Scientists Discover That Pigs Can Actually Play Video Games

There’s a new pig in town, so step aside Wilbur.

In the classic children’s book Charlotte’s Web, E.B. White introduces readers to a very smart little piglet.

As someone who loved the book in 3rd grade, I was only a little surprised to learn that pigs actually are genuinely very smart!

Image credit: Lucia Macedo via Unsplash

Earlier this year, pathobiologists from the Center for Animal Welfare Science at Purdue University in Indiana gave 4 pigs a test originally designed for primates.

They wanted to see if pigs could combine multiple complex tasks to earn a treat.

Image Credit: Frontiers in Psychology

As Rebecca Nordquist, the Assistant Professor of Veterinary Medicine at Utrecht University explains:

The animals need to understand the link between moving around a joystick and what’s happening on a computer screen, and then link what’s happening on the screen to getting a reward.

The four pigs tested were all able to do that to some extent, showing off their smarts.

Each time the pigs successfully completed their task, the researchers gave them a harder one, like progressive levels in Tetris or Mario.

Image Credit: Frontiers in Psychology

Now pigs, of course, do not have opposable thumbs. They were trained to move the joystick with their snouts.

Unsurprisingly, and probably for a variety of reasons, while the pigs were initially successful, they did not perform as well as their monkey predecessors.

Pigs have long been reputed as being very smart, but there are certain tasks that tend to challenge them.

Again, Professor Nordquist explains:

Mirror use, for instance, is not something all pigs can master, and while they can use simple geometric shapes to decide what response to give, recognising other pigs from photographs proves too difficult.

This was surprising since other farm animals like sheep and cattle are able to recognise their sheep and cattle friends on photographs.

Aside from the fact that it’s really bloody interesting, why do scientists care how smart pigs are?

For three reasons, the first being that it’s just really bloody interesting to get into the mind of a pig.

The second reason is a bit more practical. As farmers try out more ethical and socially responsible farming methods, they need to make sure that what they’re doing actually does benefit the animal.

For example: What good is letting pigs roam free if they can’t easily navigate the larger environment to find the food and water that they need?

And the third reason is to help us understand the pig’s “intrinsic value.”

Professor Nordquist describes this as:

Instead of monetary value as an agricultural product or value to a human as a companion, this is the value it has for being itself, just as a pig, with all of the piggy things it does, such as oinking, rooting for things like truffles, socialising, and natural intelligence.

Image credit: Benjamin Wedemeyer via Unsplash

It makes sense. Because the more we understand a thing, the more we love it.

And whether a pig’s intelligence makes people forgo the bacon or not, it could go a long way towards how the animals are treated.

Maybe that’s wrong–maybe they should all be treated as though they’re as smart or smarter than us, simply because they’re alive. But the reality is that humans assign intrinsic value, and so researchers want to make sure that value is weighted correctly.

Either way, it’s pretty remarkable that pigs can play video games. I would like to challenge one to a friendly round of Dr. Mario–truffles are on me if they win.

Did this absolutely blow your mind, or do you have one of those pets who you’re sure is smarter than most people? Share your thoughts in the comments.

The post Scientists Discover That Pigs Can Actually Play Video Games appeared first on UberFacts.

What If You Could “Restart” Life? Here’s What People Said.

Have you ever seen the show Crossing Over with John Edward? It was really popular around the early 2000’s, though it probably shouldn’t have been.

In it, self-proclaimed psychic Edward would use a series of what are basically just parlor tricks to make it seem as though he was talking to the dead.


I’d be much more interested in a show with this premise, called STARTING Over with Random Redditors.

You die and the first thing you see in the afterlife are three buttons: "Next level", "Spectate" and "Restart". Which one do you press and why? from AskReddit

Restart seems like the way to go for me, and a bunch of people agreed:

1. What do you know?

If I could re-start knowing what I knew then, then restart. If not, then Next Level.

– TheSurveyor-01

2. A somber answer.

Restart. Hands down restart and not to avoid two divorces (the first one I wouldn’t be sitting here the dad of two awesome teenage boys.) Not to try again to make better choices or success. There is only one reason. A day at 19 still haunts me.

I was sitting around the house bored and broke and asked my mom if I could borrow $10 to go shoot some pool. She said why do t you call Ben y’all always have fun without spending money… I didn’t call Ben. Coroner determined he shot himself about 5 min after the convo I had with my mom. I should have called Ben.

It’s 20 years later almost. Ben was the warmest, nuttiest, most unique person I ever had the pleasure of calling friend. We grew up in boy scouts etc together. I miss Ben


– Goturnawrench

3. Play it safe.

Restart seems like the safest since spectate could be forever and next level could be hell

– BT9154

4. Practice makes perfect.

Assuming that this were to play out like a video game and I as the player can recall everything I learned from my previous play through, I would restart.

There are so many moments that I would change, so many stupid decisions that I would avoid making, so many people I wouldn’t even consider associating with.

It would alter the outcome of the rest of my life but I like to think I’d end up a better, wiser person for it.

– KosherNate

5. Only 26?

I just thought to myself: Restart because I didn’t capitalize on life to the fullest extent like I should’ve

… then just realized wait a second, it’s not over I am here and 26, I need to capitalize to the fullest extent before it’s too late!

– Evil_Pizz

6. A solid investment.

Restart. Invest in Bitcoin when it becomes a thing.

Then I’ll know to hold it until it hits 39K.

– TheGrayPerson

7. The good ol’ days.

I’m restarting. I refuse to be reborn into this bleak *ss looking future.

I’d rather go back and be a kid again in the 90 where it was fun and while it had its problems, at least it wasn’t a sh*t show of social media mush brains.

It was better when knew to just keep sh*t to ourselves. I turned 18 in 00 and sh*t has sucked hard since 06.

– Ang3l1ckD3m1n

8. Chillin’ like a villain.

“Restart” but play the bad guy next go-round.

– One_Star_Waitress

9. Aw, that’s sweet.

Sounds corny, but restart.

So I can meet my wife and daughter again for the first time.

– NaltedPog

10. Cherish it.

Probably restart. I wanna see my kids grow up again.

I’d never thought that I would love anything as much as I do them and yet here we are.

– JarodColdbreak

11. Strats.

Restarting the level means you know to save the health jars for after the first boss and that there’s not much ammo in Ravenholm.

Though all the dialogue options are the same

– TSM-

12. Questions answered.

Why would you possibly think you’d have no memory of it?

This is clearly being made as an analogy to video games, and in video games the entire reason why you’d restart a level is BECAUSE you know and remember what’s gonna happen.

There’s no logical way to conclude you wouldn’t your memories in this scenario.

– theinsanepotato

13. Simple as that.

Restart baby

– Catacomb82

14. Are we sure?

“Restart” strikes me as the worst option of the bunch. Given that I just completed the first level, pushing “restart” would almost certainly wipe my save clean, and start the whole thing over, erasing any memory I might want to save for future use.

Especially considering just how much of the game’s enjoyability depends on where you spawn, it seems like a bad idea to just start over from the beginning, because a bad spawn could severely limit what you can do.

– maleorderbride

15. What a rip off.

Sh*t, no button to send me back to the main menu and switch some settings around?

– ImaginexMovies

In all likelihood, we won’t get a chance to start over, so we better make the best of things now.

What option would you pick, and why?

Tell us in the comments.

The post What If You Could “Restart” Life? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

Is It Wrong for Young Men to Opt Out of Society and Focus on Video Games? Here’s How People Responded.

I’m not personally into gaming, but I have some friends who definitely are, and I will admit that the ones who do it spend A TON OF TIME playing video games.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I guess it depends on the person. To me, it doesn’t sound very appealing, but I guess it’s a lot better than some of the other things men could be doing in their spare time…

So, is it bad for men to focus on video games and hobbies instead of “traditional” things like relationships, marriage, and families?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. Opting out.

“There are a lot of whiny articles recently about how men don’t go to university at the same rate as young women, don’t work as many hours as they used to, and in general participate less in society and rather play video games or something.

This naturally comes at the expense of traditional life attainments such as working yourself to death, having an insanely expensive wedding, and being the sole provider for a family that will eventually kick you out.

If you read through these articles, you will find that the theme is men bad because they refuse to play the social role written for them. It’s mostly from the perspective of how this creates problems for women in the long run, but still that’s the core of it.

Contrary to what these journalists would have you believe, I think these young men are acting completely rationally when opting out of this life script. There just aren’t enough incentives to play this role, it is too risky and too exhausting, and I can personally see how one would derive way more satisfaction from hanging out with ones mates, playing video games, or being in a band. Young men don’t owe society anything.

We should just live and let live, and let people enjoy their lives in the way they want to, instead of judging them.”

2. Not worth the effort.

“As a young white man who did want all those neat lil’ things like marriage, family, house and all that jazz, I’ve found the reward not worth the effort.

The cost of living is just too damn high. If I did get the family and the house, I’d never see them since I’d be working all the time to ‘provide’…

What’s the point in taking on all that responsibility just work myself to death and not even be around?

I never see my brothers or friends with families anymore… and their families dont see them either.”

3. An interesting POV.

“It was practically always like this for men, only before the modern age men didn’t have a choice.

There was nothing else besides the only possible life plan of starting to work hard while you were still a kid and keep doing it until you died, spending more time on work than on your loved ones – spending more time on work FOR your loved ones. (Feminists call this “privilege” and think women were oppressed by them not being forced into this role.)

If you think about it men sacrificed their dreams, aspirations, their health and their lives for their families, and all they got in return was …their families, and some respect.

Modern ideologies demolished that all and when they still expect men to work like oxen they offer literally nothing in return, just shame and ridicule and hostility.”

4. From a divorced guy.

“I’m Gen X, divorced with kid, ok 9-5 job, rent small apartment in a big city and I’m perfectly content playing video games nights and weekends.

I don’t desire to do anything (or anyone…) else. I’m also happier now with no responsibilities to be a husband and help maintain a household. Plus, my kid is now old enough to play video games with me.

We have a lot of fun together that way. Life is good, no complaints.”

5. It’s up to you.

“Whether you’ve been married or not, if you work a steady job and support yourself, you’re entitled to do whatever you like. If that means chilling out at home in your own free time playing video games, then so be it.

I have a steady partner, no kids (just 2 cats). We both work and split everything 50/50. In our free time, we’re chilling, playing games, doing whatever we fancy.

As far as I’m concerned we’ve got it good. Neither of us wants kids either.”

6. In a weird place.

“Also Gen X. Also a gamer. Single & never married. No kids.

I’m making pretty good money now but I’m in this weird place. The responsible thing is to never spend money and prepare for retirement. I don’t really like working nor do I feel any sense of accomplishment from it. Sometimes I’ve had a community/tribe from work that was valuable to me but I haven’t had that in a decade.

I have two options; I can retire now and live as frugally as I have up to this point for the rest of my life or I can stay on this treadmill for another 20 years and retire to umm… no clue what. I’ve defined my life by living frugally and I’m not sure I’d know what to do with ‘all that money’.

I don’t like old people in general and all the opportunities to settle down and have a family are now long gone. I squandered my youth under same jaded theory that bettering myself would be some magic bullet to avoid dying alone. Now I’ve bettered myself and I have money.

I spent my whole life trying to avoid being a stereotype and now I’m a creepy old man stereotype. Maybe I’ll be part of the coming ‘Creepy Old Gamer’ stereotype in a year or two.”

7. Stop policing me!

“It’s strange how everyone is obsessed with policing what men do on their spare time.

I want to stay in (especially in winter), play some games, and save money (because bills and mortgage).

Other people stay in and watch their Netflix, reality tv, gossip tv, news, sports… but somehow my gaming is an issue?”

8. Breaking norms.

“It’s so strange how some of the same media outlets that encourage women to “break social norms” and to go against society to be who they want to be, are now criticizing men for doing just that.

I’m not going to take either side here on whether social norms are good to follow or not, but at least be consistent with whichever viewpoint you take.”

9. Not a good thing.

“Well, Japan has a lot of this going on and they are practically losing an entire generation of self-imposed monks.

This isn’t boding well for Japan as a whole.”

10. Content with myself.

“The last girl I went on a date with explained to me that she’s been on 55 first dates in six months!!

Here’s the thing… I am financially, emotionally, and otherwise stable. I have everything a woman would want in a life partner. I am in shape, I work hard and make a lot of money, I have hobbies that I’ve turned into effective side hustles, I travel and socialize, I would say I’m at least an 8 to 9 in attractiveness, and so on.

She wasn’t having it though… Like what does this woman expect in men that she can’t find a partner in 56 opportunities? I think this is a big issue, because it shows to me that woman’s expectations are getting absolutely bat sh*t crazy.

As a business man, I look at the value proposition and the risk/reward in committing to these expectations and it has turned me into a player, that runs through women like they are candy. If I live on never married but have the opportunity to have s*x with who I please, I would be completely content with myself.”

11. More power to you.

“Yeah i live that way because of a series of crippling mental problems but i know a load of people from college both men and women who do it completely by choice since they just don’t see the value in running the rat race like their parents did.

If you can live a happy life doing the bare minimum you need to do to keep yourself fed, sheltered, and happy then more power to you.”

12. A female perspective.

“30 year old chick here, my life is work, gaming, gym and motorsport. I’ve had my tubes tied and can’t ever see myself getting married because screw that level of stress and responsibility.

Most of my friends are single guys basically living the same lifestyle and I can totally see why it’s so appealing. A few of them would love to settle down and have kids but chicks aren’t interested because of their lifestyles, which makes me laugh as most of these chicks don’t want to be stay at home mums and give up their careers.

You’d think a chill guy that would be happy taking care of the house and kids would be perfect for them.”

13. Here’s a hot take for ya.

“It’s interesting that when men start to uphold some self-respect and not compromise their standards we’re called commitment-phobic.

I see this a lot with my female friends in that 28-35 age range who continuously complain about men not wanting to “stick it out” with them or are “intimidated” by their confidence but in reality they still expect the men they date to tolerate behaviors and attitudes that men would tolerate when they were in their early to mid 20s.

They’ve made little to no evolution in their character and still subscribe to an immature doctrine of how men should just tolerate and condone their behaviors just because “that’s what men do” and fail to realize the hypocrisy in such a misandrist take.

Add to the fact that men are becoming more accustomed to having our grievances ignored and unsupported by the opposite s*x and society as a whole, we’ve been able to find peace and happiness in our solitude and in things that provide us the happiness we don’t receive and get from the opposite s*x.

Recently a woman who I had been sleeping with for a couple months asked me to date her and I told her I prefer we stay friends. She insisted I tell her why, why I would turn down such an opportunity – “I mean I’d date me” were her words.

I finally caved and told her I’m turned off by the fact she sh*ts on men on a weekly basis on her IG story and having such a bias and negative attitude toward my gender is not the type of thing I want to endorse in a potential partner.

I even asked if she would ever be interested in dating a man who spoke negatively about women on a weekly basis and she said, I sh*t you not, “No but that’s different cause what I say about guys is true”.

And this woman isn’t an outlier to the issue, these type of women are rampant in the dating pool and they are very good at grabbing the attention of men because they can present themselves initially as interesting, intelligent, and open-minded but they turn out to be one-dimensional, ignorant, and arrogant. I blame Amber Rose.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you.

What do you think of this issue?

Sound off in the comments and tell us what you think. Thank you!

The post Is It Wrong for Young Men to Opt Out of Society and Focus on Video Games? Here’s How People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

A Sealed Copy of Super Mario Bros. 3 Just Sold For Really Big Bucks

If you need some cash, you might rummage through those boxes you’ve never unpacked in your basement – there are always stories about one thing or another selling for unexpectedly huge money once the internet gets their eyes on something special.

Or something they deem special, anyway.

In this case, an unopened copy of Super Mario Bros. 3, which sold for over $150,000.

Even if you’re not a gamer or collector, you probably realize that Super Mario Bros. is one of the most enduring franchises of all time. There are new games, sure, but one of the things people like best about it is the nostalgia for the games of our childhood that the characters float to the surface.

Over 330 million copies of Super Mario games have been sold, making it one of the top three best-selling video game franchises in history.

Image Credit: Twitter

Which is probably probably at least part of why an unopened copy of Super Mario Bros. 3 sold, at auction, for $156,000.

The game sets a record, as the highest sale price for a video game previously was $114,000 – and it was for another Super Mario game.

Image Credit: Twitter

The bidding on the sealed Super Mario 3 game began at $62,500, and more than 20 people fought to be the winner and add it to their collection.

Image Credit: Twitter

Heritage Auctions, who handled the sale, issued a press release:

“While the condition of the game is remarkable, what makes this copy even more singular is the layout of the packaging itself: Exceedingly rare are sealed copies with the word ‘Bros.’ formatted to the left, covering one of Mario’s signature white gloves.

Collectors have spent years looking for such a version – the earliest in the Super Mario Bros. 3 production history – and usually come up empty-handed.”

So check your basements, people. You might have some cash just sitting down there ready to be auctioned off!

The post A Sealed Copy of Super Mario Bros. 3 Just Sold For Really Big Bucks appeared first on UberFacts.

People Debate Whether or Not It’s Lame to Play Video Games on the Easiest Settings

What I think is important to remember when talking about anything that’s a creative or mindless outlet is that people engage for all sorts of reasons.

Sure, some people log hours on video games with the clear intention of being the best, accumulating all of the rewards, and being able to say they “beat” the game quickly and well.

Other people want to lazily explore these amazing, virtual universes at their leisure, and don’t really care how hard the settings are or what they “get” in return.

It’s totally ok to play video games on the easiest setting to enjoy the story line. from unpopularopinion

According to this guy, any way you want to play is fine – but what did people have to say in the comments?

Keep reading!

16. It’s not either/or.

It may not make you a hardcore gamer, but it def makes your friends gatekeeping a$sholes.

I play lots of games over and over cause they’re fun. Like Witcher 3, but I’ve never played it on Death March.

Guess who cares if that makes me a weak gamer…

Enjoy your games.

15. It’s an option, so it must be ok.

Hell, Jedi: Fallen Order even made the “Story Mode” setting.

So that if you really wanna enjoy the story rather than combat or exploration or whatnot, you can!

14. There’s more than one way to play.

The words of a true enlightened gamer. No longer held down by petty beliefs and free to just enjoy the way they want. The point isn’t whether it’s easy or hard, it’s about you choosing to play through that experience which in turn helps spread the word and love of the game to others while also helping support the developers and game communities in indirect ways you will never fully know.

Gate keeping is not for a place of genuine love, it is those who want to one-up the other in a never ending game they find themselves in. Someone is always going to be better or worse but to educate and have them look beyond that. Cooperation and expression of respect for the other since we share the same love and want our favorite games to continue regardless.

13. Not everyone wants to rage in their spare time.

Every game I’ve played so far on the PS4 has a story mode.

It’s kind of nice because I like playing for story sometimes.

After all day at work i don’t want to rage at my leisure time.

12. You’re not doing chores.

My look on games changed over the years….at first I played on easy because I wanted fun and not my ass kicked.

Then I became a completionist and wanted a challenge.

Now it is enough to just experience the world again without major struggles and the necessity to collect all legendary flowers of Baba Yaga.

I play on hard sometimes, but if it isn’t fun I have no problem to dial it back.

The game is for me to enjoy not an additional chore in my life.

11. Preach.

You bought the game and have the right to play it however you want.

10. Make your choice.

To those friends I say, “just be grateful that you have a choice. Back in the day I’d have given anything to play NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on easy mode”

These days I play on whatever difficulty isn’t going to give me ptsd flashbacks to that seaweed stuff in the dam level.

9. I mean…

“HUr DuR it’S n0t SeA Of FreiNdz”

Buncha fu*king basement sociopaths living out their “Black Sails” fantasies while mom cooks up the tendies.

8. Reality bites.

See, I usually play it on the hardest setting I can handle so it’s more realistic.

I mean in fc3 you will die in a single shot if you are on the hardest difficulty, so you can’t just run in and spray Willy Nilly.

You have to do missions stealthily and plan your attacks.

I mean he’s wearing shorts and a teeshirt with 0 combat experience.

He’s not going to be bulletproof!

7. That’s not fun.

Yeah what is WITH this game?

My buddies and I are having a blast playing, and we’re super chill and polite, but man 95% of the people we meet are the sweatiest f*cking tryhards I’ve ever met.

Like, I’m not saying they’re trash-talking or something, I can handle that.

They’re just obnoxiously rude.

6. Splitting hairs.

Increases in difficulty are only fun when they increase… well, the difficulty.

But in shooters it tends to just mean you give less damage, take more damage, have less HP, and enemies have more HP.

I mean yes, this is technically harder, but was the game designed to be played at that difficulty?

Can you strategize your way out of it?

If there isn’t a way for the player to figure out how to survive, then it’s not really an increase in difficulty, it’s just an increase in bullshit.

It’s more difficult by the layman word “difficult” but in the context of game design I don’t like calling that sort of thing an increase in difficulty.

There may be a better term I’m not aware of.

5. Get satisfied.

It’s exciting finding other crews to sink.

Lots of folks play it for the naval pvp part of the game and prefer getting their treasure that way.

Way more satisfying than fighting NPC skeletons and bosses with crap mechanics.

4. Don’t suck the joy away.

I play normal bc i believe it’s how the game was meant to be played, not some ultra mega super hard difficulty that sucks the joy out of the plot.

3. We don’t all have the time.

I don’t understand why some are so anti easy modes. Some people want to play a game that they’ve been looking forward to but dont have the time to “get good”. What is the harm in making your favorite series more accessible, which creates more sales, which can help ensure a better future for that series while keeping in game costs low (not every publisher would follow that logic of course).

I dont speak for everyone, but when I find a game, film, or show that I love I want to share it with others. I LOVE the Deus Ex series but my good friend just can’t play stealth games very well. I got him to play Human Revolution on the easiest mode and he eventually beat it and really liked. Hes currently playing my copy of Mankind Divided

It’s been awesome to talk about one of my favorites series with a close friend which wouldn’t had happened if he had to “get good” to do so because his wife and 2 kids didn’t give a f*ck how good he is at video games, I’ve asked.

No one is trying to take away your platinum trophies or in game achievements, playing games competitively is awesome but not to everyone. Some just want to play a video game they think looks fun.

2. But I mean…so?

The whole controversy started because there was a fear of inaccurate review ratings.

For example, if a reviewer is awful at playing Dark Souls, making an easy mode for him will absolutely mess with his review of the game.
Suddenly, he’s not reviewing the Dark souls everybody knows and loves, he’s now playing a slow paced hack n slash game. Altering his review score and perception of what the game was designed to be.

1. You’re still a gamer.

I play most games in easy mode, and mod in grind-removing things when I can (crafting supplies and gold in DAI, or just outright using commands in Skyrim for the house building supplies for example). I’ve got a family, a full time job, and all the crap that has to get done because of it, and no time or inclination to grind elfroot or iron once I get to play my games. Plus it’s single player, so I’m the only one effected by it.

I’ve started playing Satisfactory recently (love it so much!), and the only thing I really want is a peaceful mode so that the animals stop kicking my ass when I go exploring. But I understand that lots of folks like combat, so having combat mode as default with a peaceful mode as an option for folks like me would be great.

Doesn’t make me less of a gamer though. Gatekeeping over what difficulty you play the game on reminds me of gatekeeping being a “real” gamer based on how much you enjoy min/maxing the game/character.

I agree with OP here! You do you, man.

But that’s what I think. What in the heck do YOU think? That’s what I want to know.

Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post People Debate Whether or Not It’s Lame to Play Video Games on the Easiest Settings appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Memes for S-Tier Gamers

It’s the perfect day to wake up, smell the coffee, and boot up your gaming console of choice. To help motivate your regular dive into escapism, here are 10 more memes for the hardcore gamers out there looking for a laugh. Seriously, what would we do without memes?

1. Why does this happen

Even the AI doesn’t want to be my friend. That’s just cold.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. That competitive nature

Fess up, we’ve all been guilty of this.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. Parents just don’t understand

It’s not a phase, Dad. It’s part of who I really am.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. Just one more time

I have to admit it – I’ve 100% done this. Multiple times.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. Do it for the honor

It’s always better when it’s a little personal.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. Some people have the range

We like these people. We take good care of them.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. Peer pressure

C’mon, man… just one more game. It won’t hurt.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. Yowch

Poor Ubisoft. They really haven’t come back since Assassin’s Creed, have they?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. That’s fine

Yep, that’s totally what she meant, right? Because, y’know, grenades are an everyday threat.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. This

Is easily the best meme I’ve seen in months.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Wow, now I really want to find my copy of Raving Rabbids – or maybe I should go for a more soothing game, like Super Mario Sunshine. The thought’s definitely tempting, especially because the beat that drops in Delfino Plaza is undeniably a bop.

What game are you itching to play right now? Let us know in the comments below!

The post Hilarious Memes for S-Tier Gamers appeared first on UberFacts.