A Man’s Strange Reaction to Antibiotics Has His Guts Brewing Alcohol

Well, this is odd.

A week into his course of cephalexin, a common antibiotic prescribed to ward off infection in an injured thumb, a man checked into the emergency room with some strange symptoms.

They included memory loss, brain fog, and episodes of depression, along with personality changes and uncharacteristic aggression.

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Among my sleep studies research there are numerous notes about how alcohol disrupts sleep. Because it causes the brain to be simultaneously in alpha and delta activity patterns (one’s for being wide awake, the other for being in deep sleep), and blocks REM sleep, and messes with adenosine production interrupting your circadian rhythm, and aggravating breathing problems such as snoring and sleep apnea. . This has me thinking about a recently-discovered, seemingly-rare condition known as auto brewery/gut fermentation syndrome. It’s a condition in which the naturally-occurring yeast in your gut causes the sugars you consume to ferment into alcohol. Known cases lead to folks becoming drunk as a result of drinking fruit juice (for example), but — as with any condition — there should be cases that run the gambit between in-your-face (drunkenness) and subtle-enough-to-be-misdiagnosed-as-a-dozen-other-things-if-at-all. . With this in mind: What if an individual’s daily sugar intake, daily energy use, and overall gut yeast levels are balanced in such a way that their gut doesn’t automatically create alcohol during the day, but then at night (with some sugars still in the system and physical activity coming to a halt) the gut then creates alcohol? That person would have no trouble falling asleep, but would regularly have trouble staying asleep. . It’s just a theory. But it’s a theory that can be checked (at least on the individual level) via stool test and or glucose challenge test. And for those struggling to get a proper diagnosis for sleep issues, those are tests worth taking. . If it turns out a person has secondary insomnia resulting from auto brewery syndrome, that means there’s only a handful of underlying conditions that could be causing the whole kit-n-kaboodle. Because no one’s born with auto brewery syndrome, it arises as a result of some other condition creating too much yeast in your gut. And that really helps to narrow down the possibilities. . And as someone whose OCD was misdiagnosed and punished in equal measure for about 25 years before we finally knew what was what, if even one random-ass theory can help someone get to the right diagnosis a little fast

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Doctors were unable to get to the root of the cause, and he suffered those same symptoms for some time. Three years later, a psychiatrist treated him with antidepressants, but his issues persisted.

Things came to a head when he was pulled over on suspicion of drink driving, and was found to have a blood-alcohol level of 200mg/dL (about the equivalent of 7-10 drinks, depending on your weight). He was nauseous, vomiting, impaired, had no memory of the event, and passed out in the hospital.

The patient, however, insisted he had not had one single drink.

It was his aunt who brought him a breathalyzer, and as he tracked his measurements over time, he received similar readings.

A doctor in Ohio administered a carbohydrate test, where the patient consumes carbohydrates and then has their blood-alcohol levels monitored over the course of several hours, and found elevated alcohol levels in his blood. They also found brewer’s yeast in his stool, and eventually diagnosed him with auto-brewery syndrome (ABS).

The syndrome, also known as gut fermentation syndrome, is extremely rare. It causes the digestive system to produce ethanol that makes you intoxicated. Several cases have been reported over the years, usually discovered under similar circumstances (people arrested for drunk driving without having a drink).

This man, however, is the first documented case of ABS stemming from a course of antibiotics.

“We postulate that the antibiotic altered his gut microbiome, allowing fungal growth. This diagnosis should be considered in any patient with positive manifestations of alcohol toxicity who denies alcohol ingestion.”

He was given antifungal medications and, despite a relapse after a night of pizza and soda, is doing well.

I’m not saying this will work if you ever find yourself on the wrong end of a traffic stop, but I mean. It could be your guts making beer, and you just don’t know it.

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Here’s a Weird Beauty Trend: Makeup on Babies

Can anybody help me out with why this is a thing?

I’m not sure if some or all of these pics are Photoshopped (I think so?), but it’s still just…weird.

Take a look at the evidence.

1. Get a load of that…

2. OMG, what is happening?

3. Wise beyond her years. I think.

4. He’s not feeling it.

5. Wide-eyed with trepidation.

6. A wee bit too much eye shadow.

7. A total nightmare, in my humble opinion.

8. Looks like a doll.

9. Spruce up those baby blues.

10. Okay, I think we’ve all had enough.

Do you find this strange like I do?

Sound off in the comments!

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Kitties Photoshopped onto Other Animals Make Hilarious Cat-Creatures

Some people out there have a lot of Photoshop skills…and a lot of time on their hands.

A person on Instagram really, really likes to Photoshop pics of cats mashed up with other animals, and the results are some hilarious-looking creatures that you can’t unsee.

Take a look…

1. I think that’s a bunny?

2. Looking for honey, no doubt.

3. The elusive cat/hedgehog.

4. Flying weiner dog/cat!

5. Panda cat strikes again.

6. Would you like to play with me?

7. I’m a big fan of this one.

8. Pugamese?

9. Wow. Can’t unsee this one.

10. Looks kinda mean. Approach with caution.

These kitties are freaking me out!

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10 Interesting Facts to Help You Get Through This Loooooong Week

Will this week ever end.

It feels like it’s taking FOREVER.

But, wait! I have a good idea about how to fix this.

Facts! Great facts that will challenge your brain and soothe your soul.

Let’s get started!

1. It’s mostly water weight.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1

2. Rejection leads to later problems.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. That’s totally disgusting! Yay humans!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. Oh, it’s real…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. Typical male behavior.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Are you good at this?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. This is amazing.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. Be on the lookout…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. A symbol of grace and poise.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. Wow…that’s really something…

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

That’s a little better, right?

Now let’s power through the rest of this damn work week together!

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20 Epic Photoshop Battles and Their Winners

While there are many instances in which photoshopping can be used for nefarious purposes, these 20 are not that.

Instead, people are using their mad skills to make the rest of us laugh. If you ask me, that’s a noble cause.

20. I can’t stop staring at this.

PsBattle: This Dad and Son cat from photoshopbattles

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19. We can all relate, big guy.

PsBattle: This fishing leopard from photoshopbattles

18. Are we sure this is photoshopped?

PsBattle: This Cat Beard from photoshopbattles

17. Most of these are funny, but this is actually a work of art.

PsBattle: pringles ringle from photoshopbattles

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16. This has kilt me ded.

PsBattle: Golden retriever who played in freshly mowed lawn from photoshopbattles

15. Fishing buddies.

PsBattle: Man holding fish while bear stands behind him from photoshopbattles

14. Oh the humanity!

PsBattle: This tree that was struck by lightning from photoshopbattles

13. Sometimes the obvious choice is still the best one.

PsBattle: Dog in shoes leading the way from photoshopbattles

12. Let’s be honest, he’d probably fit in better up there.

PsBattle: This "Captain Canada" Cosplay. from photoshopbattles

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11. The original image itself is pretty priceless.

PsBattle: this cute retriever’s face perfectly centered behind a decorative cast iron fence from photoshopbattles

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10. We see what we see.

PsBattle: These micro-mushrooms on a leaf from photoshopbattles

9.  I would have done him as one of the YMCA dancers, but this is still good.

PsBattle: A hawk staring at the camera from photoshopbattles

8. One expression, two very different contexts.

PsBattle: This smirking dog. from photoshopbattles

7. So many options, but this is a good one.

PsBattle: this pissed cat from photoshopbattles

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6. All in a day’s work, my friends.

PsBattle: Porcupine walking on its hind legs from photoshopbattles

5. This duckling did all the work, let’s be honest.

PsBattle: This cunning duckling from photoshopbattles

girl with a pearl earring

4. This is perfection, don’t @ me.

PsBattle: This Mount Fuji, Japan – Pink Valley! from photoshopbattles

3. I expect to see this made very soon.

PsBattle: angry baby from photoshopbattles

2.Welp, someone isn’t getting knighted.

PsBattle: This security guard eagerly chasing a streaking swimsuit model from photoshopbattles

1. Dogs just chilling should be its own internet niche.

PsBattle: This big dog in a sink from photoshopbattles

Let’s give the boy a lift.


Are you in love with these? There are more on this subreddit, so check them out!

Could you throw your hat in the ring? Show us why in the comments!

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Check out the Air-Breathing Snakehead Fish That’s Invading Georgia

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s going to look like when nature finally rises up to finish off human beings once and for all, well, this air-breathing fish that’s able to trade water for land seems like a good candidate.

It’s called the Northern Snakehead, and wildlife officials in Georgia are advising residents to kill them on sight.


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The fish, which can breathe air long enough to traverse short distances on land, is not native to North America. That means it’s invasive, and can easily upset local ecosystems by outcompeting endemic species for food and habitats if it is allowed to reproduce and spread unchecked.

There are several varieties of snakehead fish – this particular one is native to East Asia, not in privately owned ponds in Gwinnett County, Georgia, where the first one was spotted.


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The fish is nightmarishly long – it can reach up to 3 feet in length – and a mottled or splotchy brown color. If you catch or see one, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division would like you to kill it and then freeze it until someone from the agency’s fisheries office can come and collect it.


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No one knows for sure how it first arrived in North America, or in Georgia specifically, but the aquarium trade or the food industry are the most likely culprits.

Georgia is not alone in this battle – varieties of snakehead have been spotted in 14 states so far.

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10 Examples of How Hilariously Dangerous Normal Things Were in the 1960s and ’70s

It was a different time…

The 1960s and 70s marked a time where people were more freewheeling with their personal safety, style and taste. Things were rapidly changing, and social norms were having some trouble catching up. There was a sense of not knowing any better mixed with a dash of I just don’t care because gas is really expensive and no one can find a job.

So, scroll through these old school hazards and feel good about stayin’ alive.

1. Girls ironed their hair straight…with an actual hot as hell iron.

Then, some genius invented the “hair straightener” and took all the fun out of burning your hair off.


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2. Infant car seats were not at their apex of technology.

They were more of a suggestion than anything that would keep you snuggly strapped in and facing the way that would cause the least amount of damage to your cranium in a collision.

Child In A Car Seat, 1950’s from TheWayWeWere

3. Jell-O Salad.

If you could eat it on a plate, why not encase it in Jell-O?

Photo Credit: Flickr

4. Smoking on planes was allowed.

There was a non-smoking section on the plane, but really the whole plane was a smoking section.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

5. Your mom tried to make a SPAM casserole.

Meat in a can—it’s what’s for dinner.

Photo Credit: Flickr

6. Drunk driving was barely frowned on.

Even though it was against the law. Deadly, but who cares!

Photo Credit: Gramercy Pictures

7. Margarine was a healthy alternative to real butter.

Sure, eat all you want.

Photo Credit: Flickr

8. Who didn’t love asbestos?

Seriously, what’s not to love?


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9. Men’s fashions SLAYED.

A man in Levi’s Panatela sportswear? Knock you dead, baby.

Photo Credit: Flickr

10. OJ Simpson was an admired figure in sports and fashion.

Also, he is learning Twitter now, so follow him. He should be watched.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Aren’t you glad you came out of that decade as normal as you did? Remember any other craziness? Post it in the comments so we can cringe along with you.

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15 Documentaries About Serial Killers That Are Worth Your Time

It seems like there’s a never-ending flood of true crime and serial killer documentaries out there, which makes it challenging to sort through the good and the bad. Who has time for that?

Well, here’s some good news: other people have already done the work for us!

People from the Buzzfeed Community offered their opinions about what they believe are the best documentaries about serial killers. Add these to your queue.

1. BTK: A Killer Among Us (2019)

2. Monster in My Family: Happy Face Killer (2015)

3. Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes (2019)

4. Cropsey (2009)

5. Manson (1973)

6. The Pig Farm (2011)

7. Albert Fish: In Sin He Found Salvation (2007)

8. Carl Panzram: The Spirit of Hatred and Vengeance (2011)

9. Serial Killers: Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo (1995)

10. Born to Kill? Richard Trenton Chase: The Vampire of Sacramento (2010)

11. The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst (2015)

12. This Is the Zodiac Speaking (2008)

13. Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer (2003)

14. Ed Gein: The Real Leatherface (2004)

15. The Jeffrey Dahmer Files (2012)

Are there any other documentaries that you think need to be included?

Share them in the comments, please.

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MIT Engineers Say There’s a New Blackest Black Color

Vantablack, the world’s “blackest black” pigment since 2016, has been controlled by artist Anish Kapoor.

But as of now, he no longer owns the blackest black out there because engineers at MIT have developed a new material that is 10 times blacker than Vantablack.

The new material, made of carbon nanotubes, absorbs 99.995% of all incoming light.

They created it by vertically aligning the microscopic carbon filaments, which resulted in a sort of fuzzy forest of trees that they them grew on a piece of chlorine-soaked aluminum.

The results were published in a scientific journal, as well as displayed in an exhibition at the New York Stock Exchange.

The artwork on display is called The Redemption of Vanity and was conceived by Diemut Strebe in collaboration with MIT professor Brian Wardle. Together, they covered one of the shiniest objects they could think of – a 16.78-carat natural yellow diamond worth 2 million dollars – with the new black pigment. This made it appear to be a black void in front of another black background.

Wardle talked a bit about the project and why he thinks it’s important”

“There are optical and space science applications for very black materials, and of course, artists have been interested in black, going back well before the Renaissance. Our material is 10 times blacker than anything that’s ever been reported, but I think the blackest black is a constantly moving target. Someone will find a blacker material, and eventually we’ll understand all the underlying mechanisms, and will be able to properly engineer the ultimate black.”

The scientists made the discovery on accident – they were looking for a way to grow carbon nanotubes on materials that would boost electrical conductivity, not a blacker black than Vantablack – but they couldn’t help but notice how black their substance became as it grew.

Now, they’re applying for a patent for the technology. And word on the scientific street is that the artists who were irked about Kapoor’s monopolization of Vantablack will be pretty happy to have an alternative.

I, for one, am new to the ruckus and completely fascinated.

Blackest blacks and their blacker challengers are a thing scientists and artists throw down over. Who knew?

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Garbage Collectors Come Clean About the Stuff People Throw Away

The stuff people throw away can be truly shocking.

And it’s not just the amount of money we spend on things that we just pitch in the trash. People seem to think that garbage bags somehow shield them from being arrested… because A LOT of illegal shit gets thrown away for ANYBODY to find.

These 14 garbage collectors know this all too well, and they’re not shy about divulging what they found!

Let’s go!

1. So many different things in just 8 months!

I worked ~8 months while waiting to go to school in my small southern town.

Summary of interesting things I found go as follows: $20, bullets, a live snake, a fully working 400$ amp (which I now use for my speaker setup), and a small bag of marijuana, and a can literally full of adult toys and open DVDs.

2. Thanks history professor. Or should I say… history thief!

We used to pull the recyclables out of the dumpsters by our rental condo in California. Found a Naval officer’s sword, a nice set of cast iron skillets, plus a fantastic handmade leather chair. Still have those in my home. Lots of clothes with tags, pretty sure the residents one unit over were shoplifters and thieves; we took that stuff to the thrift shops.

Then there was Big Trash Day in Japan once a quarter. Fully working treadle sewing machine with a cast iron base, ceramic hibachi pot, marvelous glass and lacquer cases, a giant yellow quartz gem set in silver. A full set of WWII photos and albums, including a Kamikaze farewell party, but a history professor “borrowed” those to examine and never got them back to me.

3. Think of all the money to be made!

I lived in a campus town and every year, end of the semester, (especially the end of spring semester) the most amazing stuff would be thrown out.

Students (especially foreign students) leaving who had no way to take their stuff with them.

Uncounted couches, TVs, furniture, computers, electronics, etc just sitting on the curbs all around the campus.

They had to clean the apartment out and they had nowhere to put the stuff but on the curb.

4. Why do people throw away laptops?!?

I live in a town with 2 colleges in it and I like to go textbook hunting on move out week. I’ll usually pull 2,5-3k in 2 weeks. I’ve found around 8-9 phones of vary degrees of degradation, around 4 laptops with fixable problems and a closets worth of name-brand clothing. My daily driver timbs are trash boots.

My friend though, after two years of gathering now owns a small business selling and renting what he calls “dorm kits”, which usually include a couple lights, chairs, a mini-fridge, a microwave, an electric kettle and other odds and ends. He has a real job but makes about 40k a year supplemental, a lot in cash. (that he keeps in a cardboard box labeled “f— you money”) He will often find 2-3 of the kits he sold outright in the garbage that same year. I’m jealous of his work ethic, because those couple of weeks before/after the semester he works 18 hour days.

TL;DR- if you live near a college there’s gold in the garbage.

5. E.A. office… it’s in the trash!

The cleaning company I work for regularly gets rid of unwanted stuff from an Electronics Arts office.

We could keep the items they didn’t use anymore. Some of the fun things we got were: a classic guitar hero set, wii fit + balance board, sim city mouse pads (still using those), some kind of singstar microphones (use the now for talking online with friends), old sims disks with all the commercials they have ever released (some weird stuff was on there), battlefield bad company key chains, old games like need for speed and rogue galaxy for ps2 and lots of minor stuff.

This happens annually so i hope they got some fun stuff this year.

6. So much wine!

At my sister’s alma mater, she said the rich girls threw out a lot of good stuff when the dorms had to be cleaned out for the summer. She got clothes, shoes and purses.

I lived in Israel as an English teacher several years ago and since thrift stores aren’t really a thing there, perfectly good clothes would be thrown out. I got so many bags of clothes.

Once they were washed, they were perfectly fine. (Got hand-me-downs from my teacher, the teacher of two people in my cohort and a few friends in my cohort as well.) Never had to buy clothes (minus a pair of boots and my Purim costume) during my 10 months in Israel! Before Passover, people toss anything that isn’t kosher for Passover. I found more clothes and three unopened bottles of wine!

7. Snowboards?! Whoa!

I usually find brand new stuff still in the plastic. Haven’t really found anything illegal though.

My brother in law works for a recycling place and he finds all kinds of cool sh*t. One day he came home with 3 brand new dc snowboards. He said whatever company wanted to shred the last year’s model that didn’t sell so he took it home.

8. Lots of meds!

I was a janitor for my high school in the summer months and one of the first jobs of the summer was locker clean out. I was given the master key for all the lockers and had to go in one by one to clean them out.

I found so many bottles of ADHD meds (adderal, ritalin, vyvanse), relatively brand new shoes, nice north face fleeces among other random sh*t.

9. The $100 pick up

I worked on the back of a trash truck for one summer when I was younger. It was my girlfriend’s dad’s company so I rode with him pretty much the entire time. We never found anything truly odd but one of my best memories was when we used to go around to pick up trash at these multi-million and billion dollar homes.

There was this one house that we picked up trash at that always had four, five, six huge cans full of bottles and trash from their weekly parties.

The rule was, only two large cans were to be picked up. Anything extra would cost the customer more. Well, in order to avoid having to pay the company extra, every week there would be this old guy standing at the back gate with a $100 bill. He’d hand us the bill in exchange for us not telling the owner about the extra pick-up.

The owner, the guy who he handed the money to, always promised not to tell anyone about it. We always had a good lunch on those days.

10. Never pay for a bike again!

My dad was a garbage man. My brother and never paid for a bike as kids – he’d find bikes in various states of disrepair and bring them back home to fix them up from their usable parts.

Also, radios. My dad would find some incredible old radios – tons of 40s/50s era tube radio receivers, which we would fix up together.

As far as illegal, I remember him telling me that he found a big ziploc bag full of mary jane one time.

11. Guns & Ammo

I was a garbage man for a number of years in the early 90s. I live in a very small town that is mostly Italian, and one morning we were sent out to collect the dumpster from a trucks top on the outskirts of town. As the truck was pouring the contents of the dumpster into the back, I saw a wet box break apart and inside were a bunch of submachine guns and magazines of ammo.

I stopped the winch, told the driver, and we both decided to play dumb (not difficult) and pretend we didn’t see them. So I continued on and crushed it all as though I hadn’t seen them.

I just remember being afraid that they were dropped off for a pickup or exchange and if some saw me taking them or I was found with them, it’d be a really bad day for me.

12. Better living through chemistry!

In an old school, a forgotten high school chemistry lab from the 60s. Jars and jars of things like thermite, sticks of yellow phosphorous submerged in some yellow-colored liquid that had evaporated to the point where there was only 1/8″ of liquid covering the top of the sticks and the slightest movement would cause the top end of the sticks to be uncovered.

This was all on the same racks as a jar of mercury, about a pound of powdered asbestos, spools of magnesium ribbom, quantities of powdered sulfur, nitroglycerin, potassium permanganate, cans that had rusted through (they still contained – something –

but the labels were too corroded to read), acid nitric and too many other bottles to read as just being in that room for a couple of minutes gave me a splitting headache.

It had apparently been a well-stocked chemistry lab for high school students decades previously then one day the school closed so they locked the door and nobody had entered it (much less cleaned it out) for decades.

13. Casino cleanup

My uncle in Vegas was a trash man.

After work he would walk through the landfill and find casino chips, jewelry, other valuables and money – enough to buy a very nice home on his modest wages after only a couple years. Rich, drunk and/or stupid means a lot of disposed, as opposed to disposable, wealth.

14. You knew this was coming…

A severed arm with no hand.

At first I thought it was from an animal until I looked closer in horror that it clearly was a human elbow.

That last story… WTF?????? How do you ever recover from that? How do you go back to work???

Got any crazy stories of things you found which you can’t unsee? Let us know in the comments!

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