There’s a Vincent Van Gogh Action Figure That Comes with Removable Ears

Vincent Van Gogh’s life story, the tribulations, the mental illness, and especially the story of him cutting off part of his own ear, continues to fascinate art lovers all over the world.

That’s why this Van Gogh action figure is so amazing! Today is Art Day launched a Kickstarter campaign back in 2017 to help fund the Van Gogh figure, and now they are readily available for the public to buy. Yay, Kickstarter!

The figure comes with not one, but two, detachable ears.

Photo Credit: Amazon

It may not be historically accurate, but hey, we’re allowed to have a little fun once in a while, aren’t we?

The figure comes in a box decorated with replicas of Van Gogh’s famous paintings, Sunflowers and The Starry Night. Lil’ Vincent is made of PVC and stands five inches tall.

Today is Art Day has branched out and now produces a bunch of other amazing action figures in addition to Van Gogh.

We have Frida Kahlo:

Posted by Today Is Art Day on Saturday, July 6, 2019

Salvador Dalí:

Posted by Today Is Art Day on Saturday, May 11, 2019

Leonardo da Vinci:

Posted by Today Is Art Day on Monday, April 15, 2019

And Einstein!

And if you want to paint your own, you can also buy the Vincent Van Gogh DIY action figure.

Posted by Today Is Art Day on Tuesday, April 30, 2019

They make other figures as well so take a look at their page and do some exploring!

Get your hands on the Van Gogh figure from Amazon for $29 and check out their other products as well.

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Unicorn Armpit Hair Is a Trend Now…Prepare Yourself

Are you on this train yet? Well, you better get on board ASAP.

Official Rainbow Girl started this amazing trend back in 2016 with this tutorial on how to get that armpit hair looking rainbow-licious!

And really, who are we to disagree with somebody named “Official Rainbow Girl”? I mean, she’s official THE Rainbow Girl, so we have to trust her.

Well, it’s 2019 and the rainbow armpit hair trend has official caught fire on Insta and adopted the hashtag #UnicornPits.

So let’s do this, people! Let’s look at people’s multi-colored armpit hair!

Because why the fuck not? What else do you have to do today?!


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Rainbows Pits ??? Got to do my bff @potatoeslaughing today! Check out the process on my story! She also wanted some rainbow underarms for St. Louis Pride this weekend! We did all of her hair using @pulpriothair color and @kevinmurphyhair color and conditioned her thirsty locks with @brazilianbondbuilder ! . . . . . . . #behindthechair #modernsalon #americansalon #notchstl #stl #stlouis #thegrovestl #grovestl #hairstl #stlhair #hairstlouis #stlouishairstylist #hairstyliststlouis #stlhairstylist #caitlinfordhair #anthonythebarber916 #authentichairarmy #esteticausa #imallaboutdahair #licensedtocreate #cosmoprof #fiidnt #brazilianbondbuilder #colortrak #pulpriot #pride #pridemonth #dyedpits #rainbowhair #pinkhair

A post shared by Caitlin Ford (@caitlinfordhair) on



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На что только люди не идут, чтобы украсить себя. Сейчас набирает обороты тренд “выкрашенные подмышки”?. Они выступили на смену ярким волосам на голове. Все оттенки радуги в подмышках заполонили просторы Сети. Флэшмоб набирает обороты. Девушки (а иногда к ним присоединяются и парни) с удовольствием делятся результатами своего нестандартного окрашивания под хэштегом #dyedpits («окрашенные подмышки»). Некоторые из пользователей уже записали обучающие мастер-классы по нестандартному окрашиванию в два, три, а то и во все пять оттенков. Друзья, подскажите, как вы относитесь к этому тренду? 1✅Мир сошел с ума. 2✅Почему бы и не украсить подмышки в цвет радуги? Это необычно) 3✅Предпочитаю гладкие подмышки без разукрашек. 4✅Я только за натуральность. Вообще не понимаю, зачем их нужно брить или красить. Главное – чистота! Или пишите свои впечатления от данного тренда.

A post shared by Салон красоты ПерсонаVIP (@persona_vip_tver) on

Super styling…


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Pit hair, don’t care! #FuckYourBeautyStandards Coloured my underarms blue to match my hair because why the hell not? I use Ellumin by Goldwell, a little goes a long way, and it seems to last longer and bleed less. I occasionally shave them for fashion shows/events but as far as my personal life goes, I see no need for prickly pits and in grown hairs just because some people think it’s “gross” for my body to do what it does. Shave if you want, don’t if you dont. It’s not up to anyone but yourself! #FurryGirl #BluePits #NaturalBeauty #HairyGirls #FucktheSystem #IThrewItOnTheGround #PitHairDontCare #FurryGirls #Sexy #Beauty #AltBeauty #AuNaturale #armpithairdontcare #hairypitsclub #BeautyRevolution #PitColour #PitColor #Goldwell #ellumin #DyedPits #TheMermaidAnahita #AnahitaMermaid #MermaidAnahita

A post shared by Christie Lee Dastmalchi (@flowerfaerie710) on

Again, why the fuck not, right?

These are all beautiful. ALL OF THEM!

I can’t look away, nor do I want to!


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Committed to the Mohawk and got #rainbowpits today! What a day #feministwitch

A post shared by andi (@andi_samaaaa) on

Another one? Bring it on!

Is that a rainbow? I don’t care! Close enough!


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Dyed my pits today! #dyedpits #pithairdontcare #lagoonblue

A post shared by Ashley Regan (@pandora1798) on

And there she is! Official Rainbow Girl!


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#rainbowgirl #officialrainbowgirl #rainbow #dyedpits #armpithair

A post shared by Rainbow Girl (@theofficialrainbowgirl) on

Thank you Official Rainbow Girl for being all official and rainbowy!

The post Unicorn Armpit Hair Is a Trend Now…Prepare Yourself appeared first on UberFacts.

Unicorn Armpit Hair Is a Trend Now…Prepare Yourself

Are you on this train yet? Well, you better get on board ASAP.

Official Rainbow Girl started this amazing trend back in 2016 with this tutorial on how to get that armpit hair looking rainbow-licious!

And really, who are we to disagree with somebody named “Official Rainbow Girl”? I mean, she’s official THE Rainbow Girl, so we have to trust her.

Well, it’s 2019 and the rainbow armpit hair trend has official caught fire on Insta and adopted the hashtag #UnicornPits.

So let’s do this, people! Let’s look at people’s multi-colored armpit hair!

Because why the fuck not? What else do you have to do today?!


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Rainbows Pits ??? Got to do my bff @potatoeslaughing today! Check out the process on my story! She also wanted some rainbow underarms for St. Louis Pride this weekend! We did all of her hair using @pulpriothair color and @kevinmurphyhair color and conditioned her thirsty locks with @brazilianbondbuilder ! . . . . . . . #behindthechair #modernsalon #americansalon #notchstl #stl #stlouis #thegrovestl #grovestl #hairstl #stlhair #hairstlouis #stlouishairstylist #hairstyliststlouis #stlhairstylist #caitlinfordhair #anthonythebarber916 #authentichairarmy #esteticausa #imallaboutdahair #licensedtocreate #cosmoprof #fiidnt #brazilianbondbuilder #colortrak #pulpriot #pride #pridemonth #dyedpits #rainbowhair #pinkhair

A post shared by Caitlin Ford (@caitlinfordhair) on



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На что только люди не идут, чтобы украсить себя. Сейчас набирает обороты тренд “выкрашенные подмышки”?. Они выступили на смену ярким волосам на голове. Все оттенки радуги в подмышках заполонили просторы Сети. Флэшмоб набирает обороты. Девушки (а иногда к ним присоединяются и парни) с удовольствием делятся результатами своего нестандартного окрашивания под хэштегом #dyedpits («окрашенные подмышки»). Некоторые из пользователей уже записали обучающие мастер-классы по нестандартному окрашиванию в два, три, а то и во все пять оттенков. Друзья, подскажите, как вы относитесь к этому тренду? 1✅Мир сошел с ума. 2✅Почему бы и не украсить подмышки в цвет радуги? Это необычно) 3✅Предпочитаю гладкие подмышки без разукрашек. 4✅Я только за натуральность. Вообще не понимаю, зачем их нужно брить или красить. Главное – чистота! Или пишите свои впечатления от данного тренда.

A post shared by Салон красоты ПерсонаVIP (@persona_vip_tver) on

Super styling…


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Pit hair, don’t care! #FuckYourBeautyStandards Coloured my underarms blue to match my hair because why the hell not? I use Ellumin by Goldwell, a little goes a long way, and it seems to last longer and bleed less. I occasionally shave them for fashion shows/events but as far as my personal life goes, I see no need for prickly pits and in grown hairs just because some people think it’s “gross” for my body to do what it does. Shave if you want, don’t if you dont. It’s not up to anyone but yourself! #FurryGirl #BluePits #NaturalBeauty #HairyGirls #FucktheSystem #IThrewItOnTheGround #PitHairDontCare #FurryGirls #Sexy #Beauty #AltBeauty #AuNaturale #armpithairdontcare #hairypitsclub #BeautyRevolution #PitColour #PitColor #Goldwell #ellumin #DyedPits #TheMermaidAnahita #AnahitaMermaid #MermaidAnahita

A post shared by Christie Lee Dastmalchi (@flowerfaerie710) on

Again, why the fuck not, right?

These are all beautiful. ALL OF THEM!

I can’t look away, nor do I want to!


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Committed to the Mohawk and got #rainbowpits today! What a day #feministwitch

A post shared by andi (@andi_samaaaa) on

Another one? Bring it on!

Is that a rainbow? I don’t care! Close enough!


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Dyed my pits today! #dyedpits #pithairdontcare #lagoonblue

A post shared by Ashley Regan (@pandora1798) on

And there she is! Official Rainbow Girl!


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#rainbowgirl #officialrainbowgirl #rainbow #dyedpits #armpithair

A post shared by Rainbow Girl (@theofficialrainbowgirl) on

Thank you Official Rainbow Girl for being all official and rainbowy!

The post Unicorn Armpit Hair Is a Trend Now…Prepare Yourself appeared first on UberFacts.

Social Media Influencers Have Been Taking Pics with a Toxic Lake in Russia

So is “social media influencer” like, a job?

It is, unfortunately. And apparently finding the perfect background is an important part of being the best in your field.

Which is why so many influencers have taken a liking to the picturesque lake in the city of Novosibirsk, in Russia.

The waters are as turquoise as a tropical sea, and contrasted against the surrounding Siberian forest, well…there’s really no arguing that the scenery is Instagram-worthy.

Except for one this: It’s not actually a lake, but the containment pond a power plant uses as an ash dump. The Siberian Generating Company, who runs the plant, has put out a warning against swimming in the lake, which gets its beautiful color from  calcium salts and other metal oxides being pumped into the fairly shallow (3-6 feet deep) body of water.

Now, the lake isn’t radioactive or deadly – at least according to the power plant – but the cocktail of substances definitely certainly isn’t something you’d want in your bath water. It could lead to allergic reactions, among other unknown outcomes.

Not only that, but the bottom of the lake is muddy with ash deposits, meaning anyone walking in it could get stuck and require professional help to get out.

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OBSESE RUSKÝCH INSTAGRAMERŮ? #NovosibirskéMaledivy působí na první pohled jako místo, které je ideální pro návštěvu během letní dovolené. Pohádkově modrá voda přímo vybízí ke koupání a ruští instagrameři se u tohoto jezera rádi zvěčňují takovým způsobem, jako kdyby se právě nacházeli na luxusní dovolené. Realita je pak o něco horší. Příčinou azurově modré vody jsou totiž chemikálie a popel, které do vody proudí z nedaleké uhelné továrny. Jakkoliv může místo vybízet ke koupání, lidé by se k němu podle vydaných varování nejlépe neměli vůbec přibližovat, natož v něm plavat, protože tamní voda je zdraví škodlivá. Navzdory tomu místo denně navštěvují houfy lidí, aby si pořídily stylovou fotku… A kam letos pojedete na dovolenou vy? ?#russia #novosibirsk #novosibirskmaldives #lake #instagram #summer #blog #factory #trend #blogger #influencer #photo #blue #water

A post shared by Ironická blondýna (@ironickablondyna) on

Just something to think about before you go wading into random bodies of water, pretty or not.

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Social Media Influencers Have Been Taking Pics with a Toxic Lake in Russia

So is “social media influencer” like, a job?

It is, unfortunately. And apparently finding the perfect background is an important part of being the best in your field.

Which is why so many influencers have taken a liking to the picturesque lake in the city of Novosibirsk, in Russia.

The waters are as turquoise as a tropical sea, and contrasted against the surrounding Siberian forest, well…there’s really no arguing that the scenery is Instagram-worthy.

Except for one this: It’s not actually a lake, but the containment pond a power plant uses as an ash dump. The Siberian Generating Company, who runs the plant, has put out a warning against swimming in the lake, which gets its beautiful color from  calcium salts and other metal oxides being pumped into the fairly shallow (3-6 feet deep) body of water.

Now, the lake isn’t radioactive or deadly – at least according to the power plant – but the cocktail of substances definitely certainly isn’t something you’d want in your bath water. It could lead to allergic reactions, among other unknown outcomes.

Not only that, but the bottom of the lake is muddy with ash deposits, meaning anyone walking in it could get stuck and require professional help to get out.

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OBSESE RUSKÝCH INSTAGRAMERŮ? #NovosibirskéMaledivy působí na první pohled jako místo, které je ideální pro návštěvu během letní dovolené. Pohádkově modrá voda přímo vybízí ke koupání a ruští instagrameři se u tohoto jezera rádi zvěčňují takovým způsobem, jako kdyby se právě nacházeli na luxusní dovolené. Realita je pak o něco horší. Příčinou azurově modré vody jsou totiž chemikálie a popel, které do vody proudí z nedaleké uhelné továrny. Jakkoliv může místo vybízet ke koupání, lidé by se k němu podle vydaných varování nejlépe neměli vůbec přibližovat, natož v něm plavat, protože tamní voda je zdraví škodlivá. Navzdory tomu místo denně navštěvují houfy lidí, aby si pořídily stylovou fotku… A kam letos pojedete na dovolenou vy? ?#russia #novosibirsk #novosibirskmaldives #lake #instagram #summer #blog #factory #trend #blogger #influencer #photo #blue #water

A post shared by Ironická blondýna (@ironickablondyna) on

Just something to think about before you go wading into random bodies of water, pretty or not.

The post Social Media Influencers Have Been Taking Pics with a Toxic Lake in Russia appeared first on UberFacts.

A Guy Accepted a Dare to Eat a Gecko and He Lost His Life

Bet you never thought you’d see that headline, right?

We all know that games of truth or dare can get out of hand on occasion, but the family of David Dowell – a husband and father of three – never expected his taking a Christmas party dare to eat a gecko might cost him his life.

The healthy 34-year-old ingested the animal on December 1, and by December 3, he was not feeling at all well.

“It was coming out both ends,” his sister Hannah told The Sydney Morning Herald. “He was really sick and the moment he started throwing up it was green. That’s when they rang the ambulance.”

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♡ Betty ♡ She’s like a little boa sometimes ? It was weigh day today and Betty is up at 52g, Penny has gone down to 66g and Archie is at 30g. ??• • I’m going away again and wont be home until friday, so there probably wont be any pictures. #leopardgecko #leopardgeckos #leopardgeckosofinstagram #leopardgeckolove #gecko #geckoleopard #geckoofinstagram #geckos #geckolove #geckoaddict #geckoaddiction #geckoadvise #geckofeeding #leopardgeckofeeding #bhfyp #bhfyp♥ #leopardgeckoshedding #geckoshedding #eublepharismacularius • Reptifam ?? @diego_the_leopardgecko @lillie_leopoard_gecko @leoo_ladies @tiny_the_leo @acid_the_gecko @mon.and.sienna @emile_et_une_patte @morethanagecko @sakr_the_gecko @reptiles_239

A post shared by Alma ♥ (@ginger.geckogeek) on

Brisbane doctors originally believed he had a simple stomach bug, or maybe a hangover, but the family insisted it must be more and begged them not to discharge him. Dowell was admitted and eventually diagnosed with a Salmonella infection – one that began to worsen significantly during his hospital stay.

Little known fact: even though Salmonella is typically acquired by the mishandling of food, according to the CDC reptiles can also transfer the microbe to humans.

“Contact with reptiles can be a source of human Salmonella infections. Reptiles can be carrying Salmonella bacteria but appear healthy and clean and show no signs of illness.”

In fact that’s why turtles under a certain size are banned from being sold as pets – little kids kept getting salmonella.

Though it’s not clear whether David Dowell actually ate the gecko or simply handled it (stories from the party state either as having happened), there was no doubt he was in serious trouble. His mother told the newspaper that “his testicles were swollen up to grapefruits and there was fluid leaking from them. The doctors said that was normal, it was just all all of the fluid in his stomach cavity.”

Salmonella causes illness in around 1.2 million people in the US every year, and while most cases clear up on their own within a week, around 23,000 people are hospitalized and 450 don’t recover.

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Salmonella infection (salmonellosis) is a common bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract. Salmonella bacteria typically live in animal and human intestines and are shed through feaces. Humans become infected most frequently through contaminated water or food.⠀ ⠀ Typically, people with salmonella infection have no symptoms. Others develop diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps within eight to 72 hours. Most healthy people recover within a few days without specific treatment.⠀ ⠀ In some cases, the diarrhea associated with salmonella infection can be so dehydrating as to require prompt medical attention. Life-threatening complications also may develop if the infection spreads beyond your intestines. The risk of acquiring salmonella infection is higher when travelling to countries with poor sanitation.⠀ ⠀ #DoyenMedicals #MedicalEducation #Salmonella #HealthyLiving #healthylivingjourney

A post shared by Doyen Medical Services (@doyenmedicals) on

Sadly, Dowell found himself in the latter category. After spending time in a medically-induced coma, he passed away during emergency surgery 10 days after the incident with the gecko.

Though doctors never said for sure that it was the interaction that cost him his life, his partner, Allira, says “ingestion of a gecko” is what is listed on the “actual death certificate.”

The death of their loved one was sudden and unexpected, and the family is still reeling from the entire episode. Though they’ve opened an inquest into how things were handled at the hospital, they realize they may never have answers.

Allira does have some advice for anyone out there who thinks stunts like the one David pulled are all in good fun: “If you’re thinking of performing a similar stunt, don’t.”

Solid advice, if you ask me.

And one more reason to avoid the local wildlife whenever possible.

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Do You Recognize These 10 Celebs After They Used the FaceApp?

It’s pretty much impossible to avoid FaceApp right now. By now you’ve seen somebody who has used it to make them look a much older version of themselves.

And the results are impressive, if not a bit… nefarious? 150M people have now downloaded and used the app since it launched, but do they really know what they signed up for? Because FaceApp’s terms of service look like this…

You grant FaceApp a perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, fully-paid, transferable sub-licensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly perform and display your User Content and any name, username or likeness provided in connection with your User Content in all media formats and channels now known or later developed, without compensation to you.

So yeah, just be careful.

Now on to the celebrities! I’m actually not going to name them, and some of them might be easy to spot at first. But we’ll see! Btw, the answers will be at the very bottom.

Good luck!

1. You used to call this guy on the telephone…

Photo Credit: Instagram

2. English crooner…

Photo Credit:Instagram

3. Bonafide legendary Warrior!

Photo Credit: Instagram

4. A former X-man… man!

Photo Credit: Instagram

5. Just look at his apron…

Photo Credit: Instagram

6. She’s always doing something!

Photo Credit: Instagram

7. Famous DJ alert!

Photo Credit: Instagram

8. Look! Washed up reality stars!

Photo Credit: Instagram

9. This guy is legit super!

Photo Credit: Instagram

10. He’s got the horses in his car…

Photo Credit: Instagram

ANSWERS: 1: Drake, 2: Sam Smith, 3: Steph Curry, 4: James Marsden, 5: Gordon Ramsey, 6: Busy Phillips, 7: Diplo, 8: JWow & Snooki, 9: Zachary Levi, 10: Little Nas X.

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A Writer Shared a Creepy Story About Staying in a Log Cabin, and It Is Nightmare Fuel

Think about this: a writer needs to buckle down and get some work done, so he rents a remote log cabin in the middle of nowhere in Australia. What could possibly go wrong?

Sounds like a horror movie in the making in my book. But that’s exactly what writer Tom Taylor did so he could wrap his head around a few different projects. Taylor is the creator of the TV series The Deep, and he also writes for Marvel and DC Comics.

Taylor’s time in the Australian bush did not go as planned, and he shared his entire spooky store on Twitter for all to read.

Hang on tight, this is creepy!

Uh oh…this doesn’t sound good.

What could it be…?

“Murder cabin” has a nice ring to it. Anyway, back to the story.

I’m starting to crawl under my covers now…

Holy sh*t!

And there were more wind chimes.

It gets worse.

Another update later on.


But it wasn’t over…

More bashing commenced.

What was in the package?

But I guess we’ll never know.

Would you stay out there all by yourself?!?!

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A Guy in Arizona Might Have the World’s Largest Hot Sauce Collection

I realized I don’t know sh*t about hot sauce after learning about a guy named Vic Clinco.

Clinco has 8,600 bottles of hot sauce in his Arizona home, and he’s still adding to his collection. The Guinness Book of World Records currently has someone else in the books as the record holder, but Mr. Clinco believes he has surpassed that collection because the other fella has barbeque sauces and salsas included in the count. For Clinco, it’s strictly about the hot sauce.

Let’s take a look at these photos of Clinco’s collection, shall we?

1. The man himself

2. That’s a lot of Cholula

3. CBD? Why not?!?!

4. Look at that collection

5. I’m blown away

6. Spicy shenanigans

7. Novelty sauces

8. Be careful with these…

9. Flasks

10. Those look scary

I need to make a trip to this guy’s house ASAP and pick his brain.

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People Share the Weirdest Compliments They’ve Ever Received

Compliments are supposed to be nice and reassuring…but that’s not always the case. Sometimes they’re awkward, aggressive or downright chilling.

In this AskReddit thread, people shared the weirdest compliments they ever received.

1. Very awkward

“A young Asian woman walked up to me as I was talking to a friend on an outdoor mall, in halting English she said “Nice Adam’s apple.” “Thank you?” I responded. “Can I touch it?” she asked. I was a little taken aback, so it took me a moment to say “Um… I’d rather you not.”

But by that point it was too late. I cringed while she awkwardly caressed my larynx while those who witnessed it stared on in horrified fascination. That was, by far, the strangest compliment I’ve ever received.”1. A little strange…

“I was in town with my teething and grizzly youngest son in a stroller. He was tired and just generally DONE, so I knelt in front of the stroller and was soothing/stroking his cheeks and speaking to him in a soft low voice when a woman I’ve never seen before stopped and said “I wish I could trade places with him”.

So I guess that’s a compliment?”

2. A little strange…

“I was in town with my teething and grizzly youngest son in a stroller. He was tired and just generally DONE, so I knelt in front of the stroller and was soothing/stroking his cheeks and speaking to him in a soft low voice when a woman I’ve never seen before stopped and said “I wish I could trade places with him”.

So I guess that’s a compliment?”

3. Might be a serial killer

“Had a date with a guy that told me my cheeks were so soft that ‘he wanted to cut them off and put them in a jar on his bedside table so he could touch them anytime he wanted’.

He became my boyfriend for eight months.”

4. Thanks?

“A friend of mine once said to someone ‘I want to cut off your face skin and wear it on my face’…”

5. Red in the face

“Everyone always mentions that my face is red. I absolutely hate it.

I actually had a lady ask if I was sick, and when I told her it was just my face, she offered to pray for me. All of this happened while at work, so being polite I said “yeah sure”. I’m not really religious but I’m not gonna tell someone they can’t pray for me. She reached her hand over the counter and wouldn’t let me continue helping her until I held her hand while she prayed in front of me. And out loud. Talk about irritating and awkward. I’d much rather her have had your response.”

6. Handwriting

“On my first trip to the United States, my mom accompanied me as that was my first time studying abroad. It was back in 2008, and we have to fill the I-94 immigration card. My mom filled for both of us as she was always done for our family when we traveled.

When we touched down the airport, I was nervous at that time. I heard many stories of people being interrogated for hours after 9/11 attacks and sometimes was denied entry. I am wearing a hijab, and so is my mom. The whole time during the queuing I was trying to calm my nerves and praying hard everything goes well.

The line went on and on, and we were lining up for almost an hour. Finally, it’s our turn, and we decided to go to the counter together as a family. When the TSA officer took our passport, he took a hard look at our I-94 form. Then he asked if I filled it myself. I almost died at that moment thinking the first blunder I made when entering the US was to let my mom wrote for me. I told her my mom wrote it.

He looked at my mom and said, “Wow, that was really beautiful handwriting. It seems like you type on this form.” My mom smiled. That was not the first time she heard that compliment. My mom has the most beautiful handwriting that I ever saw compared to all the people that I have met.

Also, that officer has changed my perception of United States.”

7. Kissable

“When I was about eleven years old, I went to a flea market in Arizona with my grandparents. While perusing for knives and shiny things that eleven year old boys love, an elderly woman of about 70 decided she should tell me how nice my lips are.

The image of being cornered and told I have “such kissable, lickable lips” will forever be etched in my brain. On the plus side, my grandma didn’t allow me to purchase a set of samurai swords that day, so that could’ve halted some sort of mall ninja trajectory.”

8. Not a good word choice

“Not received, but gave.

At 15, I was trying to compliment my then-girlfriend on her athletic figure and hairdo in one smooth swoop.

In extremely flowery language, I proceeded to tell her that she resembled “a purebred racehorse, but with a shinier mane”.

Seemed pretty poetic in my hormone-amped head, not so much in reality. 0/5 wouldn’t recommend.”

9. A very good sentence

“Casual conversation before class started. I said something and the one guy that was only half paying attention suddenly whips his head up with “that was such a wonderfully constructed sentence.”

If we had been in a writing class it wouldn’t have struck me as odd, but this was an entrepreneurship class.”

10. Salt and pepper

“I’m very self-conscious to be going grey when I’m in my early 20’s. But then one day a (guy) friend I hadn’t seen in ages walked by and said “hey girl! You’re rocking that salt and pepper!” and it took me completely by surprise. It felt like the most honest compliment I have ever received.

I mean it’s way better than the stranger walking by and just saying “you have a hot bod, weird face” as he passed me. Still don’t know how that one’s sitting.”

11. Teeth

“While ringing a customer up, she said, “You have really pretty teeth,” with a very straight face. I started to thank her, even though her tone didn’t really imply it was a compliment, but she immediately followed it up with a scowl and, “I bet your parents paid a lot of money for those.”

Uh, I did have braces as a preteen, if that’s what you mean?”

12. Compliment from a celebrity

“I work for a touring event for kids.In NY, I met Drew Barrymore and was fixing one of our toys for her kid. Our company doesn’t love us getting excited when famous types come and usually I do my absolute best not to make things weird… but, I’d literally been watching Santa Clarita Diet in my office maybe ten minutes before coming down.

Figured whatever on if the company wouldn’t like me fangirling when I was working and told her thanks for coming to our show, she’s a fantastic actress, and that our performers would really appreciate it. She starts talking about how excited her kids were and saying all this nice stuff, stops, and says “you have like, the best teeth ever” and continues on with what she was saying.

I have a pretty decent sized diastema between my front teeth I’ve been low key insecure about my entire life (it can’t be closed completely via braces, so I either have a big one or a clearly manipulated smaller one forever) and having one of my favorite actresses just be awesome and compliment me because she could pretty much made my year. I had to go to my office on the seventh floor, sit down, and call my mother I got so excited.”

13. Hey hot stuff

“I’m a guy and I started growing my hair out when I was in high school.

While I was bent over, drinking from a water fountain, my hair covered my face and I heard a whistle from behind me. When I turned around to see who it was a guy audibly shouted and looked at me like I’d betrayed him and his friends couldn’t breathe from laughing so hard. I had a smile on my face the rest of the day.”

14. You look just like…

“I often shower at night because I’m not much of a morning person. Sometimes my hair is a little disheveled in the morning because of this, and combing/brushing does very little to fix it. I also have very thick black hair that I typically like to wear long. My nose used to be a lot bigger on my face than it is now (I grew into it).

I was staying with a friend for a weekend during ACL, and the following Monday, I went to breakfast with some of his friends, only a few of whom I’d met previously. I was wearing a thick green jacket and hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, though I had showered. One of the girls told me, “You’ve got a very ‘Adrien Brody’ thing going on today.” Not necessarily a compliment, but I happen to be a fan, and the comment has stuck with me even though it’s been close to a decade at this point.”

15. Ocean Roses

“I’ve gotten the weirdest complements lately regarding the way I smell lately. Mostly people telling me I smell like fresh laundry, but not my clothes, me. Like my skin. It sometimes looks like a clip from those Gain commercials lol.

And then I had a girl tell me I smelled like “Ocean Roses”, which threw me for a loop because I’ve never heard of that haha.”

Do any of the compliments you’ve received top these?

The post People Share the Weirdest Compliments They’ve Ever Received appeared first on UberFacts.