Hike Atlanta’s ‘Doll’s Head Trail’ If You Really Want to Be Creeped out

If you’re looking for a different kind of scare this Halloween season and you find yourself in the Southeast, you should consider making a trip to Atlanta to check out Doll’s Head Trail, a one-of-a-kind, eerie experience that will leave you unsettled.

The trail is in Atlanta’s Constitution Lakes Park, and it is decorated with, as the name implies, creepy doll’s heads.

The park used to be home to a brick factory that closed about 50 years ago. Since then, the woods have overtaken the area, and in 2003 the county bought the 125-acre site and built boardwalks and trails so people could enjoy the natural beauty of the spot.

But in addition to natural beauty, there’s also the doll’s heads.

A local carpenter named Joel Slaton created the trail after seeing all the discarded junk that littered the park. Slaton decided to use the junk to make the trail into an art space with doll’s heads, and other forgotten materials, dotting the hiking trail.

Slaton encourages others to add their own art pieces to the trail, with the only stipulation being that any materials used must come from inside the park itself. So if you do go, you can do some exploring and digging around to add to the creepiness of Doll’s Head Trail.

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If you do decide to hike the trail, you’ll forget that you’re in the middle of a huge American city and instead think you’ve wandered into a nightmare. Sounds good to me!

Also, I bet this would be a great place for a first date. You’d find out immediately if your date is as weird as you are…

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Hike Atlanta’s ‘Doll’s Head Trail’ If You Really Want to Be Creeped out

If you’re looking for a different kind of scare this Halloween season and you find yourself in the Southeast, you should consider making a trip to Atlanta to check out Doll’s Head Trail, a one-of-a-kind, eerie experience that will leave you unsettled.

The trail is in Atlanta’s Constitution Lakes Park, and it is decorated with, as the name implies, creepy doll’s heads.

The park used to be home to a brick factory that closed about 50 years ago. Since then, the woods have overtaken the area, and in 2003 the county bought the 125-acre site and built boardwalks and trails so people could enjoy the natural beauty of the spot.

But in addition to natural beauty, there’s also the doll’s heads.

A local carpenter named Joel Slaton created the trail after seeing all the discarded junk that littered the park. Slaton decided to use the junk to make the trail into an art space with doll’s heads, and other forgotten materials, dotting the hiking trail.

Slaton encourages others to add their own art pieces to the trail, with the only stipulation being that any materials used must come from inside the park itself. So if you do go, you can do some exploring and digging around to add to the creepiness of Doll’s Head Trail.

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If you do decide to hike the trail, you’ll forget that you’re in the middle of a huge American city and instead think you’ve wandered into a nightmare. Sounds good to me!

Also, I bet this would be a great place for a first date. You’d find out immediately if your date is as weird as you are…

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15 Things That Look like They Might Be from a Parallel Universe

I think you better get prepared. Are you ready to have your mind blown?

Because all of these photos might look familiar, but just off a little bit.

Like they’re from another planet…from BEYOND!

Take a look.

1. That’s strange…

Blue Coke Can sold in Turkey from mildlyinteresting

2. I’ve never seen one that small.

I found a tiny Walmart ! from mildlyinteresting

3. Are we on Mars?

This Target is white and not red from mildlyinteresting

4. Where have all the aces gone?

These playing cards have ones instead of aces. from mildlyinteresting

5. Kind of cool.

This Starbucks drive-thru in an old car wash from mildlyinteresting

6. I love this idea!

This Taco Bell is made out of old ship containers from mildlyinteresting

7. A totally different universe.

Alternate reality cereals from mildlyinteresting

8. Total freak-out time!

This SubWay in New Jersey has a red sign instead of yellow. from mildlyinteresting

9. Lowercase stop sign.

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10. Genetic mutations abound.

This pink grasshopper found on Kelleys Island, Ohio from mildlyinteresting

11. The turquoise arches.

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12. That’s a lot of detail.

This pedestrian crossing sign has realistic people. from mildlyinteresting

13. Proceed with love.

Stoplight in Akureyri, Iceland has a heart shaped red light. from mildlyinteresting

14. No more rainbows.

These rainbowless Skittles from mildlyinteresting

15. Brilliant, but also sad. Get off your phone while walking!

This traffic light on the sidewalk for pedestrians on their phones from mildlyinteresting

I’m freakin’ out, man!

Okay, not really, but those are some pretty cool pics, huh?

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15 People Share the Dumbest Things They’ve Done While They Were Under the Influence

People do a lot of weird/stupid/crazy things when they’re high on drugs. And a lot of funny things. And a lot of ridiculous things.

You get the picture.

AskReddit users were brave enough to admit the weirdest things they did while they were high.

1. You did your best.

“I was fucked up looking for my hotel in Atlantic City. Somehow got there and woke up the next morning to just ‘hotel’ being in the search bar of my spotify. That was my best effort.”

2. Am I allowed to leave?

“Got up to leave my bedroom and knocked on the door before opening it to go out.”

3. A role reversal.

“Went to let the dog out and I walked out instead and left my dog inside.”

4. WTF am I doing?

“One time years ago I was camping at a campground with my wife and a few friends, we’re all sitting around the fire drinking. Her brother and I go for a walk to smoke some joints. We finish that and I have to piss so he goes back to the group, and when I’m done I head back as well.

So I get back and I’m pretty baked at this point and I’m just standing there watching the fire and drinking my beer for a few minutes. I then noticed a particular Coleman lantern on the picnic table and thought to myself, ‘I don’t remember us having one of those here’.

It was at that point that I realized I was standing at the wrong damned campsite, amongst a bunch of people I have never met, while my group was watching from the next site over, laughing and wondering wtf I was doing.”

5. So proud…

“Eating yoghurt with a fork in front of my parents. My dad waited for about 10 minutes to say that a spoon might make it easier.”

6. Probably the best place you can go when high.

“Went to White Castle to get food for everyone after we smoked. We all had the same order, two double cheese sliders and an order or mozzarella sticks. When I gave her my order I didn’t just say that I wanted 8 double cheese sliders in total, I repeated the two double cheese sliders and mozzarella sticks 4 times.

By the time I got to the end of my order the cashier sounded so defeated. I still cringe thinking back to that moment, but it’s also one of my funniest smoke stories.”

7. No more ciggies.

“A few years ago I was on shrooms with some friends and we went on a walk to smoke a cig. Every time I took a puff of my cigarette, I was expecting to taste Mountain Dew and I was disappointed every time that it didn’t. I quit smoking cigs a few days after that!”

8. I’m a genius!

“Was watching a korean drama when I had a whole freak out when I realized “Holy shit!! I suddenly understand korean!” I woke my bf up and made him watch with me as I translated for him. He laughed at me for 5 minutes before he told me I was just actually just reading the subtitles.”

9. Where could they be?

“Spent 45 mins looking for my glasses with my friend. Said fuck it bc I had to leave and was now running late. When I went to put on my sunglasses I smashed them onto my glasses.

I had my glasses on my fucking face the whole time and neither myself or my friend noticed.”

10. Wait a second…

“Ordered food for delivery. Forgot. Went to grocery store for stuff to BBQ. Remembered about the food for delivery while paying in line.”

11. Sorry, my bad.

“Freaked out that I’d lost my ipod somewhere on the way to the train station. I got off the train and went back, retracing my steps all the way back to my apartment.

Only to realize that I was listening to music the whole time… on my ipod.”

12. Sounds like quite a night.

“Some girls in high school invited me to go smoke and swim in a creek with them. Of course I went to got high as f*ck. Spent the next 30 minutes sitting in the creek, I was so still that a fish came up and bit my ass. I didn’t realize what I was doing until one of the girls ask me why the fuck I was all alone sitting in the middle of a creek not moving.”

13. Didn’t get hauled in.

“I was on acid at a music festival and asked a cop if he would name a hurricane after me.

Fortunately he thought that was funny.”

14. Time well spent.

“Walked up to the bathroom mirror with a flashlight, shined it on my eyes and studied the color patterns of my eyes for about 20 minutes straight. And singing loudly at the same time.”

15. We have a winner!

“I set a hot pocket in the microwave and put in my pin number for the cook time.”

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The ‘OK’ Hand Sign Is Now Considered a Symbol of Hate

In this age of social media, you never know what’s gonna happen. Things are weird. Perhaps an everyday symbol will be co-opted by nefarious groups and turned into an emblem of hate? Does that seem far-fetched?

Well it shouldn’t because that’s exactly what happened with the ‘OK’ hand sign that we’ve all used countless times.

This is actually a problem for me – I use it a lot…

It seems like a harmless gesture, right? Well it was, but it’s not anymore. The Anti-Defamation League recently added the ‘OK’ hand gesture to its Hate Symbols Database. The hand sign has become associated with far-right and white supremacist groups on the Internet, causing its new classification.

Oren Segal of the Anti-Defamation League said, “Context is always key. More people than not will use the OK symbol as just ‘OK.’ But in those cases where there’s more underlining meaning, I think it’s important for people to understand that it could be used, and is being used, for hate as well.”

The ‘OK’ gesture has been pushed as a uniting symbol by far-right commentators and personalities in public and on message boards online. It originally started as a prank by users on the 4chan message board to flood social media outlets linking the hand sign to the white power movement, but it has since caught on and become a legitimate hate symbol.

Oren Segal said, “Over the past couple years, we’ve seen that the hoax was essentially successful in being applied by actual white supremacists. In many ways, they took what was a trolling effort and added it to their list of symbols.”

As ridiculous as it might sound, it’s important to keep up to date on these kinds of developments when they are brought to light. With hate groups and hate crimes on the rise, we should all know the symbols of the far-right so we can be informed and aware at all times.

If you’re curious about what else is out there, take a look at ADL’s Hate Symbols Database to keep up to date.

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A Tiny Fish That Weighs Less Than 1 Gram Became UK’s Smallest-Ever Surgery Patient

Every being on Earth deserves a second chance at life — even a teeny-tiny fish.

This tiny molly fish weighs less than one gram. After its owners noticed a large lump on its belly, they rushed it to the veterinarian. Highscoft Vets in Bristol, U.K. diagnosed the lump as a tumor right away, and soon after, the fish became the UK’s smallest-ever surgery patient.

In the emergency procedure, vets catheterized the fish’s mouth, anesthetized it, and removed the mass. The surgery took about 40 minutes, and it cost the owners less than £100 (or about $123).

So unbelievably small

Posted by Highcroft Rabbit, Small Mammal & Exotic Vets on Friday, August 30, 2019

The vets say that the fish is the smallest patient they’ve ever worked on, as they usually operate on animals like snakes, rabbits and iguanas.

“It’s not common across the UK to bring your fish to the vets but it is here. We are seeing more and more fish which is great,” exotic species vet Sonya Miles told The Daily Mail. “It was definitely the smallest animal we’ve seen here. It barely registered on our scales.”

She added that the operation required “steady hands and good eyesight.”

The mass being removed.

Posted by Highcroft Rabbit, Small Mammal & Exotic Vets on Friday, August 30, 2019

Luckily, the surgery was a success. The tiny fish made a full recovery and went home the same day, with no clue that it had just made national history.

Since it’s a fish.

“The little one is now back to normal and eating well,” Highcroft Vets wrote on Facebook.

Once the mass was removed the deficit if coated in waterproof gel to protect the area.

Posted by Highcroft Rabbit, Small Mammal & Exotic Vets on Friday, August 30, 2019

“We’re glad to have been able to help the fish before the tumor started to upset its balance.”

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The Loch Ness Monster Might Just Be a Giant Eel

Nessie fans, pay attention.

The first sighting of the rumored monster swimming in Loch Ness dates back to the 6th century; since then, scientists and regular people alike have been searching for answers.

Sturgeons, trees, elephant trunks, dinosaurs and just about everything else you can think of has been blamed at one point or another, but one New Zealand scientist is claiming he’s come up with the most plausible answer – an oversized eel.

Neil Gemmell of the University of Otago made the assertion after a recent environmental DNA project analyzed the genetic material of everything living in the loch. Gemmell and his team collected 250 water samples from various spots in the lake – no small feat given that the lake is 23 miles long and 788 feet deep – and came up with 500 million gene sequences.

They then compared the sequenced DNA with global databases of known organism, and found nothing to suggest there’s anything new or unknown in the lake. Their findings also ruled out some previous guesses, like Greenland sharks, catfish, and sturgeon.

What they did find, however, were unusually high amounts of eel DNA.

“The remaining theory that we cannot refute based on the environmental DNA data obtained is that what people are seeing is a very large eel,” the project’s website reads. “Eels are very plentiful in Loch Ness, with eel DNA found at pretty much every location sampled – there are a lot of them.”

We also know that the British Isles are home to some pretty large eels. Conger eels can grow up to 10 feet or longer in length, and in 2001, two 7-foot eels were discovered on the loch’s shores. Gemmell and others maintain that an eel near the surface could be easily mistaken for the back of a larger, bulkier “monster.”

The evidence, while compelling, doesn’t prove anything conclusively, which means believers are still likely to traipse out to the lake in search of the elusive and enduring mystery of Nessie.

That said, the eel theory is pretty interesting…

Just not as exciting as a mythical monster emerging from the depths and stunning tourists year after year.

Sometimes the mystery is better than the truth.

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A Man Brought an ‘Emotional Support Clown’ to a Meeting Where He Knew He Was Gonna Get Fired

This might be the best story of 2019 so far.

The emotional support animal craze has officially gone from “weird” to “terrifying”.

A man in New Zealand brought a professional clown to a layoff meeting at work, claiming that it was his emotional support person.

Joshua Thompson worked at an advertising company in Auckland. He was recently called in for a serious meeting with his bosses. Sensing bad news, he opted to bring a clown to, uh, brighten up the event.

Employees in New Zealand are allowed by law to bring a support person to layoff meetings, but a clown is surely a first!

“I thought it’s best to bring in a professional and so I paid $200 and hired a clown,” Joshua told MediaWorks. “I mean I did get fired, but apart from that it was all smooth running.”

A while ago, I got a job. A short while later, I lost it. For anyone who hasn’t been fired, what happens is they…

Posted by Joshua Jack on Thursday, September 12, 2019

During the meeting, the clown blew up balloons and folded them into animals, including a unicorn and a poodle. He even mimed crying when Joshua got his paperwork.

“It was rather noisy him making balloon animals so we had to tell him to be quiet from time to time,” he said.

Joshua paid $200 for the clown, who is reportedly one of the best in the city. He says the presence of the clown didn’t jeopardize the meeting at all.

“They were getting a free service, they were also getting the entertainment from Joe the Clown,” he said.

The adman has spoken about what unfolded when he took a professional clown – as a support person – to his restructuring meeting. ?

Posted by nzherald.co.nz on Friday, September 13, 2019

Joshua has now gone viral for this cheeky move.

And in a classic maneuver, since losing his job, he’s obtained another job in advertising in Australia—possibly with the assistance of his new viral fame.

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This Year’s Annual Running of the Wieners Was a Huge Hit

I need to do this next year.

The Oktoberfest celebration in Cincinnati, Ohio – Oktoberfest Zinzinnati – is one of the biggest Oktoberfest celebrations outside of Germany. More than 500,000 people attend the three-day event, and around 100 of them bring their dachshunds along for the ride.

Every year, the “Running of the Wieners” kicks off the event – it’s 100 dachshunds dressed in hot dog costumes running to compete to see who’s the fastest wiener dog in the Midwest.

The dogs compete in 10 heats that all last 75 feet (or about 5 seconds) apiece. The winner of each heat advances to the final round and then runs in a final heat to determine the overall winner.

But let’s be honest – anyone who gets to see this in person is a winner.

This year Maple, a one-year-old dachshund with long hair took the crown.

Leo and Bucky placed second and third.

Maple’s owner told the local news that Maple is just one of 5 dachshunds in the family, and he learned to run fast by chasing the others around the yard.

If you head to Cincinnati next year to witness this amazing spectacle for yourself, you can also stick around and treat yourself to the World’s Largest Chicken Dance.

I honestly can’t think of a better place (outside Bavaria, of course) to spend your Oktoberfest days.

Can you?

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Scientists Believe Drinking IPAs Could Negatively Impact Male Virility

Guys, listen up.

If you prefer more hops in your beer and you’re a dude, well…there may be some side effects that go along with enjoying your favorite brew.

And no, it’s not just the extra calories.

India Pale Ales have a signature, bitter flavor that comes from hops, and hops contain a plant-based form of estrogen called phytoestrogen.

And scientists believe that phytoestrogen could cause men to develop man boobs and also (oops) erectile dysfunction.

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Review 1992 – Even More Cowbell – Lervig / Amundsen – India Pale Ale – ABV 7.5% – Can from Systembolaget – "The most hops per litre ever used in Scandinavia. 50 gr/litre". This first statement could very much be true, I have no idea, but the main question is if it's even good with that crazy amount of hops? I may be a bit colored in my review, but I am a sucker for hops, it's as simple as that. Aroma is pretty light and malty despite the hops used here. Also citrus, grapefruits and pineapple spring to mind. I feared a massive hop burn in the taste, but that isn't the case. It does carry a light, hars note and a touch of salmiac, but it's still fruity and tropical sweet. Quite "milky" and murky in the taste, but fruity and tasty overall. There is a slight harsher sting in the end, but I think it doesn't go overboard. Interesting but maybe not worth the money in that sense? 50 gr per litre also mean the same amount in price increase. 4.0/5.0 #lervig #amundsen #evenmorecowbell #indiapaleale #hopexplosion #norwegiancraftbeer #craftcans #casksweden #thebeernation #hopmaestro #drinkitlikeyoumeanit

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They’re calling it “Brewer’s Droop,” which…I’m not sure that’s going to stick.

A team of researchers from Columbia and Spain wrote about the condition in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

“It does not seem to be just a temporary problem, because erectile ability was still affected after a year and, according to the results, did not seem likely to improve just with alcohol abstinence.”

Stephen Herrod Buhner, herbalist and author, warned in Vice that too much phytoestrogen in men can cause hormonal imbalances that could cause a condition called gynecomastia (enlarged breasts).

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Jaipur IPA от @thornbridge – пиво, обросшее признанием и наградами. По культовости сравнимо, пожалуй, с Punk IPA. Кстати, впервые оно было сварено в 2005 году сооснователем Brewdog Мартином Дики, который в то время работал на пивоварне Thornbridge. На тапке ни одного чекина от френдов и общая оценка 3,66. Тот случай, когда на невысокий рейтинг не обращаешь внимания, хочется же прикоснуться к истории:) . Это пиво из прошлого, каноничный американский IPA. Сейчас оно удивляет разве что очень светлым соломенным цветом. Хороший хмелевой букет из старых-добрых Chinook, Centennial, Ahtanum, Simcoe, Columbus и Cascade, достойная для 5,9% плотность, уверенная горечь, цитрусы, сосна, мед, пряности. Сбалансированное, легко пьющееся пиво, являющее собой лайт-версию современных мощных, ярких ипашек. 14 лет назад на заре крафтовой революции в Великобритании оно, вероятно, было откровением. Сейчас же какая-нибудь условная Прачка рвет его в клочья. Баночка подуставшая, майская. Ценник 170 р. в Пив&Ко на Вайнера. #thornbridge #jaipur #ipa #jaipuripa #indiapaleale #ипа #americanipa

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“From long-term exposure to the estrogenic properties of hops, they eventually have difficulty sustaining an erection.”

On the upside, hops also contain a substance called xanthohumol, which some believe has antiviral, anti-clotting, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor properties (according to Dr. Andrew Weil). Hops have been used since ancient times to promote sleep, too, and if you’re a woman (especially over a certain age), a little extra estrogen could be just what the doctor ordered.

There are pros and cons when it comes to most things in life, and I mean, man boobs never hurt anyone.

What I’m saying is that if you love hops, well, enjoy your beer.

You like what you like, right?

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