15 Fast Facts About Luke Perry

Luke Perry suddenly passed away on March 4, 2019, and he left behind a legacy of memorable TV and movie roles and fans all over the world.

The former Beverly Hills 90210 heartthrob and more recent star of Riverdale left us way too early at the age of 52.

Here are 15 facts about the late actor’s life and career.

1. Luke’s not his real name…

His birth name was Coy Luther Perry III.

2. He’s done the whole soap thing.

Before Beverly Hills 90210, Perry appeared in the soap operas Loving and Another World.

Photo Credit: Fox

3. He’s always been charming.

Perry was voted “Biggest Flirt” by his high school classmates.

4. He has his own Simpson’s character.

He made a cameo on The Simpsons in 1993 as Krusty the Clown’s half-brother.

Photo Credit: Fox

5. He’s a mascot.

He was the school mascot “Freddie Bird” at his high school in Ohio.

6. He’s a good friend.

Perry remained good friends with many of his 90210 castmates and crew members long after the show went off the air.

Photo Credit: Fox

7. He used to do hard labor.

Before he got the role of Dylan McKay on 90210, Perry worked construction laying asphalt.

Photo Credit: Flickr,Gage Skidmore

8. He started 90210 when he was 24.

The first episode of Beverly Hills 90210 aired on October 11, 1990, Perry’s 24th birthday.

9. He was funny.

Perry appeared as himself on the hit animated show Family Guy.

Photo Credit: Fox

10. He was a dad.

Perry had two children, son Jack and daughter Sophie.

11. He’s kind of a rock legend.

Perry appeared in Twisted Sister’s music video “Be Crool to Your Scuel” in 1985

12. His success wasn’t easy.

Perry said he went to more than 250 auditions before he got his first role.

13. He was a badass.

Perry learned how to ride a bull and performed many of his own stunts in the movie 8 Seconds.

Photo Credit: New Line Cinema

14. He wasn’t supposed to be Dylan.

Perry originally tried out for the role of Steve Sanders on 90210 but was cast as Dylan McKay instead

Photo Credit: Fox

15. He left behind one final film for us.

Perry’s final film role will be in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, which will be released in July 2019

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People Are Flocking to the Site of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster to Post Pics on Social Media

Due to the success of the hit HBO show Chernobyl, naturally now Instagram “influencers” are descending on the site of the 1986 nuclear disaster in Ukraine (and risking their health) to have their photos taken. Seems like kind of a disrespectful place to showcase your fabulous lifestyle, doesn’t it?

The show’s creator even tweeted this message out.

It kind of reminds me of this story about people taking “playful” photos at the site of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Get a load of these photos. Very bizarre…

1. Okay, that’s weird

2. Very stylish

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Chernobyl ☢ ☢ ☢

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3. Nuclear tourism

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Hbo выпустили последнюю серию своего нашумевшего сериала «чернобыль», который в рейтинге обошёл «игру престолов», так что я тут не могу не поделиться сборной солянкой фотографий со своих трёх походов в чзо. На полке у меня пылится ещё не проявленная фотопленка, которую я забрала из Фукусимы. Ее я собираюсь до конца отснять в Чернобыле этой осенью, надеюсь получится что-то веселее, чем засвеченные кадры и что ещё никто до меня не снимал руины одной крупнейшей техногенной катастрофы на фотоплёнку найденной в зоне отчуждения второй по масштабам ядерной аварии пхахах. PS Стеллу ПРИПЯТЬ какие-то мудаки щас в украинский флаг раскрасили ;(

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4. Exploring the grounds

5. Radiation levels

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6. Hmmmm

7. All decked out

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Inside the control room of the destroyed unit 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant ☢ Yesterday I had the chance to visit one of the most fascinating but also most terrible places on earth – control room number 4 ChNPP. Amongst other things, the actions taken in this room 33 years ago led to the worlds worst nuclear disaster. Standing there is just indescribable, it’s shocking and something I will never forget 🙏🏼 Diesen Ort zu betreten, die Geschichten und Handlungen, die sich vor 33 Jahren dort abgespielt haben, in Gedanken vor sich zu sehen und zu wissen wie sehr sie ganze Welt beeinflusst haben, ist etwas das man nicht in Worte fassen kann… Ein Ort, der an Faszination aber auch an tiefer Betroffenheit kaum zu übertreffen ist ☢ in meiner Story nehme ich euch in das Atomkraftwerk mit ☢ #chernobyl #nuclearpowerplant #reactor4

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8. A good place to work out

9. Artsy shot

10. Wow

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И снова здравствуйте 🙏🏻 Повреждение атомов клеток. Процесс воздействия радиации на организм называется облучением. Это крайне разрушительная сила, которая трансформирует клетки, деформирует их ДНК, приводит к мутациям и генетическим повреждениям. Деструктивный процесс может запустить всего одна частица радиации. Действие ионизирующего излучения специалисты сравнивают со снежным комом. Начинается все с малого, затем процесс нарастает до тех пор, пока не наступят необратимые изменения. На атомарном уровне это происходит так. Радиоактивные частицы летят с огромной скоростью, выбивая при этом электроны из атомов. В результате последние приобретают положительный заряд. «Черное» дело радиации заключается только в этом. Но последствия таких преобразований бывают катастрофическими. Свободный электрон и ионизированный атом вступают в сложные реакции, в результате которых образуются свободные радикалы. Например, вода (H2O), составляющая 80 % массы человека, под воздействием радиации распадается на два радикала – H и OH. Эти патологически активные частицы вступают в реакции с важными биологическими соединениями – молекулами ДНК, белков, ферментов, жиров. В результате в организме растет число поврежденных молекул и токсинов, страдает клеточный обмен. Через некоторое время пораженные клетки погибают или их функции серьезно нарушаются. Что происходит с облученным организмом. Из-за повреждения ДНК и мутации генов клетка не может нормально делиться. Это самое опасное последствие радиационного облучения. При получении большой дозы количество пострадавших клеток настолько велико, что могут отказывать органы и системы. Тяжелее всего воспринимают радиацию ткани, в которых происходит активное деление клеток: * костный мозг; * легкие, * слизистая желудка, * кишечник, * половые органы. Причем даже слаборадиоактивный предмет при длительном контакте наносит вред организму человека. Или когда убегаешь от чужого мужа.. 😁😎 Photo : @annaliza.ph ; @balans_belogo_ MD : Принц пилорамы савдеповской . #дорого #насопрте #classicphisique #arnoldclassiceurope #spain #спортивныйфотографкемерово #графскайпа #солошенко

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11. True love

12. He looks satisfied

13. So odd…

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Поток туристов в Чернобыльскую зону отчуждения в 2019 году после выхода мини-сериала HBO "Чернобыль" может возрасти вдвое по сравнению с 2018 годом. 90% туристов составляют иностранцы, несмотря на то, что стоимость тура для граждан Украины в три-четыре раза дешевле ⠀ Чернобыльская АЭС расположена вблизи города Припять в 18 км от города Чернобыль. Авария на АЭС произошла 26 апреля 1986 года. Взрывом был разрушен четвертый энергоблок, в атмосферу выбросило большое количество радиоактивных веществ. Авария расценивается как крупнейшая в истории ядерной энергетики – как по предполагаемому количеству погибших и пострадавших от её последствий людей, так и по экономическому ущербу. 31 человек погиб в течение первых трех месяцев после аварии. Отдаленные последствия облучения, выявленные за последующие 15 лет, стали причиной гибели от 60 до 80 человек, пишет Интерфакс ⠀ #краснодар #krasnodar #krasnodarnews

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14. Top of the world

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В одиночку на заброшенный энергоблок атомной станции. ________________ Фото сделано в первые минуты, после подъёма на крышу 5-го энергоблока АЭС. К сожалению, фотографировать мог только на телефон. Но ценность этого фото крайне высока. У него есть история. ________________ Далеко не один раз бывал я в Припяти, в ЧЗО в целом. Но третью очередь ЧАЭС, и сам пятый блок все как-то обделял вниманием. Те, кто был там, – говорили, объект впечатляющий, даже эпичнее Дуги будет. Но, пока лично не убедишься, не поверишь. _____ Май. Есть готовый план одиночного похода, с проникновением на третью очередь. Конец мая. Воплощаю план в жизнь. Успешный заброс в Зону. В одном из сел забираю велосипед, оставленный @svyatogr, что упростило перемещение внутри ЧЗО. Два дня в Припяти. И ночь проникновения на новую территорию. _____ В голове только общие представление о местности, о третьей очереди знал мало, но у меня были карты и энтузиазм. И этого достаточно.. Первое, что увидел ночью – градирня, она огромная. К ней ещё вернёмся. Ранним утром – увидел пятый энергоблок вблизи. Он монументален, не меньше. Чистый постапокалипсис. _____ Крыша делится на несколько ярусов, на каждом меня удивляло, то что я вижу. Но когда поднялся на самый верх, – у меня отняло речь. Вполне возможно, это самый удивительный вид, что видел в своей жизни. Впереди, как на ладони – территория ЧАЭС, справа – пруд-охладитель станции, слева – "железный лес", справа – третья очередь, за спиной – хранилище отработанного ядерного топлива, а внизу над котлованом для 6-го блока летают чайки. Это поражает воображение. Словно я герой фильма про постапокалипсис, и это аху*нно! ________________ #chernobyl #nuclearpowerplant #nuclearpower #powerunit #pripyat #exclusionzone #chernobylzone #stalker #urbandecay #urbexphoto #urbanexploration #urbex #chnpp #urban_shots #urbexworld #urbexplaces #abandonedplaces #urbanexplore #atmosphere #awesome #illegal #chernobylzone #заброшенныеместа #чернобыль #зонаотчуждения #сталкер #нелегал #заброшенныеместа

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15. She’s having a blast

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チェルノブイリ原子力発電所 個人ではいけないので、ツアーに参加 10人のツアー 日本人はいなかったけど、シンガポール、ドイツ、トルコ、中国などなどの方 40度前後の気温で、長袖長ズボンで完全防備 なぜなら蚊だらけ 直射日光も照りつける 多分放射能測定するのを首から下げた 遊園地跡 バスケットコート、スタジアム、団地 かなり恵まれた環境だったみたい 遊園地は住民の子どもはタダだったらしい でも誰もいなくて、朽ち果ててた 謎のピカチュウいた #ukraine #ウクライナ #ウクライナ旅行 #kiev #キエフ #Chernobyl #チェルノブイリ

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What do you think about this phenomenon? Share your thoughts in the comments, por favor.

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15 People Remember the Conversations They’ve Had with Famous People

Have you ever had a real conversation with a celebrity? I’m talking about a talk that, while brief, wasn’t just you bumping into them randomly on the street? Or just posing with them for a photo?

AskReddit users shared their celebrity stories and some of them might even make you jealous.

Do you have your own celebrity encounter story? Share it in the comments!

1. Dave Chappelle

“Dave Chappelle. I was working Night Audit(overnight) at a Mid Luxury hotel in Napa. He and 6-7 friends rode up on motorcycles at like 2am and asked to get rooms for 2 nights. Apparently, they were in a road trip to nowhere and would just stop each night where they stopped. They had a few people following them in a truck and trailer.

He is a pretty legit insomniac and would sit in the front steps for 5-6 hours each night on his phone smoking. They decided to extend and ended up staying a total of 6 nights. On night 2, I went out and asked for a light and we ended up chatting a few hours. It repeated for 3 nights and I got to hang out with him about 10 hours total. Smart, thoughtful, articulate, and genuine person. The humor is just him. I was actually blown away with how precise his natural whit and timing was.

Saw him at a show in SF last year and he recognized me. Shouted out from stage “Yo… I know you… You still working nights?”

Great human.”

2. Buzz

“Buzz Aldrin. Just my family and I got to spend a few days with him touring around the Kennedy Space Center. I was 12 and had no idea what kinds of questions to ask him. So all I could think of was “Were you scared during launch?” and, “What does Moon ground feel like?”

I got back in contact with him l a few years back when I called to notify him that my Dad had passed away. He said that he remembered my father and was proud that I followed in his footsteps by majoring in Aerospace Engineering for my Bachelor’s.”

3. Two comedy legends

“Jim Carrey and Robin Williams. They visited the St Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis TN. They both were incredibly nice and hilarious. This small kid fell into the floor and was crying and kicking his legs so Jim Carrey (in a very expensive suit) dropped to the floor and did the same just to stop him from crying. Robin Williams wore the nose from Patch Adams and much more hairy than he looked in the movies.”

4. Crocodile Hunter

“Steve Irwin in an elevator when I was 11. He asked me where I was from and if there was any crocodiles in the pool and I told him I went to his zoo and how cool it was. He was exactly how you think he’d be, just a really nice guy and a great dude.”

5. Ripley!

“Sigourney Weaver, just after Aliens was released on VHS. A buddy of mine and I were riding up the gondola at the mountain where we were on the ski team, she was in the singles line, and we didn’t know who she was until the end of the ride up (~10 mins), when she said something, and he and I (both being about 12, so we had both obviously seen Aliens, as good children of the 80’s) were both like… “Ripley?”

She was kind enough to repeat “get away from her, you bitch!” for us.”

6. A nice guy

“Jason Mamoa. Bumped into him when I went rock climbing with my girlfriends. He liked my Batman shirt hahaha.”

7. Dolly

“Dolly Parton. My grandpa is good friends with her. She’s a peach.”

8. That is amazing

“Played a round of golf with Bill Murray, was awesome.”

9. Swayze

“Patrick Swayze! Dude was super nice!

I used to work at a small airport in Van Nuys, CA. Mr. Swayze and his wife owned an older King Air that they flew themselves. My very first day on the job, while I was standing on a ladder fueling his plane, Mr. Swayze was inspecting his plane before a flight. He found a small puddle of fluid (left behind by a previous aircraft) on the ground under one of his engines and dipped his middle finger in it, held it up to me and asked, “Hey what the fuck is this?”

He clarified that he was just joking when he saw me internally freaking out. He usually tipped really really well whenever I helped with his bags and pulled his truck around (especially when his goldendoodle clawed me in the face once) and I remember his wife coming to an older, unused hangar once to pull a litter of kittens out from under a car to take them to the vet.

This was all before he got his cancer diagnosis, and I left the job before he died. I do remember being legitimately sad for his wife when I read he had passed. The guy didn’t really take too much time to know me, but he was always very friendly, very polite, and made it a point to treat us like people. I met a handful of famous (and not famous, but connected and wealthy) people while I worked there – but he was the one I’ll always remember. Dude was awesome.”

10. The Boss

“Bruce Springsteen stayed at the hotel I used to work at in college and I got to carry the band’s guitars from the hotel to the stage which was cool( he was playing before a speech from President Obama).

When I was grabbing them from his room his wife was nagging him about his hair and he just laughed and came out in the hallway with me and chatted for a minute or so. Asked me if I was married(I wasn’t) and told me to expect the nagging if I were to get married.”

11. This is great

“Samuel L. Jackson. Even got to end the conversation on him calling me a motherfucker. I put that shit on my resume.

Was in an IHOP at like 2 am. Went to check out and the cashier was all smiles and anxiously said, “There’s a celebrity behind you.” Rolled my eyes and figured it was gonna be someone like Jimmy Fallon or Joe Rogan. Turn around and there in all his glory is Samuel L. Jackson. In a pink plaid golf outfit. Hat and all. His friend was in the same but it was baby blue. I was legit star struck, mouth agape.

SLJ proceeds to channel some Jules Winfield on me and my friend, “DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN. You two acting like I held you up at gunpoint or some shit. Tell me, do I……… intimidate you? ”

Without missing a beat, and the only time I’ll ever think of anything remotely this witty, I tell him, “We’re not intimidated by anyone that can get their ass kicked by Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall with a mop handle.”

SLJ is caught flat footed for a split second and starts laughing his ass off. We get to chill with him for a bit and chat him up. When he says he’s gotta bounce, I ask for a favor. “Now, I don’t do autographs,” he starts. “Ain’t no one gonna believe me with some napkin or something anyways. Could you call me a motherfucker? ”

He laughs uproariously and stone faces us mid laugh, “you’re a motherfucker.”

I’m a six foot three dude and I melted on the spot, shivers running up my spine.”

12. Spike

“I once shot a movie with Spike Lee. Very low budget, independent thing with a tiny crew and tinier cast. We were together everyday for a week but he never said a word to me beyond some notes. Anyway, on the last day of filming we were coming back from lunch and I was standing outside having a cigarette when he comes walking by.

He says something like “Ahh, so this is where the smokers all hang, huh?” and I just kind of laugh and say Yeah. He looks at my beat up sneakers and goes “What kind of shoes are those?” I tell him I don’t actually know, and he looks at me like I just took a dump on the sidewalk and says “You don’t know?” and I tell him I’d run a 5k three years earlier and had needed some running shoes, so I bought the cheapest ones.

This dude reaches into the cargo pocket of his pants and pulls out a fat envelope. He opens the envelope and I see that it’s full of Nike gift cards. Like, a hundred Nike gift cards. He pulls out two, hands them to me, and says “There’s two gift cards, $75 a piece. Get yourself some new Jordans” and walks away.”

13. Full Metal Jacket!

“R. Lee Ermey, The Gunny. Just an all-around down to earth badass dude. Met him at WWII Weekend here in PA years ago, along with my younger brother who got inspired to become an US Marine. It was a honor to meet him.”

14. Tom Hanks

“Tom Hanks. He was the host for the national christmas tree lighting, and I volunteer with the decorations every year. He was looking at some and talking to his wife about them. As I was facing away at first I just kept thinking that sounds like woody from Toy Story.

I turn around and low and behold it was. The nicest couple you could imagine, just pleasent conversation for a few minutes and they were called off to do something. Both pleased and disappointed I didn’t ask for a selfie, but I was geeking out nonetheless.”

15. Rock star

“Steven Tyler came into my car dealership. One of the managers came up to me and said, “I need you to help a VERY special client.” I joking asked who and said, “it isn’t another footballer player, is it?”

He didn’t think it was funny. Walk to where Steven was and my jaw dropped. Hard to maintain professionalism when you have music royalty in front of you. After he had left, one of my coworkers came up to me and said, “whoa! That was the dude from American idol!” I wanted to slap him.”

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LEGO’s New “Stranger Things” Set Literally Goes to the Upside-Down

Netflix’s hit show Stranger Things will release its third season on July 4, 2019. The series has a pretty rabid fan base that can’t get enough of the show. They always want more – more merchandise, more news, more behind-the-scenes info.

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Well, ST fans, I’m here to share some good news with you. LEGO has teamed up with Netflix and launched a new toy set featuring 8 character figures, the Byers’ house…and the Upside Down.

Take a look at this, it’s pretty amazing.

You can see from the video above that the detail in this set is really extraordinary. The launch was announced at LEGO stores in London and New York City, and you can order the set from the LEGO online shop HERE. The set costs $199.99 and has 2,287 LEGO pieces.

You know you want a LEGO replica of Chief Hopper’s police cruiser, don’t even try to deny it.

This commercial for the Stranger Things LEGO set has a pretty awesome vintage, 1980s feel to it.

The Byers house is shown in incredible detail, with Will’s room all decked out, “Have you seen me?” flyers plastered on the walls, a dining room, and the alphabet wall from Season One (it lights up!) among other things. Then you can flip that house upside and get…The Upside Down! Which is totally awesome in its own right!

I bet you can’t wait to get your hands on this and play for days on end – am I right?

Are you excited for the new season of Stranger Things? What are your predictions? Sound off in the comments!

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These Alternate Endings for “Game of Thrones” Are Easily Better Than What We Got

Game of Thrones was one of the greatest television shows ever made, both in terms of story/cast and in terms of the sheer scope the money spent per episode.

It’s last season, however, was… disappointing to say the least.

Let’s face it: season 8 was pretty universally terrible, so let’s see what the internet had to offer by way of a more satisfying ending.

The Wire + Game of Thrones = 🔥🔥🔥

The comedically short ending!

This is legit the ending I wanted. If Dany is gonna go mad… GO FULL TARGARYEN!

No. I can’t do this to Arya’s epic win.

Maybe it would have been better with a John Hughes ending?

And a lot of people wanted this to happen, but Jon wasn’t fireproof like Dany. Sorry fan family!

Didn’t we actually get this ending, though?

Oh shit! Power couple FTW!

George! You holding out on us?!

The Kingslayer indeed

The Newhart ending!

The Night King was trying to kill himself? Nahhhhh…

And Ghost is the best doggo in the Seven Kingdoms!

Good job everybody. I’m officially impressed.

Now then… what will the Game of Thrones spinoff series be? Arya on the high seas? A prequel set thousands of years in the past?

Tell us HBO! We want to know!!!

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“Game of Thrones” is Over, and People Have A LOT of Feelings About It

So, Game of Thrones just aired its series finale, and much like the rest of this last season, it had fans all up in their feelings. Some people loved it, a lot of folks hated it, and I personally felt the whole thing was very “meh.”

Without further ado, let’s see what the rest of the world had to say about it.

And the army is ready to fix things…

But will it REALLY fix anything?

Nothing epic about the finale except a Dragon getting angry

And yeah, why did Tyrion have so much sway?!

Gendry lookin damn good.


We are all thinking the same thing…

I love a good Gendry rowing meme…

Did we mention we are NOT happy?

And yeah, we can keep waiting, but that’s it!

Wait… that’s REALLY it?

Yes, that was shit. I mean it.

Yes, this is what we waited for…

2 YEARS, to be exact…

Those books can’t come out fast enough…

We’re all broken now…

Photo Credit: HBO

And scene.

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The “Game of Thrones” Finale Featured a Water Bottle, and We Can’t Stop Talking About It

Spoiler warning: this post contains several spoilers for the final season of Game of Thrones. 

Ok, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to it.

Do you remember this ridiculous blunder?

Photo Credit: HBO

Yeah, we all do. And HBO digitally removed the now infamous coffee cup so it’ll never show up in the series again.

But… yeah… you know it’s coming, so…

Yes, it’s real. It shows up at 46:19 in.

Photo Credit: HBO

Once you see it, you can’t unsee it…

Photo Credit: HBO

But here’s something fun… there’s a SECOND WATER BOTTLE in the scene!

OMFG you guys!

Photo Credit: HBO

Needless to say, fans are not pleased…

No, not one bit…

Cersei would not be pleased…

But we guess this is our reality now…

The good news? No more of these snafus in the future! Because there are no more episodes to pick through.

Oh, but I bet somebody is going to go back and find a bunch of garbage just laying around in scenes from old episodes.

Good times.

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How to Recap ALL 67 Episodes of “Game of Thrones” in Just 12 Minutes

Winter is here, b****es!

After almost TWO WHOLE YEARS of waiting, Game of Thrones fans will finally get a chance to see how it all ends! Who will sit on the Iron Throne? Will it be Daenerys and her dragons? Is Jon Snow the “Prince That Was Promised?” Will the Night King and his White Walkers destroy all life in Westeros?

We’ve spent eight whole years getting this invested in the eventual fate of Westeros, and a LOT has happened over that time. All told, there are 67 episodes to catch up on if you want a full recap, which amounts to almost 3 straight days of binge-watching with no sleep.

Photo Credit: HBO

If you’re like most working adults and don’t have that kind of time to set aside, however, don’t fret. The good people of ScreenCrush have got your back with this comprehensive recap that takes you through all of the show’s most memorable moments in less than 15 minutes!

For the throne!

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American Kids Are Starting to Sound British After Watching Too Much ‘Peppa Pig’

It’s a pretty well-known fact by now that young kids love Peppa Pig. Like, a LOT.

The popular children’s show debuted in 2004, and has steadily taken over the world by indoctrinating the world’s children ever since.

Photo Credit: Entertainment One

But American parents have noticed lately that there’s been one strange consequence of their kids’ watching lots and lots of Peppa Pig.

Photo Credit: Twitter

As strange as it sounds, parents in the U.S. are noticing that their little ones are developing British accents from watching Peppa Pig.

And this guy isn’t alone. Look at all these other folks who are also experiencing the same phenomenon.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Roberto Rey Agudo, language program director of the department of Spanish and Portuguese at Dartmouth College, says the British accents are weirdly prevalent among kids in the U.S. “in part because Peppa Pig has been such a phenomenon with the 2 to 5-year-old crowd and it’s considered cute, whereas I don’t know what other shows have that kind of currency right now.”

I wonder why this didn’t happen with Mr. Belvedere when I was a kid…

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10+ Things That Mid-1990s Babies Will Instantly Remember

Ahhhhh, those were the days. I remember that era so well (even if I am a couple of years older than that generation. The mid-90s were a pretty wild time, and these photos brought all kinds of nostalgia to me.

1. Silly Bandz and Livestrong FTW

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Cool tech!

Photo Credit: Amazon

3. You remember the early days of MySpace, Instagram, and Facebook

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. The dreaded overheads got REPLACED

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Old tech

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Accessorize!

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Fun on the computer

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Neopets v Webkinz

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Vintage games!

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Early mp3 players

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Quality Disney shows

Photo Credit: Disney

12. Bring it back!

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Polyvore, anyone?

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. You could do both of these if you wanted to

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Oh, LimeWire…

Photo Credit: Twitter

Do you remember?!?!

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