Facts You Didn’t Know About Movies Based On Video Games

Some of the most iconic action movies have been based on fan-favorite video games.

It makes sense since video game developers spend a lot of time thinking about the story and different plot lines that move the game along.

These movies also serve as an introduction to the gaming world for those who might not know how to click the “X” button and provide more content for fans of the original games.

So, here are some killer facts about movies based on video games that even the most dedicated gamers will find fascinating.

Tomb Raider 

Tomb Raider is one of the biggest gaming franchises of all time. 

The game was created by only six people, who made history since it sold over 58 million copies.

The title character, Lara Croft, was originally named Laura Cruz. 

But, Angelina Jolie was not always set to play the iconic character

Jennifer Love-Hewitt really wanted to play the role of Lara Croft in the film, but the director Simon West could only picture Angelina Jolie.

And, Daisy Ridley, Emilia Clarke, Saoirse Ronan, and Kristen Stewart were close to playing the part in the 2018 reboot before Alicia Vikander landed the iconic role.

However, Angelina couldn’t see herself in the iconic Lara Croft shorts. It took her a moment to get used to them.

And it was the scenery that sold the idea to her

Angelina agreed to do the film because of all the locations she would visit while filming.

“But they said you can travel the world and train with the British Military and so I had three months of seeing what I could do. And I would encourage anybody to do that,” Jolie said.

She performed a lot of her own stunts

The A-List star mastered the 2001 film’s bungee-ballet without a stunt double. And actually injured her ankle in the process. It had to be reshot when she recovered.

The scenes where Angelina is driving a jeep also had to be reshot because snakes and other critters kept dropping into the car. 

They obviously incorporated a lot of aspects from the original game

Near the end of the film when Lara finds a wolf pack, she says “a-ha”. This is a nod to the original games where Lara used the phrase whenever she picked up an item.

We love props

The picture inside of Lara’s father’s pocket watch is actually Lynda Carter.

After filming, Angelina kept Lara’s holsters as a keepsake. Lara Croft Way in Derby, England was named to honor where the designers created the iconic character.

Mortal Kombat

It only took 10 months and 4 people to create the original Mortal Kombat game. 

The 1995 Mortal Kombat film is the fourth highest-grossing video game adaptation of all time, after Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, and Pokemon: The First Movie

Fun fact for movie buffs

The film was heavily influenced by the 1973 film Enter the Dragon.

Who is who?

Jean-Claude Van Damme actually turned down the role of Johnny Cage to do Street Fighter. Which is funny because the character in the games was allegedly originally based on him.

Chris Casamassa was initially only hired to work as a stunt ninja. The producers were so thrilled with his audition that he was cast in the role of Scorpion.

Meanwhile, Sean Connery was the first choice to play Rayden. He turned down the role because it was too physical and he wanted to play golf.

Cameron Diaz was seriously considered for the role of Sonya Blade, but she broke her wrist before filming.

And, Ed Boon was not only the voice of Scorpion in the original video game but also a co-creator and a creative consultant for the movie.

And she wasn’t the only one who got hurt

However, onset injuries were actually quite minimal. There were only a few bruises and broken ribs. 

Other stars wanted to crash

The medic on set also worked as the security guard and turned away a curious Tom Cruise.

Mortal Kombat super fan Steven Spielberg was meant to make a cameo in the film, but scheduling conflicts forced him to back out of the project.

No one expected it to be so successful

Director Paul W.S. Anderson was incredibly nervous about how the film would be received. He hunkered down in Hawaii during the premiere only to regret his choice.

The movie grossed $23.3 million opening weekend. That was 8 times more than the next highest release, The Baby-Sitters Club.

Resident Evil

Just like Tomb Raider, the Resident Evil game was conceived in 1993 and released in 1996.

Zombies weren’t big at the time

While zombie movies and shows are everywhere today, the studio was worried audiences wouldn’t want to watch the living dead at the time. 

It had been almost 15 years since a zombie movie had hit big.

Clearly, they were wrong

The Resident Evil franchise has grossed over $1 billion. 

They took some creative freedoms

Milla Jovovich agreed to do the movie because her brother was a huge fan of the video games.

But her character, Alice, never appears in the video games. Alice’s name is never spoken in the film either. It’s only revealed in the credits.

The movie was originally meant to be titled Resident Evil: Ground Zero. They dropped “Ground Zero” after September 11th, 2001. 

Are they zombies though?

The word zombie is also never actually used in the film.

The makeup team had an incredibly difficult time with the zombie dogs because they kept licking the fake blood and meat off themselves. 

More stunts

Jovovich did all of her own stunts in the film except for the pipe jump in the sewer scene.

And, the movie inspired the game as well

The iconic laser grid from the first film made its way into the Resident Evil 4 game.

There’s a hidden easter egg in the passcode for the door in dining hall B. The code 04031965 is actually the writer and director Paul W.S Anderson’s birthday.

These iconic video games have changed movie history. And, hopefully, the two mediums will continue to inspire each other.

People Share the Fanbases They Think Act Like Cults

I know my answer! And it probably won’t be a huge revelation to a lot of folks out there…

But I think that SOME people who are really into the Insane Clown Posse are basically a cult.

Come to think of it, they’d probably even agree with me!

People on AskReddit spoke up and admitted what fanbases they think act like cults.

Check out the responses below.

1. Absurd.

“I absolutely love Taylor Swifts music, been listening to it for years. But I only recently started seeing the fans on my social media feed and my goodness, it’s absurd.

Besides what you said, they care way too much about streaming/buying numbers and awards. They attack other fans, Taylor’s team, other fandoms and sometimes even Taylor herself when songs don’t rise to the top of the charts or she doesn’t win a fan voted award.

It’s so weird to me because what I’ve seen of Taylor Swift, she is quite humble and just focuses on music and putting on a good show. Also, she has really handled a lot of scandels that weren’t her fault with grace and kindness. Totally opposite of what her fand are like online LOL.”

2. Theater folks.

“Literally anything involving theatre.

Seriously. If you walk into a rehearsal 15 minutes late, you’re gonna see some weird s**t.”

3. Nerd alert!

“Star Wars fans.

I personally dont like star wars because I just dont but I dont really try bash on people who actually do

But whenever I watch Star Wars (insert that silver boba fett guy and baby yoda) and then i talk about why it didn’t make sense (silver guy was on ground and those droids just looked at him like there was nothing there instead of blasting him right away).

I get so much h**e and half a**ed bs excuses.”

4. Never heard of him…

“Jordan Peterson fans.

To give an unbiased answer, he’s a conservative political philosopher who became really popular after publicly criticising a Canadian law on misgendering people & giving an infamous interview on Channel 4 News in 2018.

He’s a highly divisive figure because of certain views he has shared regarding women and transgender people. A lot of people like him for his self-improvement works and because they think he’s right in his criticisms of society, whereas others don’t like him because they think he’s transphobic and m**ogynist.”

5. LOL.

“Fans of the Broadway show Hamilton.

I used to be a huge fan and suffered through the weird fandom. While Hamilton did great things for POC on Broadway, it opened the doors for teenagers to romanticize and s**ualize slaveowners.

I tried to criticize it one time online (and it wasn’t even that bad of a criticism.) and I literally got chased off of tumblr. Oh and, don’t get me started on Thomas Jefferson’s Hatsune Miku binder…”

6. Here you go.

“Rick and Morty



Steven Universe

Doctor Who.”

7. So weird.

“Zodiac signs.

People will literally divorce it break up or just ignore people because their signs are”incompatible”.”


“As someone who tried to go vegan, vegans.

As is the case with all groups, not all vegans are had. I’ve met some very nice and not annoying vegans, but so many of them have to tell you every 5 seconds that they’re vegan. And the ones that will spent hours trying to convince you to go vegans are the worst.

This is coming from someone who was that annoying vegan that tried to convert everyone. I’m just vegetarian now and I’m way more sufferable.”

9. Bigshot director.

“Fans of Zack Snyder. I saw Army of the Dead yesterday and I just gotta say, that movie is like, objectively bad… but his fans honestly cannot see it.

Like, I’m sure they’re thinking stuff like, “Oh, his directing, writing, and cinematography was so stunning and brave! The h**ers are just jealous of all the wrinkles his brain has! I wonder what the robot zombies and UFOs mean! He must have had a reason to randomly start talking about time loops in a zombie movie! Tee-hee, who cares about stuff like plot, acting, and continuity errors, just turn your brain off you snob!”

Like, I’m not saying he’s a terrible director or something; he’s done some great stuff. But this movie was absolute dog s**t, and I just find it kinda weird how his fans, and major film critics for that matter, will defend it when it is just so blatantly terrible.”

10. K-POP.

“As a K-Pop fan…..K-pop fans. Now it’s not all of them, but there are definitely ones that get laughed at for how they fetishize/infantilize the idols and stuff.

It’s insane how they will defend and protect the problematic idols against those who rightfully call them out. Some of them have forums talking about personal not public business of the idols. They make up stories about them, and some of them gatekeep to know end.

Some also stalk and poison idols and so on, though the last point used to happen like in earlier years, it’s still freaking crazy. I just try not to associate with those ones, but the chill ones instead.”

11. Apple folks.

“People who buy apple computers.

Tell them that another company with windows OS has a better performing computer for 1/2 the price and they’ll say things like

“Macs have better display” or “the programs I use work better in apple” and I want to hit those people because usually the programs they refer to are the adobe suite, which a lot of my classmates in uni ran on windows machines.

Source:: Works in IT and studied Digital Art.”

12. USA!

“America First people.

Anything reusing a WWII American fascist/N**i sympathizer slogan in 21st century is not thinking their position all the way through.

Or, they’re terrible. One of those…”

13. I agree.

“Radiohead fans.

sSeriously, if you’ve ever been cornered by a radiohead fan in the wild, you know how annoying the hardcore fans can be. But the fact that I had one assume because i liked “real alternative music” (i was wearing my Slint t-shirt at the time) that I must like Radiohead.

And he went on for a good 30 mins (not letting me get a word in) and telling me all his wild theories about how all the albums are connected and if you add the barcode for the japanese release of ok computer with PI then divide by 3, you get a prize where tom york comes down from the heavens and gives you a gentle pat on the b**t (not really what he said but he was talking about symbols and s**t).

My major takeaway with Radiohead fans is they think they’re smarter than everyone else because they listen to them and if Radiohead are considered a smart band, then they, as fans, must also be smart.”

Do you think there are some fanbases out there that act like cults?

If so, tell us about it in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share the Fanbases They Think Act Like Cults appeared first on UberFacts.

What Fanbase Acts Like a Cult? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Have you ever been to a concert where you weren’t that into the band and you thought to yourself, “wow, these people are fanatical about this group?”

I have…and the band shall remain nameless…for now…

But the fact is that there are a lot of fanbases for bands and other things out there that are INCREDIBLY devoted.

What fanbase do you think acts like a cult?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this…

1. Yup.

“As a long time fan of Tool, Tool.

I mean… yeah, the music is good (kind of disappointed in their last album, though) but the number of people spending forever dissecting every last word of every Tool album and je**ing off over the random time signatures is a bit over the top.”

2. Get fit!


My brother in law is a big time Crossfitter. His whole personality is literally his Wife, kids and Crossfit. Which I’m cool with. He’s really good people.

But he gets all frustrated when they come out to work cows with me and by 4 o clock he’s dragging a** and us out of shape looking cowboys are still rolling along strong. Granted at 4 o’clock we’ve been going for 11 hours.

And to be honest it’s a really good workout program. The BIL talked me into it, and I did it for 2-3 years. I also payed more attention to my diet. I got to where I had a 6 pack and looked ripped. It was cooler n hell.

I’ve kinda fallen off that wagon though. I’m doing traditional weights at home and a 20 minute yoga routine every day. I’m convinced with how I work, coupled with a bit of yoga to stay flexible is what will keep me in the best shape for the longest.”

3. Buy now!

“Cryptocurrency investors. Absolutely cult-like behaviour.

Well… not all of the crypto investors, but the ones who rave about it online are certainly pretty cult-like.”

4. Has an entourage.

“Yandere Dev.

He’s the Chris Chan of game devs, and no sane person wants to associate with him.

Yet he still has an entourage of underaged fans that still believe that he will one day finish the c**ppy game (which btw is infamous for s**ualising teenagers) that’s been in development for 7 years now.”

5. It’s true.

“The Harry Potter fandom.

I’m prepared to get lots of h**e but I’m sure I’ll get agreement too because it’s so true.”

6. Ouch.

“Beyonce and her cancerous fanbase that treat her like this otherworldly being.

She’s got a nice voice but everyone acts like she’s an angel sent from heaven or something.”

7. We get your point.

“Jojo’s bizarre adventure.

As a Jojo fan I can confirm it is at least somewhat like a cult. Once you’re in, you can never leave.

Not that I really want to, but my point still stands.”

8. Weird.

“Jared Leto and 30 Seconds to Mars…I’m pretty sure they think he’s the second coming.

Take a look at the pictures of his extremely expensive trip to a private island with his most devout fans.

Pretty sure it is an openly acknowledged cult.”

9. Part of the club.

“Rick and Morty fans were my first thought.

The show might be funny, but the people who act like liking it is signs of a high IQ or s**t like that make me not want to get into it.”

10. Definitely.

“Most sports teams.

There is always someone who is more passionate/knows more and will make themselves known about it. Alternatively they say you can’t be a real fan because you don’t know x or y.

I enjoy a few sports. I have teams that I support. But I don’t know the ins and outs of everything they do. Doesn’t stop me being a fan but it feels like to some fans you are worse than fans of other clubs.”

11. Totally.

“People on keto diets.

I’ve eaten a ketogenic diet before and looking back I was so annoying. I needed to tell everyone 24/7 that I didn’t eat carbs and how great keto was. And soooo many people are like that about keto. Keto is life, love, and the answer to our eternal questions!!!

Gosh I was so annoying, I’m grateful for every friend who didn’t slap me.”

12. Swifties.

“Taylor Swift Fans AKA Swifties.

I am going to admit that I do post on the sub and do like her music, but god d**n, they want her to constantly drop music all the time.

I’ve been a Brand New fan (and still am even through all the s**t that came out) for years and I know what it’s like to be waiting for new music, but man, these people don’t understand that they just got three album in nine month span.

Also, I don’t get why their so eager to meet their idol. Don’t they understand that you should never meet your heroes?”

What fanbases do you think act like cults?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Please and thank you!

The post What Fanbase Acts Like a Cult? People Shared Their Thoughts. appeared first on UberFacts.

What Was Going to Be “The Next Big Thing”, but Flopped? Here’s What People Said.

I remember in Kansas in the 1990s, the town of Lawrence was referred to as “the next Seattle.”

This was the height of the grunge craze and Lawrence did (and always has) had a good music scene…but of course, that kind of recognition never came to Lawrence. So, no, it didn’t become “the next big thing.”

But that kind of stuff happens all the time.

What was supposed to be the next big thing, but it flopped?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts.

1. What’s the point?

“Amazon’s shopping buttons.

They pushed really hard for those and I never saw the point.”

2. Smaller = better?

For 20 years cell phones got smaller and smaller. Often being the main selling point of the phone.

Then all of sudden you could watch videos on your phone, and almost overnight the trend reversed to “larger is better”.”

3. Whoa.

“Soap Shoes.

These were like normal shoes, but you could grind on rails with them via an indent in the sole.”

4. Not working out?

“Not sure if this one has totally flopped yet, but I noticed while in Costco the other day that there are no longer any curved TVs.

If Costco is no longer carrying them then I think we can assume they’re going the way of the dodo.”

5. Do you remember?

“Google+ was supposed to be the answer to Facebook.

That was a lesson on how not to handle hype. There was so much hype around Google plus, it was infectious. But they refused to open it up to everyone and maintained a very hardline ‘invite only’ system.

Even once hype had peaked and there was a notable decline, still they maintained a small invite only system. I remember by the time they decided to open it up to everyone the hype was well and truly dead and no one bothered with it.

They should have cashed in when hype was high but they (I assume) got greedy, thinking the hype would just infinitely increase and people wouldn’t get bored waiting to get in.”

6. Moving on…

“3D TV.

Heard a stat from one of the 3D TV manufacturers that the average number of pairs of 3D glasses sold per 3D television was a number very much smaller than 1.

I think they were too embarrassed to actually tell everyone how tiny the attach rate was.”

7. Weird.


In the beginning, companies even bought real estate in there to allow people to visit them.

8. Didn’t work.

“Crystal Pepsi, New Coke, orange juice and toothpaste flavored Lays potato chips.”

9. Flop.

“The “Dark Universe” cinematic universe.

Starting with 2017’s THE MUMMY.”

10. History lesson.

“Quadraphonic entertainment systems in the early 1970s, were supposed to replace stereophonic systems.

Now they are chiefly remembered for inspiring the name of The Who’s second rock opera.”

11. The QB.

“Johnny Manziel.

I remember when he signed with CFL and everyone thought he was gonna absolutely dominate.


12. Ride the wave!

“Google Wave.

It was supposed to replace email with a more collaborative approach.

Essentially it was like a dynamically-created discussion board you’d share with select people and you could have a more readable discussion than one with a bunch of forwards and CCs and the like.

I thought it was a good idea, but it flopped big time and Google got rid of it after a few years.”

13. An obscure one.

“This one might be a bit obscure just because I’ve only ever met one other person familiar with it, but Google’s Project Ara modular smartphone was looking like it could’ve been the end all be all of smartphones.

Based off the Phonebloks idea of having a Lego-like hot-swappable module phone, the idea was that you could switch out any components of the phone on the fly. Camera, fingerprint scanner, even different quality screens.

Conceptually, it really looked like it could take over the phone market, as it would lead to people not having to buy whole new phones anymore, but rather replacement or upgraded parts to a phone they already liked, thereby reducing costs and increasing utility.

You don’t want a phone with 5 cameras that inflate the cost unnecessarily? Just buy a one camera module. You want a 1440P Super Amoled screen to replace your 720P regular screen? Buy one and swap it in.

However, like many Google projects, it d**d off for myriad reasons and the longstanding era of $1000 dollar smartphone slabs lived on.”

What are some more things that were supposed to be a big deal but flopped?

Talk to us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

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People Discuss What They Think Has an Undeserved Bad Reputation

In the world we live in, things that aren’t necessarily all that bad get dragged through the mud sometimes.

And that can be a real bummer…but it happens…A LOT.

What has a totally undeserved bad reputation?

Let’s see what people on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. Going nuclear.

“Nuclear energy.

Not only does nuclear power not deserve its bad reputation, we desperately need to embrace its good one.

With our present technology, nuclear power is quite literally the cleanest, safest, most reliable, and most productive option that we have available.

Unfortunately – owing to fears of radioactive fallout and misconceptions about the efficiency of renewables like wind power – folks are unwilling to look at uranium as a solution to global warming, despite it being the best one that we have.

Renewable energy sources are great, and we should absolutely be investing in them… but not as primary sources of power-generation. If we want to save the planet, nuclear power is the only viable avenue for doing that.”

2. A great thing.

“Community college.

I will advocate for community colleges until the day I die.”

3. It’s hard work.

“Fast food workers. I don’t get the “anyone can do it” argument.

Through my time as a manager I’ve turned down applicants for not being up to our standard, and watched all age groups quit because the job isn’t as easy as they expected. It’s a fast paced work environment with lots of memorization due to food safety standards.

I’ve worked production, construction, warehouse, and others but working in fast food isn’t easier than the others, just different.”

4. I agree 100%.

“Airlines and airports.

Considering how massively complex the system is they generally do a pretty great job and there are usually few legitimate reasons to complain.”

5. Look closer.

“Genetically modified produce.

I think when people mention it, their brain immediately jumps to “super bad chemicals that will instantly kill you”…Instead of modifying a plant’s genes just so it could produce more or bigger offspring. Besides, we would probably see less of it if we (speaking as an American here) didn’t consume so much anyway.

And if you still don’t vibe with that sort of stuff that’s cool, but it isn’t as bad as people make it out to be.

What is bad are companies going out of their way to patent genetic codes so that they can bury farmers with lawsuits, or develop seeds who’s offspring will never produce grandchildren.”

6. Maybe they’re wrong?

“Testosterone is blamed for aggressive behavior, inappropriate s**ual behavior, emotional unavailability and more. Thing is, there is absolutely no proof for testosterone being responsible for any of those things.

Unhealthily high levels can cause aggression (roid rage) but whether somebody is at the high or low end of the range of normal levels has nothing to do with how aggressive or emotional they are, and even less with whether they can control their s**ual urges.”

7. Who’s the loudest?

“Movements like veganism, too many people generalize all vegans to be like the annoying ones.

Just like any movement, the loudest and most obnoxious get the attention but make everyone else look bad.”

8. Unions.

“Most unions.

Unions serve an excellent purpose in promoting collective action and bringing frontline labor to the bargaining table as a commodity.

Unfortunately, they are often granted monopoly status, allowing them to become corrupt over time.”

9. Creepy creatures.

“Spiders and bats have a pretty bad rep. People seem to think they’re no good creatures that are creepy and are gonna suck your blood or bite you for no reason, when they actually help keep populations of flies, mosquitoes, etc. at bay.

Without spiders and bats, we’d be so screwed. There would be an insane amount of bugs everywhere and you’d probably have to wear a net regularly when going outside. I personally like bats more then spiders, since i’m terrified of them for no real reason besides the way they look, crawl and honestly they’re eyes are pretty creepy to me-but I still appreciate all that they do for us.

Oh also fun fact, if you’re afraid of bats sucking your blood, only 1 species of bat does that! It’s called the vampire bat, and even though it drinks blood, it only really drinks the blood of cows, goats, and other animals. They don’t like human blood and are kinda cute in their own way.”

10. The Garden State.

“New Jersey.

It’s a hell of a lot cheaper and the commute can take just ask long to the city.

Also, it doesn’t need to always be compared to it’s relation to New York, like being broke in NYC is so much better.”

11. Hatin’ on Spam.


It looks like gross, gelatinous, molded ham product in a can. why would anyone eat such a thing? But prepared well it just hits a spot few things can. Slice teriyaki spam and grill in a skillet until the outside is crispy, serve on Hawaiian rolls as sliders, or on rice with nori as spam musubi.

Chop some up with gold potatoes and onions and cook it in the cast iron skillet for a delicious SPAM and potato hash to serve with eggs. I used to think it was just weird apocalypse food, but it turns out it is really tasty.”

12. Seems like a great guy!

“Guy Fieri.

He’s out here doing the most with a charming personality and being kind to everyone he meets in his shows… but we were too busy simpin’ over Anthony Bourdain being a bad boy with everyone.

I love Anthony too, RIP, I think they deserve the same level of admiration.”

What do you think has an undeserved bad reputation?

Talk to us in the comments and tell us what you think.

Thanks in advance!

The post People Discuss What They Think Has an Undeserved Bad Reputation appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s Cool Now, But Won’t Be in 5 Years? Here’s What People Said.

Are you old enough to remember the glorious Hypercolor t-shirts?

If you’re not, let me fill you in.

Hypercolor shirts changed color with your body heat. They were all the rage when I was in seventh grade and I even had one of my own. I was there, man!

But…by eighth grade, they were definitely not cool anymore and that thing sat in the back of my closet, lost to history…it’s quite sad, actually…

People on AskReddit talked about what is popular and cool now but probably won’t be in five years.

1. Can’t last forever.

“The <insert name here> Nutrition drink shops.

MLM bright teas that have no actual nutritional value can’t last forever.”

2. Might go away.

“Galaxy print is probably going to go the way of the bowling alley carpet patterns we used to wear on our clothes in the 1990s.

It’ll come back ironically in 10 years.”

3. YouTubers.

“Probably most popular YouTubers.

That’s something I’ve noticed.

The shelf life of YouTube popularity seems to be shorter than “mainstream” pop star popularity.”

4. Darn, already got mine…

“Brazilian Bootie Lifts.

I feel like it will not age well.

A lot of plastic surgeries collapse over time or have complications as it degrades.”

5. A lot of BS.

“Life hacks.

Since they have taken over YouTube, it just will be bland after amount of time because a lot of it is just BS and many just don’t work now.

Many I’ve seen so many stupid harmful things they are doing like “oH PuT YoUR TiN FoIL iN a BaLL anD pUt It iN a MICrowave tO MakE a SmOTH BaLL.”

6. That doesn’t sound good.

“The bowl cut.

For some reason it came back in south Houston.

Looks ridiculous.”

7. You see it all the time.

“Corporations trying to be weird and relatable on Twitter.

Wish it would die out now.

Twitter, where people try to be brands and brands try to be people.”

8. Totally embarrassing.

“A lot of the stuff I see people doing on TikTok seems like the kinda thing you’d be embarrassed about in a few years.”

9. That’s sad.

“Instagram is going to be an online shopping mall.

Far removed from the cool blogging site it used to be.”

10. What’s next?

“Subscribing to multiple streaming platforms.

Isn’t that why cable doesn’t exist anymore?”

11. Enough! 😬

😁  putting 👏  emojis 💥  everywhere 🍆  especially 🎂  if 🍾  you’re 🌐  a 🔥  brand 🎉  trying 🎃  to 🎯  do 🎙 buddy 😂  marketing 💩.”

12. Electric vehicles.


In 5 years, it’ll just be a commonplace thing.

It won’t be every car on the road, or every purchase, but already the shock of “oh look it’s a Tesla” is fading out.”

13. Could be…

“Funko Pops.

They’re the Beanie Babies of the ’20s.”

Okay, now it’s your turn…

In the comments, tell us what YOU think is cool now but won’t be in five years.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post What’s Cool Now, But Won’t Be in 5 Years? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

What Has a Bad Reputation but Doesn’t Deserve It? Here’s What People Had To Say.

People out there LOVE to hate on pretty much everything, don’t they?

People, ideas, organizations, businesses: nothing is safe!

Yes, some things definitely deserve a bad reputation, but some stuff gets lumped in unnecessarily.

AskReddit users talked about what they think has an undeserved bad reputation.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Good and bad.

“Bacteria automatically gets a bad rap.

But most are harmless and some are even beneficial to us.

There’s both good bacteria and bad bacteria.”

2. Jaws ruined that.


The oceans would be a mess without them. They kill less people per year than mosquitoes deer and PEOPLE.

They’re intelligent but so different from us that the bad rep was practically unavoidable, sadly.”

3. Something to think about.


“Chemical-free” is marketing cr*p.

Everything is a chemical.”

4. Here kitty, kitty.

“Black cats.

I had a black cat for years and he was amazing. Acted more like a dog, followed me around and hung out with me, very quiet and calm energy. I found him as a newborn, literally still attached to the placenta.

He’d been abandoned by his mother and was almost dead when I found him. We nursed him and raised him by hand, and he ended up being the strongest, healthiest cat I’ve ever seen. His name was Shadow.”

5. I agree!

“Guy Fieri.

What the heck did he ever do to anyone?”

6. Get funky!

“Disco music.

If you give yourself permission to like it, you’ll be surprised at how catchy and fun it is.”

7. It’s totally fine.

“Tap water.

People have been manipulated by bottled water companies to believe that drinking tap water is somehow bad for you.

Water quality standards for tap water in most first world countries is extremely high.”

8. MSG.

“Monosodium glutamate (MSG).

It’s just the sodium salt of glutamic acid, and it naturally occurs in many foods. There is literally nothing wrong with it if used in appropriate proportions, same as regular salt.

But sadly it was demonized as part of the whole racist “Chinese restaurant syndrome” that convinced people Chinese food was out to kill us all. The myth prevails to this day.”

9. Night owl.

“Being a night person and sleeping late.

Believe me we work better at night and we can be twice as productive.

As someone who likes to build a lot in minecraft and writing the night is my best hour of creativity.

In the end, I also do all my tasks between midnight and 2 AM, the rest is to watch Netflix, YouTube, and Reddit.”

10. Mostly harmless.

“Snakes. Majority of them are harmless.

I understand if you live in an area with deadly snakes. But snakes are always represented as pure evil and villainous when most are just typical reptiles going about their little snake lives.

They don’t want to bother you, they just want to survive the next day and reproduce.”

11. Bats!


Some of the best insect control/pollination help out there (depending on species). Plus they can give you good fertilizer. “But they carry rabies…..” you know what else can carry rabies? Raccoons, rabbits, foxes, dogs, opossums….pretty much mammals. ” But they can carry cross species diseases….”

So do pigs, chicken, primates, and now with Covid 19 dogs & cats. I mean don’t go hug them- but they are very useful & unfortunately on the way out.”

12. It’s good stuff.

“Meatloaf is awesome.

A friend of mine at work is Hispanic. He told me the story of growing up, they never had meatloaf. He said the only thing he knew of it was television shows where kids would say things like “Aww, meatloaf again?” so he assumed it was terrible.

Then one day, he had the opportunity to try it. He loved it!

This came up because the company we work for was giving out free lunches last year for those of use who had to work through the early part of the quarantine. One day, they had meatloaf. We both got the meatloaf and then he told me about growing up and thinking it tasted bad.

This is one of my favorite stories.”

13. Time to chill out.

“Being unproductive.

There’s this weird Internet culture of people who think if you’re not putting every waking second into learning, developing an app, starting a business, curating a hobby, activism, working, etc. then you’re wasting your life.

It’s okay to be unproductive. Everyone already needs to chill the f**k out half the time anyway. Go make yourself some tea and play some video games.”

Okay, now it’s your turn to sound off.

In the comments, tell us what you think has an undeserved bad reputation.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post What Has a Bad Reputation but Doesn’t Deserve It? Here’s What People Had To Say. appeared first on UberFacts.