“Game of Thrones” is Over, and People Have A LOT of Feelings About It

So, Game of Thrones just aired its series finale, and much like the rest of this last season, it had fans all up in their feelings. Some people loved it, a lot of folks hated it, and I personally felt the whole thing was very “meh.”

Without further ado, let’s see what the rest of the world had to say about it.

And the army is ready to fix things…

But will it REALLY fix anything?

Nothing epic about the finale except a Dragon getting angry

And yeah, why did Tyrion have so much sway?!

Gendry lookin damn good.


We are all thinking the same thing…

I love a good Gendry rowing meme…

Did we mention we are NOT happy?

And yeah, we can keep waiting, but that’s it!

Wait… that’s REALLY it?

Yes, that was shit. I mean it.

Yes, this is what we waited for…

2 YEARS, to be exact…

Those books can’t come out fast enough…

We’re all broken now…

Photo Credit: HBO

And scene.

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Twitter Thread About Mom’s Top 3 Albums Quickly Becomes Hilarious

It all started with a simple question:

For those who are uninitiated, this question is actually a popular meme that makes fun of the way some people hop on the bandwagon of something popular without knowing much about it.

But, Twitter being Twitter, people definitely had plenty of answers. It’s just how Twitter does it.

Wow, this mom is harsh AF!

Oh gawd…

All these threats!

More threats!

Do you know how is in charge?!


I’ve heard these songs before…

Jesus is making a comeback…

Basically, stores…

A single for the ages…

You better teach yourself!

Just cat mom things…

Yep, all the classics! ? ? ? ?

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Hilarious Twitter Thread Proves “Game of Thrones” Is Just a Live-Action “Shrek”

Oh Twitter, you know how to ruin everybody’s day.

@ohytargaryen somehow figured out that the real-life, flesh-and-blood characters in Game of Thrones somehow insanely resemble the animated folk in Shrek.

Yeah, it’s a thing.

Sansa and Tyrion’s wedding anybody?

Photo Credit: Twitter/ohmytargaryen

Oh look! Jaime Lannister!

Photo Credit: Twitter/ohmytargaryen

Oh look! Cersei and Jaime!

Photo Credit: Twitter/ohmytargaryen

The Hound is Shrek in ogre form…

Photo Credit: Twitter/ohmytargaryen

And Podrick is Shrek in human form!?

Photo Credit: Twitter/ohmytargaryen

Oh. My. God.

Photo Credit: Twitter/ohmytargaryen

Bran? Is that you?!?

Photo Credit: Twitter/ohmytargaryen

Drogon… dat u?

Photo Credit: Twitter/ohmytargaryen

The Mountain… guess who?

Photo Credit: Twitter/ohmytargaryen

And just for good measure…

Photo Credit: Twitter/ohmytargaryen

Okay, the whole show is ruined for me now!

Thanks internet!

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16 Tweets on Dating That Are Just So Damn Relatable

What happens when you’re dating and your BFFs just can’t relate?

Well, you turn to Twitter immediately!

Because the tweeple out there are just friends you haven’t met yet, and they wise AF, will never judge you and they throw so many pearls of wisdom around, you’ll have enough for twenty truth necklaces.

Let’s read dem tweets, fam!

1. Yes, we did hug at the end. Who wants more details?

2. Is this one of those prank shows?

3. Oh no. No no no…

4. Yeah, don’t fly too close to the sun…

5. Just 623? Amateur…

6. She has a point…

If you didn’t relate to anything in that pile of wisdom, I don’t know what to tell you.

7. You just hope it’s lil ugly instead of big pretty…

8. Oh stop it! You wouldn’t make babies cry… much.

9. Oh you too? Hmmm, there’s a lot of us these days…

10. Why do our minds always go there?!?

11. And that trash patch in the middle of the ocean is massive!

12. But what if I don’t want a date right now…

13. lol just jk…

14. Damn… who do you hang around?

15. Yeah, but how big is that wall’s d**k?

16. So is that a fire sign or…?

Maybe look on Insta and following some influencers, because I got nothing more for ya.

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Powerful Twitter Thread Explains Why You Shouldn’t Always Wait for Your Friends to Ask for Help

With all of the conversations surrounding mental health and mental illnesses being on the forefront, there are many people who are sharing their powerful advice about helping your friends and family who are struggling.

Many believe that if a friend asks for help, that is your cue to step up and be by their side to support them. But, there are some who believe that if a friend is in need, and you’re aware of this, you shouldn’t wait for them to ask for help. Sometimes, many who are suffering don’t feel as though they should ask for help–or, that they’re worthy of having you help and support them. Instead, sometimes, you should try and help them without being asked or requested.

One writer’s Twitter thread showcased the powerful meaning behind “stepping up” as a friend when someone you love is in need.

Sheila O’Malley was going through a hard time after her dad passed away. She was unable to unpack her new apartment because she was suffering and grieving for such a long period of time–as many of us do when we lose someone close to us.

Note: this article was originally published by our friends at Woke Sloth. Tweets are from Sheila O’Malley which you can follow here: @sheilakathleen

Her friend, David, decided to step up without Sheila asking and rallied his friends together.

He took the risk to help out his struggling friend.

And they delivered.

They also made sure to keep their judgments to themselves and be there solely to support their friend.

Sometimes, people don’t feel comfortable asking for help and when this happens, taking the risk to help them anyway can change their world.


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19 Tweets That Just About Everyone Can Relate To

These 19 tweets sum up life pretty well. If, for whatever reason, you can’t relate to them, I guess your life must be pretty special and completely together at all times. Good for you, I suppose.

For the rest of us, you know what’s up!

Let’s get to it!

1. Nawhhhh.

2. Imma bed going to now, k bye.

3. I need to eat!

4. I just want to see my cousin. That is all. Thank you.

5. Gas smells good!

6. I had things to do…

7. It’s not just guys…

8. Life is too hard.

9. Doggos over everything!

10. Nailed it!

11. This. Right. Here.

12. Walk away.

13. Pretty good!

14. Hey. Hey. Hey.

15. Can’t stop. Won’t stop. Probably should stop.


17. Turn it down!

18. The gender wars are real.

19. Struggs and drugs.

I don’t care what you say, gas smells good.

The end.

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10+ Women Share The Worst First Dates They’ve Been On, and Guys Should be Ashamed

Fellas, fellas, fellas… this is just embarrassing.

Seriously, be better than these guys (which isn’t a high bar AT ALL).


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

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10+ Tweets About Pizza That’ll Make You Say “Yep, Same”

Holy Mother of God, I love pizza so much! It’s pretty much the greatest thing EVER.

1. I felt a great disturbance in the oven…

2. Pizza is the role model everyone should strive to be more like.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @BestProAdvice

3. Make. It. Happen.

4. It’s a cons-pizza-cy.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @feralgear

5. We know that feeling all too well.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @SheaSerrano

6. It’s the pinnacle of fun.

7. Remember to stay humble.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @pizzaminati

8. It’s an important decision.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Logan__Holmes

9. Is it a mood if I feel that way all the time?

10. I’d complain way more about not getting to eat pizza.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @NataliePerk

11. Can’t have one without the other.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @SahBabii

12. Celebs are people, too.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Sam_Posts

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This Guy Should Win the Award for “Worst Straight-Dude Tinder Bio”

I think we can all agree that dating today is a challenge. We’re busy, it’s impossible to meet people, and dating apps can be superficial and depressing. Of course, there are decent people out there, and some of them are even on Tinder.

But not this guy.

Twitter user @TheDreamGhoul shared this winner’s bio:

Photo Credit: Twitter

Holy smokes. There’s so much to unpack here. First, let’s look at the full, expanded list:

Photo Credit: Twitter

Okay, so reducing people to a score out of 20 is a great strategy for an online quiz, not for screening people to date. This fine fellow is also making superficial things such as putting on make-up and having “way too many clothes” a high priority. I know, everyone is entitled to their preferences, but…wut?

Anyway, Twitter had fun with this one. Here’s someone mocking the idea of putting on a face:

Photo Credit: Twitter

This person who got a ridiculously high score:

Photo Credit: Twitter

However, his approach is time-saving:

Photo Credit: Twitter

I think this is my favorite reply, though:

Photo Credit: Twitter

I sincerely hope Roz signs up for Tinder.

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18 Tweets That Perfectly Capture the Struggle That Is Adulthood

English playwright Oscar Wilde once said, “Youth is wasted on the young.”

I often think about this quote when I ride in to work everyday and consider what I’ve done with my life. Because we had all that time! And what did we do with it? Eat gummy fruits and watch reruns? Why wasn’t I investing in stocks?!

Thankfully, there’s Twitter. Where comedians hang out and tweet funny shit that we can all relate to. Sure, it can be depressing to think about how your life has turned out so far, but at least we can all laugh at it.

Right? We can laugh at it?! It’s funny right?! RIGHT?!?!

I kid. Let’s have fun.

1. So much me. So much.

2. I enjoy “cooking”

3. 4 hours at least. 6 hours at the most.

4. What a pain!

5. I read lots of Böökes

6. Stop jumping! I want to get back on my feet!

7. Wait… how much is THAT?

8. Why doesn’t anybody stop me from doing these things?!

9. I didn’t ask for this!

10. Too expensive!

11. I scream! And… that’s it. I just scream.

12. MINE!

13. Q: What do you want to be when you grow up? A: An employee, apparently.

14. Drugs help.

15. Time works differently now.

16. OMG. This is so true!

17. It’s basically Netflix. That’s my existence. Thanks.

18. Can I hire a domineering mom for another 5 years?

Okay, that settles it. Ice cream and thin mints for dinner.

To the dollar store!

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