell outta there.

They were added to our “Do not deliver” list but I don’t think we ever heard from them again.”

13. Help me!

“Funnest job I ever had, but man the shit I saw and went through. The most fucked up delivery had to be when a woman answered with her huge beautiful Siamese cat. I love that breed, so I ask if I can pet him. She says yes, I bend down.

The cat purrs, rubs against me, all the usual signs of liking it. So I stand up to finish giving this lady her pizza, the cat lunges and bites me above my right eye, and wraps all 4 limbs around my head. Panic! Freeze! Wtf do I do?! Wtf is going on?!

Why isn’t this lady helping me???? I grab this demon cat from hell by the front legs and just rip him the fuck off of me. As I do my contact lense pops off. All I can think is that it’s eye skin coming off of my eyeball. I throw that fucker down and just freak out at the amount of blood that starts pouring out of my gash. The woman brings me into her house and puts a towel on.

I tell her she has to take me to the emergency room or call 911 as I can’t see to drive myself. After all it was her cat who attacked me. She drives me to a minor er place. I get stitches, and a tetanus shot. She foots the bill. Never see her again. Boss wasn’t happy that I missed the rest of the night, or had another order in my car. Fuck that cat.”

14. Cuffed

“I drove to the customer’s house and saw that a guy was being handcuffed by the police in the front yard. I had no idea what to do so I drove around a neighboring block a few times. When I came back, the police and handcuffed guy were gone.

I didn’t know if he was the customer or not so I just walked up to the door and knocked. An old couple answered and took the pizza and paid and didn’t say anything about the arrest that happened on their lawn. It was in a city with extremely low crime rate as well so it was very strange to 17-year-old me.”

15. A sad story

“First time to a huge mansion that was renowned for big tips, where you had to go around the back to a gate leading to the pool patio. Guy who answered the gate doorbell (!) had been disfigured in some horrible accident.

He had me wait while he got his wallet, so I got a good dose of the backyard where a raging party was going on. Coke being snorted, craziness in the pool, booze bottles everywhere, and it was like midday on a Wednesday.

Guy finally comes back, addresses me by name (no name tag) and says “you don’t remember me, do you?” Knowing that I’d remember those injuries, I realized he must know me from before he got hurt, and I stammered out a weak “no, I don’t?”

His response blew me away – he recalled being in first grade with me at a local Catholic school I attended for one year. Then, he went on to detail everything about class that year, the people, teachers, activities and that his accident had happened during the following summer – he’d gone through a windshield in a head-on with a semi.

I delivered there a few more times, and hung out chatting with him as long as I could. It slowly became clear that the party crowd was just using him for his money. That was fucked up enough, but what I also eventually realized was that he was stuck in that last normal year he’d lived and, 20 years later, had moved back (IIRC, he’d moved away because his parents died or were severely injured in the accident) as soon as he was old enough to access the accident settlement. And the money was going up that crowd’s nose pretty fast.

I had no idea how to help him or even if he wanted help, and eventually started letting other drivers take that run. Never saw him again, even though it’s a small town.

Eventually he stopped ordering pizza and then I left for a job elsewhere, but would pass by his house when visiting while my parents still lived there. Fewer and fewer cars were parked out front every time I went by, and the house slowly became overgrown with ivy. Fucked up.”

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10 Ghost Tours That Will Seriously Give You the Creeps

I really, really love all things creepy. I’m talking about scary movies, scary books, scary everything.

If you like to dabble in scary tourism, this is just the list for you.

Today we take a look at 10 real-life, creepy tours recommended by the Buzzfeed community that are guaranteed to give you a good scare.

1. The Stanley Hotel – Estes Park, Colorado

“The Stanley Hotel (where The Shining was filmed) offers guided tours, and you can even spend the night in specific rooms that are reported to have ‘higher than usual activity.’ The guide said many people died building the hotel, and their ghosts will often come out to ensure guests are enjoying it.

While on the tour, one of the guides encouraged me to take a picture in this one dark hallway. When I had the film developed, there were two orbs, one on each side of me, clear as could be. So spooky.”

2. The Jennie Wade House – Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

“After taking pictures on the Jennie Wade House tour, a bunch of my friends and I had photos turn out really strangely— there were giant clouds and shadows in weird spots.

At one point, we also heard footsteps upstairs and thought it was the other tour group, but then we found out they were in the basement.

A chain that was blocking off a section began to swing in circles with nobody touching it — scary!”

3. Zak Bagans’ Haunted Museum – Las Vegas, Nevada

“Zak Bagans’ Haunted Museum is located in a mansion that the state of Nevada deemed haunted after they found a pentagram, human flesh, and streaks of blood in it in the ’70s.

It contains 30 rooms of artifacts from Zak’s personal collection, including an allegedly demonic chair that was used during the Ed and Lorraine Warren exorcisms!”

4. Jack the Ripper Tour – London, England

“Last Halloween, a few friends and I went on the Jack the Ripper guided tour in London. Our host was amazing — she took us on a walk to all the spots where the murders had happened and the victims were found. She had photos and went into a LOT of detail about the killings.

The night itself was freezing cold, which literally added to the chill of everything!”

5. The Waverly Hills Sanatorium – Louisville, Kentucky

“I did an overnight paranormal investigation at the Waverly Hills Sanatorium just for fun, not believing I’d experience anything paranormal. It was life-changing!

I saw and heard things that night that I never thought could happen. It was both terrifying and fascinating.

I’d do it again any day.”

6. Manly Quarantine Station – Sydney, Australia

“Q Station is by far the scariest tour ever!! There’s so much amazing history to the place, which has pitch black buildings, cold spots, and decontamination showers.

Oh, and a couple of jump scares thrown in for good measure!”

7. French Quarter Ghost & Legends Tour – New Orleans, Louisiana

“This tour in the French Quarter of New Orleans is such a fun and interesting tour of all of the crazy happenings down there. It is especially terrifying to go see the Lalaurie Mansion, home of serial killer Madame Lalaurie.

Nic Cage used to own the home but he would never spend the night because of what had happened in it!”

8. The Crescent Hotel – Eureka Springs, Arkansas

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Its National Paranormal Day! ? So let's throw it back to 2012 when me and my uncle were into Ghost Hunting and he took us on a road trip from Missouri to the infamous Crescent Hotel located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Honestly, a really beautiful place with a chilling history. The Crescent Hotel is known to be one of the most haunted hotels in America. It was first a resort for the rich that became a hospital for cancer patients. Unfortunately, the "doctor" Norman Baker was running scams and likely performing dangerous experiments on the patients leading to their death. He was found to not have any medical training and was eventually arrested. When we went, we only caught a few orbs (seen in a few of the pics) on the haunted tour and my mom's arm got yanked while she was sleeping. Yes, we stayed overnight! What's crazy is that recently there has been an unearthing of jars filled with body parts. This discovery happened after the recent Ghost Adventures visit in February! Creepy! • • • #nationalparanormalday #Horrorjunkie #GhostHunting #GhostAdventures #EurekaSprings #Arkansas #TheCrescentHotel #MostHaunted #Haunts #Ghosts #Mansion #Roadtrip #Scary #Hotel #Missouri #Travel #GhostTown #Supernatural #Paranormal #Creepy

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“On the Crescent Hotel tour, they talk about many different ghosts that stay in certain rooms and areas.

Plus, they even have a cat ghost!!!”

9. The Sorrel-Weed House Tour – Savannah, Georgia

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“The Sorrel-Weed House Tour is all fun and games until you descend into the basement.

It’s hands down the creepiest place I’ve ever set foot in. I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched.”

10. The Joshua Ward House Tour – Salem, Massachusetts

“When I went on a tour of the Joshua Ward House — which was once the home of a High Sheriff in the Salem Witch Trials — I was suddenly overwhelmed by a chilling feeling when I was standing by the basement.

The next day, a bruise in the shape of a bite mark from HUMAN TEETH showed up on my ankle!”

Are your bags packed yet?

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10 of the Best Things Tumblr Has Ever Accomplished

Tumblr creates something new and amazing every now and then. And by ‘every now and then’ I mean ‘all the gall darn time.’

Tumblr’s list of accomplishments is vast and extensive, including things like:

1. Finding this baby’s long lost father.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

2. Failing at this simple household tip.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

3. Making this unexpected comparison

Photo Credit: Tumblr

4. Giving us this adorable photo

Photo Credit: Tumblr

5. Making this important discovery

Photo Credit: Tumblr

6. Giving us Porn Flakes

Photo Credit: Tumblr

7. Inventing this new olympic sport

Photo Credit: Tumblr

8. Revealing the world’s greatest selfie

Photo Credit: Tumblr

9. Inventing ‘Italianics

Photo Credit: Tumblr

10. This jurassic bitch slap

Photo Credit: Tumblr

The beauty part is, Tumblr’s resumé will only get better over time.

And you can bet I’ll be back to give you another list soon. Veeeery soon.

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15 Hilarious Responses to the “Straight Pride” Parade in Boston

That’s right, in case you haven’t heard, some people in Boston planned a “straight pride” parade in response to all the gay pride events taking place in June. It may be pride month, but you know how oppressed straight white men are in this country.

Here are some of the funniest reactions to the planned event.

1. Nailed it

2. Hahahaha

3. Pretty much

4. Nobody wants it

5. Looks like a blast

6. A humiliating defeat

7. Bros…

8. Can you spare some?

9. Boom

10. Sounds awesome

11. This is taking forever…

12. LOL

13. July is the best

14. Beige all day

15. Yes!

Sounds like it’s gonna be a real hoot!

The post 15 Hilarious Responses to the “Straight Pride” Parade in Boston appeared first on UberFacts.