People Share the Differences Between Co-ed Schools and All-Girls Schools

Most of us never went to an “all” anything school, but those of you who did… they know the signs.

Where I grew up there was exactly ONE all-girls school and exactly ONE all-boys school. That’s it. And the people that went there definitely had different standards than everybody else.

For one… the uniforms. What’s with same-sex schools and mandatory uniforms? Isn’t that a place where clothes actually don’t matter?

Today, we’re talking about the gals and all of those things that people who went to schools that were femme-foward.

Let’s take a look!

1. Because, why would anybody really care?

It’s not like they had to cover up.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Dressing in public. Got it. That’s a theme here.

And yeah, the presence of guys would immediately be different.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. This would be the best thing about a school like this.

So much less competition!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, sounds like high school!

Some things never change.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. All pads, all the time!

And I bet they were free.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Did it? Or was that just you?

Hmmmm…. I think somebody might have just been socially awkward?

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Oh snap! Testosterone in the house!

Can you feel it? Because they could!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Actually, an amazing benefit.

Real competition because they’re not worrying about impressing boys? Sounds great to me!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Freedom!

I can’t imagine having to live up to these insane standards every single day. Ugh.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Yeah, but did you?


Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Girl power!

No showers!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. The answer is “YAS QUEEN!”

It’s not even a thing anymore.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Time to go out into the real world!

Seems like they wanted to get away from the “all-girls” reality.

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. If I were a school, I would NOT hire a male teacher.

Just seems like a recipe for disaster.

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Really?

That doesn’t sound real…

Photo Credit: Whisper

Well, that got really real! And all because we took a sneak peek into a world we likely weren’t a part of.

Did you go to a same gender school? Want to share your experiences?

Do that in the comments!

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If You Missed These 17 Funny Parenting Tweets, We’ve Got You Covered

We don’t like to think of any parents who enjoy laughing at other parents’s predicaments to miss some of the best content on Twitter. It helps us get through the days, after all, whether we’re scrolling while we we wait for our kids to fall asleep or trying to ignore Mighty Pups as it plays for the one thousandth time.

And we think these 17 tweets are some you definitely can’t miss.

17. Your time will come, toddler parents.

You just have to wait for it wait for it.

16. I’m sure they’ll take it well.

Don’t you think?

15. A truly special moment in every man’s life.

I bet my dad felt SO SPECIAL when I was a teen.

14. It’s a good starter list. I’m sure he’s got more.

And how do YOU know there’s no one named Jacob?

13. I definitely don’t need to be paying for a gym membership then.

I have two of them and they say uh-oh all the time.

12. Times have changed, for sure.

Some for the better, but not all.

11. This list is a great start.

And also I’m stealing that the TV ran out of batteries.

10. He’s not wrong.

You might want to watch your back, but he’s not wrong.

9. Just a little something to make you feel better today.

Even if just for a moment.

8. It’s best to get that out of the way.

I don’t care how old you are.

7. Then you definitely have to make sure your parental controls are on the television.

Because you’ve definitely lost all control otherwise.

6. The toddler will have their revenge.

You don’t know when or how, but it will happen.

5. I’m sure deep down they’ll really miss you.

At least, that’s what I tell myself.

4. Literally whatever works, right?

I love that it was Spiderman’s sensibilities that did it.

3. Hey, the kid knows what he likes.

You’ve gotta admire it, really.

2. I thought that was the right way to communicate with the youths.

Was I wrong? I think not.

1. You’ve gotta admit it’s a fair question.

Because if not, she might need to pack one, right?

Tomorrow, it might be me – but today it’s not, and so I laugh!

What’s the funniest thing your kid has said or done lately? Let’s keep the laughs going in the comments!

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15 Greta Tweets About Parenting

If you’re a parent – or a nonparent who just finds parenting situations hilarious – on Twitter, you probably see halfway decent tweets come across your timeline at least a couple of times a day.

These 15 tweets aren’t just halfway decent, though, so if parenting tweets are your think, you definitely don’t want to miss these!

15. If you can convince yourself this means the food is wholesome, so much the better.

My 3yo calls it “Old McDonalds,” as well.

14. They’re all going to be fine.

Who has the time to police everything that goes into a kid’s mouth?

13. Sometimes games are a little too real.

But if you can sleep in jail, or she’ll bring you a snack, go along with it.

12. I think it changed all of us.

Our immune systems are forever altered.

11. Most “tried and true” parenting advice is hogwash.

It’s given by people who have forgotten what it’s like in the trenches.

10. It’s impossible to argue with this brilliance.

I’m definitely going to steal this idea, and you are, too.

9. It will definitely work.

According to Hollywood, sunglasses are all you need to look alive.

8. Tell your pregnant friends so they can avoid the disappointment.

Yes, this law also applies to movies. Maybe moreso.

7. It is a very versatile tune.

That you will never, ever want to hear again at some point in your life.

6. Next she’s going to want to speak to your manager.

That’s your wife, in case you weren’t keeping track.

5. Most likely on purpose.

Toddlers are a$sholes, don’t @ me.

4. You have to really pull out your acting skills.

They can tell if you’re not actually paying attention, I promise.

3. Sweetheart.

S/he would never guess those things were related. Bless.

2. What a world if we could all say that.

Full of sass and mismatched patterns. What could be better?

1. I mean they’re basically always talking to you.

It’s impossible to pay attention ALL the time.

These tweets set a high bar, for sure!

Which one made you laugh the hardest? If you can pick a favorite, share it with us in the comments!

The post 15 Greta Tweets About Parenting appeared first on UberFacts.

Did You Miss These Recent Parenting Tweets? We’ve Got You Covered!

If you’re anything like me, you follow several hilarious accounts on Twitter that are dedicated to making us all laugh about the slog that is the daily parenting battle.

How else shall we get through it, besides laughing (or crying or drinking) together?

We won’t, which is why we didn’t want you to miss these 13 super funny and relatable tweets.

13. I think it’s just called “owning a toddler.”

I’m hoping 4 is the magic number?

12. All of those brave, clueless souls flocking to the campgrounds.

You think cooking three meals a day, plus snacks, at HOME is hard?

11. Every single time you think they might be ready for a big kid cup.

Spoiler alert: They are not ready.

10. I would have no clue.

That’s what my husband is for, I guess.

9. Show, don’t tell.

It’s the best way to get your point across.

8. I’m sure your father will take you.

He already does whenever he’s in charge for five minutes.

7. This is the way it should be.

It’s no big deal and the noise is almost soothing if you ask me.

6. I’m filing this away for future use.

Parenting teens is going to be so fun!

5. The funniest things are amazing to them.

It’s always weird to think how many things are firsts for kids.

4. Tomorrow they will be cutting your self-esteem off at the knees.

That’s how kids roll, man. Don’t get comfortable.

3. We all know the truth.

But you should keep her guessing anyway.

2. I mean, that show is pretty amusing.

I’m guessing the 9yo’s information may not be as reliable, though.

1. I’m sure that seems true to them.

Time for a history lesson, perhaps. Or a rundown on our contemporary nightmare.

This is the kind of content I go to Twitter for, y’all!

Let us know which ones were your favorites down in the comments!

The post Did You Miss These Recent Parenting Tweets? We’ve Got You Covered! appeared first on UberFacts.

Enjoy These 14 Tweets About Parenting

We really like to share the love with all of you, and when it comes to hilarious and true tweets about parenting, there are never enough to go around!

Parents need to know that others are in the same trenches they are – or have come out the other side safe and sound – and these 14 tweets will make you laugh, and then raise a glass.

14. Those poor sweet second babies.

Don’t even get us started on the ones after that.

13. I definitely don’t think it’s the former.

“Hot Cross Buns” could go either way.

12. It’s important to put them in their place.

And also to educate them on all things Star Wars.

11. All we want is to be away from the beings that made us a mother.

It’s not you, it’s us. Promise.

10. All life lessons are important.

Being frugal is a lesson, right?

9. And by “cool,” he means “eye opening.”

Who hasn’t called their mother to apologize at least once?

8. Always annoy your kids when you can.

The payback opportunities are endless.

7. Hey, that’s my size, too!

What a coincidence!

6. They never have any idea how it happened, either.

It’s a mystery but I guess we should have been watching them closer.

5. That child is going places.

I’m not sure where, but those feet have to be good for something.

4. Details, details.

It’s almost like he doesn’t WANT any empty house attention!

3. No, because none of the Frozen stories make sense.

Sorry not sorry y’all.

2. It is one of the laws of the universe.

And it works for anything and everything you promised to do.

1. Stepping on sucked-on oranges is my favorite.

Who doesn’t want to live in a house of horrors like this?

We’re all doing the thing, y’all, and in 18 years we’ll be the lame folks telling younger people to “cherish every moment.”

Just kidding. I solemnly swear I will never say that to anyone, and you should, too.

The post Enjoy These 14 Tweets About Parenting appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Biggest Red Flags About Women They Ignored

Since the 16th century red flags have been used as an indication of danger – a warning that something bad is about to go down.

I live in Chicago just a couple of blocks from the beaches of Lake Michigan, and when I see a red flag on one of my walks, I know that means “Stay away from the water, it’s not gonna go well for you.”

Sometimes the signals we encounter in our relationships are just about as clear – and yet we might be tempted to just keep swimming anyway. Take for instance the thousands of stories that came flooding in based on this prompt from silver_foks on r/AskReddit:

What’s the biggest red flag you’ve ignored because the sex was good? from AskReddit

Here’s what just a few of the top comments had to say about red flags they’d encountered with women in particular. (A lot of this is NSFW.)

1. Fourth time’s the charm?

She was married and divorced 3 times by 27.

– Screamin_STEMI

2. You’re not always the protagonist of the story.

Probably the plethora of empty wine bottles around the apartment, and the knowledge that she’d just gotten out of a long term relationship.

Somehow it never dawned on me that I was the rebound guy.

– the5thbeagle

3. It doesn’t get much more direct…

She basically told me she might cheat on me if she had the opportunity with her ex.

It was my first relationship and I was as stupid as can be.

– Genocide_Fan

4. You can read it loud and clear.

We were in a hotel and she would just keep screaming at the top of her lungs.

I kept telling her to quiet down, but instead that only turned her on more.

Only continued because she was my girlfriend at the time and it was pretty good sex for me as well.

– StaticSh0T

5. I need a diagram for this one, please.

She was my ex-wife’s, husband’s ex-wife…

– mroozienelson

6. If they’ll cheat with you…

Had an affair with a married woman, she left her husband for me, married me, then cheated on me.

If that isn’t karma idk what is.

– G4V_Zero

7. Simple things can be very telling.

She got annoyed because I told her about a coworker who felt bad about cheating on her bf.

She said “just keep sh*t on the DL… Nobody has to know if you keep your f*cking mouth shut.”

Immediately knew someone else was deep in her guts.

– ItsJustRedditRelax

8. Narcissism?

She stared at herself in the mirror during sex.

Fully moaning, and cumming, but would never break eye contact with herself,

– ask-me-about-my-toe

9. After 5 whole months, my dude?

She cried when I just wanted to make out after our first date. She said I wasn’t serious if I didn’t want to f*ck her.

She was 46. And hot as f*ck. I was 31. Cougar time!

So I f*cked her. And the sex was great, but she was f*cking crazy and I bailed after about 5 months.

– Birdamus

10. What can we say but yikes…

She called me the n word all the time. We are not black.

– Arctic_Snowfox

11. Bragging is never a good sign.

All of the lying and bragging about how good she was at it, manipulations, caught her in a lie then caught her cheating and I still didn’t wanna let go.

That sh*t hurt deep for a long time.

– TerminalCrowbar

12. Old problems require old solutions.

I used to have a subscription to Playboy before I met this girlfriend and I’d leave them on top of the toilet for reading material

(before cell phones)

One day after getting situated on the throne I opened an issue and discovered my sweetie had taken a permanent marker…

and covered all the naughty bits on EVERY nude picture (even the tiny ads in the back)

It must of taken her hours to do all the issues

– smilingonion

13. When does a joke stop being a joke?

She was a racist f*ck.

Always said she was joking but I later found out she was entirely serious.

– kalanawi

14. Let me count the ways…

Oh god, so much.

Obsessiveness, narcissism, codependency, overt stupidity, laziness, lack of ambition, all kinds of stuff.

– inomenata

15. And then there’s this simple entry:

She kept f*cking my friends

– mochalatteicecream

Remember to listen to your common sense. And let that voice be louder than…yanno…others.

Do you have a story like this?

Share it with us in the comments.

The post People Share the Biggest Red Flags About Women They Ignored appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Biggest Red Flags They Ignored from Men

I’ve never been one to get worried over a flag. Unless that flag is pure red, and it turns out I should have paid way more attention to it. Just like in these stories from the r/AskReddit thread that kicked off with the question:

What’s the biggest red flag you’ve ignored because the sex was good? from AskReddit

There were thousands of responses about people of all stripes and situations. Here are a few tales about men in particular. As you can imagine, some of these stories are disturbing and/or NSFW. Reader discretion advised.

1. Moving on up?

was hooking up/very casually dating a guy (an idiot) I’d met on tinder. i had a cat at the time, and was leaving for a long weekend so asked him to feed the cat.

i came home and he had moved in to my apartment. like fully moved in. his clothes in the closet, his sheets on my bed, he’d brought furniture from his parents house, and he put his high school hockey trophys on display in the kitchen (we were 26 and 27).

i regret to say it lasted several months, but it did not end well. what a d*ck, pun very much intended.

– allblackeverythng

2. Solve for ex.

His “ex” kept showing up at his place.

Come to find out months later, they were still together and just fighting.

And I was the unwitting other woman. :

– femmemalin

3. You’re no superman.

His savior complex with everyone around us, when we could barley manage.

– 7129527190

4. Sometimes it’s literally trash.

He would let his garbage overflow and never take it outside. His kitchen was gross. So much drug abuse, he was a plug.

Dated again, within a week he was sending me pictures of him slitting his wrists and saying he could get anybody killed.

I ran like hell.

– Readkt92

5. Smoking out the truth.

He told me he didn’t smoke cigarettes when we met and then a week later he did because “his friend started up again and needed emotional support because he didn’t want to smoke alone” (????)

He also told straight-up told me that if this one friend didn’t like me than I wasn’t “allowed” to be his girlfriend. It red-flagged a bit in my mind because I was like what’s up with this control-freak friend and why do you obey him?

And then I just ignored it for 6 months. His friend would almost never speak directly to me but I was always getting, “friend says you don’t have to hang around if you’re not going to play beer pong for 3 hours for the 4th time this week,” or “we don’t have enough controllers for the Wii U, so if you want to play, friend says you have to buy your own controller because we can’t share,” “friend says that you and I can’t hang out today because he’s upset about something.” etc.

…anyway, whatever the deal was with this friend the smoking thing was definitely in part an excuse, because it quickly became clear (another red flag that I ignored) that he was an addict. He literally needed to smoke something (either cigarettes or weed resin, but usually weed.) like every 45 minutes to an hour and we couldn’t go anywhere because he’d start getting cranky. Not like he ever had money to go anywhere because he had like a dragon’s horde of weed to maintain.

Anyway, he ghosted me, because his friend told him to, I’m sure. I was devastated lol

– noexplanation2069

6. Let’s retake anatomy 101.

He legitimately believed his butthole was self-lubricating…

– WolfNThorn

7. Rick & Morty has the worst fanbase.

His tattoo of an anthropomorphic pickle smoking a joint.

Think Towelie…but a pickle.

– hammetar

8. Abuse isn’t cute.

He liked to put me down.

He’d tell me I was stupid or that I didnt matter, in a tone that walked a fine line between joking and laughing with me and not joking at laughing at me.

I should have left him sooner but DAMN, could he work a c*ck

– Appstmntnr


He would get a boner when I would cry..

– m_olive14

10. That must have been killer good.

I jokingly told him only serial killers and married men don’t have a Facebook and that’s when he told me he was wanted for murder in the U.K.

So I fucked him one last night and stopped answering his calls.

– Ikonic1904

11. Sometimes the red flag also has a little white and blue.

The giant Confederate flag on the wall

– nathz7754

12. Old fashioned doesn’t mean good.

Was really pro misogyny. He wanted a girl to save herself for him.

Didn’t want to use condom, but I forced him.

But the sex was good and he was generous with me.

– crystalclearbuffon

13. Watch out for that ego.

The fact he had a poster of himself blown up to fit his wall In his room

– ObjectiveTwo5

14. A rose by any other name would still have thorns.

He lied about his name. We were just casually seeing each other (FWB) so I never thought to question things.

Finally found out about 6 months in by looking at his license.

Turns out he lied because he didnt trust having his personal information on the internet (tinder) and never thought to correct it after we started seeing each other. Super weird. I stuck around for a while because no one likes a dry spell but it wasn’t as good after that for some reason.

– clamber333

15. Run, run, run, run!

He was 34 and I was 22. He never stopped talking about his best friend who was female and 21.

One night he got really drunk told me he was single (we had been dating 3 months) and he was mad his best friend told him she loved him but wouldn’t break up with her boyfriend.

He also once mentioned about how her doing a cartwheel when she was 17 turned his dick into “jelly” I don’t even know what that means.

– SanjiLove

What can we say but yikes? Glad to know that all of these people got out of those situations. Remember, don’t let a good time cause you a whole bunch of bad ones. Know the signs. Only you can prevent dumpster fires.

Do you have a story like this?

Share it with us in the comments.

The post People Share the Biggest Red Flags They Ignored from Men appeared first on UberFacts.

A Girl’s Email to Her Professor About a Late Assignment Is a Whole Mood

There are a lot of people struggling with the concept of time and deadlines and calendars right now. Since March, everything has run together a bit – and that fact really amped up when summer arrived and we no longer had to pretend to go to school/make sure our kids “did school.”

I guess some college kids were still taking summer classes, though, and online to boot – they’re having to figure out how to work their college’s online site, communicate with professors, learn on their own, and probably devise a way to get some kind of privacy while they continue to live at home.

This student, rainbowkarolina on Tumblr, realized after the fact that her assignment – which she had worked hard on and completed – was past due.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

She pointed out on Tumblr that she thought we’d all agreed that the concept of time was dead for the moment, and decided to email her professor to relay the message.

Image Credit: Tumblr

I think we can all agree that her note was professional and fun, but also explained well what she and everyone else is going through with, you know *gestures wildly* everything that’s going on.

His response, however, is pure gold.

Image Credit: Tumblr

In the grand tradition of wonderful college professors everywhere, he replied with suggestions on how she could keep track of due dates in the future, but gave her a pass on this one because she’d entertained him with her message, and also because her work did, in fact, bop as promised.

His comment about having to run that term by his daughter was my favorite.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

This is why “college professor” is still my dream job even though it’s probably never going to happen.

They’re just so cool and funny even when they don’t have to be!

The good ones, anyway.

Here’s hoping they’re all good ones like Phil, students! And good luck!

The post A Girl’s Email to Her Professor About a Late Assignment Is a Whole Mood appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Coolest Things They’ve Said in the Heat of the Moment

When you’re arguing with a person or you have to make a snappy remark, two things can happen.

You can either say something really stupid and humiliate yourself and ruin your family name forever, or you can pull off a total surprise comment that makes you look like a total hero.

And we’ve all done both of them at some point.

But these people all fall into the latter category, you can be sure about that.

Let’s check out these impressive stories from folks on AskReddit.

1. Close call.

“Big burly former marine/mercenary from Iraq was back stateside, huge fucking mountain of a man. We came to face each other in one of the narrow corridors of the office where one of us was gonna have to turn sideways.

Neither of us turned, but we stopped. I’m 6’1 260 and he still towered over me. He was a nice guy, but still a little…..”conditioned” I guess you could say or mentally unhinged.

He looked me dead in the eye and said, “You feeling froggy?” It truly was like something out of a movie. Without blinking I replied, “You better jump.”

We both cracked up and turned sideways, while the office breathed a collective sigh of relief.”

2. Double whammy.

“I am a fourth grade teacher and one day I was up at the board and struggling to remember how to spell a particular word. I was trying to make light of it, telling the kids that sometimes adults need help with spelling too.

One student replied, “It is because you were poorly educated. But don’t worry, we are poorly educated too.” Double whammy.”

3. Showed him.

“I’ll never forget the moment a family walked into the local pub I was working at while I was working.

This big king-of-the-grill bald alpha patriarch Dad type and his wife and kids came through, I said “welcome, where would you like to sit?” And he snapped back “well a table would be nice”, and without missing a beat at all I replied “actually we usually sit on the chairs here”.

I’ll never forget the satisfaction of that moment or the look on his face haha.”

4. Satisfying.

“I worked in cellphone sales for a few years and a woman came in with a fairly new flip phone (this was 2018 we just still sold them). She was complaining cause one of the sides of the screen was dangling off and said she didn’t do anything it just snapped, and demanded a new phone.

I told her “that looks like physical damage and we don’t have any coverage for that since you didn’t buy a phone protection warranty.”

She insisted it wasn’t physical damage and the phone just sucks and broke itself. She started freaking out and calling me all kinds of names and swinging her phone in my face and then the top half of the phone LITERALLY snapped off and landed on the counter in front of me.

I just looked her in the eyes and said: “Well that was definitely physical damage.” She lost her sh*t at my comment and it was weirdly satisfying.”

5. Oh, Karen…

“Working retail a Karen once told me she hoped I die. I was so into “work mode” that I blankly responded: “I mean, we all die. That’s not much of a threat.”

Maybe it was my lack of intimidation or blank stare, but that really shut her up.”

6. Hey o!

“Forensic biology professor brings out a fresh human brain as a surprise to a stunned class.

“You have no idea what I had to go through to get this.”

“The skull?””

7. See you there!

“After 4 years in an abusive relationship and 1 year of an abusive marriage, I told my ex that I wanted a divorce. He told he that I couldn’t divorce him or I’d go to hell. My response was “Well I guess I’ll see you there!”

I then kicked him out of my house (for which he had never paid a dime in bills) and told him to call his mom for a plane ticket.”

8. Border crossing.

“Young male, traveling with a bunch of other males, border patrol, we were being searched for drug smuggling.

Border Patrol Agent: “You know I have the authority to cavity search you?”

Me (somehow without skipping a beat) “Sure you might, but neither of us would enjoy it and you wouldn’t find anything”

Off the hook! No fingers in my butt!”

9. Which part?

“I was accused of being passive aggressive.

I replied “Which part sounded passive? I don’t ever want to come across as passive.”

10. Sitting pretty.

“A couple months ago, my (now ex) friend was telling me all the things that were “wrong” with me, and she finished it with “…and at least I dont have to wear makeup to look pretty.”

I was so fed up with her shit, so I responded, “At least I am capable of looking pretty.” She was speechless and I felt like such a badass because this was the first time I ever stood up to her.”

11. Get it started.

“Me and my girlfriend at the time were having a discussion about her going back to school. She kept putting it off every semester, and one day she got angry at me trying to get her to actually go back, not just talk about it, and she yelled “Rome wasn’t built in a day!”

And I responded, “yeah, but it was built.” And a decade later I still think of that.

She did end up going back to school. Got her masters even. She’s married now with twins. Just a real *sshole.”

12. Dramatic.

“We had a overly dramatic neighbor who always claimed she was sick and dying.

My mom came to see my kids in the middle of battling stage 4 lung cancer.

The neighbor pulled her, “Hi Rita, so glad to see you. Did Jason tell you that I am dying?”

My mom looked right at her, smiled and said “Me too, dear. But not today.”

Never more proud of her.”

13. Nailed it!

“I was eating McDonald’s with a few friends and I started choking.

The only thing I managed to say in the whole ordeal was “I’m McChokin’”.”

14. Give it to ’em!

“When I was 7 some girls were bullying me at school.

I just learned the word mutual. One of the bullies said “we don’t like you” and I said “ the feeling’s mutual” and then walked off.

I’m 37 now and I still remember it.”

15. Action hero.

“At a party a few years back, someone stole my friends purse. Her boyfriend found the guys who took it and got it back for her, but he was still in an angry, drunken rage and was continuing to escalate the situation when he was well outnumbered.

My friend finds me and says, “I’m afraid [boyfriend] is about to get into a fight, I need your help. Stop him, please!”. I stand up, and I tell her, “I can’t promise you I can stop him from fighting, but I can promise you I won’t let him lose.” Before walking off to find him.

Ultimately, no fight actually broke out, and I didn’t realize that I had basically said a cheesy one liner until after the fact when my friend told me how intense that line was.

I didn’t mean for it to sound so dramatic, I just wanted to let her know I wouldn’t let him get his ass kicked, I didn’t mean to make it sound like I was about to demolish three guys by myself like I’m some sort of action hero.”

What’s the most impressive thing YOU’VE said in the heat of the moment?

Share it with us in the comments!

Let’s see what you got!

The post People Talk About the Coolest Things They’ve Said in the Heat of the Moment appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Ridiculous Things They Had to Explain to Other Adults

When I was young, I truly believed that all adults were like my parents.

Serious, hard-working, dependable, smart.

Then as I got older, I learned that’s not the case at all. In fact, IT’S NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THE TRUTH. My boss at my first “real” job was…let’s just say “not on the ball.” At all.

As the saying goes, age ain’t nothing but a number, right? Some kids are more mature and worldly than people twice or three times their age, I guess.

Let’s see what ridiculous things folks on AskReddit had to explain to other adults.

1. Please don’t do that.

“I used to work at hospital.

One of the most frequent things I had to tell people was why it was a bad idea to smoke near their relatives or friends who had oxygen tanks.”

2. Not a geography major.

“That Portugal isn’t next to Brazil and than Spain isn’t “just south of the border”.”

3. Doesn’t work that way.

“That someone can’t give you AIDS by touching a door handle.

And to not call the cops on this person because they have AIDS and touched a door handle.”

4. How does this whole thing work?

“I had to explain to my adult coworker, who is 5 years older than I am, who has two children, that when she goes outside and looks up at the sky she is in fact looking up into our atmosphere, and beyond that, space. Yes actual “space”.

She thought we lived inside the Earth’s crust or something. She said she was never really too sure on the subject. Wtf.

And she definitely gets paid more than I do. FML.”

5. Oh, boy…

“That Ireland is a real country and not just a made up place for leprechauns and four leaf clovers…”

6. I have a new idea…

“Refrigerators already exist.

She thought she was a genius for coming up with the idea of putting food into a cold space to reduce bacteria growth.”

7. The art of snow.

“My wife’s friend was visiting last winter and tagged along for a quick ski trip to our local mountain in the PNW.

Was one of those perfect winter wonderland days with great snow cover and a light snow.

While we were riding the lift up the friend turns to me and asks “How did they get the snow to look so perfect on the trees?”.

She’s 33 and she wasn’t joking.”

8. It’s real!

“That Jurassic Park wasn’t a real place.

I wish i was joking…”

9. Scary.

“That the U.S. has never been at war with India.

And that Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan have nothing to do with India… He was in the military, which is the terrifying part…”

10. Filth!

“A physician I worked with had to explain to a young couple that they had to have s*x in order for her to get pregnant, then he had to explain s*x to the husband while one of my colleagues explained it to the wife.

They refused to believe it and left the clinic after threatening to report us for being ‘filthy’.”

11. Is this the right section?

“I used to manage a bookstore and I once had to tell a customer that we didn’t have any historical reference books about dragons because dragons weren’t real.”

12. Ohhhhhhh……

“It’s not named COVID Nineteen because there were 18 others before this.

It was discovered in 20-nineteen so they named it after the year.”

13. Who wants sushi?

“Back when COVID was first starting, I was talking with a patient at our office who asked if it was safe to eat at Chinese restaurants because of Coronavirus.

I explained politely (while internally facepalming) that it is totally fine, to which the woman replied “Thank God, I’m TOTALLY craving sushi!”

Then I had to explain the origin of sushi, the most quintessentially and widely known Japanese dish in American culture.”

Now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

In the comments, tell us about the times you’ve had to explain something totally ridiculous to an adult.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post People Share the Ridiculous Things They Had to Explain to Other Adults appeared first on UberFacts.