A Bunch of Women Shared Their Horror Stories on Twitter of Working in a Male-Dominated Industry

For women, working in a male-dominated industry is no picnic. I thought I had some stories, but nothing compared to the Twitter replies on @lameravioli‘s post:

Photo Credit: Twitter

Yikes! She also shared a couple of other incidents:

Photo Credit: Twitter

Unfortunately, this is only the beginning. Here’s one from a restaurant manager:

Photo Credit: Twitter

That’s frustrating on several levels. Here’s a fun one about working in a hardware store:

Photo Credit: Twitter

Here’s one about a pastor who wanted to file a complaint with the manager over pants, of all things:

Photo Credit: Twitter

And there’s this one about working in construction:

Photo Credit: Twitter

Here’s another one about clothing:

Photo Credit: Twitter

This is just a small sample of the stories shared on this thread. There are so many more. Hats off to the women who are breaking barriers and working in male-dominated fields, and fellas, if you see this nonsense, call it out.

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Funny Tweets About Moms Who Have Parenting down to a Science

Moms have a tough job. Can we all agree on that?

If you’re a mom and you’re on Twitter… you’ll appreciate these.

If you’re not on Twitter, well, quit messing around and get on there!












Moms, how do you feel now? A lot better?

That’s what I thought…

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15+ Hilarious Parenting Tweets. Their Patience Is Impressive…

The following kids are testing their parents’ patience to the limits and then some.

Just be glad you aren’t them.


19. Right on target!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

18. This kid is gonna be rich!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

17. I’ll offer you zero dollars!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

16. Okay, listen here you dummy…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

15. Oh damn. Dat me.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

14. He had to find out sometime!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

13. Because they kept losing the brush… desperate measure were employed!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

12. Actually, not mad at this kid at all. Wood penguins FTW!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Everything is a dog to a toddler.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Attack of the killer tomatoes!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Yeah dad, what if?!?!?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. You’ve got a future billionaire on your hands, sir!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. I am extremely impressed, actually.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Now they’re safe… forever!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. It just knew. Don’t question it.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Well, she did it!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Well, can you?!?!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

1. Guess she’s not going to Disney World then!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

So yeah, don’t have kids. Or do.

But don’t come blaming me when they act like psychopaths!

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A Guy Shared Some New Parents’ List of Meal Requests on Nextdoor App and It Is Bonkers

Having your first child is an overwhelming, 24/7 job that usually makes people put aside their pride and reach out for any assistance they can get.

And one of the easiest things they can get is food. And lots of it. It’s often called a “meal train” and it’s so valuable.

But this couple… wow. They’re something else.

Meet Jack Jokinen. He joined the social network Nextdoor, which is basically just Facebook but for your neighborhood. He saw a post from some soon-to-be parents who asked for help after their baby was born.

And then things got CRAZY…

Yeah, we’re ready…

Oh, you don’t think that’s what they’re doing Jack? Well, get ready…

“On a fence of emotions” might just be my new favorite phrase.

But it gets better…

Yeah. YEAH.

And here are the meals…

Breakfast and Lunch…


And even Snacks! Because why not, right?

It keeps going!

And going…

Jack has the right response…

Needless to say, the story went viral and people had some things to say…

Some negative…

Some positive…

What do you think?

Personally, I think this guy had the right reaction.

If you’re asking people to help you out FOR FREE with meals, you can list a couple dietary restrictions… but this is nuts.

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A Man Who Was Annoyed with a Classmate Realized His Own Selfishness and Shared the Lesson He Learned

Sometimes we think to ourselves, the nerve of some people. Invading our space and spreading their belongings everywhere. Don’t they know this public territory is spoken for?

In fact, aren’t there some among us that would prefer way less people around? People are annoying! Wanting to make friends and showing interest in us is a complete invasion of privacy and rights. And… and privacy.

Seriously, mind your own business and leave us alone.

Because of that kind of thinking, every once in a while, someone comes along to remind us that we are not the center of the universe (gasp). Maybe, other people live on this planet who are worth getting to know because they are really nice, decent individuals. Perhaps, just even knowing their stories make us better people.

What follows is a perfect example.

It all starts with a battle student Thomas McFall fought every single day of Management class. He always took the same seat. Some foreign dude was always already there with his stuff piled on the desk. McFall felt this guy should know by now not to take up the space on his desk with his bag, food, books, phone, etc. But every day was the same day.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

McFall would walk into class and this guy would do and say the same thing every day. Come. On.

Photo Credit: Twitter

McFall has had it with this guy.

Photo Credit: Twitter

But one day was different.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Another student was aiming for McFall’s seat.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Because of his narrow view of other, maybe strange, people, he didn’t see the situation for what it was–a gesture of friendship.

Photo Credit: Twitter

McFall decided to spend a little more time with his formerly annoying classmate.

Photo Credit: Twitter

He discovered the guy’s story–his humanity.

Photo Credit: Twitter

He’s in another country, away from his family. Piling his stuff on a classmate’s desk was his way of trying to make friends.

Photo Credit: Twitter

If it wasn’t for the day McFall was running behind, he would have never realized the whole picture.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Instead, he would have an unpleasant memory of his Management class with an annoying foreign guy who piled his stuff on the desk. He would never know the reason behind the high five. And he would never had this gentle lesson on compassion and the benefit of giving someone else the benefit of the doubt.

That’s a lesson we should all carry in this awkward, annoying world we all have a right to inhabit.

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15 Funny Tweets About Dad Culture

Dad humor is pretty much the same across the board. And so is dad culture.

You know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.

And these tweets really nailed it.

1. How does this work?

2. No one else can do it

3. Sums it up

4. It’s pretty much over

5. Not going that high

6. Let me show you how it’s done

7. Does it sync up?

8. Don’t even look at it

9. Slow it down

10. The parking pass is crucial

11. This is art?

12. ALWAYS have to back in

13. Their favorite place

14. Let’s watch that again

15. Representing

Dads are pretty hilarious, don’t ya think?

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People Share the Times They Were Savaged by Their Parents and Family

Writer Alanna Bennett’s mom savaged her and she just had to share the shame on Twitter…


And that memory has apparently never gone away.

Once Alanna shared, you know other people wanted to jump in on the fun.

Like Julia’s dad and his hush money…

Or Alan’s “gift”…

Rita’s dad doesn’t know how to refer to breasts correctly…

And Leigh’s dad is kind of a dick…

Oh look! Another fun daddy/daughter exchange!

These parents are apparently SO proud!

This dad had a solution for his picky eater…

Oh hai cats!

Sometimes, siblings can make up for the savageness that parents can’t supply…

Or best friends!

What are some savage moments your friends and family destroyed you with?

Personally, I have none. Me and my family always get along great and we support each other in everything we do. Always.

And if you believe that…

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Funny Tweets Accurately Describe What It’s like to Be a Picky Eater

Are there picky eaters in your family? People who makes going out to dinner absolute torture? Perhaps that picky eater is YOU. Yeah, I’m looking at you.

Either way, these tweets really sum up the whole picky eater lifestyle.

1. I would hope so

2. Bad idea

3. That sounds like a lie

4. Flip ’em the bird

5. Too many demands

6. You’re not?

7. NoNoNoNoNoNoNo

8. That’s intense

9. Sounds like a cute kid

10. Here they come!

11. Why did I do this?

12. Looks like a lot of work

13. Fussy AF

14. At least you’re being nice about it

15. You passed up Walt’s Favorite Fried Shrimp? Idiot!

Picky enough for you?

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20 Tweets so Hilarious They Got More Than 100k Retweets

Have you ever had a really high retweet count? 100? 50? I think my personal best is 4.

I’m killing it!

But these tweets, right here? All of ’em got over 100,000 retweets.

And you’re about to see why.

1. Interrogation

2. Awwww

3. Thicc

4. Seriously

5. I can’t unsee this

6. Classic!

7. Epic

8. Three wishes

9. It needs to be done

10. Seeing stars

11. Naptime

12. High fashion

13. Eat more donuts

14. LOL

15. That’s amazing

16. Attack!

17. New slang

18. Howling

19. Very smart

20. Summoning spirits

Gold, baby! All of them!

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A Bot Wrote a Hilarious ‘John Wick’ Script and People Are Loving It

What if a computer wrote a screenplay? Have you ever asked yourself that question?

More specifically though… have you ever asked: what if a bot wrote John Wick?

You haven’t asked yourself EITHER of those questions? Well, you’re in luck because somebody on the internet did and then made it happen.

Keaton Patti is the genius behind many “bot-written” scripts that he’s posted on Twitter, and to say he’s killing it at the bot-written script game is an understatement.

That title! I’m official in love with this bot.

Photo Credit: Twitter/KeatonPatti

“You are out of horse, Mr. Dog!” Classic Wick.

Photo Credit: Twitter/KeatonPatti

So… what do you think? Are we at the point where bots should replace humans?

The answer is a resounding yes! At least from Keaton.

He even has visuals!

What more could you ask for Keanu? Get on that shit!

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