This Artist Creates Adorable Felt Cats With Big Personalities

We can’t get enough cats, and this Russian artist gives us one more reason to rejoice!

Elizabeth Delektorskaya’s felt kitty creations are the stuff of “aww!” They look like they could come to life at any moment, not as real cats, necessarily, but as their big-eyed, animated counterparts (think Puss and Boots from Shrek.)

The kitties come complete with precious whiskers, little pointed ears, and sparkling eyes that reveal their mischievous and loveable personalities. Delektorskaya has added accessories, including matching scarves and collars, giving each cat a distinct character.

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КОТИК ДОМ НАШЁЛ / SOLD☀? ENG⏬ Посвящается всем, кто хотел этим летом на море ? Кот выполнен в технике сухое валяние. Высота 9 см, лапы и хвост на проволочной основе, глаза стеклянные. В комплект с котом входит: стакан с соком, шезлонг, пальма (высота пальмы 12 см, ствол на проволочной основе). * * SOLD. The cat is made using the technique of dry felting. The height of the cat is 9 cm, the legs and tail are on a wire basis, the eyes are glass. The kit includes: a cat, a glass of juice, a deck chair, a palm tree (12 cm high, a barrel on a wire base). * * #feltingtoys #cutetoys #kitty #handmade #catlove #cat #miniature #wool #wooltoy #cattoy #felting #валяние #сухоеваляние #рукоделие #игрушкручнойработы #котигрушка #feltingwool #needlework #фелтинг #woolsculpture #войлочныеинрушки #шерсть #коллекционнаяигрушка #авторскаяигрушка #животные #animal #ручнаяработа #кот

A post shared by Игрушки из шерсти. Валяние (@lizasiama) on

Some look like they are ready to play with a massive ball of yarn, while others give the distinct impression they just want to cuddle. Whatever their choice, it’s fine by us.

Delektorskaya, who hails from Severodvinsk, Russia, creates these adorable kittens from 100% natural sheep’s wool and a unique dry felting technique. Depending upon their complexity, and how much of the kitten she’s making (just the face or the whole body), she spends anywhere from 3 hours to 7 days on one piece.

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КОТИК ДОМ НАШЁЛ/SOLD Котик выполнен в технике сухое валяние. Высота 17 см, голова и верхние лапки подвижные поворачиваются, глазки стеклянные. * * * SOLD ❤ The cat is made using the technique of dry felting. Height 17 cm, head and upper legs moveable, eyes are glass. 100% handmade. * * * * #feltingtoys #cutetoys #kitty #handmade #catlove #cat #miniature #wool #wooltoy #cattoy #felting #валяние #сухоеваляние #рукоделие #игрушкручнойработы #котигрушка #feltingwool #needlework #фелтинг #woolsculpture #войлочныеинрушки #шерсть #коллекционнаяигрушка #авторскаяигрушка #животные #animal #ручнаяработа #кот

A post shared by Игрушки из шерсти. Валяние (@lizasiama) on

Delektorskaya shows off all her many cat creations on Instagram. There’s no word as to whether you can commission any, but if you have a friend that reads and writes Russian, perhaps they can help you find out.

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Брошь "Спящий котёнок" В наличии нет/ Sold * Брошечка выполнена в технике сухое валяние из натуральной овечьей шерсти. Размер 8*8 см, в самом широком месте, где ушки ширина 10 см. * * Sold. This brooch is created using the technique of dry felting from sheep’s wool. 100% handmade. Size: 8 * 8cm. In the widest part, where the ears are 10 cm wide. * * #feltedcat #felting #felt #needlefelting #wool #feltedbrooch #artwool #artdoll #handmadetoy #handmade #catfelting #catlove #broochcat #брошькот #валяние #сухоеваляние #интерьернаяигрушка #брошь #брошьваляная #ручнаяработа #рукоделие #творчество

A post shared by Игрушки из шерсти. Валяние (@lizasiama) on

She wants people to know that, although her felt four-legged friends are cuddly, they are indeed fragile; they are pieces of art and should be handled with extreme care.

While of these cute kitties are your favorites? Let us know in the comments below!

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Teens Used the Randonautica App and It Led Them to a Gruesome Discovery

It sounds like a horror film, but it was all too real for teens who were led to a suitcase full of human remains in Washington.

The group was documenting its trip to a Washington beach after an app sent them there. Randonautica uses randomized coordinates that are close to where its users are located, allowing them to explore new areas in their general location.

Photo credit: TikTok

While walking on Alki Beach in Seattle, they noticed a black suitcase that had washed up on the shore. As they approached, the smell became overwhelming for the group, who knew right away that something was amiss.

They called the police; however, law enforcement took hours to show up, and the bag was in danger of washing back out into the ocean as the tide rose. It also started to expose the contents of the suitcase.


Something traumatic happened that changed my life checkkkk ?? @natthecvt #fyp #viral #crime #murder #randonautica #randonauting #scary #washington

♬ Creepy, scary, horror, synth, tension – Sound Production Gin

The police eventually showed up, and later, reports confirmed that there were human remains found, but the teens weren’t mentioned, though it is assumed to be them because the location was the same.

Video of the find went viral on social media and has gotten millions of views so far. Viewers wondered about the state of the kids’ mental health after finding such a horrific discovery and wondered why Randonautica pointed them in that direction in the first place.

Photo credit: TikTok

So far, there has been no explanation as to the identity of the person in the suitcase, or how it got there.

Have you ever found something weird while exploring? Let us know in the comments below!

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‘Supermarket Sweep’ Is Back on Netflix and Viewers Are Feeling It!

2020 hasn’t been the best year, and we’re all craving some nostalgia.

Even a simple trip to the supermarket as it used to be would be something to look forward to, so it’s no wonder that Supermarket Sweep is back!

That’s right kids! Your favorite game show where you guess how much groceries cost… it’s back in all of it’s nostalgic glory!

Photo credit: Fremantle Media

And mo, it’s not a reboot—the show from the early 1990s that you remember is airing once again on Netflix. Maybe it’s the big hair or the cheap groceries, but whatever it is, viewers can’t get enough and are talking about it non-stop on social media.

The idea for the game goes back to the 1960s.

Supermarket Sweep has teams of contestants answer trivia questions and run around a grocery store, collecting as many high-priced items as possible. Netflix has so far offered up one season of the show from 1993, which is easy to binge-watch in an afternoon, as the episodes are only about 20 minutes long.

The very first run of the show aired in 1965 before popping up again in its early ’90s incarnation. It was revived yet again in the early 2000s, and a new version of the show hosted by SNL’s Leslie Jones was about to film in 2020 when everything was shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Of course, we’ll have to wait for that, so the run from 1993 will have to suffice. To be honest, if Netflix were to air the other seasons, including those from the 1960s, we wouldn’t mind that at all. (Hint, hint.)

Which game shows would you like to see rebooted? Let us know in the comments below!

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Items That People Really Thought They Could Sell Online

People will try to sell literally anything – a fact that you know is true if you’ve spent any time at all on Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, et al. The thing is, people must also be buying some of this weird stuff, because otherwise, wouldn’t people stop trying?

I don’t know the answer to that for sure, but I do know I would be shocked if any of these 12 items found a buyer.

12. Sir. SIR.

There is not one part of this post that is true.

Sure, you can call this a didgeridoo if you really want to from CrackheadCraigslist

11. Give me one good reason you couldn’t make this for yourself.

I’ll wait. Maybe I’m just not seeing one.

Image Credit: Reddit

10. Yes, please I would like to invite a food borne illness into my home.

Ah, the memories of when I puked until I wanted to die!

Not Craigslist, but a little piece of food poisoning history can be yours for the right price. from delusionalcraigslist

9. I would be tempted to email with questions.

I would like to know how this custom work was accomplished please and thank you.

Image Credit: Reddit

8. The shade in this description, though.

I am imagining his roommate reading it and it’s cracking me up.

Broken Jager machine; they’re not doing a good job selling it in the description from delusionalcraigslist

7. “Quite large.”

Hmm, yes, please tell me more.

Image Credit: Reddit

6. “Artisan flatulence.” Y’all.

He marked the condition as “excellent.”

The delusional part is it’s massively underpriced. A simple repackaging and better marketing he could easily sell Artisan Flatulence™ for triple the price. from delusionalcraigslist

5. To be fair, it seems as if the bananas are. red herring.

It definitely catches your eye, doesn’t it?

Image Credit: Reddit

4. That thing is even more terrifying than the original.

And if you’ve seen the original, you know that’s saying something.

$900 homemade animatronic from delusionalartists

3. How do I know it’s the world’s largest?

Is there a certificate of authenticity?

Image Credit: Reddit

2. Modified for what purpose, you ask?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Found this this morning from CrackheadCraigslist

1. No thanks. I prefer to drink my own.

I’m not paying someone else to drink wine, I can tell you that much.

Image Credit: Reddit

These are really something, y’all. I can’t believe people found this stuff, never mind are willing to part with it!

Have you ever bought or sold something really…niche online? Tell us the story in the comments!

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This is Why Lefties Are Sometimes Called “Southpaws”

Left-handed people are very interesting. Why are there so few of them? Why are they so proud of something they randomly inherited?

We may not be able to answer all of those questions today, but if you’re curious about why they’re called “southpaws,” we may have something for you.

The term has been around since the 1800s, and comes courtesy of baseball players and boxes who swung from the left. In an 1813 letter to the editor in The Tickler, perhaps the first recorded instance, it seems to be linked to boxing specifically.

An 1848 political cartoon uses it as a term for someone striking a blow with their left hand, and applies it to a Democratic contender for president, the caption reading “Curse the old hoss wot a south paw he has given me!”

In 1860, the boxing references returned, with the New York Herald reporting that lefty David Woods “planted his ‘south paw’ under his opponents chin, laying him out flat as a pancake.”

In baseball, the term began to apply to any left-handed player, but especially a pitcher, in the 1800s. In those early stadiums, home plate was built facing the west, which meant a left-handed pitcher would be throwing with his “south” paw.

Not every stadium was built this way, but since Chicago’s West Side Park was, theories are that early sports writers popularized the term, which caught on.

Another theory (for my fellow Latin nerds), is that in ancient Rome, bad omens came from the left. The word for left in Latin is sinistra, which is where we derive the English word “sinister,” and is one reason left-handed people have been thought to be devilish in the past.

It could be as simple as someone re-equating south and left and then bad and left, though I’m not sure how many Latin scholars and baseball fans intersected at the time.

There you go – now you know one more fun thing about lefties!

Go forth and share the theories with your friends (and make sure to point out the Latin one, just for fun!)

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These People Are Probably Having a Worse Day Than You

When you think you’re having a bad day, just remember that it can always get worse.

A lot worse. And then you get discouraged and things REALLY get ugly.

Ugh. No good!

And I think we can all agree that these people are NOT having great days.

So let’s see what unfortunate events these people have found themselves in lately…and say a little prayer for them, won’t you?

1. Maybe you should’ve shut that window…

Just saying…

2. Not a good way to start your career.

You’ll be typecast forever!

My friend works as an extra in movies and does stock photography…. just saw him pictured as a sex offender on a bus in Florida from Wellthatsucks

3. Nothing to worry about.

Oh, wait a second…

It’s just a little ice, it’s fine. from Wellthatsucks

4. Wanna eat lunch?

You better double and triple-check that bag.

I cleaned the cat’s litter box and brought the bag with me to throw away in my outdoor trash can on the way to work. I also brought my lunch. Guess which one got thrown away and which one came to work with me. from Wellthatsucks

5. Dammit! Hate when that happens.

It was there the whole time.

Lost my wallet 3 days ago, finally ordered new cards and then… from Wellthatsucks

6. You now have a guest for lunch.

Try telling that beast to move.

Hiked two hours to set up a picnic, returned to this from Wellthatsucks

7. You should probably get a new one.

I’m not a dentist or anything, but…

Was confused when it didn’t sound like it hit the floor from Wellthatsucks

8. You’ll be very popular on the highway.

Dick 24/7!

9. That’s gonna take a while.

Good luck in there!

I need a file lost in this room from pics

10. A bad printer accident.

Sorry, but that is not a good look.

The printer exploded… from Wellthatsucks

11. How the hell did that happen?

Ugh…not cool.

I have lost one piece of this 2000 pieces puzzle from Wellthatsucks

12. Put that anywhere!

Did the valet do this?

This happened to my car today! from Wellthatsucks

13. That looks very painful.

Hopefully, you can see the light again very soon.

Guess who’s severely allergic to hair dye? This girl! from Wellthatsucks

14. Flood damage.

That really sucks. I hope you have flood insurance…

Was having Valentine’s Day dinner when I went downstairs to check on why the heat wasn’t working. Found 4 feet of water covering the entire basement. from Wellthatsucks

Have you had any bad days lately that bordered on the funny or ridiculous?

If so, please tell us about them in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear from all of you!

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People Who Are Not Having a Good Day

You really think you’re having a bad day?

Well, just sit back and watch how it’s done, pal.

Because these people are DEFINITELY having pretty shitty days..but they’re also kind of hilarious!

So we can laugh at them because it’s not like we’re dealing with life-and-death situations here, people!

Want to see some people who are having rough days so WE can have a laugh at their expense?

Let’s do it!

1. Cool snow dick!

Oh…that’s not what you were going for?

2. Your mom thinks you’re a moron.

Can you blame her, really?

I’m 49 ….. Just found this in my mum’s bookcase …..WTF ??? from funny

3. Epic wipeout right there.

At least you landed in powder.

It was a great day till this moment from Wellthatsucks

4. That’s kind of embarrassing.

Not Weed…Reid!

5. Yikes. That’s gonna fun to clean up.

What a huge mess.

When the bakers make the mix wrong and don’t realize yeast doesn’t just stop working because it’s in a dumpster. from Wellthatsucks

6. They look like something, but I can’t put my finger on it…

Any ideas on that?

7. Not a flattering photo.

Have you ever looked into the mirror at a funhouse?

This is the worst picture ever taken of me from pics

8. Look very closely…

Get a different drill next time.

Whipped myself into a frustrated rage trying to find my drill for half an hour. from Wellthatsucks

9. Awwww. Poor guy.

He must be a little car sick.

My brother, on the ride home from picking up his new puppy. from Wellthatsucks

10. That person is gonna have a bad night.

And your cat is very evil, by the way.

My cat just came back from one of her evening strolls with someone else’s keys in her mouth from Wellthatsucks

11. How dare you speak to your mother that way!

What the hell is wrong with you?!?!

Top 10 photos taken moments before disaster from memes

12. Time to go the doggy DMV.

Those exist, right?

13. Everybody, dig in!

It’s gonna taste great! I promise!

Now we want to hear from you.

Yeah, you!

What’s the absolute worst thing that’s happened to you lately…but that was kind of funny. Let’s keep it light.

Tell us all about it in the comments.

The post People Who Are Not Having a Good Day appeared first on UberFacts.

Crazy Mysteries That Remain Unsolved

A lot of us grew up watching and loving Unsolved Mysteries, our jaws on the floor and our brains trying to figure out what in the heck happened.

Now there’s a new series, which is also crazy good (or bad, depending on your point of view), but I’m not sure any of those stories hold a candle to these 17 unsolved mysteries.

17. Isn’t there DNA in poop?

The Miyazawa family.

Just listened to the Casefile podcast on this and it has my mind blown. Someone entered the family home around 11:30 pm, killed everyone, ate some ice cream, took a nap, pooped and didn’t flush, changed clothes and left like 8 hours after the crime.

20 years on and we don’t know who or why

16. I sure hope we never see that thing again.

The lost A-bomb off the coast of America, which the US government said not to worry about in the 50’s and tried to cover up. Was dumped in the ocean in an aviation accident and it’s still lost to this day.

100x more powerful then what was dropped in Japan.

15. This sh*t infuriates me.

The ” suicide” of LaVena Johnson a black female US Army private who was found shot to death inside a burning tent with a broken nose, black eyes, broken teeth, raped and acid burns on her genitals in July 2005.

US Army ruled her death a suicide.

14. What in god’s name is happening?


In 1976, residents of the small city south of Columbus Ohio began receiving handwritten sinister and graphic letters. Each letter included secret and dark details about their personal lives.

One resident received a ton of letters, accusing her of various unsavory acts. The author warned the resident that he had been keeping an eye on her home, as well as her comings and goings. The resident was horrified and tried to keep the letters a secret until her husband began receiving them.

The attacks on the family continued, with large posters appearing around town spreading rumors about their 12 year old child. One day in 1977, the husband left the house after receiving a call from who he thought was writing the letters. A few minutes later, the husband was found dead at the end of the street dead behind the wheel. The sheriff had ruled it a homicide when he realized that a single shot had been fired before the accident, but there was no evidence that the husband was shot at the site. The sheriff found the husband was twice the legal limit and ruled it a drunk driving accident.

The letters began once again, this time accusing the sheriff of covering up the true nature of the death. The letters also accused the sheriff of mishandling an investigation into the county coroner who had been accused of other grotesque acts.

The harassment continued, this time with signs along the road and in 1983, the original resident who had been accused of having an affair pulled over to remove a sign. During the effort to remove the sign, she discovered a box was attached and inside of it was a small pistol. The gun was part of a booby trap designed to fire when the sign was removed.

Paul Freshour was arrested and given 25 years…but one small problem. The letter writing continued even after Freshour was put in jail.

In a new batch of letters, the author had promised to dig up the grave of a deceased baby and mail the bones to the police in the case of another potential affair turned murder.

Hundreds of residents continued to receive personal letters until 1994 when everything stopped.

13. History really can be interesting.

But my favorite is Chauvet cave. (If you have a chance, watch Werner Herzog’s documentary Cave of Forgotten Dreams. I think it’s still on Netflix.) It has some of the most stunning cave art in the world, which almost certainly had some kind of profound significance, and we don’t – and will likely never – know what it is. Moreover, there’s evidence that the cave was abandoned for thousands of years and later returned to, only for the returnees to continue to make paintings in the exact same style and, possibly, for the exact same reasons.

There is so much to be seen in these figures. There’s a portrait of an animal tossing its head that looks like one of the world’s earliest explorations of stop motion or sequential art. When I look at it I can feel the will of the painter, who wanted so much to convey this sort of motion…

There are also the footprints of a boy, who arrived much later to the cave than its original users, whose marks appear to be contemporary with the pawprints of a wolf. It’s hard to say now, according to Cave of Forgotten Dreams, whether they walked together, whether they walked 20 years apart, whether they were friends or whether the wolf was stalking the boy. But I read a blog post by a professional hunter and tracker, who looked at the footage of the prints from the film and said that they likely walked together. I wonder what they were thinking. If the boy had some knowledge of what he would find there, or if he was simply exploring a cave and found some of the greatest art in human history.

In Chauvet there is also the solution to a mystery. Until the discovery of Chauvet cave paleontologists were unsure as to whether cave lions had manes. On the cave walls there is an illustration of a cave lion with visible testicles and no mane, settling that debate.

12. The death of Cindy James.

I remember seeing a video about a woman that after getting divorced started getting stalked and assaulted in her own house. Everytime police would arrive no one more than her was at the scene, sometimes she would appear with bruises, once she appeared with a screwdriver through her hand. This happened so many times that police started ignoring her calls after the investigation on her husband and on the case left no suspects.

Three months later she disappeared just to reappear next to a highway in the middle of the desert, miles away from her house, with her hands tied, dead. Autopsy later confirmed she was beaten to death. Creepiest shit I know.

11. I need to know more about this immediately.

The toxic death of Gloria Ramirez. 23 people became ill due to her mere presence and 5 were hospitalised. We have never worked out what happened. There’s an episode of the “Stuff you should know” podcast that talks about it.

About 8:15 p.m. on the evening of February 19, 1994, Ramirez, suffering from severe heart palpitations, was brought into the emergency department of Riverside General Hospital by paramedics. She was extremely confused and was suffering from tachycardia and Cheyne–Stokes respiration.

The medical staff injected her with diazepam, midazolam, and lorazepam to sedate her. When it became clear that Ramirez was responding poorly to treatment, the staff tried to defibrillate her heart; at that point several people saw an oily sheen covering Ramirez’s body, and some noticed a fruity, garlic-like odor that they thought was coming from her mouth. A registered nurse named Susan Kane attempted to draw blood from Ramirez’s arm and noticed an ammonia-like smell coming from the tube.

She passed the syringe to Julie Gorchynski, a medical resident, who noticed manila-colored particles floating in the blood. At this point, Kane fainted and was removed from the room. Shortly thereafter, Gorchynski began to feel nauseated. Complaining that she was lightheaded, she left the trauma room and sat at a nurse’s desk. A staff member asked her if she was okay, but before she could respond she also fainted. Maureen Welch, a respiratory therapist who was assisting in the trauma room was the third to pass out. The staff was then ordered to evacuate all emergency department patients to the parking lot outside the hospital. Overall, 23 people became ill and five were hospitalized. A skeleton crew stayed behind to stabilize Ramirez. At 8:50 p.m., after 45 minutes of CPR and defibrillation, Ramirez was pronounced dead from kidney failure related to her cancer.

10. I’d say we all need to know what happened.

The Oakville Blob.

In 1994, there was a rainstorm in Oakville, WA–only the “raindrops” were a strange clear substance that had the consistency of Jello. Lots of people experienced flu-like symptoms after coming into contact with it, and peoples’ dogs and cats all over the city were dying.

When a local hospital ran a lab test on the substance after one of the patients suggested it, it was found that whatever this mysterious “rain” was, it had human white blood cells in it. Some time after that, a sample was also sent to the Washington State Health Laboratory, where it was being researched by epidemiologist Mike McDowell. After he determined that it was man-made and speculated that it was some sort of matrix for transporting viruses/bacteria, the samples suddenly went missing from the containment facility and his supervisor told him not to ask any questions. There are no known samples of the stuff anywhere today, despite being sent to several different facilities by various Oakville residents.

So yeah, I’d personally say that this was clearly some sort of bio-weapon test run, but by whom? I’d like to give the US Government the benefit of the doubt here and assume it wasn’t us testing something like that on our own citizens, but if it wasn’t, why would it have been covered up like that? And you’d think an event like this would be a lot less obscure. Also, even if it being a bio-weapon seems super obvious, how the heck did whoever dispersed it manage to make it rain over an entire city for several days??

9. This story always raises my hackles.

3 lighthouse workers with impeccable mustaches traveled to a remote island on December 7th, 1900 for a lighthouse shift that should have lasted for two weeks. When a boat arrived to pick them up, they were gone. No trace of the bodies, and the lighthouse was strangely locked.

Not only was the setting normal (meal ready to be served), but there was no fire in the fireplace, and the clock stopped. One of the men kept a log in a diary, and he said that the seas were rough one day, but when monitored, it was actually calm. No one knows what happened to them.

8. When you find a rogue leg.

On April 19, 1995, a truck bomb detonated outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The explosion killed 168 in what was the deadliest terrorist attack on the United States until 9/11 – to date, it still remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in the country.

One of the lesser known things about this is the case of the missing leg. Investigators discovered the leg laying among the rubble and identified it belonging to Lakesha Levy, the only problem was, she’d already been buried with both her legs.

She was exhumed, her severed leg was placed in her coffin while the other leg was taken to the F.B.I laboratory for identification. Since it had been embalmed, a DNA sample was unable to be obtained. The extra left leg, which had been mistakenly buried with Levy, is suspected to belong to an unidentified 169th victim, whose body had mostly disintegrated in the blast.

This has lead people to suspect there was an additional terrorist involved even though perpetrators Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols had been convicted, with two others later identified as accomplices.

so who was the possible additional bomber? they still remain unidentified now 25 years after the attack.

7. Why do people still walk their dogs there?

The Overtoun Bridge.

It’s a bridge in Scotland where dogs always unexplainably jump off. It’s very strange and nobody knows for certain why they do this. Dogs who survived reportedly walked back up and jumped off again. They even had to put up a warning sign to keep your dog on a leash and to watch them. A lot of theories say maybe it’s because of certain scents or animals down below, but most people have disagreed with this theory. It’s fuckin weird.

6. The mystery of the human brain.

A strange but not creepy mystery: The disappearance and reappearance of Lawrence Joseph Bader: he was a cookware salesman from Akron, Ohio who went missing in 1957. He went fishing, a storm hit, and his boat was found the next day with some damage. He was in debt and in trouble with the IRS and his wife was about to have their third child.

Four days later, John “Fritz” Johnson appeared in a bar in Omaha, Nebraska (spoiler: it’s Larry Bader). “Fritz” was known for his wild personality, he attracted local attention for sitting atop a flag pole for 30 days to raise money for polio, he became a radio announcer and a TV sports director. He drove around in a hearse with a bar and became a minor celebrity in Omaha… by no means was avoiding attention. In 1964, a cancerous tumor was found behind his left eye and it had to be removed.

In 1965, Fritz was in Chicago for a tournament and an acquaintance from Akron recognized him (despite the eyepatch) and confronted him, and then brought Bader’s niece to take a look. She agreed it was her uncle and confronted him about it as well. Fritz denied it but found it humorous. Fritz’s fingerprints were then matched to Larry Bader’s military records and it was confirmed.

Fritz Johnson always maintained he had no memory of his former life as Larry Bader. Psychiatrists examined him and believed he was telling the truth even though he had financial reasons to assume a new identity and the concept of someone forgetting their past and entirely constructing a different one with false memories is hard to fathom. It is also considered a possibility that the eye tumor had something to do with it. He ultimately died in 1966 from the eye tumor and it was never determined conclusively whether he was lying or not.

I am fascinated by this case especially because he had an entire change in personality, an entire life backstory as Fritz, and he made no effort to live a low profile to avoid discovery…. I found this case while looking through the Wikipedia category of people who have faked their own deaths (though it’s debatable if this guy should even be on there…), all of which are great stories

5. More proof that you can’t trust people who like jazz.

The Salish Sea Feet or the Mad Axeman of New Orleans.

The Salish Sea Feet are the approximately twenty dismembered feet found in or around British Columbia or Washington, USA. The feet sometimes are found still inside of shoes. No one knows how they got there or where they came from. Over the course of the last thirteen years, the authorities have ruled out foul play.

The Mad Axeman of New Orleans ran rampant in 1918 and 1919. He murdered six people (usually those of Italian descent) with axes or straight razors. In March of 1919, he sent a lengthy letter from “Hottest Hell” that was pretty nonsensical. But the most relevant paragraphs read:

“Now, to be exact, at 12:15 (earthly time) on next Tuesday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans. In my infinite mercy, I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is:

I am very fond of jazz music, and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well, then, so much the better for you people. One thing is certain and that is that some of your people who do not jazz it out on that specific Tuesday night (if there be any) will get the axe.”

There were no murders that night because every dance hall in NOLA was filled to capacity.

4. Nothing good happens underground.

This dude got lost in the catacombs, and they found camera footage of his journey, but at some point he drops the camera and just starts to run.

As far as I know, nobody has found out wtf happened to him

3. He probably killed himself.

The whereabouts of the last Gestapo Chief Heinrich Mueller.

The last verified sighting of him was in Berlin roughly 3 days before it fell, he had stated he knew full well what the Russians did to prisoners and he had no intentions of being captured. As chief of the Gestapo he more than likely had access to foreign documents as well as ways to replicate them.

Both the CIA and the KGB spent time looking for him but no trace has ever been found

2. In what world is this a suicide?

Another one is Colonel Philip Shue’s death:

“On April 16, 2003, 54-year-old Colonel Philip Shue left his Texas home and headed to work. Two hours later, he was found dead in his car, an apparent victim of a car crash. The car was caved in on the driver’s side and Philip suffered major head trauma as a result. He was killed instantly.”

This is where it gets weird:

“Philip had a tear in his T-shirt under his fatigues. There, they could see a 6-inch vertical gash in his chest. Above the entrance to the 6″ gash were at least five scratch marks, which the autopsy report said were consistent with hesitant marks. Both his nipples had been removed with surgical precision. The fifth digit on his left hand had been amputated and his left ear had been lacerated down to the bone. Duct tape was dangling from both of his wrists and the top of his boots.”

It was ruled a suicide….

1. I feel like this could be an episode on the show.

Where is Kimberly Langwell?

She disappeared in 1999 in Beaumont, Texas. Her car was found in the parking lot of an Eckerd’s Drug Store, but her purse and keys were missing. Her cell phone was inside.

We all know she wouldn’t have left her daughter, Tiffani, just like that. She loved her and loved life and those who surrounded her. Everyone who knew Kimberly loved her. She was the shining star on a dark night.

If you have seen her alive, please call the police. I have posted her case below.

Y’all there are so many insane stories in the world. I need all of them in my brain.

What’s your “favorite” unsolved mystery? If it’s not here, share it with us in the comments!

The post Crazy Mysteries That Remain Unsolved appeared first on UberFacts.

Crazy Mysteries That Remain Unsolved

A lot of us grew up watching and loving Unsolved Mysteries, our jaws on the floor and our brains trying to figure out what in the heck happened.

Now there’s a new series, which is also crazy good (or bad, depending on your point of view), but I’m not sure any of those stories hold a candle to these 17 unsolved mysteries.

17. Isn’t there DNA in poop?

The Miyazawa family.

Just listened to the Casefile podcast on this and it has my mind blown. Someone entered the family home around 11:30 pm, killed everyone, ate some ice cream, took a nap, pooped and didn’t flush, changed clothes and left like 8 hours after the crime.

20 years on and we don’t know who or why

16. I sure hope we never see that thing again.

The lost A-bomb off the coast of America, which the US government said not to worry about in the 50’s and tried to cover up. Was dumped in the ocean in an aviation accident and it’s still lost to this day.

100x more powerful then what was dropped in Japan.

15. This sh*t infuriates me.

The ” suicide” of LaVena Johnson a black female US Army private who was found shot to death inside a burning tent with a broken nose, black eyes, broken teeth, raped and acid burns on her genitals in July 2005.

US Army ruled her death a suicide.

14. What in god’s name is happening?


In 1976, residents of the small city south of Columbus Ohio began receiving handwritten sinister and graphic letters. Each letter included secret and dark details about their personal lives.

One resident received a ton of letters, accusing her of various unsavory acts. The author warned the resident that he had been keeping an eye on her home, as well as her comings and goings. The resident was horrified and tried to keep the letters a secret until her husband began receiving them.

The attacks on the family continued, with large posters appearing around town spreading rumors about their 12 year old child. One day in 1977, the husband left the house after receiving a call from who he thought was writing the letters. A few minutes later, the husband was found dead at the end of the street dead behind the wheel. The sheriff had ruled it a homicide when he realized that a single shot had been fired before the accident, but there was no evidence that the husband was shot at the site. The sheriff found the husband was twice the legal limit and ruled it a drunk driving accident.

The letters began once again, this time accusing the sheriff of covering up the true nature of the death. The letters also accused the sheriff of mishandling an investigation into the county coroner who had been accused of other grotesque acts.

The harassment continued, this time with signs along the road and in 1983, the original resident who had been accused of having an affair pulled over to remove a sign. During the effort to remove the sign, she discovered a box was attached and inside of it was a small pistol. The gun was part of a booby trap designed to fire when the sign was removed.

Paul Freshour was arrested and given 25 years…but one small problem. The letter writing continued even after Freshour was put in jail.

In a new batch of letters, the author had promised to dig up the grave of a deceased baby and mail the bones to the police in the case of another potential affair turned murder.

Hundreds of residents continued to receive personal letters until 1994 when everything stopped.

13. History really can be interesting.

But my favorite is Chauvet cave. (If you have a chance, watch Werner Herzog’s documentary Cave of Forgotten Dreams. I think it’s still on Netflix.) It has some of the most stunning cave art in the world, which almost certainly had some kind of profound significance, and we don’t – and will likely never – know what it is. Moreover, there’s evidence that the cave was abandoned for thousands of years and later returned to, only for the returnees to continue to make paintings in the exact same style and, possibly, for the exact same reasons.

There is so much to be seen in these figures. There’s a portrait of an animal tossing its head that looks like one of the world’s earliest explorations of stop motion or sequential art. When I look at it I can feel the will of the painter, who wanted so much to convey this sort of motion…

There are also the footprints of a boy, who arrived much later to the cave than its original users, whose marks appear to be contemporary with the pawprints of a wolf. It’s hard to say now, according to Cave of Forgotten Dreams, whether they walked together, whether they walked 20 years apart, whether they were friends or whether the wolf was stalking the boy. But I read a blog post by a professional hunter and tracker, who looked at the footage of the prints from the film and said that they likely walked together. I wonder what they were thinking. If the boy had some knowledge of what he would find there, or if he was simply exploring a cave and found some of the greatest art in human history.

In Chauvet there is also the solution to a mystery. Until the discovery of Chauvet cave paleontologists were unsure as to whether cave lions had manes. On the cave walls there is an illustration of a cave lion with visible testicles and no mane, settling that debate.

12. The death of Cindy James.

I remember seeing a video about a woman that after getting divorced started getting stalked and assaulted in her own house. Everytime police would arrive no one more than her was at the scene, sometimes she would appear with bruises, once she appeared with a screwdriver through her hand. This happened so many times that police started ignoring her calls after the investigation on her husband and on the case left no suspects.

Three months later she disappeared just to reappear next to a highway in the middle of the desert, miles away from her house, with her hands tied, dead. Autopsy later confirmed she was beaten to death. Creepiest shit I know.

11. I need to know more about this immediately.

The toxic death of Gloria Ramirez. 23 people became ill due to her mere presence and 5 were hospitalised. We have never worked out what happened. There’s an episode of the “Stuff you should know” podcast that talks about it.

About 8:15 p.m. on the evening of February 19, 1994, Ramirez, suffering from severe heart palpitations, was brought into the emergency department of Riverside General Hospital by paramedics. She was extremely confused and was suffering from tachycardia and Cheyne–Stokes respiration.

The medical staff injected her with diazepam, midazolam, and lorazepam to sedate her. When it became clear that Ramirez was responding poorly to treatment, the staff tried to defibrillate her heart; at that point several people saw an oily sheen covering Ramirez’s body, and some noticed a fruity, garlic-like odor that they thought was coming from her mouth. A registered nurse named Susan Kane attempted to draw blood from Ramirez’s arm and noticed an ammonia-like smell coming from the tube.

She passed the syringe to Julie Gorchynski, a medical resident, who noticed manila-colored particles floating in the blood. At this point, Kane fainted and was removed from the room. Shortly thereafter, Gorchynski began to feel nauseated. Complaining that she was lightheaded, she left the trauma room and sat at a nurse’s desk. A staff member asked her if she was okay, but before she could respond she also fainted. Maureen Welch, a respiratory therapist who was assisting in the trauma room was the third to pass out. The staff was then ordered to evacuate all emergency department patients to the parking lot outside the hospital. Overall, 23 people became ill and five were hospitalized. A skeleton crew stayed behind to stabilize Ramirez. At 8:50 p.m., after 45 minutes of CPR and defibrillation, Ramirez was pronounced dead from kidney failure related to her cancer.

10. I’d say we all need to know what happened.

The Oakville Blob.

In 1994, there was a rainstorm in Oakville, WA–only the “raindrops” were a strange clear substance that had the consistency of Jello. Lots of people experienced flu-like symptoms after coming into contact with it, and peoples’ dogs and cats all over the city were dying.

When a local hospital ran a lab test on the substance after one of the patients suggested it, it was found that whatever this mysterious “rain” was, it had human white blood cells in it. Some time after that, a sample was also sent to the Washington State Health Laboratory, where it was being researched by epidemiologist Mike McDowell. After he determined that it was man-made and speculated that it was some sort of matrix for transporting viruses/bacteria, the samples suddenly went missing from the containment facility and his supervisor told him not to ask any questions. There are no known samples of the stuff anywhere today, despite being sent to several different facilities by various Oakville residents.

So yeah, I’d personally say that this was clearly some sort of bio-weapon test run, but by whom? I’d like to give the US Government the benefit of the doubt here and assume it wasn’t us testing something like that on our own citizens, but if it wasn’t, why would it have been covered up like that? And you’d think an event like this would be a lot less obscure. Also, even if it being a bio-weapon seems super obvious, how the heck did whoever dispersed it manage to make it rain over an entire city for several days??

9. This story always raises my hackles.

3 lighthouse workers with impeccable mustaches traveled to a remote island on December 7th, 1900 for a lighthouse shift that should have lasted for two weeks. When a boat arrived to pick them up, they were gone. No trace of the bodies, and the lighthouse was strangely locked.

Not only was the setting normal (meal ready to be served), but there was no fire in the fireplace, and the clock stopped. One of the men kept a log in a diary, and he said that the seas were rough one day, but when monitored, it was actually calm. No one knows what happened to them.

8. When you find a rogue leg.

On April 19, 1995, a truck bomb detonated outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The explosion killed 168 in what was the deadliest terrorist attack on the United States until 9/11 – to date, it still remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in the country.

One of the lesser known things about this is the case of the missing leg. Investigators discovered the leg laying among the rubble and identified it belonging to Lakesha Levy, the only problem was, she’d already been buried with both her legs.

She was exhumed, her severed leg was placed in her coffin while the other leg was taken to the F.B.I laboratory for identification. Since it had been embalmed, a DNA sample was unable to be obtained. The extra left leg, which had been mistakenly buried with Levy, is suspected to belong to an unidentified 169th victim, whose body had mostly disintegrated in the blast.

This has lead people to suspect there was an additional terrorist involved even though perpetrators Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols had been convicted, with two others later identified as accomplices.

so who was the possible additional bomber? they still remain unidentified now 25 years after the attack.

7. Why do people still walk their dogs there?

The Overtoun Bridge.

It’s a bridge in Scotland where dogs always unexplainably jump off. It’s very strange and nobody knows for certain why they do this. Dogs who survived reportedly walked back up and jumped off again. They even had to put up a warning sign to keep your dog on a leash and to watch them. A lot of theories say maybe it’s because of certain scents or animals down below, but most people have disagreed with this theory. It’s fuckin weird.

6. The mystery of the human brain.

A strange but not creepy mystery: The disappearance and reappearance of Lawrence Joseph Bader: he was a cookware salesman from Akron, Ohio who went missing in 1957. He went fishing, a storm hit, and his boat was found the next day with some damage. He was in debt and in trouble with the IRS and his wife was about to have their third child.

Four days later, John “Fritz” Johnson appeared in a bar in Omaha, Nebraska (spoiler: it’s Larry Bader). “Fritz” was known for his wild personality, he attracted local attention for sitting atop a flag pole for 30 days to raise money for polio, he became a radio announcer and a TV sports director. He drove around in a hearse with a bar and became a minor celebrity in Omaha… by no means was avoiding attention. In 1964, a cancerous tumor was found behind his left eye and it had to be removed.

In 1965, Fritz was in Chicago for a tournament and an acquaintance from Akron recognized him (despite the eyepatch) and confronted him, and then brought Bader’s niece to take a look. She agreed it was her uncle and confronted him about it as well. Fritz denied it but found it humorous. Fritz’s fingerprints were then matched to Larry Bader’s military records and it was confirmed.

Fritz Johnson always maintained he had no memory of his former life as Larry Bader. Psychiatrists examined him and believed he was telling the truth even though he had financial reasons to assume a new identity and the concept of someone forgetting their past and entirely constructing a different one with false memories is hard to fathom. It is also considered a possibility that the eye tumor had something to do with it. He ultimately died in 1966 from the eye tumor and it was never determined conclusively whether he was lying or not.

I am fascinated by this case especially because he had an entire change in personality, an entire life backstory as Fritz, and he made no effort to live a low profile to avoid discovery…. I found this case while looking through the Wikipedia category of people who have faked their own deaths (though it’s debatable if this guy should even be on there…), all of which are great stories

5. More proof that you can’t trust people who like jazz.

The Salish Sea Feet or the Mad Axeman of New Orleans.

The Salish Sea Feet are the approximately twenty dismembered feet found in or around British Columbia or Washington, USA. The feet sometimes are found still inside of shoes. No one knows how they got there or where they came from. Over the course of the last thirteen years, the authorities have ruled out foul play.

The Mad Axeman of New Orleans ran rampant in 1918 and 1919. He murdered six people (usually those of Italian descent) with axes or straight razors. In March of 1919, he sent a lengthy letter from “Hottest Hell” that was pretty nonsensical. But the most relevant paragraphs read:

“Now, to be exact, at 12:15 (earthly time) on next Tuesday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans. In my infinite mercy, I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is:

I am very fond of jazz music, and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well, then, so much the better for you people. One thing is certain and that is that some of your people who do not jazz it out on that specific Tuesday night (if there be any) will get the axe.”

There were no murders that night because every dance hall in NOLA was filled to capacity.

4. Nothing good happens underground.

This dude got lost in the catacombs, and they found camera footage of his journey, but at some point he drops the camera and just starts to run.

As far as I know, nobody has found out wtf happened to him

3. He probably killed himself.

The whereabouts of the last Gestapo Chief Heinrich Mueller.

The last verified sighting of him was in Berlin roughly 3 days before it fell, he had stated he knew full well what the Russians did to prisoners and he had no intentions of being captured. As chief of the Gestapo he more than likely had access to foreign documents as well as ways to replicate them.

Both the CIA and the KGB spent time looking for him but no trace has ever been found

2. In what world is this a suicide?

Another one is Colonel Philip Shue’s death:

“On April 16, 2003, 54-year-old Colonel Philip Shue left his Texas home and headed to work. Two hours later, he was found dead in his car, an apparent victim of a car crash. The car was caved in on the driver’s side and Philip suffered major head trauma as a result. He was killed instantly.”

This is where it gets weird:

“Philip had a tear in his T-shirt under his fatigues. There, they could see a 6-inch vertical gash in his chest. Above the entrance to the 6″ gash were at least five scratch marks, which the autopsy report said were consistent with hesitant marks. Both his nipples had been removed with surgical precision. The fifth digit on his left hand had been amputated and his left ear had been lacerated down to the bone. Duct tape was dangling from both of his wrists and the top of his boots.”

It was ruled a suicide….

1. I feel like this could be an episode on the show.

Where is Kimberly Langwell?

She disappeared in 1999 in Beaumont, Texas. Her car was found in the parking lot of an Eckerd’s Drug Store, but her purse and keys were missing. Her cell phone was inside.

We all know she wouldn’t have left her daughter, Tiffani, just like that. She loved her and loved life and those who surrounded her. Everyone who knew Kimberly loved her. She was the shining star on a dark night.

If you have seen her alive, please call the police. I have posted her case below.

Y’all there are so many insane stories in the world. I need all of them in my brain.

What’s your “favorite” unsolved mystery? If it’s not here, share it with us in the comments!

The post Crazy Mysteries That Remain Unsolved appeared first on UberFacts.

These Unsolved Mysteries Will Definitely Creep You Out

I love Unsolved Mysteries, the old version and the new one. Even though they can give me the willies, I love trying to solve crimes, and honestly, there’s just something fascinating about the darker side of human nature.

These 15 stories definitely fit the bill, so if you’re into that sort of thing, too, you need to take a look!

15. Who would run away during a storm?

Asha Degree. Girl leaves her house in the middle of the night during a storm and disappeared. The only problem is that she was terrified of thunder and lightning and had no motive for leaving because her home life was fine. Then her clothes and backpack were found a year later in an abandoned construction site.

14. Lost at sea stories are inherently creepy.

MV Joyita

Barnacle growth high above the usual waterline on the port side showed that Joyita had been listing heavily for some time.

There was some damage to the superstructure. Her flying bridge had been smashed away and the deckhouse had light damage and broken windows. A canvas awning had been rigged on top of the deckhouse behind the bridge.

Joyita carried a dinghy and three Carley life rafts, but all were missing. She did not carry enough lifejackets for everyone on board.

The starboard engine was found to be covered by mattresses, while the port engine’s clutch was still partially disassembled, showing that the vessel was still running on only one engine.

An auxiliary pump had been rigged in the engine room, mounted on a plank of wood slung between the main engines. However, it had not been connected.

The radio on board was tuned to the international distress channel, but when the equipment was inspected, a break was found in the cable between the set and the aerial. The cable had been painted over, obscuring the break. This would have limited the range of the radio to about 2 miles (3.2 km).

The electric clocks on board (wired into the vessel’s generator) had stopped at 10:25 and the switches for the cabin lighting and navigation lights were on, implying that whatever had occurred happened at night. The ships’ logbook, sextant, mechanical chronometer and other navigational equipment, as well as the firearms Miller kept in the boat,[7] were missing.

A doctor’s bag was found on deck, containing a stethoscope, a scalpel, and four lengths of blood-stained bandages.

13. I need to see this movie immediately.

Who was Perseus?

From 1943 to 1946, the Soviet Union had a high level spy in the Manhattan Project. Codenamed Perseus, this spy was a scientist at the White Sands missile testing site in NM, and the main research facilities in Los Alamos. Perseus saw pretty much the entire Project start to finish, giving the Russians everything they needed to get to work on their own bomb.

The fact that they were able to do so within 4 years of the end of WWII when their nations was still devastated is proof positive that Perseus helped a great deal.

And to top it all off, Perseus was never caught or positively identified.

12. Most people believe he was a Cold War spy.

The Tamám Shud case, also known as the Mystery of the Somerton Man, is an unsolved case of an unidentified man found dead at 6:30 am, 1 December 1948, on the Somerton Park beach, just south of Adelaide, South Australia. The case is named after the Persian phrase tamám shud, meaning “ended” or “finished,” which was printed on a scrap of paper found months later in the fob pocket of the man’s trousers.

The scrap had been torn from the final page of a copy of Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyám, authored by 12th-century poet Omar Khayyám. Tamám was misspelt as Tamán in many early reports, and this error has often been repeated, leading to confusion about the name in the media.

11. The more you dig, the creepier it gets.

The 1987 Arkansas murders of Don Henry and Kevin Ives.

And every single possible witness surrounding them. Like Keith McKaskle, who claimed to be on the tracks that night.

He talked to the special prosecutor about what he saw, then realized the prosecutor was dirty. After coming forth as a witness he began saying goodbye to his loved ones and planned his own funeral arrangements. Shortly after he was stabbed 113 times.

10. I don’t like the sound of that.

This is my favorite weird and barely known one:

Back in 2013 an unknown group assaulted a power substation in California. By all appearances it was pretty sophisticated: scouted firing positions, all casings wiped of prints, they targeted transformers so they’d take time to overheat before triggering any alarms, also knew exactly when the police would arrive.

No suspect or motive to this day, they also cut some fiber optic cables in a vault nearby. Conspiracy types think it was a dry run by Russia or possibly China to see how effective an attack like that might be.

9. Whoa I never knew about these.

At the start of lots of chapters of the Qur’an there are mysterious groups of letters.

No one knows what they mean. Although there are lots of theories.

8. So many cases that definitely weren’t suicides, y’all.

The “suicide” of Ellen Greenberg.

27 stab wounds in different areas of the body.

7. I am never going to be okay until we know what happened to the Sodder children.

There are a few that bug me.

The Sodder children; their house burned down in the middle of the night. Several of the kids were presumed dead, but their bodies were never found in the debris and it never burned hot enough to cremate them. It started to look extremely suspicious and the parents until their deaths believed that they had been taken for some reason. Many years down the line they did receive a photo and cryptic note from someone claiming to be their son but it was never authenticated.

The boy in the box. A deceased little boy, found beaten, recently shaved of his hair and abandoned in the box for a bassinet that he was way too old for. The photos and reconstructions of him released to the public in the desperate hope of identifying him are haunting.

The Saint Louis Jane Doe, a little girl found in an abandoned house, decapitated and bound at the hands. They have no dental records or facial reconstruction to go from. The case has led nowhere, she’s just nameless, lost to time.

Tri-state Crematory. A devastating case of a man called back from his college football career to take over his father’s business when the father fell ill. Over time people started noticing… bodies… and body parts. On the grounds. Just hanging around. When someone finally took the reports seriously they found that he’d been piling bodies up randomly all over the property, often when it would’ve been much easier to cremate them instead of hauling them around to where they were dumped. The guy gave families canisters of cement dust instead of ashes. The mystery on this one is… why. The guy never gave up the answer to what happened there and will only insist that there are no answers. His lawyer theorized he had mercury poisoning from cremating amalgam fillings, but that doesn’t really explain why you would dump a body instead of cremating it when the latter takes less effort.

The West Memphis Three case. All of the Satanic Panic mess obscured so much that will probably go unanswered now. A bloody man covered in mud stumbled into a Bojangles the night those little boys went missing. Cops barely investigated that incident and lost the blood evidence they did collect regarding it. WHAT was going on with John Mark Byers and Terry Hobbs, two dads of two of those kids, both turning up with evidence and acting at different points like they may have been involved?

6. Yes I would also like to know what happened.

What happened to Brian Shaffer

This happened in my home town. This med student went to a bar with friends and then fully disappeared off the face of the earth.

The podcast True Crime Garage has an incredible series on this case. The hosts are both from Columbus and around Brian’s age. They talk through the whole case in depth and they also have a few guests that they talk with as well.

5. That last part though…

Flight 19 of December 5, 1945.

Five bomber craft on a routine training run became lost while heading back and eventually disappeared entirely. Audio has them saying that they thought they had ended up over the Florida Keys, but wind could not have allowed that.

Even more interesting is the fact the rescue craft dispatched to locate them also disappeared.

4.  This continues to bother so many of us.

The guys motive for shooting up all those people in Vegas.

3. Oh yeah this one is definitely up there.

The Hinterkaifeck Murders … super creepy and the fact that there was evidence the murderers were in the house watching the family for awhile before killing them just totally freaks me out

2. What could have happened?!

The U.S.S. Cyclops. A coal ship. Disappeared with 306 men. The largest U.S. Navy loss of life that didn’t involve combat.

1. It seems like we should be able to figure this out?

What on Earth happened to the Tromp family.

So it’s this Australian family who owned a Berry farm. Somehow Mr and Mrs Tromp and their three grown kids developed the belief that they weren’t safe and they needed to flee their farm without cell phones or anything traceable (credit cards, etc). It sounds like the oldest son wasn’t sold on whatever it was that led them to flee. He brought his phone, but eventually it got tossed from the car. He ended up bailing first and taking a train home. From there the rest of the family slowly separated and suffered various degrees of emotional breaks.

The two girls stole a car. Somehow they got separated and one made it home, but the other was found on the floor in the backseat of some guys car in a catatonic state. (he spotted her after he started down the road). Eventually the parents were found wandering around aimlessly. Fortunately they were all ok physically but wtf happened? Was someone actually after them? Were they delusional? As far as I know the family hasn’t released any updates.

I have such a need to know more, y’all!

Do you have a favorite unsolved case? If it’s not on this list I want to hear about it in the comments!

The post These Unsolved Mysteries Will Definitely Creep You Out appeared first on UberFacts.