Great Tweets That the Ladies Will Especially Enjoy

We have some high quality tweets for you today, as always, and while we think just about anyone will enjoy them, women in particular will probably get the biggest kick out of this collection.

And I mean that literally. You will kick your legs around, that’s how funny these tweets are. You will destroy the things in the general vicinity of your legs. Please clear the area of of any pets, children, faberge eggs, normal eggs, or computers.

Because it’s about to be kicky time.

10. The thick of it

Well it never hurts to just check and make sure.

9. Skin deep

I’m a dude and my skin has never looked anywhere near this good.

8. Fake it till you make it

Honestly, me neither.

7. The sky’s the limit

Wait, is this true? *furiously googles*

6. Shave and a haircut

Just wrap yourself in a bunch of blankets and mummy yourself through the cold times.

5. Not my type

There’s all kinds of reasons to wine about it.

4. The big stretch

It’s a great way to start / spend half of your day.

3. Bottomless

Sounds like a billion dollar idea if ever I’ve heard one.

2. Reduce, reuse, recycle

Oh totally, I often wear strange flowers on my clothes to normal events.

1. A hair too fast

I don’t know, we can’t stop it, please help.

Those are some quality tweets right there. Did you get kicking? Is everything around you ok?

How would you rate your reaction to those tweets?

Tell us all about it in the comments.

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Check Out Some of the Best Burns You Probably Haven’t Seen Yet

Hey, there…

Have you seen these burns? If you’re not a doctor, you may not want to, because they are SEVERE.

These are the kinds of burns that are gonna stick with you in a great way, because they’re so so mean and so so sweet to behold. The kinds of internet insults that the entire world wide web was probably created for in the first place, if we had to guess.

Enjoy these solid roasts and bask in the light of the flames.

11. We are the champions of the news

I’m also seeing a little bit of Jason Sudeikis in there but don’t tell him that, he seems like a nice guy.

10. That professorial look

“I find your lack of proper research disturbing.”

9. Change, change, change

Yeah you’re really on a roll with this one, thanks for that.

8. All in the funny family

Looks like you’re well on your way already, kid.

My daughter roasted me for fathers day. I couldn’t be more proud from funny

7. Fish in the sea

Turns out people look different after they’ve spent a bunch of time deliberately styling their hair and makeup. Who knew.

The ratio on this tweet is good, but the replies hidden by the OP were even better from rareinsults

6. That knowing post

Ok look, I came here for a good time.

Getting roasted by urban dictionary from memes

5. Give it away, now

It’s funny because we’re in enormous trouble.

Return to sender from rareinsults

4. Gotta work it

If you know a part time job that pays $50k a year, do let me know.

Only a few shekels from rareinsults

3. Kitten around

Man, Driver just can’t catch a break on this list can he?

They do look alike to be fair from rareinsults

2. Don’t sweat it

“Hey I know you’re struggling to survive a global crisis and everything is terrible but can you forgo one of the only comforts you have to satisfy my sense of superiority? Thanks.”

The best one from this thread from rareinsults

1. Baby, oh

And isn’t one of them Miley Cyrus?

Twins! Or is it triplets? from rareinsults

Well, I gotta go cool off. That’s enough burns for one day.

What’s the best roast you’ve been witness to lately?

Tell us in the comments.

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Things That Millennials Absolutely Can’t Refute

I think we passed the point a while ago where the term “millennial” just became synonymous with “bummer.”

The boomers called us lazy, the Gen Xers tried to be supportive but got confused, and now Gen Z is sitting on Twitter picking apart every prosaic and mundane facet of Millennial existence to drag through the mud.

But for all that, I gotta admit…they’re not wrong.

10. Like a boss

And yet it never quite happens.

9. Who lives in a White House?

Recent events have allowed me to rewatch West Wing with a feeling of general disappointment rather than nauseated despair, so that’s something.

8. Can’t react


7. Serious business

We’re all still playing grown up games because we know we’ll never actually get there.

6. Get woke

I mean, it’s a decent first step.

5. Tick tock, tick tock

We know what it is, we just don’t understand it.

4. Spread the love

I mean yeah man, that’s the internet.

3. Carb up

Please just allow me this bright spot of happiness, I ask for so little.

2. Paws for reflection

For the record I’ve never been on board with this.

1. What a twist!

You fools, you’ve fallen right into our trap!

Maybe we should just do a rebranding. Some people call us Generation Y, and that seems to confuse folks enough that maybe it’ll just help us blend in. Let’s become the New Coke of ourselves. Nothing else has worked.

What’s the best or worst thing about your generation?

Tell us all about it in the comments.

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This is Why Millennials Can’t Stop Themselves From Doing These Things

Something Gen Z seems to be pretty into lately is dragging Millennials on Twitter. And by dragging, I mean mostly just pointing out banal things that we do in an accusatory tone.

And yanno, that’s fine. I’m here for it. I’ll even add to the conversation, if you want. Our behavior really isn’t quite so baffling once you hear some explanations for where it comes from.

Let’s try doing a bit of that now.

10. A game of tag

We never really got the hang of how to strategically get views so we just throw everything at the wall.

9. My Favorite Murder

We’re so used to witnessing and contemplating corruption and destruction that it’s basically recreational for us now.

8. Back in my day

We’re just reflecting on back when it seemed fun and cool and not like the harbinger of the end of society.

7. Adult content

Because our own adulthoods have been stunted by the failure of a million societal promises.

6. See hear now

If you’d seen the insane change in technology that we witnessed, you’d still be thinking about it too.

5. Say cheese

It’s one of the only affordable ways we can feel sophisticated.

4. Up where the air is rarefied

It’s one of the only affordable ways we can feel luxurious.

3. The grunge

Believe it or not, bad quality photos of people screwing up their lungs was what we were taught was cool.

2. So much winning

We have so few actual wins in life, just let us have this.

1. Booty call

Wait, doesn’t everybooty?

I hope that clears some things up for you.

What’s the best / worst thing about your generation?

Tell us in the comments.

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This Thread from an Inuit Person Shows the Incredible Expense of Fresh Food in the Arctic

Pretty much everything seems expensive these days. But what do you do about price gouging?

One Inuit shopper, fed up with the price of fresh foods for sale in the Arctic, took to Twitter, and soon, the thread went Viral.

The thread started in response to vegan lifestyle proponents arguing that the Inuit way of life, which includes a great deal of hunting and fishing, is inherently cruel and unnecessary.

Twitter user @KataraPiujuq responded by laying down some facts about life in the Arctic.

The thread also showed the price tags of many every day food items that most of us take for granted.

First there was bagged lettuce, still $12.99 despite being 50% off.

Fresh broccoli was $16.79 per kilogram. For Americans, that’s around $8.50 per pound.

A carton of fruit juice ranged from $11 to $13 in Nunavut, while red grapes went from a whopping $23.49 per kilogram before subsidy to a no-less-shocking $15.99 per kilogram after subsidy.

One of the most shocking photos showed a watermelon for sale for $70. Granted, it was a 15 lb watermelon, but still. Who can pay that much for a melon?

And a bundle of asparagus might be good for you, but it’s going to cost you $32 per kilogram.

The subsidies seem to help a little bit. A 10 lb bag of russet potatoes went from over $60 down to about $22.

For comparison, though, that same bag of potatoes cost only $3.99 in Toronto.

With that in mind, the subsidies feel like a slap in the face to a shopper on a budget.

And it makes you wonder how much the pre-subsidy prices are inflated, like the “regular” price in a clothing store that always has everything “on sale.”

Comments displayed shock and dismay. On a purely logical level, you might expect food prices to rise in the Arctic due to the expense of transporting them there.

But the actual result is far worse than most people would have imagined.

And while some of the comments devolved into arguments about the virtues of veganism, most people agreed that the Inuit way of life, including hunting and fishing, is a sustainable one that should be allowed to continue.

Unfortunately, a live-and-let-live mentality may not be enough.

But the original poster is one step ahead, promoting charities that help bring equity to this food OASIS.

Turns out, hanging on to one’s traditions and cultures may not only about remembering the past, but a matter of survival.

What do you think about this situation? Are these prices unfair?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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Memes You Should Share With Your Friends With Kids

I think the words “tired” and “parents” go together almost all of the time, but with the year we’ve all had, there’s no question that it does now.

We’ve had a lot of togetherness, very little leaving the house, and are all trying to juggle work along with everything else.

We could use a laugh, is what I’m saying – and these 12 memes are an excellent reminder that not only is it good to laugh at our lives sometimes, but also that we’re not alone in the madness.

12. Snacks are obviously better than dinner.

Kids have a death wish.

Image Credit: Someecards

11. I am definitely making this face, too.

And no one is getting laid tonight.

Image Credit: Someecards

10. If you ever find just the cap…

*shudder* I can’t think about it.

Image Credit: Someecards

9. It is truly a good thing they are cute.

They would not survive otherwise.

8. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

Kids will teach you this lesson almost every day.

Image Credit: Someecards

7. It is just delightful.

You can actually smell the freedom.

Image Credit: Someecards

6. They seem to pick and choose.

Based on my own observations.

Image Credit: Someecards

5. Sometimes they have to be disappointed.

At least she’ll be mad at you and not Santa.

Image Credit: Someecards

4. Bless the parents who enjoy that stuff.

I am not one of them, and it takes all kinds.

Image Credit: Someecards

3. This might be the most accurate image I’ve ever seen.

It’s like someone took a picture of me.

Image Credit: Someecards

2. Unless you count heartburn as complaining.


1. Routines make the world go ’round.

Yes, I am that mom, and I make no apologies.

Image Credit: Someecards

The reminder that we’re all in this together is so welcome on some days, don’t you think?

In that spirit, which of these memes have you already shared with a friend?

Tell us down in the comments!

The post Memes You Should Share With Your Friends With Kids appeared first on UberFacts.

Excellent Tweets To Laugh At Anytime

Do you know what time it is! No cheating! No looking at clocks! No checking sundials! No pressing your ear to the earth to become one with its rotation and vibrations, so fully integrating your soul into that of nature that you sense time on a level not felt by our petty societal concerns! None of that!

Give up? It’s Twitter time! See, if you’d been able to look at a clock, it would have told you that.

Sorry, I’m not sure what I’m talking about today. I’m just so excited to look at some funny tweets. Let’s hurry up and do that before I say more nonsense.

10. Fork you

The question is: did you tell her yes?

9. Rest in Greece

That’s a marketing idea you could have sold instead of giving out for free.

8. Just one thing

Or don’t, that’s fine too.

7. Regression jam

Aaaand now I’m doing the very same thing.

6. History in the making

I could use a full book of facts like these.

5. Working it out

Yeah, thanks for that.

4. Pressing pause

I can see the cogs turning behind your eyes.

3. At least I tried

I might have accidentally just made bread.

2. Picture this

Everybody needs to leave this poor man alone, he’s just vibing.

1. A lesson in tolerance

It only gets truer with every year that passes.

And now Twitter time is over. But fear not – it shall strike again soon. When you least expect it.

Who are your favorite people to follow on Twitter?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Excellent Tweets To Laugh At Anytime appeared first on UberFacts.

Things That Gen Z Would Very Much Like Millennials to Know

It’s been fun being a millennial. Just a great ride. Nothing but stable a world and steady prospects and a lot of fun all-around.

I’d say the best part was spending the first 25 years or so of my life hearing the older generation tell me everything that’s wrong with me, and then to spend all the years since listening to the younger generation tell me a whole new set of reasons I suck. Really great. Very cool. A lot of fun.

Gather round, millennials. Let’s find out what we’re doing wrong.

10. Burritos

But only if they’re cold in the middle, because life is disappointment.

9. It’s in the stars

Ok this criticism I’m on board with, very tired of this.

8. ‘Tis the season

Turn the bagel itself into a seasoning and then we’ll talk.

7. What’s shakin’?

Tell that to a dog. Yeah, that’s right, you just insulted dogs. Happy with yourself?

6. Millennial pink

I don’t…I don’t even know what this means.

5. ‘Till death

I mean, being happily married kind of is. Do you know how many of us came up in divorce?

4. Tautologies

I think, therefore I am.

3. Self-burn

Wow, turning yourself in like that. Bold.

2. Watch out

Netflix isn’t so much a personality trait as a survival mechanism now.

1. The real truth

But punch away, kids.

In all seriousness, I’m not actually that salty. Have fun with jabs while they last, Gen Z. Your turn to feel old and irrelevant is coming soon enough.

And keep making astrology uncool. It would be super neat to be done with that.

Are you a millennial? How do you feel about it?

Tell us in the comments.

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Tweets for Deeply Introverted Folks

I finally took the Myers-Briggs personality test after a lot of egging on from a friend of mine and it told me that I’m an INTJ which I guess means “Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging.”

Which makes sense to me. I’m pretty intuitive, especially when it comes to quickly realizing how bad I’ve screwed something up. I can’t stop myself from constant thinking, even if it’s about nothing in particular, and I’m always judging everyone.

But most of all, I am an introvert. Just as the people behind these tweets clearly are.

11. Check it out

Please don’t bring attention to me, this is the opposite of what I wanted.

10. I can dig it

It takes me about as much time to psych myself up for one anyway.

9. Pick me up

Oh, I’m sorry, you very clearly mistook the nature of this interaction.

8. Keep it cool

Ice makes drinks better and insulates the poles of our planet, let’s keep it around.

7. A celebration

It’s January 2nd, apparently. So that we can all recover from the horrors of having to attend NYE parties.

6. This rules

I’m the president and soul member.

5. Two out of three

Hey man, the system works.

4. Risk and reward

If I keep this up I may soon never have to speak to anyone again.

3. Cute but deadly

Please don’t leave me, I’m small and very afraid.

2. Generic title

Generic joke.

1. Drop the beats

And yet somehow this does not stop everyone.

Hang in there, fellow introverts. We’ll all get through this together, on our own.

How introverted are you?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Tweets for Deeply Introverted Folks appeared first on UberFacts.

Could “Babe Are You Okay” Be the Defining Meme of Our Time?

Millennials are always checking in with each other.

Gotta keep advocating for mental health, even when we’re living in a time where there’s no normal and no baseline and the notion of sanity is kind of laughable.

Maybe that’s why “Babe are you okay?” has become one of the defining memes of our era.

Take it away, people of Twitter.

15. Curry favor

What and why and what.

14. Sing it

If you look closely enough, you can hear the nothing.

13. It’s a business opportunity

Are you not feeling quite so high up today?

12. Cows

I think if you forget to do that three times your car will actually stop working.

11. Stock up

What is happening to us?

10. Pile on

Yeah, what’s WRONG with you?


Threw your arms in the air and said “you’re crazy!”

8. Gotta go fast

At what point were marketers convinced that consumers REALLY wanted to eat Sonic the Hedgehog?

7. Game on

I would do this in my sleep, it’s an unavoidable reflex.

6. Water o’clock

I feel seen and not in a way I’d like to be.

5. Call and response

Are you on auto pilot?

4. Buy buy buy

Did you finally just run out of money?

3. Let ’em know

Spread the word.

2. So touching

That hits hard.

1. Oh well

Isn’t that like the only word we know now?

Babe are you okay? You hardly scrolled through all those tweets.

But seriously, are you okay?

Tell us in the comments. Babe.

No, seriously, we want to know.

Please and thank you.

The post Could “Babe Are You Okay” Be the Defining Meme of Our Time? appeared first on UberFacts.