A Beagle-Shaped Airbnb Gives ‘Dog-Friendly Travel’ a Whole New Meaning

Do you have a pooch Need a hotel? Man, have we got the perfect Airbnb for you!

There is a beagle-shaped house in Cottonwood, Idaho, available on Airbnb for $132 per night. The house was built by Dennis Sullivan and Frances Conklin, artists who live in another (regular-shaped) house on the property. They started by building a 12-foot beagle named Toby in the late 1990s. It became so popular that they built a 30-foot tall beagle named Sweet Willy to use as a guest house, and that drew enough attention that they decided to rent it out to the public.

“Toby got some attention, but Sweet Willy put us into the stratosphere,” Frances told Roadside America.

The house has two bedrooms: one in the beagle’s belly and a loft in the head. The bathroom is located on the dog’s behind, of course. Nearby, there’s a giant fire hydrant to go with the giant beagle, and the property also features a visitor’s center and gift shop. Dennis and Frances live up the hill, and, since the house doesn’t have a kitchen, the couple prepare light breakfast foods for guests. There are also dog-themed books, games and puzzles for the truly dog-obsessed.

The Airbnb is, of course, dog-friendly, as long as canine guests are “responsible” and get along with the couple’s own dog — who is, shockingly, not a beagle, but a canine retriever.

Ready to book?! Sadly, so is everyone else. The Airbnb is completely filled until April 2020. But with endless 5-star reviews, it appears to be worth the wait.

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Oscar Meyer Has a Hot Dog Flavored Ice Cream Sandwich

Isn’t it really something when companies take two good things, like hot dogs and ice cream, and combine them into one horrific thing? Introducing the “ice dog sandwich,” a new dessert from none other than Oscar Mayer.

The brand collaborated with Il Laboratorio Del Gelato to create the ice dog sandwich, which consists of hot dog-flavored ice cream, candied hot dog bits (!!!), and spicy dijon mustard gelato, all sandwiched between two cookie “buns.”

Sound disgusting?


Oscar Mayer announced the sandwich on Twitter alongside a poll, and the results were a resounding “no thank you.”

“Please tell me this is a joke,” one user tweeted.

“We don’t joke about hot dogs…or ice cream! It’s artisan crafted in small batches made with candied bits of Oscar Mayer Angus Beef Hot Dogs,” the brand replied. They insist that the sandwich is delicious and “will NOT disappoint,” and to be fair, it’s not entirely unprecedented. Just one day before they announced the ice dog sandwich, French’s debuted yellow mustard ice cream.

Anyway, despite everyone’s protests, Oscar Mayer began selling the sandwiches out of their iconic Wienermobile (a 27-foot hot dog on wheels) in New York City on August 12. They handed out free samples; the sandwich is not available for sale.

For a limited time, those not in New York could slide into Oscar Mayer’s DMs for a sample, but they were flooded with DMs and had to close them.

For most of us, hot dog flavored ice cream will have to remain a distant nightmare.


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A Man Karaoked so Hard He Collapsed His Lung

You really have to admire people who put themselves out there on karaoke night. I mean, what’s the point of grabbing the mic and getting up there if you’re not going to give it your all, right?


Buuuttttt, that said, you probably want to avoid collapsing your lung in the process, eh?

Image Credit: Pixabay

Apparently, a 65-year-old Chinese man named Wang managed to do just that after attempting to hit a particularly intense high note, reports the South China Morning Post.

This came after singing 10 high-pitched songs in a row, so perhaps that was a contributing factor? Although I’ve honestly never heard of anyone collapsing their lungs from singing before.

The man experienced chest pains and breathlessness before deciding to take a trip to the ER.

Image Credit: Pixabay

“I was very excited in the heat of the moment and after singing a few songs with very high notes, I found myself having breathing difficulties,” he confessed.

The doctor in the emergency room said that the collapsed lung was due to “high lung pressure caused by singing high notes.”

A collapsed lung occurs when a hole or a puncture in the lunch results in air leaking into the space between the lung and chest wall. The air can build up and increase pressure in the chest cavity, which obviously causes some serious problems.

Though it’s unusual, collapsed lungs can occur basically out of the blue, but chest injuries are most often to blame.

No word on whether his age or physical condition had anything to do with the incident, but you might want to take it easy during your next karaoke session.

Just in case…

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Is Being Killed by a Guillotine Painless? Learn the History, and Everything We Know About It.

Sure, it seems terrifying – a giant blade dropping toward the back of your exposed neck – but it turns out that the people on revolutionary France were actually being relatively humane (at least when it came to how they executed their many victims).

In the intervening centuries, the U.S. (the only developed nation to still use the death penalty) has tried out all sorts of ways to legally murder its citizens, almost all of which have been found to be, well, bad.

If not excruciating.

So, if quick and painless is what we’re going for when it comes to executions, perhaps the guillotine should make a re-entrance. Find a new day in the sun, as it were.

Death by guillotine (as long as the blade is sharp) would be completely painless – the blade almost immediately severs the nerves from your spinal cord to your brain, paralyzing you and blocking pain receptors from sending signals to your brain.

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Daily #Art – Day 08-03-19 (2019) In the Name of freedom Here's an illustrated tribute to French revolutionary Madame Roland (Mar 17, 1754 – Nov 8, 1793), with a portrait of her before being guillotined by the mob. Her famous last words was: “'O Liberté, que de crimes on commet en ton nom!” “O freedom, what crimes are committed in your name!” I would like to use this art to condemn all violent rioters who use freedom and democracy as a guise to create chaos and destruction. . 每日藝術 – 2019年8月3日 (2019)自由之名 這是一幅向法國大革命時期政治家羅蘭夫人(1754年3月17日-1793年11月8日)致敬的畫, 繪了她在被暴民送上斷頭台前的肖像。 羅蘭夫人臨刑前留下了一句為後人所廣為傳誦的名言: 「自由啊,古今天下多少罪惡,假汝之名以行!」 謹以此畫指責古今中外借自由民主為名來製造混亂和破壞的暴徒。 (#15,678 / #268 / #164) . . . #dailyart #illustration #pendrawing #portraitart #revolutionary #madameroland #roland #freedom #liberté #mob #mobjustice #guillotine #crime #自由 #罪惡 #羅蘭夫人 #反送中 #香港 #hinxlinx #ericlynxlin #elynx #軒 #instaart #artofinstagram

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It would be so fast, in fact, that experts don’t think you would feel the blade at all; your death would be nearly instantaneous.

There might be spasms or jerks that happen – involuntary eye or muscle movements – which are common up to five minutes after death as the brain suffocates from lack of oxygen. But the deceased person is, you know…deceased. So they can’t feel anything at all.

Even studies that acknowledge brain activity can continue after death agree that the subject is really not alive in any practical way, which means they do not have any kind of feelings, including pain.

While the guillotine was much more humane than being shot by a firing squad, hanged, or burned at the stake, the idea of being murdered in much the same way as a chicken was surely something people were trying to avoid by the time it went out of fashion.

Though if I ever found myself on the wrong side of the law (or the mob), this does sound like the best possible way to go.

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These People Might Just Get Food Poisoning in the near Future

Having had actual food poisoning once in my life (through no fault of my own), I would say that it’s definitely something you want to avoid at all costs.

So maybe don’t try any of these things at home.

15. I love mayo but just stop.

14. Pregnant ladies rejoice?

13. A crime against pizza.

12. That poor sushi.

11. This person is undoubtedly from the midwest.

10. That’s not how any of this works.

Image Credit: Tumblr

9. What a waste!

8. I get needing a crunch, but…

7. Toddlers are unreliable.

6. Imagining this made me gag.

5. Why would you do that to an Oreo?

4. It’s plated like some sort of gourmet!

3. Ketchup is not for everything. #sayitwithme

2. Okay…but not together.

1. I’d rather just eat the guacamole with a spoon.

Some of those definitely made me throw up in my mouth. Ew!

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“Men Writing Women” Twitter Shares What Male Writers Actually Know About Women: Not Much

It’s a joke in the writing community that male writers manage to create the most cringe-worthy, impossible female (and sexual) moments – and now, there’s a Twitter account dedicated to giving shoutouts to the best (worst) of the bunch.

Buckle up, because these are amazingly too much.

15. I mean why not just get a dog?

14. Still trying to figure this one out.

13. I mean, who doesn’t?

12. At least he mentioned her face first?

11. Snoozer.

10. Her wheat-colored nest.

9. The breasts.

8. Nipple-weary.

7. I obviously need to get to know my boobs better.

6. Can you say “rape-y?”

5. Never you worry, ladies.

4. Skim alert.

3. A decent little pooper.

2. Is that supposed to be a good thing?

1. IDK I’d be reaching for the pepper spray.

I’m off to walk “boobily” to the kitchen for a cookie that will somehow never find its way to my waist!

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This Creepy Video of a “Zombie Snail” Is Hard to Look Away from

Here’s a warning: you absolutely will never be able to unsee this video, no matter how badly you wish you might be able to do just that.

Parasites who take over their hosts’ brains and/or motor function while the creature is still alive are some of the most horrifying villains of the biological world, and…y’all. This diabolical flatworm ranks pretty high on the squick scale.

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Non riesco a smettere di guardarlo ? . Il Leucochloridium paradoxum, è un platelminta parassita della famiglia Succineidae. . Come svolge il suo ciclo? . Il ciclo inizia quando un uccello dell’ordine Passeriformes ingerisce le metacercarie (lo stadio larvale presente nello sporociste) che, una volta giunte nell’intestino, si sviluppano e depongono le uova. . Queste vengono quindi disperse nell’ambiente dall’uccello assieme alle feci. . A questo punto la chiocciola mangia le uova assieme all’erba e agli escrementi e, dopo aver passato il digerente dell’invertebrato, esse si schiudono nel suo intestino. . La fase successiva prevede la migrazione delle larve attraverso il corpo della chiocciola fino all’epatopancreas, la ghiandola più importante dell’apparato digerente della nostra Succineidae, che svolge sia una funzione di assorbimento, sia una funzione di secrezione di enzimi digestivi. Ed è proprio in questa ghiandola che le larve si sviluppano in sporocisti, lo stadio che sarà ingerito dall’uccello. . Ed è in questo passaggio che riscontriamo la particolarità di L. paradoxum: la sporociste, che ha una forma allungata, si colora all’estremità di tinte bianche e verdi a strisce e dall’epatopancreas si sposta nei tentacoli oculari della chiocciola, con una particolare predilezione per il lato sinistro (ancora non è noto il perché) e inizia quindi a “pulsare” (solo di giorno, di notte resta immobile)  facendo si che la chiocciola non riesca più a ritrarli. . La presenza dello sporociste nei tentacolari oculari fa si che la chiocciola non riesca più (o comunque fatichi molto) a “vedere” la differenza tra giorno e notte, facendola così vagare per zone molto illuminate anche quando normalmente non lo farebbe. Ed è in questo modo, unito al movimento pulsante e ai colori brillanti, che il parassita si fa notare dagli uccelli e può quindi chiudere il ciclo. . Credits: @microbiologiaitalia , Gilles San Martin . #chiocciola #lumaca #parassita #Leucochloridiumparadoxum #worm #snail #microbiologia #scienza #parassitismo #biologia #natura #verme #parasite #elicicoltura #snailfarming #ilcontadinosmart

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The flatworm is from the genus Leucochloridium, and its entire goal in life is to produce more of itself.

In order to accomplish that goal, it infects an intermediate host, like the unfortunate snail in the video. While in its larval stage, the worm moves into the hosts eyestalks and head. The larvae vaguely resembles a caterpillar, but it can make itself look much more caterpillar-ish by pulsing, which it does in order to attract the attention of birds.

Because they actually want to be eaten.

The “zombie snail” is driven to spend more time than it normally would in higher and more sunlit spots, making it much more likely to find its way into the stomach of a bird. Research out of Poland suggests that the pulsing like they’re at a dance club really gets going the more light they receive, as well.

Once a bird notices and swallows the snail (or other infected host), the parasite enters adulthood in the bird’s GI tract. The larvae mature and release eggs, which are excreted by the birds and then eaten by snails.

It’s a horrible circle of life.

One that was caught on video in Changhua County, Taiwan, by hiker Lin Ruian. Since then, the footage spread through the internet like flatworms through a snail, and was tweeted by biologist Mike Inouye.

It’s been seen over 7 million times, and you can see why – like a car accident or a train wreck, it’s impossible to look away.

Proof once more than nature is as terrible as it is beautiful (sometimes all at once).

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The Deepfake Video of Bill Hader Impersonating Tom Cruise Is, Quite Frankly, Pretty Concerning

These Deepfake videos are kind of terrifying.

Deepfake is an AI technology that people on the web are using to produce new, or alter existing, video content in order to make it look as if something that didn’t occur actually did (kind of scary, if you ask me). The videos are created using two competing AI systems that learn from each other, each time creating a more convincing version for the next time.

There has been a recent rise in both the number and quality of deepfakes online, and it’s concerning for a number of reasons – but perhaps none is so starkly arresting as this clip of Bill Hader talking about Tropic Thunder on a 2008 episode of David Letterman.

Image Credit: YouTube

As he speaks about the film, his face starts to transform into Tom Cruise’s mug.

Image Credit: YouTube

It’s so subtle at first that you hardly notice, even when it flickers to Seth Rogen’s face for an impression, and then back again.

Image Credit: YouTube

You really have to watch it for yourself.

If nothing else, the clip shows how the technology is improving, and how easily it will allow misinformation to spread to the public.

AI is the wave of the future, but it remains to be seen whether or not humans can really be trusted with it.

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If You Have These Tiny Bumps on Your Skin, They’re Called Milia and You Should Leave Them Alone

Listen up, this is important.

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed small white bumps on your skin? Have you been tempted to squeeze them? Except then you do, and they don’t anything like normal pimples.

Because they aren’t pimples.

These little irritations are called milium cysts, which, when they’re in a group, are called milia.

Photo Credit: Pexels, Dhyamis Kleber

Healthline says, “Milia occur when keratin becomes trapped beneath the surface of the skin. Keratin is a strong protein that’s typically found in skin tissues, hair, and nail cells.”

But milia are nothing to worry about in most cases – they are more nuisance than something serious. However, if they do appear, don’t pick them! That could cause scarring, especially if you have quite a few. I know, it is tempting, but you do not want to risk it.

How do you get rid of them?

In most cases, milia will go away on its own. And they really are unnoticeable to others unless they are super close to your face, which really isn’t a big deal. But some people may experience milia that can cause slight pain or irritation, in which they should talk to a dermatologist if it worsens. Doctors will use treatments to eliminate them, such as:

  • Deroofing. A sterile needle picks out the contents of the cyst.
  • Topical retinoids. These vitamin A-containing creams help exfoliate your skin.
  • Chemical peels. Chemical peels cause the first layer of skin to peel off, unearthing new skin.
  • Laser ablation: A small laser focuses on the affected areas to remove the cysts.


Photo Credit: Pexels, Vitória Santos

The great news is you can prevent these annoying bumps! Healthline shares a few home remedies:

  • Clean and exfoliate the skin. Milia occur under the eyes due to an excess of keratin. Gently exfoliating the area with a warm washcloth may get rid of dead skin cells and help bring trapped keratin to the surface.
  • Steam. Spending some time in your bathroom with the door closed and a hot shower running creates an easy at-home steam treatment for your face.
  • Rose water or manuka honey. Spritz a bit of rose water or use a manuka honey mask on your face. Research has found anti-inflammatory properties in roses and honey.
  • Avoid picking or poking. It may seem counterintuitive, but leaving milia bumps alone helps them heal faster. If you pick milia bumps to the point where they become irritated, infection and scarring become more likely.

So there you go.

But, just to be clear, always go to a doctor if you’re worried about your health. They can help you out better than the internet.

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This Is Why Chimpanzees Enjoy Throwing Poop

For us humans, the idea of throwing poop is disgusting for multiple reasons: you have to touch poop, it will touch someone else, and there will be an inevitable mess. But for chimpanzees, it’s common behavior.


First off, the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada says it’s important to realize that the behavior is not common in free-roaming, wild chimps. They do throw things, but they typically stick to rocks or branches when looking for a way to express their annoyance, leaving their feces where they fall.

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The Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary, part of the Jane Goodall institute, is not only a rescue center, but also a platform used to raise awareness of the plight of Chimps in the Wilde. Despite our shared lineage, humans are pushing chimpanzees toward extinction. Chimps have already disappeared completely from four countries and are under tremendous pressure everywhere else they live. Massive destruction of their natural habitat, capture for the purpose of trading and hunting them down for the consumption of their meat, are the reasons that pose major threats to this endangered species. . #janegoodall#janegoodallinstitute #chimps#chimpanzee#chimpanzees#greatape#greatapes#wildlife#wildlifephotography#sweetwatersnationalreserve#kenya#africa

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Whereas for chimps in captivity, there just often aren’t many options when they want to give something a good toss except poop, which is typically abundant.

Chimps throw things when they’re feeling frustrated or anxious, but they’re also smart enough to realize that they can elicit a reaction – horror and disgust, perhaps surprise – when they launch a turd at a zoo employee or a guest.

A 2012 study found that chimps who display good aim had a better-developed motor cortex, and better communications between that cortex and Broca’s area, a portion of the frontal cortex that helps process language in humans. Which is all to say, they were typically the better communicators in their peer groups.

A second study backs up the idea that smart chimps toss poo, by proving that the action is likely premeditated. The study was based on Satino, a chimp at Sweden’s Furuvik Zoo, who enjoyed frightening away visitors by tossing rocks at them. Researchers found that he stockpiled rocks every day before the zoo opened so that a) he would be well-armed and b) no zookeepers would be there to intervene.

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Les chimpanzés passent presque la moitié de leur temps à se nourrir et à se déplacer d'un lieu de nourrissage à un autre. Ils mangent le plus souvent dans les arbres quand ce n'est pas au sol. . La diversité alimentaire chez les chimpanzés est remarquable. Ils consomment des graines, des noix, des fruits, des fleurs, des feuilles, des tiges, de la sève, de l’écorce, du miel, des insectes et parfois même d’autres animaux (en particulier des petits singes). . Mais ce qui est encore plus remarquable, c'est que sans le vouloir, ils dispersent les graines qu'ils consomment chaque jour, permettant à la forêt de se régénérer et perpétuant ainsi le cycle d'absorption du Co2 des arbres. _ _ _ #nature #wildlife #environment #green #tree #trees #wilderness #forest #jungle #chimpanzés #chimps #chimp #chimpanzees #chimpanzee #monkey #monkeys #wild #environment #Congo #Afrique @bbcearth @animalplanet @natgeowild @natgeoyourshot @natgeo_france @lonelyplanetfr @nakedplanet @lonelyplanet @discovery

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Other chimps, though, have been seen pooping directly into their hands and then holding it as they wait for some human to annoy them.

Be careful when viewing the chimps, people. They might find you annoying and use whatever they’ve got at their disposal to make their opinion known – and if you end up wiping poop off your body in a zoo bathroom, I doubt the fact that the chimp who threw it is probably the smartest one of the bunch is going to be much of a comfort.

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