Put Your Own Face on Your Luggage and You’ll Never Lose It Again

You’ve tried everything – a red ribbon, brightly colored luggage, your name and address – but have you considering just screen-printing your mug right on your bags so you can easily spot them at the airport?

Probably not. But here’s the thing…absolutely no one will mistakenly pick up your bag if you do.

Travel + Leisure reports that a company called Firebox is offering a product they call Head Case, which isn’t quite a screen printed suitcase – rather, it’s a stretchy spandex cover that goes around your bag.

Like a boss.

The image is on both sides, the cover buckles in place, and there are holes for all of your handles – plus there are three sizes to choose from. Prices range from $26 to $39 apiece.

I mean really…what’s not to like?

And if you, like me, have realized that this product is ready made for pranking friends and family, listen up – they also print on pillows, air fresheners, and creepy masks.

Go hog wild, my friends. And I promise if you get those luggage covers you’ll make at least a few friends the next time you take an airplane or check into hotel.

I mean. Who could resist that face, right?

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The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Has Been Solved

The mystery of why things – ships, people, maybe even entire civilizations – seem to disappear over one particular barren section of ocean has captured the minds of the public and conspiracy theorists alike. We’re talking about the Bermuda Triangle, obviously.

The truth is that while ships and planes go missing fairly regularly in the BT, they do not do so more often in the triangle of sea between Puerto Rico, Bermuda, and Florida than they do anywhere else.

Like, we don’t really know why the myth got so out of control, but there is not and never has been any statistical significance to the area at all.

Despite scientists knowing the truth of this fact, when things do happen to go missing in the area, reports often don’t neglect to take facts into consideration. Maybe to make a buck on the sensational aspect?

After a recent event, however, many are hopeful that it’s finally time to dismiss the harebrained theory once and for all.

During an on-air interview with news.com.au, well known Australian scientist Karl Kruszelnicki said in no uncertain terms that the number of boats and other vessels that disappear in the triangle “is the same as anywhere else in the world on a percentage basis.”

“It is close to the equator, near a wealthy part of the world, America, therefore you have a lot of traffic.”

According to Kruszelnicki, the myth can be traced back to a number of disappearances in the area between WWI and WWII. People started to get weirded out about the incidents even though the weather was often terrible and the craft weren’t reliable. In addition, pilots at the time weren’t as efficient or well-trained, and therefore were more likely to make catastrophic mistakes (like being drunk while they flew).

The fact that wreckage and remains were rarely found makes sense, too, given that it’s a large area and the water is quite deep in most places.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also maintains there’s nothing to see there – not even the Triangle itself, if you want to get technical. They agree that environmental conditions could explain many, if not all of, the disappearances, but they also reiterate that the “US Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name and does not maintain an official file on the area.”


So, it’s time we put the whole theory to rest once and for all and stop blaming perfectly normal, but tragic events on the supernatural or whatever.

“There is no evidence…that mysterious disappearances occur with any greater frequency in the Bermuda Triangle than in any other larges, well-traveled area of the ocean,” NOAA states.

Make no bones about it, there’s nothing to see here.

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The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Has Been Solved

The mystery of why things – ships, people, maybe even entire civilizations – seem to disappear over one particular barren section of ocean has captured the minds of the public and conspiracy theorists alike. We’re talking about the Bermuda Triangle, obviously.

The truth is that while ships and planes go missing fairly regularly in the BT, they do not do so more often in the triangle of sea between Puerto Rico, Bermuda, and Florida than they do anywhere else.

Like, we don’t really know why the myth got so out of control, but there is not and never has been any statistical significance to the area at all.

Despite scientists knowing the truth of this fact, when things do happen to go missing in the area, reports often don’t neglect to take facts into consideration. Maybe to make a buck on the sensational aspect?

After a recent event, however, many are hopeful that it’s finally time to dismiss the harebrained theory once and for all.

During an on-air interview with news.com.au, well known Australian scientist Karl Kruszelnicki said in no uncertain terms that the number of boats and other vessels that disappear in the triangle “is the same as anywhere else in the world on a percentage basis.”

“It is close to the equator, near a wealthy part of the world, America, therefore you have a lot of traffic.”

According to Kruszelnicki, the myth can be traced back to a number of disappearances in the area between WWI and WWII. People started to get weirded out about the incidents even though the weather was often terrible and the craft weren’t reliable. In addition, pilots at the time weren’t as efficient or well-trained, and therefore were more likely to make catastrophic mistakes (like being drunk while they flew).

The fact that wreckage and remains were rarely found makes sense, too, given that it’s a large area and the water is quite deep in most places.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also maintains there’s nothing to see there – not even the Triangle itself, if you want to get technical. They agree that environmental conditions could explain many, if not all of, the disappearances, but they also reiterate that the “US Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name and does not maintain an official file on the area.”


So, it’s time we put the whole theory to rest once and for all and stop blaming perfectly normal, but tragic events on the supernatural or whatever.

“There is no evidence…that mysterious disappearances occur with any greater frequency in the Bermuda Triangle than in any other larges, well-traveled area of the ocean,” NOAA states.

Make no bones about it, there’s nothing to see here.

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Shocker: Hitting the “Close Door” Button on an Elevator Does Nothing at All

You’ve been here: you decided to wait on the elevator even though you’re running late, but it took forever to show up, and now you’re standing there waiting for the stupid doors to close, wishing the whole time that you’d taken the stairs.

You jab the “close door” icon repeatedly, and a rush of satisfaction rolls through you when, after a pause, the doors follow your internally screamed command.

Except…the button didn’t actually do anything. Just fyi.

The executive director of the National Elevator Industry trade group admitted recently that the close door button has been disabled on all U.S. elevators for a very long time, thanks for the Americans with Disabilities Act. Passed in 1990, the law requires elevators doors remain open long enough to anyone who needs assistance or using a mobility device to get safely in or out.

Since the majority of elevators out there are under 25 years old, the chances of snagging one with working close door buttons is just about nil.

Which should also make you feel good because your elevator is less than 25 years old.

But why bother to put them in new elevators if they’re not going to work?

Well, according to Drexel University professor John Kounios, it’s because the “white lie” of being able to hit the button is actually helpful.

“A perceived lack of control is associated with depression, so perhaps this is mildly therapeutic.”

Or at least, it was before you clicked on this article.

There’s good news, though – if you think you’ve been a generous, thoughtful person in holding the elevator doors open for people, you totally are.

Because those buttons are still functioning just fine.

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People Share 15 Stories of Intense Hallucinations Caused by Sleep Deprivation

It is used as a torture technique (by some), and if you’ve ever been a new parent experiencing chronic sleep deprivation or someone with an illness causing acute or chronic sleeplessness, you probably already know that it’s no joke.

If it’s never happened to you, though, the intensity of these 15 hallucinations should definitely convince you to be eternally grateful for that fact.

15. As long as you don’t start to feed it.

14. When even keeping your eyes open doesn’t help.

13. You kind of ARE going crazy.

12. Like deja vu you just can’t shake.

11. When you have no idea what day it is. Or was.

10. Ever thought about what your donut delivery might be costing someone?

9. Try unpacking that in therapy.

8. When you start to hear (the wrong) colors.

7. It’s always the cats.

6. A horror story, for real.

5. Why a construction worker? Brains are weird.

4. This is your brain on drugs…and no sleep.

3. Do not recommend.

2. Creepy as hell.

1. Time to pull over.

I’ve been tired, even sleep-deprived, but never like this. Thank goodness.

Do you have any horror stories that resulted from too little sleep?

Share with us in the comments!

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13 of the Strangest Conspiracy Theories You’ve Probably Never Heard About

Conspiracy theories seem to be everywhere, but, sadly (or – actually – probably for the best), most of them fly under the radar for most of us. Unless something happens that places them in the mainstream consciousness, only a select few followers of said beliefs ever even know they exist.

And let me tell you, after you check some of these out, you’re going to be sorry you weren’t let in on the secrets sooner.

As told by the Buzzfeed Community.

13. Ronald Reagan did away with the birds. All of them.

All birds died in 1986 and were replaced with drones to spy on the public.

12. Leonardo DiCaprio had something to do with River Phoenix’s death.

Shortly after his Oscar nomination for Running on Empty, River Phoenix was asked what movie he wanted to do next. He pulled out a copy of The Basketball Diaries and said, “I want to play Jim Carroll.” Phoenix would have done anything to get this role, but apparently Leo DiCaprio wanted it as well. That’s why he played a part in Phoenix’s fatal overdose.

In fact, Leo has even admitted to seeing Phoenix at a party in LA the night he died. After his untimely death, the role of Jim Carroll went to Leo DiCaprio, which helped launch him into superstardom.

11. The Red Cross isn’t using your blood the way you think.


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Something sinister is going on with the blood donations the Red Cross collects. Sometimes they sell it for profit, and other times the government uses it for biowarfare testing. Most shockingly, the Illuminati uses it for satanic rituals.

10. Stevie Wonder isn’t really blind.

A lot of people believe this one. Donald Glover even got a little suspicious after meeting Stevie Wonder a few times. He claimed that some things just weren’t adding up. Interesting!

9. Big Pharma is hiding cures for diseases like cancer and HIV.


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This one is simple: the pharmaceutical industry makes billions and billions of dollars each year, so they have no interest in releasing the already-existing vaccines. Unfortunately, lifetime treatments for an “incurable” disease are way more lucrative for them.

8. J.K. Rowling is hiding a big secret.

Some people believe that J.K. Rowling didn’t actually write the Harry Potter books. Instead, they were ghost-written by a giant group people. This conspiracy theory goes one step further and claims that Rowling is actually Rita Skeeter, and she wrote the stories of Harry Potter after being banished from the Wizarding World.

7. Men in Black is based in real life.


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Aliens exist, and the government is trying to cover it up. They have a secret organization, almost identical to the one in Men in Black, whose job is to destroy all evidence and memory of alien lifeforms.

6. Coke and Pepsi are one and the same.

Apparently the rivalry between each company is completely fake. It’s simply used as a ploy to get people to take sides and buy more of each product. That way the people who secretly own both companies will make even more money.

5. Ancestry DNA (and like services) are owned by the government, who wants to build genetic models of every citizen.

Ancestry DNA kits are actually kind of genius. Not only are you paying to give the government samples of your DNA, but you’re also letting them do research on you and your family. Now they can track you, learn about your genetics, and keep records of your extremely personal information.

4. The government is trying to convince you to shave off your beard so it won’t mess with facial recognition software.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. It’s hard for the government to keep tabs on humans if their facial recognition software doesn’t work, so they anonymously claimed that beards were unsanitary, in hopes that people would shave them.

3. The real Paul McCartney died in 1966.

This one is dark. Apparently Paul McCartney died in a car crash in 1966. He was then replaced by a lookalike because the band’s managers thought there’d be an uptake in suicides if people found out the truth about his death. The other Beatles members apparently referred to the lookalike as “Faul,” a combination of the words “fake Paul.”

2. Television was created as a grand distraction from the events of real life.

The first American TV stations came into existence in the late ’20s and early ’30s, but televisions weren’t commercially sold until about 1938. Around the same time, the government was making a lot of mistakes and needed to distract the public from what was really going on. Interesting.

1. All of reality is an illusion a la The Truman Show.


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Reality is an illusion. Every decision you’ve ever made, everything you’ve ever seen or believed, and everything in existence (even the entire universe) is fake. Essentially, we’re all stuck in a computer game and someone has been controlling us.

You’re off to do more research now, aren’t you?

I know I am!

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This Is Why You Can’t Get a McRib Any Time You Want

The McRib.

I know there are people out there who love it, crave it, and count the days until it returns, even after the rather startling (if not surprising) truth about its ingredients is now public knowledge.

But if so many people are ready to fork over their cash year-round, why does McDonald’s insist on holding out?

Well, you’re about to find out, so hold onto your Happy Meals, my friends…

It’s not as surprising as you might think. Basically, it’s all about the marketing.

According to CNN, McDonald’s doesn’t actually believe you’d buy the McRib year round; they think the seasonal nature of the product is exactly what makes it so popular.

When fast food chains employ a “limited run” item, they know diners are more motivated to make time to grab not just one, but several, while it’s in season – something they might not do if it were available any ol’ time.

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Finally!!!!!! #mcrib #seasonal #iamloved

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The McRib first appeared in 1981, but it didn’t do well, so McDonald’s removed it from the menu in 1985. When it returned in 1994, people gave it more of a chance, and by 2005, it became a regular on McDonald’s recurring menu. Consumers should also know the sandwich contains 70 different ingredients, which include, “pig bits like tripe, heart, and scalded stomach.” Add in some azodicarbonamide, ammonium sulfate, ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides and more.

Nowadays, people are actively excited when it comes back around, instead of feeling like it’s just one of many options they could get whenever.

And if you’re looking to cash in on the latest McRib season, please enjoy yourself responsibly – and if you’re anything like me, don’t forget your antacid.

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10 Strange Things the Government Actually Has the Power to Do

There are tons of conspiracy theories out there, but if you’re someone who rolls your eyes at them, well, you might be surprised that there is something to the idea that the government has unlimited powers.

Okay, fine, not unlimited, but I bet you didn’t know they had the ability to do these 10 strange things, no questions asked.

10. Read your emails.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Under the rationale of obtaining information about potential threats, U.S. Intelligence agencies are allowed to collect your email communications if you’re a foreigner living in the States. The law can, however, extend to all Americans (in theory).

9. Force you to sell your home.

If the government deems the sale of your property necessary, they can claim “eminent domain” and force you to sell. The Fifth Amendment gives them the right, if you’re curious.

8. Hide the truth.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Any citizen can request access to federal agency records through the Freedom of Information Act…unless those records are protected. Protected records include some law enforcement files, foreign policy details, information regarding bank supervision, trade secrets, and a lot more.

Basically, it’s why we (the people) still don’t know for sure who killed JFK.

7. Seize your assets (without forking over compensation).

Civil asset forfeiture laws let the police take your stuff and keep it indefinitely – all they have to do is say they believe it was involved in a crime. It’s actually a pretty serious problem.

6. Jail you if your kid misses school.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The state of Maryland has a law on the books called the Truancy Law of Maryland, and it lets police toss you in jail if your under-16 cuts class on the regular.

5. Go through your trash.

Attorney Randolph Rice says that this 1988 Supreme Court case proves that your trash – even before its collected – isn’t protected by the Fourth Amendment…so watch what you throw away.

4. Pressure your state to conform.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Sure, states have rights, but the feds can enact a federal law that trumps your state’s decision, and then punish your state for being out of compliance. For example, when the federal drinking age was set to 21, they threatened states with the loss of federal highway funding if they didn’t follow suit and change their laws at the state level as well.

3. Stop you from driving.

If you’ve got a DUI on your record, the authorities could force you to install a device in your car that detects your blood-alcohol level. If you don’t blow in it, or you fail, your car won’t start.

2. Shut down the country.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If Congress and the President can’t agree on a budget the government shuts down, which means national parks, monuments, and museums are (supposed to be) closed. This could affect you even more directly if you’re waiting on something like a passport or a tax return.

1. Remove your right to vote.

In most states, convicted felons aren’t allowed to vote while incarcerated, and a few states carry the law through your time spent on parole or probation, too. If you’re convicted of a federal crime, you could lose the right permanently.

I mean, I’m not off to buy a tinfoil hat (yet), but consider me at least a little bit shook.

Were you aware of these? Are there more? Let us know what you think in the comments!

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Christmas Beard Lights Are Here. Go Ahead and Embrace It!

Trends come and go throughout the years. What’s hot one minute is considered pretty lame a minute later. It can sure be hard to keep up, am I right?

Well, here’s one trend I hope sticks around for many years because 1). It’s pretty hilarious, and 2). It’s quite festive! A company called Firebox sells Christmas lights for beards, and I have to say, this may be the best idea I’ve seen in quite a while.

Not enough room in your living space for a tree? Make your face fuzz festive instead and bring Christmas with you…

Posted by Firebox on Monday, November 19, 2018

The lights can be nestled comfortably into your bushy beard, and the battery pack is small enough to fit in there and not cause you any issues, so everybody’s a winner here!

Firebox also has some other fun accessories for your beard, such as the Disco Beard Kit, the Snow Beard Kit, and the Christmas Tree Beard Kit.

Photo Credit: Firebox

The reviews don’t lie, either:

“Absolutly [sic] hysterical and was one of the main talking points during Christmas in our house. Lovley [sic] bright LED’s, good functions and apparently the clips were comfortable!”

“Bought as a joke gift for Christmas for my daughters husband who has a very bushy beard. Thought the kids would love it.”

“Brilliant product, bought for my hairy son. Lit up his night shift!”

Also, there are some other companies out there that sell similar products if you want to shop around. One thing fellas: you gotta grow your own beard, so get going on that, okay?

It really is the most wonderful time of the year! Are you gonna get in on this trend?  If you do, you’ll be “lit”. Get it? If you do this, let’s see your photos in the comments!

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More Than 90,000 People Sign Petition to Shut down Haunted House, Claiming It’s Really a Torture Chamber

This place does sound a bit…intense.

McKamey Manor is an extreme haunted house with two locations, one in Tennessee and one in Alabama, and, as of today, over 94,000 people have signed a petition trying to get the haunted house closed down. Why?

Petitioners are claiming that the houses are actually tortures chambers in disguise. Critics argue that visitors are forced to eat things, are forced underwater, and are even waterboarded.

Mckamey Manor?? MCKAMEY MANOR has been featured on Travels Channel's Making monster and…

Posted by Mckamey Manor on Saturday, July 11, 2015

The change.org petition to shut down McKamey Manor reads, in part:

“Advertised as “an extreme haunt” when in fact it is NOT a haunted house. It’s a torture chamber under disguise. Reportedly, they do screenings to find the weakest, most easily manipulated people to do the ‘haunt.’ It’s reported that if Russ [the owner] doesnt think you’re easily manipulated, you arent allowed to go.”

The person who put up the petition also said, “It’s literally just a kidnapping & torture house. Some people have had to seek professional psychiatric help and medical care for extensive injuries. I propose that all locations where this is happening be shut down immediately.”

Posted by Mckamey Manor on Friday, July 10, 2015

Russ McKamey, the owner of the haunted houses, defended his businesses, saying, “I’m a very straight-laced conservative guy, but here I run this crazy haunted house that people think is this torture factory, fetish factory. All of these things that it’s not.”

People who want to experience this extreme haunted house need to be 21 years of age and have a doctor’s note that says they are mentally and physically capable of handling the situations they will be exposed to in the facilities.

Russ McKamey claims that his haunted houses are so terrifying that no one has ever been able to complete them. Terrifying…or hazardous.

What do you think – would you be willing to take a stab at McKamey Manor?

Stay tuned for developments on this story.

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