Tweets You Really Should See Right Now

There’s too much going on on Twitter every day to keep with everything, and you’re busy with your own life anyway.

But never fear, we’ve got a digest of some of the recent Twitter highlights you can scroll through real quick and get back to your day, maybe feeling a little lighter for the pick-me-up!

It’s just 14 of the twizzles (aka tweets) to make ya smizzle (aka smiling) this wizzle (aka week).

Okay, yeah… I don’t know what I’m doing.

Let’s just look at tweets. I mean twizzles.


14. Dat face

This dog is more handsome than me and I don’t appreciate it.

13. Bring me that horizon

I recall something about rum, and it being gone.

12. Eye to eye

You really get to know somebody when you’re this up close and personal.

11. Get a leg up

Hey no judgement, I can’t do that.

10. Came-NO

This app is the ultimate punishment for our sins.

9. Picture perfect

The extra time you clearly have on your hands will be greatly rewarded.

8. Me and my baby

Is it possible to cringe yourself inside out?

7. Kitty control

Leave him be, he’s clearly got a handle on things.

6. Oh nose

Nope, nope, nope, we are NOT getting new fetishes out of this.

5. Late night

Aqua Teen Hunger Force: number one in the hood, G.

4. Manic panic

Um, yes, this is called bipolar disorder.

3. Plate tectonics

This diner does not abide by your pitiful laws of physics.

2. Ritual cleaning

No thank you please.

1. In this economy?

Might as well just get this tattoo at this point.

Just a little refreshing rundown of some of the best stuff floating around out there. We aim to please, and we live to serve!

Who do you think are the best people on Twitter right now?

Share your opinion in the comments.

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Tricky Tweets That Are Actually Treats

We’re going door to door trick or tweeting.

The way it works is, you click on this article, and then we give you either a nasty trick, or a bunch of tweets. And lucky you, you got the tweets! Congratulations! You don’t wanna know what happened to all those poor slobs who got tricks. They had to change their names, get new identities, the whole nine yards.

Anyway, enjoy your ten funny tweet treats from some of the best comedic minds on Twitter.

10. Intolerable cruelty

I’m sorry, did you say “diary products?”

9. B careful

The people who make these tests are sadists.

8. Cleansing fire

I’m gonna burn me down with it.

7. The great divide

Nobody gets funny later.

6. Science!

This guy’s got big ideas and we’re on board for them.

5. Time flies

Lol, as though we’re still gonna be around in 2080.

4. Big *fish* energy

Gotta pull yourself up by your gill flaps.

3. Flushed with anger

The wave of the future is always frightening.

2. Additional features

Might have to deal with some of the junk in my trunk.

1. Enlightening

This is an absolutely shocking revelation.

Hope you liked those, and if you did, click around! We got lots more around here. And none of them are actually tricks. We lied about that.

Saying there were tricks WAS the trick! What a twist! Eat your heart out, M. Night Shayamalan.

Who’s tweets do you think you could read for hours on end without getting bored?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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Next-Level Flirting Fails That Are All Too Real


Hey! You come here often? Do you like…stuff? I’ll bet we could do the smooches a lot, huh? With your…hawt bod. Are you from Tennessee? Cause you look like you’re…um…from Tennessee.

GUH. I am bad at flirting. I’m awful at the romantic messaging game. At least I know I’m not alone, though. Check out these cringe-worthy examples from around the internet.

15. Boxers on boxers

This is some next level no homo nonsense.

14. The real updog

I think you’re in, friend.

What do you rate my response? from Tinder

13. Stepping away

This is not going to go well.

12. Gone baby, gone

Is wordplay really the way to anyone’s heart?

She aborted the conversation from Tinder

11. Double burn?

The bravery to tweet this is something I will always admire.

10. Fat chance

If you don’t get it now, you’re never gonna get it.

9. Pet peeve

The signals couldn’t possibly be stronger.

Virginity is my passion from Tinder

8. Trauma alert

Sounds like you’re having a pretty steamy convo there.

7. Into oblivion

In her defense man, this is weak.

She‘s oblivious to what I‘m talking about from Tinder

6. Follow-through

She really commits to the bit.

Yeah, I can’t read ghost. from Tinder

5. Curt replies

Why does your auto-correct assume that’s what you meant?

Ouch… from Tinder

4. Get wrecked

The first joke is bad but it gets better/worse.

Guess he doesn’t wanna make me his princess then? from Tinder

3. Intolerable

Your kind will be purged from this earth.

Crow of Judgement from Tinder

2. Heading you off

This was doomed from the beginning.

She got me there from Tinder

1. Tinder tautologies

He’s not wrong?

I may not be Mr. Romance over here, but at least I now know I can do slightly better than some. I need to go wash the cringe off of me.

Have you had any misadventures in flirting lately?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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10 Great Tweets for These Trying Times

I don’t know what to say anymore when attempting to segue from the terrors of reality into a list of fun tweets, to be honest. But as with most things, true expression can be found, if not in words, than with memes. So, I made you this meme in lieu of an intro paragraph:

Source: FX / Me

10. Original sin

“Bless me father, for I am about to spill this tea like the Boston Harbor.”

9. Bird is the word

Sticks and stones may break my bones but birds are total jerks.

8. No small artists

It’s really given him something to chew on.

7. Act now

I’ll just forget to cancel and end up paying for something I never use. I know this scam.

6. Absolutely trashed

Do you ever feel / like a plastic bag / drifting through the wind / wanting to start again…

5. Seal of approval

They’re so dang happy they gotta turn their whole body into a smile. ?

4. Giddyup

Please don’t do this to medical professionals, it’s way too funny.

3. Visions of the future

Whomever this is, we need them to replace Nate Silver immediately.

2. Clowning around

I’m boo boo the fool.

1. Week link in the chain

True story: at my 2020 NYE party I had a long and passionate argument with friends about whether the week truly started on Sunday or Monday. If only I knew how little it would soon matter…

I hope those brightened your mood a bit. I’d offer you an actual egg but, yanno, this is the internet. And I don’t know where you live.

Who are the best people on Twitter to follow right now?

Tell us in the comments.

The post 10 Great Tweets for These Trying Times appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Tweets About the Various Stages of Quarantine We’ve Had to Deal With

We’re in the middle of a global nightmare and it has been anything but funny.

BUT, as we like to do, we want to make you laugh to forget how horrible everything in the world is right now.

And that’s exactly what we’re gonna do for you right now!

So take a load off, kick your feet up, forget about what’s going on outside your front door, and laugh at some hilarious tweets about how messed up the world is right now.

Let’s go!

1. I’m right there with you.

Hey, there’s no shame in it!

2. Things are looking bleak…

Just hang in there, okay?

3. You do you.

Hey, it might look kinda cool. You never know.

4. Oh, boy…this is not good.

Go easy on that counter top!

5. I don’t think you’re alone on this one…

Is it working, though?

6. Time for a road trip?

You might as well…there’s nothing else to do…

7. Wow…sounds intense…

And how do I get in on it?

8. Is it a Cocker Spaniel?

I’ve always thought that was a good look.

9. Isolation is making you petty.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

10. Just dump it onto my plate.

No point in the formalities anymore…

11. We are all this child right now.

She seems very wise to me.

12. Do what you have to…

You need to pass the time somehow…

13. Things are getting spicy.

In the kitchen, that is…

Now we want to hear from all of you!

How is your quarantine going?

Talk to us in the comments and give us an update!

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Celebrity “Gender Swaps” That Are Super Trippy

You’ve probably come across FaceApp or similar programs that are designed to manipulate facial features through AI. These things allow you to grab any photo and mess around with attributes like hairstyle, age, and more without having to possess any graphic design skills yourself. One popular use is to “gender swap,” i.e. transform masculine features into corresponding feminine features and vice versa. It’s the sort of transformation that really throws our brains for a loop, causing it to be endlessly fascinating.

This fascination probably accounts for the significant success of a Twitter thread by user @EyesLikeShak who created a long series of face swaps using celebrities. It kicks off like this:

From there it’s just an endless gallery of familiar faces in strikingly new context. Check out some of the highlights here!

15. Mariah Carey

All I want for Christmas is not this.

14. Nicki Minaj

Why so serious?

13. Beyonce

Girl would be a queen even if she were a king.

12. Britney Spears

I’m transported to the early 2000’s here.

11. Lady Gaga

Is that second photo just Joe Rogan?

10. Rihanna

I…need some time to process this one.

9. Adele

Looks like a movie star.

8. Ariana Grande

Go big or go grande.

7. Katy Perry

OK but the crazy thing is the second picture looks like Luke Perry.

6. Usher


5. Celine Dion

I feel like these two are gonna team up to try to sell me some expensive soap.

4. Shakira

Those lips don’t lie.

3. Taylor Swift

He looks so judgmental.

2. Harry Styles


1. Eminem

Eric and Erika, together at last.

Pretty interesting! Check out the rest of the thread if you want more, there’s lots going on there!

Which one was your favorite?

Tell us in the comments!

The post Celebrity “Gender Swaps” That Are Super Trippy appeared first on UberFacts.

Parents Who Are Craving Some Alone Time: These Tweets Are for You

From the reports I’m hearing from various friends of mine, I’ve learned two things lately…

One: every single person with kids is about to lose their shit because we’ve all been trapped together with our families for months now.

Two: moms and dads really haven’t been able to have ANY alone time at all. And I’m not even talking about with each other, I’m talking about people spending time on their own, alone, enjoying a few moments of peace.

But, by the sounds of it, they definitely need it now more than ever.

Let’s check out these tweets from parents who could really use a little time by themselves.

1. That oughta keep ’em occupied.

At least for a little bit, right?

2. That’s a wild joke that will never happen.

Trust me on this one.

3. Problem solved.

You got nothing to worry about!

4. Not a good idea.

Next time, consider your options.

5. This sounds like paradise.

Am I dreaming?

6. Yes, you must leave.

And take your time!


At least for a little while.

8. It doesn’t exist anymore.

But you can hope for the future…

9. That is a good plan.

And you’re damn right! It sounds glorious!

10. Too late for that.

Any other ideas?

11. Now we’re getting somewhere.

Don’t blow this opportunity.

12. We all knew it wasn’t going to happen.

But we can all wish…

Parents, we sincerely hope that you get some much-deserved alone time very soon.

But before that happens, tell us how it’s going in your household right now. Are you losing your mind? Barely holding on?

Are the kids behaving or are they climbing the walls?

Tell us everything in the comments!

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Hilarious Tweets From Parents Who Really Need Some Alone Time

Parents, are you craving a little quiet time right about now?

It’s especially tough to do right now because of this lockdown that has everyone crammed into close quarters with their families for months on end.

Two words sum up the whole experience: NOT COOL.

We all need alone time and parents especially need some alone time once in a while. But, as you know, it can be tough for them to get any kind of silence.

Parents, these tweets are for you.

1. Take over that fort!

Teach them a lesson.

2. Hey, that’s pretty good!

Pay attention to this mom’s advice.

3. The only quiet place.

You gotta do what you gotta do.

4. No more sunshine, please!

I can’t take this much longer!

5. Just do what you need to do.

And try to keep them occupied!

6. You’re not alone…

The baby in your stomach knows…

7. You’re preaching to the choir.

And, by the way, it’s not gonna happen.

8. Silence is golden.

And that’s the best reward anyone can ask for.

9. A vicious cycle.

But, what are you gonna do?

10. Words to live by.

You deserve it!

11. Here comes a meltdown.

I’m warning you!

12. That’s not a bad idea.

Give it a shot. See if it works.

13. A brilliant maneuver.

Why didn’t I think of that…

Okay, now we want to hear from all the moms and dads out there.

Are you going nuts right about now with absolutely no peace and quiet? How are you getting your alone time? Are you getting ANY alone time?

Talk to us in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post Hilarious Tweets From Parents Who Really Need Some Alone Time appeared first on UberFacts.

These Funny Tweets All Have More Than 100,000 Likes

These last several months have been awfully tough for everyone, but I will say that online humor sure seems to be thriving.

I’m not saying that is a good trade-off by any stretch of the imagination, I’m just making an observation.

And we have some great examples just for you!

These tweets have all garnered more than 100,000 likes in the past few months because they’re all totally hilarious!

Are you ready to dive in?

Let’s do it!

1. Thankful for this!

I was worried…

2. You’re freaking people out!

But…it is kinda funny…

3. Oh, boy…that’s not good.

What’s your screen time looking like?

4. Hahahaha. This is good.

Which character are you?

5. I’m always feeling this, too.

Time to start a new project.

6. WHO let the dogs out!

This might be the tweet of the century.

7. You have to stay entertained somehow.

Not a bad way to spend the time.

8. That is beautiful!

Isn’t nature majestic???

9. This is good.

If nothing else, people are being pretty creative right now.

10. All of these will work.

Which one will you choose for today?

11. Let’s not lie about it…


12. Let’s play a game.

You know the delivery guys will be coming by A LOT.

13. This is brilliant!

You have to keep folks entertained.

Those are great!

Okay, now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, please share the funniest thing you’ve seen on social media lately.

It could be a meme, a tweet, a joke, or a photo.

Thanks in advance!

The post These Funny Tweets All Have More Than 100,000 Likes appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets That Will Bring a Ray of Sunshine Into Your Life

Twitter is a great place for people to get out their thoughts and feelings in a brief manner and the best part is that we all get to enjoy it!

I’m talking about reading and laughing the random thoughts and observations of complete strangers. It’s a great way to keep yourself occupied if you have some time to kill.

But, instead of endlessly scrolling through Twitter, we’ve picked out some great tweets that all had more than 100,000 likes because they are pretty damn funny.

We want to bring some sunshine into your life.

And these tweets definitely all hit the mark.

1. It’s just easier, right?

And it’ll be this way for a while…

2. Think about that one.

Those poor children…

3. I needed this today!

More of this, please!

4. Nothing going on upstairs.

Hey, at least he’s honest.

5. Let this sink in…

People are really getting deep while stuck inside.

6. Maybe you don’t understand…

Or else you’d give them a break!

7. It’s a lot of fun, isn’t it?

I wonder what the hell this person is actually like…

8. We all do…we all do…

There’s no shame in saying it out loud.

9. It’s about time!

I wonder what this fella is reading…

10. That means it’s gonna be a while.

Just think of how many pigeons are out there.

11. Things are getting WEIRD.

Are we finally in the Upside Down?

12. Just do what you have to do for now.

Get through it any way you can.

13. Hey! Me, too!

We have a lot in common!

14. So beautiful…

I’m glad the river is back to its natural state.

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, share some funny things that you’ve seen on social media lately.

We want tweets, memes, jokes, photos, all of it!

Please and thank you!

The post Tweets That Will Bring a Ray of Sunshine Into Your Life appeared first on UberFacts.