Posts That Show the Difference Between High School Teachers and College Professors

There are many differences between high school and college.

Freedom, living on your own for the first time, the list goes on and on. But one of the major things that is different in that transition is your teachers.

You’re on your own now, baby! No one reminding you of the assignments you need to turn in, no one hassling you about incomplete work, and no one threatening to call your parents.

College professors are a whole different breed and if you don’t get in line with their attitude, you might be left behind…or at least very confused…

Let’s take a look at some funny posts about the difference between high school teachers and college professors.

1. Be thankful…

It didn’t really work out that way, did it?

2. You’re gonna get an earful.

No doubt about that.

3. A totally different story.

Oh, Ms. Johnson, give it a rest.

4. Oh yes, they will!

It gets easier…in some ways.

5. The professor is watching you.

There is no escape! Ever!

6. Talking to the kids on Snapchat.

How’s that for laid back?

7. Speaking the truth.

They are free spirits, that’s for sure.

8. The great trailmix disaster.

Sorry about that…

9. You’re in for a real treat!

I wish I could do it all over again!

10. Some of it is definitely a joke.

You’ll learn all about this!

11. No more taskmasters.

And that’s a good thing!

12. Try to explain that one…

I didn’t think you’d be able to!

13. Let the good times roll!

And let the jokes roll, too!

Did you notice a big difference when you made the leap from high school to college?

Talk to us in the comments and tell us about your experiences.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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High School Teachers and College Professors Are Pretty Different and Here’s the Proof

Did you attend college after you graduated from high school?

If you did, you probably noticed quite a few differences.

It’s all up to YOU now and you won’t have anyone hassling you and reminding you about what’s needed to get the ball rolling…and for it to keep going…unless you give your parents a call…

And you’ll also notice that college professors are LAID BACK. Hey, it’s a much different lifestyle than teaching high school.

Professors pretty much do what they want, when they want, and you need to be along for the ride…because it is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

Let’s take a look at some funny tweets about the differences between high school teachers and college professors.


1. How did that work out?

All that strictness for nothing!

2. Oh yes, they will!

Putting up with all kinds of shenanigans.

3. This guy is out of control!

And that’s a good thing!

4. Just because…

Don’t even worry about it!

5. Get it together!

On second thought…

6. Letting all kinds of stuff slide.

Just keep it sliding!

7. Hahaha. This is good.

As the youths say…

8. You got a little bit of credit.

So it wasn’t all terrible.

9. This is epic.

This prof went the extra mile, for sure.

10. So very true.

Thamks a lot…

11. We all need sleep.

Even professors, ya know?

12. This professor is not messing around.

Did you learn a lesson here?

Those tweets sure do speak the truth.

And now it’s your turn!

Tell us about your high school vs. college experiences in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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A Student Took Revenge on a Group Project Classmates Who Did Nothing

There are only two kinds of people in this world, those who do work in a group project, and those who watch other people do work and then take the credit.

If we’re being honest, we’ve probably been both to some degree, which is ok, as long as you don’t take it to extremes. You know… like do nothing and try to cut out the person who did all the work. Because if you’ve done that… well, stop reading now. This post is LITERALLY about you.

Yes friends… you might just find yourself ensnared in the cunning trap of a motivated student who’s not ready to put up with your garbage. Enter Reddit user sara19 on the ProRevenge page with their tale of a thorough take-down of some classmates who wouldn’t pull their weight.

Chapter 1: The Business of Business

Chapter 2: The Assignment

Chapter 3: Mr. F

Chapter 4: The Revenge Begins

Chapter 5: The Fight

Chapter 6: The Reveal


Personally, I’ve never understood people who want to take the time and money to go to college but don’t want to put any effort into learning things while they’re there. Learning IS fun. Being smart IS fun.

But hey, you do you… enjoy the next 20 years of student debt, I guess. Hope you had some good parties.

Have you ever had to deal with a situation like this? Tell us about it in the comments.

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Epic Tweets People Shared About Having Really Bad Teachers

Some teachers are kind of apathetic and just go along for the ride, and then there are legitimately bad teachers who probably shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a classroom.

The teachers people talked about in these tweets definitely belong in the latter category.

Let’s relive our school days with some tales of bad teachers!

1. You’re doing it all wrong.

2. That sure backfired.

3. No talking…ever.

4. That’s really bad.

5. Sounds like a gem.

6. Harsh as hell.

7. The last laugh.

8. We get graded on that?

9. You’re going to HELL.

10. That’s pretty creepy.

11. Still didn’t get fired.

12. That’s a strange threat.

13. Teacher of the Year?

Yikes…I’m glad I didn’t have to deal with any of these teachers during my school days.

Do you remember your worst teacher? Or maybe it was multiple teachers?

Tell us all about them in the comments below. Go ahead and put them on blast!

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These Teachers All Had to Deal with Awful Parents

Teachers have very challenging jobs. Dozens of students, ever-changing curricula, low pay, and long days. But throw in crazy parents and their ridiculous requests, and all of a sudden keeping you cool may be harder than brain surgery!

Check out these 23 Reddit teachers who share some of the craziest reasons parents have contacted them.

1. He’s not gay

I’m an assistant school counsellor. We had a furious parent call us several times and accuse us of turning her son gay. The calls stopped after he got a classmate pregnant.

2. No doubt here

I’ve had a parent complain to me about her child. Her daughter was doing really well, 90+ grades and consistent effort in classwork and homework.

Me: [Student] puts a lot of thought and effort into her work.

Mom: She sucks up to you?

Me: No, she wants to do well and be successful. That being said, we’d like to improve her grammar a bit.

Mom: I knew it, she’s stupid. Doesn’t do anything. She will fail.

Me: Uh, no . . . just needs a little more rigor in this department.

Mom: She’s such a disappointment.

And every once in a while I’ll just get a complaint from her…. her complaining TO me about her child. Her kid’s a joy and I’ve been so much nicer to her since I met this lady.

This student is being helped by our fabulous guidance department. I take care to affirm her effort whenever possible, and assure her that she’s doing great. It may not offset the negativity her mother imposes on her, but the other teachers and I will make sure she doesn’t doubt her ability to do well.

3. Sympathizer

I had a parent complain because I played a CD of classical Persian flute music one day in class. The class was World Languages and Cultures and I played a different CD from around the world every day as they came into class. They thought I was sympathizing with terrorists and should “only teach American stuff”.

4. “Cut him some slack”

I gave the kid a D on a homework. Parent contacted me to complain that I was picking on him.

Even though the parent agreed that most of the answers that he gave were wrong but I should have “cut him some slack.”

5. That really is so stupid

I used to teach phonics (basic reading skills) to kindergarten-aged kids. One parent came in after class, irate, and demanded to know why I had taught the er/ir/ur diphthong before the oi/oy diphthong. He didn’t want his kid to be able to read the word “girl” before being able to read “boy”. Kept going on about how “boy” was just more important and common, as a word, and teaching kids less frequent words before more frequent ones would slow down reading progress and was bad pedagogically, and so on.

In hindsight, I’m impressed that he managed to squeeze so many justifications into something so pointlessly stupid.

6. The Star

One mother threatened to yank her daughter out of the school if this student were not given the starring role in the Christmas concert to sing “O Holy Night”. (An incident previously noted.)

The girl had made it perfectly clear to me, the faculty and classmates that she realized she wasn’t musically qualified for the part, neither did she want to do it.

It was entirely her Mom – determined that her daughter should be “the star” of the school, no matter what.

7. School Bullies

There was a mom who was mad that we wouldn’t let her son be in the class that he wanted to be in. Her son was in grade two, but for the first two or so months of the school year he would go to the kindergarten classroom everyday. We’re not a big school, so there’s only one grade two class.

Developmentally there was no reason he should still be in the kindergarten class, he just kept going there because he liked the toys better and when he was in there he would make fun of the younger students because he was older and smarter than the rest of them and would hit them if they were ‘stupid’.

When we told the mom what was going on and that we needed her to support this transition she thought we were doing this just because we didn’t want her son to be happy at school. We finally got him to go to the correct class (my class), but the troubled behavior (hitting, swearing, making messes, being purposefully distracting, disrespectful and generally inappropriate) still continues, and the mom’s ideas that we’re picking on him and are being mean to him still continue.

Teachers Share Their Worst Helicopter Parent Experiences

Helicopter parents are often criticized for being overprotective, getting involved in older children’s careers, and even giving teachers a hard time.

A Reddit thread asks teachers about their worst experiences with helicopter parents, and they truly delivered. Here are some of the best worst stories we could find.

10. Power to the Parents

This is pretty scary.

“I had 3 kids who were caught turning in the same paper and after giving them zeros for the assignment they got their parents to form a witch hunt. One of the parents rallied all the other parents in the class who all came in to hold a meeting about me and how I teach, even though none of them have been in my class or have talked with me personally. This is a highly advanced class and the LOWEST grade is a C which is really amazing. I’m actually super proud of all of them. Anyway, parents got the administration to have me allow them to redo the paper (essentially showing that I have zero authority for grades or to uphold high standards) AND I now must be extra evaluated because of the things these parents say I do in my class. Meanwhile I still have to teach these kids and act as a professional toward them, which I will. This behavior is unacceptable as a parent.”

9. Daily Email Updates

No fun at all.

“I had a student a few years ago whose mom would email all his teachers every single day wanting to know what we had done in class (we have websites with class calendars on them). It got so bad that the school eventually told her that she could only email once a week.

Later that year, the student turned in a research paper, and the first paragraph had been stolen word for word from a website. I printed out the web page, gave the kid a zero, and wrote a referral for cheating.

Hours later, the mom emails me furious that I would accuse her son of cheating. I explained the situation, and she told me “oh, it wasn’t his fault! He had been too busy to type it, so I did it for him. I wanted to spruce up the intro a little bit, so I added that little extra bit. I guess I forgot to add the source”

Seems legit…”

8. Killjoy for Everyone

The entitlement is strong here!

“The 8th graders at my middle school used to take a trip to a theme park or something every year, but you weren’t allowed to go if you were failing any of your classes. Well, some kid’s mom called and whined that her kid couldn’t go (because he was failing) and it was discriminatory towards him and ended up getting the trip canceled for everyone.

Edit: For those that say the school was being unfair for keeping someone back who was failing. The end of the year trip was the ONLY field trip that they would keep kids home on for failing and we knew upfront that we were expected to do well to get to go. This kid just didn’t give a shit about school. He skipped a lot, he was constantly in trouble for acting out, and in one class that I had with him we were getting ready to take a test and he said “Fuck this”, tore it up and walked out.

His mom should have been more focused on getting him help rather than ruining things for the kids who did try.”

7. Too Early for This

In second grade?

“Teaching 2nd grade, we took a field trip to our district’s vocational school so the kids could get a sense for the wide array of career choices available. One parent would not allow her daughter to attend because she was so afraid her daughter might take a liking to one of the non-collegiate career tracks (horticulture, culinary arts, etc.) and ruin her predestined path to medical school. Second. Grade.”

6. Mom Moved In

For an entire semester!

“When first visiting colleges, one of the stories our tour guide told us was of how this kid’s mom moved in as his room mate…for an entire semester.

5. This Parent Had a Theater Fixation

Too bad for the child in this scenario!

“When I was in high school the director of the musicals always cast her daughter as the lead in every play even though she was awful. I challenged her on it when I was elected vice president of the club, which was a student vote she had no control of, and I was never cast in a show again. Flash forward to this girl getting accepted to college, the mom applies for a teaching job in the theater department of the school she’s attending.”

4. Competitive Much?

It was supposed to be a fun activity, but…

“I gave my students a fun Halloween activity that was basically a color by number on a hundreds chart. If they followed the directions, it turned out to be a monster. I hung them up for parents to see and one of the moms saw her daughters paper and was so disappointed and told me, “she can color better than that, you just have to push her.” She’s 5 and it was supposed to be fun.”

3. Trespassing Parent

One parent even picked a lock!

“I had a parent sneak into my classroom during my lunch period and erase his son’s name from the “sad face list” on the board, claiming that he “got a feeling” while he was at work that his son was being mistreated at school. He could only believe that I had wrongfully accused his son of something, because his son was an angel. He picked the lock to come in and “defend” his son!”

2. One Parent Wanted a TA to Break the Law

Thankfully the TA was able to solve this.

“As a college TA, I had one parent come in and demand that he see his sons grades(yup…asian…son about 19?). I told him about FERPA laws and that I indeed had no access to grades to begin with. He tried going above my head and ended up getting booted off campus since he harassed all the professors his son had classes with.”

1A. A Bonus Story

This is from a working adult.

“One time my assistant’s mother called me to say that her son had overslept, and he would be late to work. Homeboy is 27 years old, and does not live at home any more. WTF kind of person would rather call his mother than his own manager to say he’ll be late?”

1B. A Bonus Story 2

I taught ESL to a bunch of high schoolers, many of which were at an SAT level. There was this one kid who was incredibly fluent and would write wonderful essays in my class.

However, his mother wasn’t satisfied. She forced him to write a 10000 word essay every single day. Now, she had never learned a foreign language, didn’t speak English, I don’t think she even graduated from college. But she would (through her son and other translators) give me an earful on how I was being too easy on the students because I wasn’t making them do 4 hours of homework a night.

And this poor kid… this unfortunate, 14 year-old bastard who was fluent in two languages and was ready to take the SATs in a language not his own ended up getting worse and worse at writing. He would repeat things again and again just to get the word count, because his mother would check the essays every night. (well, she’d check the numbers. She wouldn’t be able to read the paper.) He would lie and make up stories, interjecting them at weird places. He did ABSOLUTELY MISERABLY in his exams because he wouldn’t take my advice to “stop writing when you’ve run out of things to say”.

These are some wild stories! Do they make you more appreciative of what teachers put up with? Feel free to answer that question or share another story in the comments section.

The post Teachers Share Their Worst Helicopter Parent Experiences appeared first on UberFacts.

A 4th-Grade Teacher Refused to Lie to His Students, so He Taught the True History of Christopher Columbus

This is an important story, so pay attention.

Nathanael Madden is a teacher at Cold Spring Elementary in Potomac, Maryland, and he has decided to take a different path when teaching his students about a very controversial historical figure.

Madden decided that he would teach the real history of Columbus and Columbus Day to his 4th-grade students, and his tweets about his student’s responses went viral.

Madden said about his decision,

“School is often a very confining and controlling place for kids, and I want to create a space for students to feel liberated by learning. I want all students to feel that they are free to be who they are and that they have a place of belonging in my classroom. This also means that we can’t ignore our world’s current realities, as well as how everything has been impacted by historical realities. Through my teaching, I constantly encourage and challenge my students to be critical questioners and critical thinkers so they can be active and informed participants in our world.”

Madden shared a series of tweets in which he talked about how his students responded to his lessons laying out the “alternative history” that is not usually taught in public schools.

Madden added,

“For so long, particularly in the US, the story of Columbus as a heroic explorer has been the dominant narrative, erasing and ignoring the voices of Indigenous peoples who have known the truth for centuries. As we grapple with the myths of American exceptionalism and start listening to the voices of different marginalized groups, we can uncover the truths of history.”

American public education has come a long way since I was in grade school; I don’t remember anything other than praise for Christopher Columbus around the time we celebrated Columbus Day at school.

The times, they are a-changing…and that’s a good thing.

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Teachers Share the Most Hilarious Things Their Students Have Ever Said

Let’s take a trip down memory lane.

This one goes out to the teachers.

Throughout the school day, all teachers hope to impart wisdom into the next generation. But beyond math equations and reading groups, teachers get to experience the hilarity of what kids say.

u/moosepajamas asked Reddit:

“Teachers of Reddit, what is the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a student say?”

And the forum dropped a few outrageous quotes!

10. Bathroom break time? Nope.

“One of my pre-kindergarteners was squirming as we lined up for lunch. I asked him if he needed to go to the bathroom, and he said no, but kept squirming.

So I asked if he was sure, and he said, ‘I’m OK — it’s just that my penis is so big.’ He had an erection.”


9. Compliment or insult?

“I wore a Captain America shirt to school for ‘Super Hero Day,’ and one of my students said I looked like Captain America before the injections.”


8. A wise child once said…

“One of my 7th graders asked me where babies come from, and another student replied, ‘Well, when a Mommy and Daddy love each other very much…they get a bottle of scotch and a cheap motel room.”


7. The kid’s got a point!

“I heard a student say, ‘I thought Astronomy would be easy because I know all about it, but he hasn’t even brought up horoscopes yet, and we’re 6 weeks in!’”


6. Burn!

“I’m a math professor, and I had just finished a proof when I asked my students, ‘Does everyone understand my choices?’

One of my favorite students piped up and asked, ‘Are we talking about your proof or how you’ve chosen to live your life?’”


5. How did she know it’s salty?

“I was teaching a lesson on whales in my high school science class, and had just mentioned the sperm whale when a girl asked, ‘Is that why the ocean is so salty?’”


4. Speech impediments make for funny moments

Taught ESL for a year. Had an adorable 6-year old who could not say clock. We worked for weeks at it with her, she just could not say it.

“Poppy, what time is it?” “Its 6 o’cock!”

I couldn’t help but laugh every time.”


3. Ouch

“One of my students was hugging me goodbye when they took a deep inhale, smiled up at me lovingly, and said, ‘Your shirt smells like a grandma, but your armpits smell like Chuck E. Cheese.’”


2. Jesus…

“I teach elementary band, and once we were preparing for a playing test when one student said, ‘Man, I need to practice.’

Without missing a beat, the kid next to him said, ‘My mom says I need Jesus.’”


1. Good point

“One of my students once asked me, ‘If a synchronized swimmer starts drowning, do they all start drowning?’

I lost it in class.”


At least teachers get a touch of humor while they work!

Tell us your funniest kid moment in the comments! Even if you’ve ever been a teacher, we know you’ve heard one. 😉

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These Students All Have Very Cool Teachers

I had some teachers I didn’t like too much when I was growing up, but the really, really awesome ones definitely made up for it.

And these students have some real gems right here. These teachers all seem pretty great.

Let’s just hope the students appreciate them!

1. I like their style.

History professor teaches about the first man in space. from funny

2. Don’t be stupid.

A little wisdom from my Physics professor from funny

3. He’s a true wizard.

Our professor wears his hat and cape every time he conducts an experiment from funny

4. This is pretty cool.

George Fox University’s iMac Box Wheel

5. You better be quiet.

Genius teacher from funny

6. The substitute cat is here.

My teacher is the greatest from wholesomememes

7. One of the good ones.

“My face physically hurts from smiling so much today, I love teaching you guys” -my professor, who’s such a good soul from MadeMeSmile

8. This guy is awesome.

9. Follow the face.

My teacher raises a picture of his own face to make sure no student is lost during the fire drill. from mildlyinteresting

10. Better have a good argument.

All set for my meeting with the student that missed more than 30 classes this semester and emailed me to set up an appointment to talk about his grade.

Posted by David Red on Tuesday, April 24, 2018

11. Please act accordingly.

Spotted in the window of a biology professor office at a community college. from funny

12. Algebra is cool, bro!

The coolest math teacher in town from pics

13. “It’s in the syllabus!”

Frustrated with the same old questions, my profeesor ripped off his shirt in the middle of lecture from funny

14. Just go with it.

15. We have a winner!

My professor gave me a present today.. from funny

Let’s give it up for all the teachers out there!

They do their best every single day and put up with a ton of BS from kids and parents. Bravo!

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