15 People Regale Us with the Dumbest Questions They Were Ever Asked at Work

People ask dumb questions – I don’t care what the old adage says. And it seems as if some professions (largely in the arena of customer service) seem to lend themselves to more than the average.

These 15 people, however, really take the cake.

#15. That darn faulty wireless

“Long time ago now…
Got a call that a user’s laptop was dead and wouldn’t power on.
I go and check it out. Press the button, no life. Plug it into the power, it starts charging. Press the button, it boots just fine.
The user wasn’t plugging the laptop into power because she “thought we had wireless”

#14. That’s not how any of this works

“I used to work as a bank teller. A lady came up to me and asked to withdraw money. I informed her that she couldn’t withdraw money, because her account was overdrawn. She was immediately upset, so I had her account checked for fraud. She then explained that all those charges were hers and she wasn’t expecting any payments. She was spending money she knew she didn’t have.

She then asked me why we couldn’t just give her more money.”

#13. More light, please

“Can we open the curtains to make the screen brighter? (While pointing at a projector and screen setup.) She seriously thought that more light in the room would make everything brighter as if the projection was some sort of moving painting.”

#12. Potential time traveler

“C: How much is this?
Me: 50c, like the sticker says.
C: And this one?
Me: $1. All the items have labels on them with how much they cost.
C: Oh is that what those mean? That’s clever.

(Not the slightest bit of sarcasm in their voice. I pressed slightly and found they were genuinely unaware of price labels.)”

#11. Open it, please

“I used to work in computer sales and repairs. Had a customer come up who was maybe 23 years old saying she couldn’t get her laptop to open something. So I take it, and open it and casually ask, “What is it you cant get open?” She looks at me shocked as I open the laptop screen and tells, “I HAVE BEEN TRYING FOR HOURS TO GET IT TO OPEN HOWD YOU DO THAT??” I look at her not knowing how to respond and close it and open it again. She takes it and walks out saying thank you. I took a long look at my computer I was working on and decided that this was the moment that made me quit that job.”

#10. Password fail

“I get too many dumb questions to remember them all. Here’s a dumb encounter that happened just yesterday. When sending confidential documentation, we would encrypt it and put a password on it. It’s common practice to send the document and the password in two separate e-mails. I got a message from this guy saying he couldn’t open the document I sent him.

Me: “Did you use the password?”

Client: “Yes. It said there was an error.”

Me: “What password did you use?”

Client: “I just hit OK and it said that I had the wrong password.”

Me: “Wait.. so did you type anything in?”

Client: “Well no.”

Me: “Could you use the password that we provided you?”

Client: “I didn’t think it would work so I deleted the e-mail.”

Me: “….”

#9. The real world

“Selling paint. Woman wants to paint her fence. I give her advice and explain to her how to prepare the surface. She then asks:

“Do I need anything to apply the paint?”

I’m like “Yeah a roller or a brush…”

She’s like “Oh, I can just splash the paint on the fence?”

She was dead serious.

Woman, this is not Looney Tunes, this is the real world!”

#8. Ummm…

“A co-worker at a video store asked ‘Does this calculator do math?’”

#7. A Willy Wonka world

“I worked at Kinkos and on 3 separate occasions different people angrily asked me why I returned their faxed document to them. They thought that a fax machine was some kind of Willy Wonka thing that sent their original piece of paper to the recipient.”

#6. Get a real job

“While towing his car to a dealership, “So what do you do for a living?”

He was serious. He assumed I had another job because I didn’t fit the Billy Bob persona he associated with tow truck drivers.”

#5. You keep using that word…

“A group of four ladies sat on a table that is reserved for a group of regulars every day. Before I opened my mouth to let them know, one says ‘we see a reserved sign but we are unsure exactly how “reserved” it is?’”

#4. Nipples or ticks?

“Vet tech. A lot of people think their dog’s nipples are ticks. A lot. One man even pulled a “but he’s a boy!” on us.”

#3. A monumental job

“I work at a famous monument and I kid you not I’ve had people ask me whether we take it down at the end of each day, or whether it’s been rearranged since they last visited.”

#2. Because, physics

I used to work in a call centre for a large bank and a customer phoned while he was in one of the branches and said the queue was too big so he wanted me to help him. I asked what his query was and he said the ATM was broke so he had to withdraw cash. I asked how I could possibly help him withdraw cash from the bank over the phone and he said “Why can’t you just fax it to me?”

#1. A free bookstore

“Library. Once I checked out several books to a woman and told her the return date. She looked at her friend, then back at me, and said, shocked, “You mean I have to bring the books BACK?””

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12 People Share the One Thing They Wish They’d Never Learned

Sure, knowledge is power and all of that…but what if you learned something that consistently made your life harder? Or forced you to make a decision you’d rather have avoided?

These 12 people have some interesting takes on why something they learned made their life worse and not better.

#12. Eerie, for sure

“That the Challenger crew was alive and possibly aware all the way down. At least two activated oxygen.”

#11. Eyelash pets

“That there are mites living on your eyelashes and eating the dead skin off of them.”

#10. Child abuse training is awful

“I was in a lecture on child abuse and they showed a video from a nanny cam of an 18 month old getting punched repeatedly by babysitters boyfriend. Most of it was off camera but the camera was jostled and you could hear everything. It seemed to last forever. I will randomly think of the clip and the parents when they saw the video. It’s been over 15 years since that lecture but it still makes me queasy.”

#9. War is hell

“What an incoming mortar impact sounds like. You got one of those big freezers in the garage with a door that swings open upwards? Pick it up and slam it down, sounds exactly like that. I may or may not have looked like a fucking weirdo once or twice in my life when people slammed their freezer/fridge doors behind me without warning.”

#8. True story

“That a lot of the world is covered in poop.”

#7. Family matters

“When I was 20, I learned that my grandpa raped my aunt and my mother was forced to watch. I suddenly understood why she didn’t cry at his funeral.”

#6. Can never unread

“I was reading a book about infamous cannibals. Just something I found in a true crime section and I was curious to see what insights were had. One of the men murdered his wife’s little sister, and described it in excruciating detail on a tape, I think his wife accidentally found it. What he said was transcribed into the book.

I have never had to put a book down before to prevent myself from throwing up. Every now and then some of what he says he did pops back in my head. I finished the book and I’m never opening it again.

(Edit: I wasn’t thinking when I posted. The book is named Death by Cannibal by Peter Davidson. The guy in question John Weber.).”

#5. Zombies, basically


#4. You’ll never leave the house again

“OSHA stuff at bars and nightclubs. Most are waiting to burn up with people inside.”

#3. The truth might not set you free

“I don’t mind knowing my friend was molested by her father- I just wish I didn’t know the details. What he said to her what he made her do.

And then after her mother found out she sent them to counseling… and that’s it… didn’t kick him out… didn’t call the cops… just let him keep being an authority figure.

And then finally after learning all that I saw them driving away from my neighborhood. It was just her mom driving. I wanted to pull her out of the car and beat her so bad she’d remember it for the rest of her life. I didn’t do that or anything for that matter [it had happened 8 years earlier… and she asked me not to say anything]. I had been edgy and a little self righteous before this….

This made me angry and I’ve been angry about this for almost 5 years now.”

#2. The true depth of pain

“The “ant-walking alligator people” that roamed around after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima

“The Last Train From Hiroshima” is a clear-eyed catalog of every such horror, and not for the weak-stomached. Mr. Pellegrino follows his survivors as they trudge through wastelands that make “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy read like “Goodnight, Moon.” He describes the so-called “ant-walking alligators” that the survivors saw everywhere, men and women who “were now eyeless and faceless — with their heads transformed into blackened alligator hides displaying red holes, indicating mouths.”

The author continues: “The alligator people did not scream. Their mouths could not form the sounds. The noise they made was worse than screaming. They uttered a continuous murmur — like locusts on a midsummer night. One man, staggering on charred stumps of legs, was carrying a dead baby upside down.”

#1. Horrifying

“The 200 dead bodies used as landmarks on Mount Everest.”

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15 People Dish About Why They No Longer Talk to Their Best Friend

Most of us have believed in best friends forever since middle school (or before), but the truth is, sometimes best friends don’t last until the end of days. But what causes people to fall out with the one person they thought would be there for them forever?

Well, for these 15 people, it might not be what you think.

#15. He found God

“He got really religious to the point of extremism. It happened so fast that I thought it was prank. No conversation, no reasoning helped. He stopped listening to music, started to tell us we’re on the wrong path and became more and more secluded. I tried my best to remain friends with him even though we became complete opposites of each other (I’m atheist) until one day he came back from studying abroad for a year. I heard he got married so I congratulated him and asked him when will have the pleasure to meet his wife. He told me “why would you meet her. She’s my wife you have no business talking to her”. That’s when I realized that the person I grew up listening to Pearl Jam with had completely gone.

Edit: many of you have mentioned witnessing the same thing with different religions. For all those who are asking, my friend became an extremely conservative Muslim.”

#14. He was a girlfriend-stealer

“First one was my fault. We had been friends since we were little kids. I started living with my girlfriend at the time and pretty much ignored everyone. Part of that was because she used to get pissed at me when I would talk to other people. So he called me a few times and I never called him back. I’ve tried apologizing several times and he ignores me.

The other guy we were friends since we were little kids as well. He stole a couple of my girlfriends in middle school. But whatever, it’s not a big deal. After high school, I met someone who I really liked. He thought she was attractive, so he tried hitting on her and hooking up with her.

One night I was supposed to go to his house and hang out. He invited her as well knowing that I liked her. He spent the entire night trying to hook up with her. She wasn’t interested and left with me. I was with this woman for a few years and he used to hit on her. I got sick of it and we stopped hanging out.”

#13. A lack of understanding

“A few weeks after my mother passed I was still in shock. This resulted in me being quiet and never enthusiastic. This bothered my friend because I was always quick to laugh and up for a good time. He said I was using her death as an excuse for my behaviour. Got in my car and never talked to him again. I realky wish I punched his punk ass now.”

#12. She was ruthless

“She taunted me into believing that I was unattractive because of my weight. I wasn’t even that chubby at a size 10 (Irish) size, but after the constant comments at lunch time and snide remarks I developed anorexia and dropped to 38kg in less than 6 months. Then she proceeded to taunt me over not eating, called me a walking skeleton and that she was embarrassed to be around me and I cut her off.”

#11. She picked sides

“Decided beginning and maintaining a “friendship” with my abusive ex behind my back was worth more than our friendship.”

#10. He got his priorities straight

“He turned his life around. He almost killed himself in a car wreck driving drunk. Then, his fiance got pregnant. He sobered up quick, I was still runnin&gunnin. When he re-evaluated his priorities, there was no room for someone like me who was sure to get him in trouble again. Now that I’m sober, I’m really glad he made the choices he did. I miss you bro, hope you and the family are doing ok.”

#9. She tried to steal my husband

“Best friend of over a decade, thought my husband was hot, made a play for him, telling him that I didn’t need to know. He put her in her place and he told me about it. Had a rather mild conversation about how sad it was, and I’ve not seen or heard from her since.”

#8. He wanted more

“He told me that he was in love with me, I told him I just didn’t feel the same way.

We stayed friends for awhile, but it was never the same.”

#7. It was too awkward

“We got a bit too tipsy and did some sexual stuff with each other. It just wasn’t the same after that.”

#6. She liked playing the victim

“She spent years talking shit about me and making up rumors. When I called her out on it, she cried and claimed that I’d been trying to make her miserable for years. Because the entire fucking world revolves around her. I majored in Economics because I wanted to make more money than she would with PR. I got a rental house for $50/month cheaper and it was standalone, because I wanted her to feel shitty about her duplex. I offered to help her get a job where I worked since she hated the job she already had; she accepted the job but told everyone I helped her get it because I wanted to assert my dominance. I started dating a guy that was quite cute and a former football player, and I did so because I wanted her to feel like her pudgy boyfriend wasn’t good enough. My parents invited her to the beach with us because they wanted to show off how they had more money than hers (not true, my parents just seem to like me more than hers liked her and wanted me to have a friend at the beach.. that was 2 hours away, its not like we went on some extravagant thing). I got a “new” car because hers was crappy, not because my power steering stopped working and I needed to get to school. I started working out daily to make her feel like shit about her body, not because I was sick and tired of being on the sidelines with asthma-stunted lungs. I got a dog because I wanted to show that I had more time and money otherwise I would have gotten a cat like she did (…what? exactly.). I went to Disneyworld with her roommate because we wanted to exclude her, even though she was invited but never asked for the time off to go.

The list just goes on and on. She can never take responsibility for herself or understand that other people are just out there living their life for THEM, not for her. I felt bad for her when I first met her, it seemed like her family was just mean to her… they weren’t, she spun everything to match her victim story. They tried to include her in things, but she would flip out that her mom took just her to dinner and then the next day took her sister to get her nails done, while former friend was in class- they didn’t include her so they hated her, even though she didn’t care that her sister wasn’t included on dinner. Sad thing is, her family is pretty nice and treat her way better than she treats them.”

#5. Money between friends

“He knowingly gave me his credit card to go buy food for both of us, and then sued me for credit fraud. I won the lawsuit. And he had to pay $10,000 for lying about it, as it was just a small claims court.”

#4. His fragile ego

“His ego couldn’t handle the notion that someone could find me attractive and not him (despite him being better-looking by most standards).

We happened to meet the same girl independently. When he tried to make a move on her, he got shut down. I met her at a separate party and we hit it off.

After we started dating seriously, he passive-aggressively ostracized me from our group of long-time friends.”

#3. Her feelings were hurt

“I told her I was gay, which she was kind of ok with, until I admitted I didn’t fancy her. I said I didn’t think of her like that, which apparently was incredibly insulting of me to say.”

#2. She became an addict

“She got addicted to Oxy.

Found out that I had unknowingly purchased stolen goods from her (this was before I knew she was a junkie). I felt like complete shit and gave the stolen things back to their original owners, but it ended up costing me upwards of $200, which I of course will never see again.

When she first ended up out on the streets, I offered her a ride to the grocery store to buy her some dinner or snacks, and instead she asked me for $100 cash.

Fuck that.”

#1. Pokemon between friends

“A Pokémon card I found in the mall. He said he found it. His dad was the tiebreaker, gave it to him. It was a holo ninetails.”

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12 People Share the Shocking Moment They Realized Their Spouse Was Not the Person They Thought They Knew

Everyone says you can’t really know a person until you live with them – and even then, they manage to keep some secrets – but most people will never wake up to the kind of surprise these people got long after they said I do.

#1. Third wheel for life

“My first wife had an identical twin. Do you want to be a third wheel the rest of your life? Marry a twin.”

#2. She was a ghost

“She didn’t finish high school.

After we got married I found out that she couldn’t see anything moderately difficult through to the end. Including our marriage.

She ghosted me while I was at work 3 years 3 months 1 week and 3 days in. I haven’t seen her since.”

#3. Alcoholic in waiting

“My ex, when we first started going out, would have a little too much to drink every few months. She would say each time, as I was holding her over the toilet, “Never again.”

Well about 10 years later it was still happening. She ended up meeting some girlfriends that were​ all of the same well-lubricated frame of mind. Things got very messy after that and I felt that I was no longer an equal partner, but a babysitter. When that happens, there really is no way of coming back.”

#4. Your brain on drugs

“Same as others. Immediate family relationships were overlooked/ignored. Her parents were gigantic enablers. Her parents didn’t believe in counseling. Since her father was a drug rep, there was a pill for everything. As soon as we had our first kid, stress and anxiety showed its face. She turned to xanax and ambien. She never learned any coping skills. I was 29 when we divorced.”

#5. Cheaters cheat

“She cheated to be with me.

No one ever listens, do they? People need to make their mistakes, it seems.

As it begins, so it ends. Always.”

#6. Green flags

“I had an opposite experience. She showed GREEN flags after marriage.

Prior to marriage she was very meek with anyone other than me. Her parents were very strict so even as an adult she was too afraid to tell them we were even engaged. What they said went even though we were living together “as roommates.” More than once she called their house to let them know she was going out as if she wasn’t allowed to otherwise.

There were issues with a few friends that clashed with me (they were pretty toxic and I don’t placate that type of behavior so I’m not always well received – doesn’t bother me) and I saw her comforting people who were treating herpoorly after we clashed over it more than once. She’s a bleeding heart and couldn’t stand to see people upset even when the upset was caused by their own misdeeds. I felt like she didn’t always have my back, but I never thought it was something I needed, and I would always have hers.

She let people walk all over her while I’m the first person to put my foot down. In that aspect we were the most different.

Before marriage she also had a huge amount of medical issues and I was more than willing to accept a life of working to keep her alive, and supporting her as a stay at home wife when she got too sick.

Then we got married, and she changed.

I think she finally saw us as a package deal. While my girlfriend was meek and weak my wife became outspoken not only socially but politically. She started calling me on my shit (something I appreciate greatly – I like learning about things I can work on), but would absolutely slay people who weren’t treating us well. We ended a lot of friendships that weren’t healthy and were stringing along because of her bleeding heart after the wedding. It was like she was a Phoenix rising from the ashes of shit friends.

She is still medically frail but I think she sees a future to fight for now. The fact that I make more than her isn’t just a fact now, it’s a challenge.

She wants to be the breadwinner so that I can quit my job and go back to my career in art (I did great but the market was so unpredictable I needed to leave my dream for stability).

She is still beautiful, caring, and gentle, but since being married that caring aspect includes caring for herself. She doesn’t let anyone dictate her life (especially her parents) and because of that she has healthier relationships with everyone, including me.

I would also like to state that once she knew she locked me down she opened her own kink floodgates and sex has never been the same. We do things to each other that most churches won’t even preach against in sermons because they’re ashamed to discuss the acts.

That ring and those vows somehow told her she was worthy of self respect and self expression. I love her.”

#7. For the kids

“Not me, but my mum. Dad was a perfect gentleman, then came the wedding night. He had had a lot to drink and Mum was just trying to put him to bed and he says to her “shut up bitch, I own you now”. I would’ve left there and then, got an annulment. Mum stayed and 2 years later had my brother, 2 years after that she had me, 5 years later and after a lot of emotional and physical abuse (staying “for the kids”) my brother says to her “do we have to live with Dad, he scares me”. We packed up everything the next day while he was at work and left. She’s now been happily married to my stepdad for the last 10+ years while my Dad is a lonely pathetic arsehole living by himself in a shitty block of granny flats who hasn’t seen either of his kids in 15+ years.”

#8. A basement dweller

“We met when I was 16 and he was 25. We lived together a number of years before we got married. We went together really well and I thought it was a good match, almost the day after we were married his family decided to set rules (he bought the house that we all lived in, it was large enough and we had the basement suite) we weren’t allowed out after a certain time, his mother and father could berate me as much as they pleased. He himself became very controlling, I wasn’t allowed to finish school or work and he would use these to mock and guilt me after saying I was a burden and a leech, a golddigger. They all decided for me that I would have his children and we would all stay in the house together, soon after I was taken off birth control I was no longer allowed out of the house without an escort, I wasn’t allowed to see my mother more than once a week. Everyone thought we were the perfect couple, I was isolated and after my mom moved away I had no one to turn to. He gained a lot of weight and started to tell me how fat and unattractive I was, he started looking at a lot of escort ads for Asian women, he brought over ‘friends for me’ (16 year old girls) he met on myspace and then would drool over them.

I never had his baby, we were married when I was 19 and I was gone by 25. I ran away in the middle of the night. I never tried to get alimony or spousal support, I left all of my belongings behind. He still has made the process of divorce difficult and I am almost 31 now, it’s finally going through. He still lives in the basement.

I had no fucking idea what I was walking into and I lived with them all for years before the control started. It was unbelievable how fast they changed.”

#9. People don’t change

“I doubt this will reach many people but it may help someone. I wasn’t married but my now ex and I dated for six years.

I thought i would get past her being a mean person. She said that her past boyfriend had a large impact on her and that she was mean to people now because of it. She had a malicious mindset where if someone hurt her it was her job to hurt them back (which was me more often than not)

If someone has a PERSONALITY that you don’t like — get out. They won’t change. Thats who they are. It will only get worse, and youll be miserable.

edit: I want to reinforce that they wont change. I’m serious, there’s no maybe they will maybe they won’t, that person will not change. Habits? you can work through those — thats a lot to put on yourself to take that on but it can happen if they want to. But personality? No, that’s going to be them until the day you die.”

#10. Trophy husband

“The pictures. We had to take a million fucking pictures of us doing stuff, any stuff.

Everything was on social media with a picture, every post was “my marine…” Every conversation was about her being a Marine girlfriend, etc.

It was all for show, I was a trophy.

When we got married she quit going to school and quit her well paying job. When she’d meet people and they asked what she did she said she was a military wife, etc.

We divorced and she has a kid now and everything is about being a mom. She just changed situations as far as I can tell.”

#11. Time to go

“Red flags are something you don’t pay attention to until it’s too late.

My ex husband had all the red flags of a sociopath. He would test to see how far he could go with making things up. And he learned what he could do to cover them up. He would use flowers or spend money on me to hide things he was doing. I learned what I was and wasn’t allowed to say in public (example- none of his friends knew he had a 12 year old child). I spent little time with friends and family because he would convince me that they weren’t supportive or make up things that I would believe because I trusted him. I left my career because he convinced me his pursuit was more important. Lots of things happened over the 10 years we were together. Most of them now I know were just lies to get him to where he wanted to be in life.

In the end, he had a 6 month affair. And the flags were all there. But after years of being manipulated I didn’t know what to believe. He managed to date her and then move to be with her on my dime by convincing me it had to do with his job. I even paid his rent for the first couple of months in hope he would come back. He manipulated everyone around him including his friends and even his boss. Now he is a person I don’t even recognize because he’s taken on the personality of his girlfriend. I feel bad for her because the same thing is happening to her but in a way I feel like she deserves it.

If you’re looking for an outline of what to look for I would say: 1- have you given up something you love for that person? 2- do gifts tend to arrive after something you weren’t quite sure was the truth? 3- do you feel like you’re begging the person to stay with you all the time? 4- do you find yourself above and beyond to please someone just for their affection?

Relationships should be relatively easy. Sure there will be fights and times where you aren’t sure. But if you’re giving up your values or your personality it’s time to go.”

#12. Never saw a “down”

“This was the case with my parents: my mother didn’t discover my father’s mental problems until later. The why is that they got married way too fast, two months, and bipolar disorders have natural ups and downs. She had only seen the up.

Textbook example of why you shouldn’t marry unless you’ve been with the person for a while.

Edit: can’t say I’ve had one explode like this before. Thanks for all the kind thoughts everyone!

Edit2: a common message from all the amazing stories people are sharing in this thread is that it’s not so much the disorder that’s the problem, as unwillingness to admit to it and deal with it. Such was the case with my father, but there’s a lot of positive success stories too.”

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12 Photos That Prove Japan Is Different from Anywhere Else

I don’t know one single friend who has traveled to Japan and regretted their trips. They all gushed about the people and the culture and the food, and many of them have plans to return sooner than later.

I’m not sure whether these 12 photos have anything to do with why tourists seem to love it so much, but they definitely prove that your experiences there will be one in a million!

#12. They don’t treat hospital patients like inmates

Photo Credit: jenkinsinjapan

Check out the food available in this maternity ward!

#11. They take their engineering seriously

Photo Credit: Reddit

This is an image of a coin on a moving bullet train.

#10. The way workers strike is a bit different

Photo Credit: Imgur

#9. They’re doing something about water scarcity

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

Wash your hands and reuse the water!

#8. Privacy is paramount

Photo Credit: Reddit

You can use white noise to mask the sound of you pooping.

#7. They’re extra considerate of the blind

Photo Credit: WordPress

Drink cans contain information in braille.

#6. They haven’t forgotten that making things beautiful is important

Photo Credit: Reddit

Check out these amazing manhole covers!

#5. Rules are meant to be followed, people!

Photo Credit: Reddit

#4. They realize that cleanliness is everyone’s job

Photo Credit: Joe Giddens

They stayed after the World Cup to help tidy the stadiums.

#3. Responsibility is a thing!

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person left a note and money apologizing for knocking over someone’s bike and breaking the bell.

#2. There’s no such thing as false advertising

Photo Credit: Reddit

You get what you expect – what a novelty!

#1. They’re super considerate of parenting struggles

Photo Credit: WordPress

Like what to do with your baby while you use the public toilet.

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15 Photos That Will Scare Even the Toughest People out There

Whether you’re a scaredy-cat or not, there are some things that are just plain scary. I’d put myself somewhere firmly in the middle of freak-out-ability, and at least some of these pictures freaked me the eff out.

So. Fair warning if you’re on the low end of that scale. If you’re at the high end, let me know what you think!

#15. I squeaked

Photo Credit: Pikabu

#14. Fry ’em up!

Photo Credit: Reddit

#13. This “abandoned” building

Photo Credit: Imgur

#12. Yikes

Photo Credit: Reddit

#11. Who knows how many more are inside?

Photo Credit: Reddit

#10. Heebie-jeebies

Photo Credit: Reddit

#9. That’s a whole lotta nope right there

Photo Credit: Reddit

#8. Last photograph?

Photo Credit: Imgur

#7. Clowns *shudder*

Photo Credit: Reddit

#6. It’s not a tornado…

Photo Credit: Reddit

#5. Never leave

Photo Credit: Reddit

#4. The machines are coming for us all

Photo Credit: Reddit

#3. Eep!

Photo Credit: Reddit

#2. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

Photo Credit: Reddit

#1. Stick your fingers riiiiiight here

Photo Credit: Reddit

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This Woman’s Savvy Husband Saved Them Both from Moving into a Haunted House

You know the scene, and it’s straight out of a horror movie – a clueless white woman is wandering around a house exclaiming over cute built-ins and clawfoot tubs while ignoring the obvious signs of a demon infestation that will later ruin her life (and possibly steal her soul).

Well, it turns out in can happen in real life, too. At least, that’s the experience Louisville, KY author Olivia A. Cole had when she and her husband went to check out a house to rent.

While she was enamored with the “cute little bungalow,” her husband was properly suspicious and asking all the right questions…and getting none of the right answers.

Please, enjoy the entire thread below, and arm yourself with the truth.

Image Credit: Twitter


And in case you’re wondering…so was someone else.

Photo Credit: Twitter,CarrieCnh12

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This Twitter Thread About Gender Reveal Parties Is Funny No Matter Who You Are

Even if you’re someone who has participated in, organized, or asked for a gender reveal party, you have to admit that the whole idea can get a bit out of hand – not to mention that it doesn’t really matter all that much which sex your baby is going to be, not in the long run. I mean…we’re going to keep them either way, right?

One woman on Twitter got to the heart of the matter with a single tweet, and the ensuing thread is downright hilarious (as long as you have a sense of humor).

In addition, it provides a little food for thought for those of us who are concerned about eschewing gender stereotypes for this generation (and ones to come).

Here’s the tweet that started it all….

Photo Credit: Twitter,ChurchCarlton

And some of my favorite responses!

Photo Credit: Twitter,vanetti

Photo Credit: Twitter,thezebramermaid

Photo Credit: Twitter,sldancakes

Photo Credit: Twitter,MissZindzi

Photo Credit: Twitter,ChurchCarlton

Photo Credit: Twitter,oliviasolon

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Security Camera Operators Reveal the Weirdest Things They’ve Caught People Doing

Being a security camera operator has to be one of the most mind-numbing jobs on the planet.

BUT, it’s probably worth it because once in a while you get to witness some insane things. AskReddit users told their crazy tales of the weirdest things they’ve ever seen on security cameras.

1. Pizza thief

“I didn’t catch him in the act, but I watched a guy steal my pizza.

I was working the night shift on a Friday night and ordered pizza for my lunch. I had leftovers which I put in the staff-room fridge so I could have it for lunch the next day.

Saturday evening I come in to work, I work until lunch time, then go to grab my pizza only to discover that it is gone. WTF!? So I check the camera feed.

During the day some random guy came into our office, went to the staff-room, and stole my pizza. He just walked out of the building carrying the pizza box and the day shift guy didn’t even notice.”

2. The car park

“The company had refurbished the car park, which used to have an all-access footpath running through it. There was no legal right of way there, so they got rid of the footpath, and put up signs saying it was private property etc.

This didn’t stop a middle-aged lady who cycled through every day, and regularly damaged parked cars with her bike when she squeezed through narrow gaps. The alternative route was literally 50 yards out of her way to go around the car park rather than through it.

So, bigger signs go up. This is PRIVATE LAND, NO ACCESS etc. As part of that, they install an automatic barrier. To get into or out of the car park, you have to beep your company ID badge on a sensor, the barrier raises, and you can drive through.

Cyclist lady just ignores everything. Cycles up to the new barrier, and WHAM, her bike goes under it, and she doesn’t. She gets up, walks up to her bike and cycles off again, up the road.

The next day, they’re investigating damage to the barrier, and have a look at the CCTV. They can’t believe she hasn’t seen the bright red and white barrier. While they’re reviewing the CCTV, she comes in again from the other direction, and WHAM. Exactly the same thing happens again.

They run out to check she’s OK. She refuses all help, and runs away with her bike. She knows she’s not supposed to be going through here, and has now made the same mistake twice. She now goes around the car park instead of through it.”

3. Grocery store

“Worked as an assistant manager for a grocery retailer. Store is closing and few employees left. I’m finishing paperwork and happen to look up at the monitor displaying 16 different cameras.

The one in the deli caught my eye because I happened to notice the deli employee filling a sink. Didn’t think anything of it an kept on going with my work. Looked at the time and was thinking, okay everyone should be out. Look through the cameras and see the girl in the deli… Bathing in the sink.

Dread comes over me. F^ck… What do I do….

I wait until she’s done, burn the video, sterilize the sink, bleach the sink, pour boiling water over the sink, and scrub it until my hands hurt, then leave the store in night crews hands.

Next morning, speak with the store manager and show him the video. Pull the girl upstairs and let her go for violating all sorts of health and safety violations.

Turns out, her water was turned off and she needed to bathe for her date… With her parole officer the next morning.

Things people do when they think others aren’t watching.”

4. Dry hump

“I used to monitor cameras for a very high-end car dealership. One day while checking the connection (test 3x daily, only really look when an alarm goes off after hours) I managed to catch a man dry-humping a Bugatti Veyron and subsequently being dragged away by their security guard.”

5. Mall security

“Not me , but my girlfriend. She works as a security guard at an old mall that sadly only has about four business still inside. Well one day she texts me while at work and tells me there is a group of teenagers riding their bikes throughout the mall. A few minutes later I get a video of the security cameras and sure enough there is a group of kids riding bmx bikes inside the mall.”

6. Odd

“My old job was on a busy boulevard with an alley in the back. We had an open garage with access to said alley.

But what took the cake is one morning around maybe 7-8AM a man was walking by through the alley, stops suddenly, goes into our garage, lights a candle, and sets it there by the wall and walks away. It was so odd getting there and seeing a randomly lit candle. Checking the footage only left us with more questions.”

7. A little sex

“I’m the security supervisor overnight at a food dye processing plant. I sit in a guard shack and watch upwards of 20 camera feeds at a time. One night, one of my officers, who is posted up at the other side of the facility, walks away from his shack and goes to an area behind one of the buildings, out of the way. He apparently thought there weren’t any cameras watching that particular area, because he wasn’t there for a minute before some lady arrived and they started having sex, right there.

When they were done, she left and he went right back to his post. He had no idea I saw the whole thing. I didn’t talk to him about it, but I called my operations manager over in the office the next morning and told him about it. The officer wasn’t fired. He was transferred, however. When an officer can be fired for being late, they should be fired for abandoning their post to meet with a lady of the night.”

8. Hand puppet

“I was managing a fast food restaurant at a rest stop on the highway. I had access to all of the cameras, inside and out, including one pointed right at the exit to enter back onto the highway. This guy was trying to merge back onto the highway in the middle of rush hour. He had been sitting there so long, waiting for someone to let him in that he just pulled out a little hand puppet and started yelling at traffic with it.”

9. Thriller

“I used to work security at a stadium got rotated into the gift shop team pretty chill basically loss prevention. Boss put’s me on camera’s one day, I’m watching the store and notice the upper left camera is basically shooting down on like an 8 foot by 8 foot box seemingly. I just cant place it in my head where the camera is. Then one of the cashiers pops out a door you can’t see on camera for smoke break. Lanky dude.

Suddenly he busts into Thriller. Perfectly following the routine, since there was no sound I don’t know if he was singing, next smoke break he took, flash dance. Dude just wanted to dance and found a personal dance floor. Only one other employee went out there and she just stood there smoking and staring at the wall.”

10. Cat lady

“It was 4am and I was watching one of the cameras located at the beach. I watched a frazzled middle aged lady in her night gown hobble around with a fat cat in her arms for an hour. I thought she was sleep walking or something, so I was gonna to call a guard down to check on her but she went home clutching that cat.”

11. Haunted

“Worked security at a large hotel chain. Part of my job was to keep track of storage room visits, by kitchen staff and other employees. There was a camera watching the big metal door of the storage room. One day as I returned to my office I noticed the storage room door was open, which was odd because only I had keys for it and I hadn’t opened it that day. I checked the camera and on film I caught the door slowing opening by itself! No one was there and no way the wind could unlock a heavy metal door. Showed my boss and he told me not to mention it. Although word got out and some of the more superstitious employees avoided the storage room.

There had been 2 suicides that previous year, some said it was related to them.”

12. Poop

“I worked in a supermarket, not as security but well one day stocking shelves my manager and I noticed a strange smell, we couldn’t find the source so kept working.

A couple of hours later and it was still hanging around, eventually we emptied the last trolley of stock which had been sitting in an aisle for a while (small supermarket) and we found a blob of human poop on a box of cat food, and then two or three more on the shelves next to the trolley.

We checked the cameras and there was this seemingly normal 50 something year old lady, walked in, put a few things in her basket, then started walking / waddling oddly down the pet food aisle and then all of a sudden just casually reached into the back of her pants, pulled som poop out, chucked it on the stock trolley, walked another few paces and did the same then from memory she even proceeded through the checkout and out of the store.

The manager asked me to clean it up to which I offered my immediate resignation (as a joke, he was my mate but there was no way I was dealing with that) so he had to clean it up and we ended up throwing out a lot of stock and most of the fruit and veg stock.

I’ve told so many people this story, I still find it so bizarre to this day.”

13. Ejected

“Worked IT for a company. One day, a lot of the head managers of this certain department come barging into my office demanding I pull some footage, serious as hell. I think somebody is about to get fired so I start scrubbing through footage. Finally I get to what they want me to see. One of their team leads is rocketing through the office on an office chair when it gets stuck on something in the carpet and she gets EJECTED out of her seat. She must have landed like 10 feet from her chair. As soon as the scene happens, the group of managers bust out laughing their asses off. I nearly pissed my pants laughing, I had never been asked to pull camera footage of something so funny.

The best part is the girl just laid on the carpet for a while everybody around her in the room collapse with laughter.”

14. Casino

“Worked casino surveillance for several years – so I have a lot of stories.

Saw a couple get it on in a crowded bar. I saw a guy get stabbed, and saw two people get hit by speeding cars. I saw a lot of people vomit, saw a lot of people pee – especially in the elevators. Saw a drunk guy trip on an escalator, catch himself on the side, then slide down a 50 foot moving rail, spinning the whole time, then land on his feet without spilling his drink. I watched people cheat at blackjack and various carnival games.

I saw a casino cashier stuff two hundred dollar bills in his sock. He was arrested. I saw a waitress twerking upside down in the well, she slipped and landed face first on the tile and was unconscious for about 20 seconds. I saw a kitchen worker slice her hand while cutting lemons – blood everywhere. She wrapped it in a towel and continued cutting the lemons with the same knife. She put the finished lemons in the fridge then went for medical attention.

That was a fun job.”

15. Ice rink

“I worked in IT for a resort that had an ice rink. Two guests decided to bone in the middle of said rink at like 1 in the morning. Thing is, those cameras are motion detecting because it’s dangerous. Security office immediately gets an alarm if they detect anything. So security had to go up there while they were mid act and ask them to not….”

h/t: Reddit

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A Nail Place in Russia Started Doing ‘Teeth Nails’

Yikes! A nail salon in Russia started doing ‘teeth nails’ for their customers and the results are…pretty horrific. I’m not sure who would actually want these things on their fingers, but to each their own. Take a look at this video that shows how these babies are created.

Teeth nails- YAY OR NAY ? #nailsunnytutorial Video by @edo_movs

A post shared by Nail Sunny (@nail_sunny) on

People on Twitter were generally creeped out by this fashion statement.

Photo Credit: Twitter,metalinangelo

Photo Credit: Twitter,amundhenke16

Photo Credit: Twitter,emmagee111

Photo Credit: Twitter,irishsparkley

h/t: Mashable

The post A Nail Place in Russia Started Doing ‘Teeth Nails’ appeared first on UberFacts.