10+ People Share the One Thing They’re Glad They’ll Never, Ever Have to Do Again

For me, the answer would definitely be “moving my in-laws out of state.” Now, some of you might think that sounds like a pretty desirable thing but, A) I actually really love my in-laws, and B) they are terrible at packing. Between those two things, having to literally pack, clean, and move their entire lifetime’s worth of belongings was… rough, to say the least.

Everyone has their own thing (or things) they loathe doing so much they’ll never acquiesce to doing it again. But you may not have considered the 15 below.

#1. I’ll never look back

“Being addicted to heroin and being homeless. I’m 2 years clean with a family of my own and a place to call home. I left that life and I’ll never look back.”

#2. Sh*t

“I used to work in this absolute shit medical job. It was the absolute worst because there wasn’t a single good thing about it. The people I worked with were shit, the people I interacted with were shit. You could go into that place at 5am happy as can be and leave the place after 6 failed bathroom noose’ings just to try again the next day.

When I put in my 2 weeks those feelings amped up to 11. It was like everyone who was shit the entire time I was there decided it wasn’t enough and leaned into it. Like you got a heaven pass to leave hell and all the demons were pissed that you’re getting out and they have to stay behind so they claw at you the whole way out in hopes that you die before you leave.

Fuck hospitals, man.”

#3. Two weeks in a call center

“I worked for two weeks in a call center and the entire time I spent staring at my desk. I did this for ten hours a day because the company president was out of the office and they refused to get me setup with a password or let me browse the web etc etc.

After two weeks, I came back the following Monday, started my day and then with nothing changing, I just walked out of the building and went home. My car was broken down at the time, so it took several hours to get home.

Glad that is over and done with. No way I’ll ever work in another call center.”

#4. But damn

“Serving as a nuclear reactor operator in the U.S. Navy.

Cool job. Gave me lots of opportunities. But damn.”

#5. Burning pain

“The absolutly horrific burning pain of a urinary tract infection.”

#6. The real heroes

“Night shifts. To you out there doing it now, you’re the real heroes of the night.”

#7. PTSD

“I worked as a nurse for a psych hospital with no fucking security. I got PTSD from all he fights i had to get into. I’m still a psych nurse, but it’s much better.”

#8. Word


#9. A done dissertation

“My dissertation. I would never want to do that again. The only good dissertation is a done dissertation”

#10. Here’s hoping

“Hubby went through chemo. Said if cancer happens again, he wouldn’t do chemo or fight it. But then he remembered he had kids, and was on the fence.

Here’s to hoping you don’t go through it again.”

#11. Sucking the energy from my soul

“Working in a restaurant. I spent ten years of my life in that business both serving and managing. Fives years and 40k in debt later, I finally just started my new career. No offense to anyone that works in the industry or truly loves it, but I came to despise the hospitality business. I could feel it sucking the energy from my soul..

Edit: For everyone asking, my 40k in debt is from tuition costs after earning my engineering degree, not from working in restaurants. It’s the best money I have ever spent.”

#12. Never again

“I carry a Taser for work. In order to pass certification, I had to take an exposure (get Tasered).

Never again.”

#13. Soul crushing

“I did ten years in a grocery store. It was soul crushing. I remember on my last day standing by the time clock with the people clocking in. When I clocked out for the last time I told them all I did not work there anymore and said my goodbyes. It was such a good feeling going to my car and driving away knowing I never had to go back.

Edit: For the people asking if I ever went back to shop there I did not. I live in a major city and the store was on the other side of the city. I go a store closer to my house. I got a civil service job and sometimes came by when I was on duty. I did work there ten years and I spent ten years working with some of the same people. I did keep in touch with a lot of people for a number of years after I worked there and it was nice just to stop by and talk with them again.

I worked there to pay for my college degrees and the pay and benefits were good and it was a flexible schedule.”

Here’s to moving on.

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15 Things We Are Definitely NOT in ‘The Golden Age’ Of

When historians look back at this era, how will they define it? Most likely not by reason or thought. Am I the only one who feels like we’re trapped in an age of stupidity?

AskReddit users went on the record and revealed what we are NOT in ‘The Golden Age’ of.

1. Very true


2. No common ground

“Water cooler talk at work. Ten years ago if I saw something incredible I would talk to people about it at work the next day, now nobody watches the same thing so those conversations don’t happen.”

3. Fall of the mall

“Shopping Malls, they are super dead and getting a little deader every day.”

4. Tragedy


We’ve killed so many fish it’s a f*cking tragedy. By some estimates we’ve killed 90% of the world’s shark population alone. Reading old books and running into offhand comments about fishing is depressing as hell.

I love seafood, but we need like a decade-long commercial fishing hiatus followed by much stricter limits and better regulations. There are a bunch of really dumb rules right now; bycatch is wasted, for example. Let’s get by on sport-caught and farmed seafood for a while and let the fishes come back.

Fishing now is nothing whatever like it was even fifty years ago. A century ago it was like another planet. And this is coming from a kiteboarder, somebody to whom sharks are a genuine threat.”

5. Muscle men

“Bodybuilding. Go look at the recent Mr. Olympia winners and compare that to the days of Schwarzenegger. Night and day.”

6. Damn shoelaces

“Shoe fastenings. We’re still using primitive shoelaces just like all of those grim people in the earliest photographs, standing there in their tall uncomfortable black boots, out in the barnyard next to the well, with the tethered mule standing dumbly by the family, all of whom look angry or like they want to die instead of face yet another brutal day trying to wrestle their sustenance out of the unforgiving ground.

The well is gone, the mule is gone, even the barnyard is gone, and we sit in our shiny air-conditioned towers talking to each other across a networked world swarmed with satellites, yet still we wear those same laces.

We tried in the 80s with Velcro; every kid had a pair, or at least some hybrid hi-tops. But Big Shoelace crushed it behind the scenes, relegating it to the shoes of wriggling infants and arthritic seniors in the painful twilight of their mobility.

So here we are still enslaved, still tethered to Big Shoelace, suckling at its teat as the only means of sustenance within the radius allowed us. We are the mules now. We will never escape. We will never escape. Congress has a golden shoelace around its neck and we will never escape. Perhaps it’s a golden age after all, just not for the many.”

7. Long gone neon

“Neon signs

Ok, people are saying that “hey, you’ve clearly never been to X, there’s a ton there!” While you’re right, I’ve never been to Austin or Vegas, that doesn’t mean that we’re still in the golden age. There’s a great documentary that was actually on the Reddit front page about the industry dying in Asia (I believe it’s been linked to in this thread multiple times). There are a lot out in the world, but there’s almost no new ones being made, and not like they used to be. I would say the golden age for neon was in the 80s. LEDs are the future and that’s kinda sad.”

8. We need an upgrade

“Toilets. Either make them all flush automatically or make them where you have to push the handle down.

If it’s one of those automatic ones, please make it smart enough to not flush while I’m just sitting down or mid poop. I like to wipe down the toilet seat before I sit on it and throw that toilet paper in the water to avoid any splash backs . Half the time it doesn’t work because the toilet will just flush before I even sit down.

And fix the bathroom stalls. No one should be able to make eye contact with me through the crack of the door as they walk in and I’m in the stall talking a poop.”

9. Any Brits care to weigh in?

“The British Empire.”

10. Is it in the past or the future?

“Space Exploration.”

11. A lot of people are sorry

“The Halo franchise. Sorry ?

12. Interesting take


13. On the decline


14. Not a bad thing

“Small pox.”

15. What’s gonna happen?

“Gene manipulation.

CRISPR is at its infancy, and won’t reach its full potential for a few decades I’m guessing. Who knows what could happen when we reach that point?”

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15 People Share the Best Way to Make the Worst First Impression

You only get one shot, people. Whether you’re meeting a stranger, potential boss, or a blind date, you only get one opportunity to make a first impression. So don’t blow it!

People on AskReddit shared the best ways to make a bad impression, so do the exact opposite of that, okay?

1. Now I’m sad

“Be yourself..?”

2. Very true

“If on a date- treating service industry people poorly.”

3. No

“Lick their face.”

4. Shrug

“Show up late without a good excuse.”

5. A lot of that going around

“Talk about yourself 24/7 and interrupt people.”

6. Not a good way to start

“Create a dumb pet name for that person and let them know.

“And you are?”


“I’m going to call you Vickers.” “

7. Sup bro?

“Turn up high on mad drugs.”

8. That is very specific

“Wear Oakleys and a backwards hat, have yourself delivered in a large box, then explode out of it to do a dabbing pose with fidget spinners in each hand and vape smoke clouding out of your nostrils.”

9. Never a good idea

“Simultaneously poop yourself and vomit. Does it every time.”

10. That’s odd

“Correct someone when they tell you their name.

“Hi! I’m Joseph”

“Ohh you mean Jonathon!”

“… No..”

11. I know

“Reply with “Yeah, I know.” when they say “Nice to meet you.”

Yes, personal experience. I was the a**hole.”

12. Detailed instructions

“Here is my comprehensive breakdown.

0 Disengage your sense of empathy

1 Don’t let the other person talk about things they care about, but encourage them to go on at length about things that make them uncomfortable. Interupt or divert conversation whenever they look like they might be moving to a topic they find interesting, or even engaging in a non-positive way.

2 Make your physical presence as unpleasant as possible. You want to smell, but not just ‘I don’t wash’ smell, I’m talking hospital smells, post sex smell, wet dog and cheap perfume, vegtable rot all blended together. Make it so that if they try to figure out how those smells got there they would think you had been doing deeply unpleasant things for the day. You want your handshakes, to be limp and strangely damp- always shake hands with the hand you hold your drink, and linger too close. Lean in and whisper. Have bad breath. Make sure your movements are bereft of elegance and grace- preferably jerky or awkward in ways that people instantly think ‘isn’t that uncomfortable’, which in turn makes them uncomfortable. Lopsided, S-spine posture is a must. Make sure your hands are dirty, skin rough, and with jagged nails. Don’t use clippers for those nails, just teeth, and preferably just as you meet someone while going for a handshake with the other hand.

3 Dress with clothes that tell an unpleasant story. Ill fitting is a must, but also things that make it look like you’ve come from somewhere unpleasant and are bringing it with you. Hated subcultures are a must, but be careful. If you are too divisive, you might encourage people of that subculture to engage positively with you- a good trick is to combine things like militant pro-vegan slogan tees with a real fur jacket. Try to make sure your clothes have damage and unfortunate stains.

4 Attitude. You can make a lot of attitudes work, but one thing is your enemy-consistancy. Be loud, be quiet, use big expressive language, use small body language and gestures, be uncomfortably friendly then unreasonably angry. The more moods and emotions you can display in those first moments of meeting, the more unsettling it is.

5 Defy expectations. If there are boundaries, even things as simple as when and where to be, cross them. If there is a list of good ettiquite for where you meet someone, breach every part of it.

6 Last, but certainly not least, practice. Like with any skill, practice makes perfect. Fortunately, most cities have places where you will make a first impression on thousands of people in a day- go out into the world and see what works. Rush hour traffic or christmas shopping, you can practice first impressions anywhere, until people will avoid eye contact and cross the street at a glance.”

13. Passionate fans

“Well the other day i went to my girlfriends house. Mexican soccer final was on.

Her dad asks me “So, which team of the two do you like?”

“Eh, i dont watch soccer much anymore but Las Aguilas del America are okay.”

He turns over and looks at me. Felt like 30 min. Then he finally says “Theyre the only team I can’t f*cking stand.”

So that way.”

14. Sniff sniff

“Shake their hand, and hold onto it for a just little longer than usual. Then bring it up to your nose and take a goooood long sniff. Let out a little moan after. Then carry on like usual.”

15. “This looks boring”

“My company is currently interviewing for a couple of positions. Sometimes, during the second round of interviews, they bring candidates in to the office where they’ll be working, partly so they can see it, and partly so the rest of the team can give their first impressions after they’re gone.

The candidate who was the strongest on paper comes in, and the first thing he says is: “This looks boring.” I don’t think he’ll get the job.”

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Artist’s Adorable Illustrations Reveal the Hidden Side of Relationships

The prospect of a long-term relationship brings up pretty mixed reactions from people. Particularly for those who are single, long-term relationships might seem like a perfect romantic experience where couples sit around and cuddle and feed each other grapes all day. But anyone who’s actually been in a long-term relationship will tell you that that’s just not the case. Sure, there are tons of amazing moments that you’d never trade in a lifetime, but there are also plenty of others that aren’t as picture-perfect as Rom-Coms might have you believe.

But don’t just take my word for it. LA-based artist Amanda Oleander has been documenting the lives of couples behind closed doors and her work is way too relatable. She’s been dating a man named Joey for the past three years and is very open about how much their relationship has influenced her work. “Before I met Joey if anyone told me their love and relationship was like ours I wouldn’t believe it,” Oleander said in an interview with Bored Panda. ” It’s nothing less than amazing. We can’t get enough of each other.”

She went on to say that, “[She’s] enthralled by the way people behave behind closed doors, intimate moments we never get to see. Those are moments that can’t really be documented because if they were, it would alter the way the person behaved. So I draw them.”

You can check out some of Amanda’s work below.


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander

That’s as real as it gets.

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Woman Gets Added to a Sexist Group Chat About Her, Puts It on Facebook

Eleanor Henry was a law student at Melbourne University who had something both mortifying and appalling happen to her not long ago.

Her peers were apparently sexualizing and objectifying her in a group chat and… somebody unwittingly added her to it.

Needless to say, she was quickly removed from the chat, but not before she saw everything they had said and took a lot of screenshots. And then she shared (almost) all of it to Facebook.

Get ready for a shockingly sexist ride!

Photo Credit: Facebook

Her Facebook post reads:

“Let’s all wave hello to my fellow peers at Melbourne University. This is why I’ll die a feminist. It’s 2016.. Let’s get back to that conversation on equality.

Oh and for those asking, they accidentally added me to their chat group without realizing I could read everything prior.”

But here’s the thing… Henry was incredibly nice. Because, as she told the Daily Mail Australia, she wouldn’t “publicly name and shame the men.”

Her restraint is even more impressive considering what they wrote:

Photo Credit: Facebook

All that, and they also said, “Bring her to Thailand. We need a bike.”

“Aside from this contact, I have never really engaged with them on a social level,” Eleanor told the Daily Mail. In fact, several of the people in the chat were guys she had never even met before.

Reading the messages made Eleanor feel physically ill, and her sister suggested that she expose this particular “kind of rape culture” by posting the messages to Facebook. (With all the profile pics and names blurred out, of course.)

Apparently, after Henry posted the messages, one of the guys involved begged her to take them down:

Photo Credit: Facebook

Yeah, his case wasn’t terribly convincing, was it? No worry about the ethical implications involved in joking about gang-banging a female friend. Just worried about being caught.

Luckily for him, he and his friends remain anonymous.

On her decision not to name the boys involved, Eleanor explained, “It’s not particularly relevant in achieving the outcome I wish to pursue on a larger scale, which ultimately is to bring awareness about the issue and have people understand that it should not be merely written off as ‘boys being boys.’”

Just more proof that “locker room talk” often has nothing to do with the locker room.

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10+ Times College Professors Were the Actual Best

They say that those who can’t do, teach – and I’ve always thought that if being a writer doesn’t pan out, being a college professor sounds pretty good. Flexible hours, you deal with your students directly instead of having to put up with their parents, and you still get longer holidays.

I mean, what’s not to love — you know, aside from the ass-kissing, publish-or-perish mentality, and the politics that go hand-in-hand with higher education?

No, but seriously, these 11 college professors totally confirm my assumption that their jobs are awesome more often than not, and that the profession attracts the best sort of people.

#1. It’s best not to ask too many questions.

Image Credit: Twitter

#2. It’s cool.

Image Credit: Twitter

#3. Yo.

Image Credit: Tumblr

#4. Even if he’s not in, he’s in…poster-style.

Image Credit: Reddit

#5. And possibly hungover.

Image Credit: Twitter

#6. You’ve got to meet kids on their level.

Image Credit: Twitter

#7. Buckle up, because this ain’t high school.

Image Credit: Tumblr

#8. Email is hard, yo.

Image Credit: Twitter

#9. This made me lol.

Image Credit: Twitter

#10. He’s just trying to connect.

Image Credit: Twitter

#11. Critique’s still valid, tho.

Image Credit: Twitter

I’m off to apply to grad school!

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Man Looks Like a Disney Prince After Losing 70 Lbs

A lot of us struggle with our weight, and it’s so easy to get discouraged along that journey. I find, however, that it always helps to see someone else whose hard work and persistence paid off with an incredible transformation!

For 26-year-old Connecticut resident Jeffrey Kendall, the inspiration to get fit came while he was taking care of his mother.

Photo Credit: Jeffrey Kendall

Jeff’s mom had suffered a brain aneurysm on July 4, 2015. In an interview with Love What Matters, he explained, “She was in a coma and rehab hospitals for 7 months until they deemed she had plateaued and was to be released since insurance would no longer cover her.”

“I was an overweight youth, I was bullied growing up. I’ve lived my life with body-image and confidence issues.”

Photo Credit: Jeffrey Kendall

Seeing everything his mother was going through gave Jeff a lot of perspective on “a world of self-pity and pain.” Coincidentally, a close friend who’d just gone through a painful breakup was starting an exercise regimen as a way to feel better and needed a workout buddy.

They started out with a light barbell workout and some daily pushups.

Photo Credit: Jeffrey Kendall

Eventually, he started waking up earlier and going for walks. As he got fitter, that turned into jogs and sprints. After nearly two years of dedication to his healthy lifestyle, Jeff lost 70 pounds!

Talk about a transformation! That is one handsome fella.

Photo Credit: Instagram, jeffk8991

Not that he wasn’t already a pretty handsome guy, but he’s got model good looks now.

Photo Credit: Instagram, jeffk8991

Selfie game is strong too!

Photo Credit: Instagram, jeffk8991

Just the hair alone is pure magnificence…

Photo Credit: Instagram, jeffk8991

… But then you get tickets to the gun show.

Photo Credit: jeffk8991

Photo Credit: Reddit, Apolecia

Naturally, it wasn’t long before the comparisons to Disney princes started rolling in, especially Prince Adam from Beauty and the Beast.

Photo Credit: Reddit, Apolecia

Photo Credit: Instagram, jeffk8991

Since first sharing his progress on Reddit, Jeff says he’s been overwhelmed by the positive response and attention he’s received.

Photo Credit: Instagram, jeffk8991

“I could barely sleep that night, it was amazing. The comments were all so uplifting and inspiring.”

Photo Credit: Instagram, jeffk8991

Photo Credit: Instagram, jeffk8991

Many of the commenters online couldn’t stop fawning over his hair, and suggested he star in shampoo ads.

Photo Credit: Anya Hall

Photo Credit: Amanda Morgan

Photo Credit: Pepper Rainbow

Photo Credit: Ryann Farley

Perhaps what makes Jeff even more beautiful as a person is his good heart. He stepped up to take care of his ailing mother when she was ill, a decision that’s not always easy for someone in their 20s to make. Here’s hoping he has every success in life, because he definitely deserves it.

If you liked this transformation story, you may also enjoy:

10 Incredible Weight Loss Transformations That Prove You Can Get Fit in 2018

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Man Who Refused to Give His Seat to a Pregnant Woman Gets Exactly What He Deserves

Let’s face it, chivalry is definitely a lost art these days. People just aren’t as nice as they used to be. If you’ve any doubts as to the truth of those words, just check out this true story by Twitter user Brydie Lee-Kennedy, an 8-months-pregnant woman who did not hesitate to share her tale of woe with the world.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Basically, there was one seat left, she was exhausted and carrying extra weight, and some guy thought his bag (and hand) needed the space more than she did. So, she sat on his hand and his bag, which apparently he still refused to move so they spent the rest of the ride in some sort of silent standoff.

Plenty of other women chimed in to share their stories of similar occurrences. All of them are my heroes, and braver than I would have been in a similar situation, though the discomfort caused by late pregnancy often causes one to lose one’s filter.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

This one, though, is my favorite. It honestly needs to be a scene in a movie.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Long story short? Don’t be stupid, rude and obtuse. Pay attention to the people around you who aren’t having the best of days.

And get off your ass if a giant pregnant woman is standing near you.

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15 “Open-Minded” People Share the Seemingly Harmless Actions They Can’t Help but Judge

You know, I consider myself a pretty open-minded, easygoing person. For the most part, I’m content to just do my thing while you do yours.

That said, we all have that one thing we just can’t help but put on our judgy pants about, right? These 13+ people weren’t afraid to share theirs. Are you?

#1. Speakerphone

“People that are having a personal conversation over SPEAKERPHONE with other people in the room. Especially when the conversation is so loud you can’t talk with other people in the room who also have nothing to do with the conversation being had over the phone.”

#2. Move out of the damn doorway

“When people stand in doorways in public. I want to scream. I should not have to say “excuse me.” Moooove out of the damn doorway, it is for walking through!”

#3. No one is in there!

“People who leave lights on in rooms they have left and closed the door on such as a bathroom for example. No one is in there! No one needs any light to see until they arrive to use the bathroom at which point they flick a light switch. It drives me mad.”

#4. Stop acting like a jerk

“People who are rude/hostile to anyone assisting them.

Cashiers, waiters, bank tellers etc. Workers should be able to tell people to stop acting like a jerk. its not hard to be civil. If you can’t be civil don’t ask for help!”

#5. Kids

“I judge people who give their children electronic devices in places like restaurants and let the sound play on speaker. I fully understand that parents want to keep their kids entertained and quiet, but it is pretty inconsiderate to make everyone in a room listen to what your kid is playing just so you don’t have to deal with your own child.”

#6. 10 out of 10 times

“Anyone that has loud music in a public place like a subway or crowded street. That makes me judge that person as an inconsiderate asshole 10 out of 10 times.”

#7. Closing time

“Anyone in a retail store or restaurant who doesn’t respect closing time. I would never ever do this in a million years. People who continue to browse when the store closes in 3 minutes, WHY?”

#8. Just because they’re old

“Old people who think they can cut you in line, just because they’re old..”

#9. Slap people silly

“Passive aggression. It makes me want to slap people silly. Just say what you mean! Unfortunately it is mostly customers who do it so I can’t call them out.”

#10. On their neck or face

“I am heavily tattooed but I find myself judging people with tattoos on their neck or face.”

#11. Savages

“People who dont wash their hands. We live in a world

Of savages”

#12. Wear clothes that fit

“People (usually men, I’m sure women do it but have never seen it) who are super overweight and have a giant stomach that their shirt doesn’t cover so it sort of just hangs out. I don’t care that you’re fat, I’m fat, just wear clothes that fit. Edit: just to clarify, I don’t care about their weight. Seriously I’m obese and I have a huge tummy, I genuinely don’t care if you’re massive, I just don’t want to see your belly.”

#13. Grocery store etiquette

“When customers at the grocery store stop and leave their cart in the middle of the aisle making it impossible for others to pass while they look for their item(s) on the shelf.”

#14. Litterbugs

“People that routinely litter – especially in public parks and beaches.”

#15. Close the damn door

“My girlfriend’s mom will leave the refrigerator door open for 10+ minutes after taking out food to prepare it, before putting the food back in and closing the door.”

Any of these got you nodding right now?

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10+ Scientists Share the Common Misconceptions About their Jobs That Drive Them Crazy

Every profession has its pet peeves, often involving what the job really entails versus what the average person thinks it is. One such profession that people definitely don’t understand fully? Scientist.

So it’s unsurprising that these 15 scientists were willing to dish on the worst offenses.

#1. Built by consensus

“Peer review isn’t this magical thing where passing instantly conveys some level of unassailable validity. It’s 2-5 overworked scientists taking a quick look through someone else’s work, in a field that might be only tangentially within their area of expertise.

The job of peer review is to identify glaring mistakes (and, if my experience is anything to go by, apparently for the reviewers to try and squeeze a few more citations out of their papers by insisting the author references them). It generally doesn’t eliminate papers with subtle methodology or measurement flaws. It doesn’t weed out deliberate fraud. Hell, sometimes it even lets through glaringly obvious screw ups (as I said, the reviewers are generally overworked).

This is not a factor of the quality of the peer review, mind. Hell, sometimes even the very best journals get it wrong; the case of the Japanese Obokata group reporting induced pluripotency (which was a BIG DEALTM at the time) that got published in Nature, before being retracted because it turned out to be fraud.

Further, just because something is published, doesn’t mean it’s been published in a respectable journal. There are predatory journals, pay-to-play papermills, low quality scrub journals that don’t have standards, ideologically-driven rags, and more.

As a result, you can find papers that say damn near anything.
A single paper doesn’t mean anything.

What matters is that people can reproduce the work in question. Peer replication is the only true test of scientific validity, and that can take decades (assuming the topic ever even attracts enough attention to warrant replication attempts).

You see, scientific understanding is built by consensus. That is, the gradual accumulation of results in support of a new theory, and overturning an old one. If a theory is testable and valid, it will eventually be found to be true regardless of the odds stacked in front of it. This may not always be achieved rapidly.

So when you see a paper that seems to promise something against the norm, don’t assume it’s correct just because “scientists say”. Trust in the consensus that’s been built over time. Yes that does get overturned occasionally, but that is far, far rarer than the number of times those out-there results are correct.”

#2. Keeping it from the public

“I am a scientist and my sister legitimately thinks the cure for cancer has been found and ‘we’ (I am not a cancer scientist but apparently we’re all in on it together) are keeping it from the public. She does not understand what cancer actually is or that its really bloody hard to treat but gets really angry at me whenever cancer is mentioned because I’m the reason people are suffering. Wtf.”

#3. “Why did this happen?”

“The biggest one I deal with at work is “scientists know everything.” I work as a food scientist/R&D, and whenever we have something unexpected happen (e.g. a product is way stickier than I thought it should be, takes more water than our quality regs allows to prevent mold, etc.), no fewer than 4 people will come to me with a product in-hand and ask “why did this happen?” No context; not even sure what the actual problem is, just that they’re holding something that’s apparently not right. Depending on what the problem is, I usually have a couple ideas. Follow-up is then “well which one is it??” Like I’m actively trying to avoid giving them the one correct answer.. No, it could be any one of them OR it could even be a combination of all of them. We just have to try them out to find know for sure. My boss is the biggest offender of this, where he’ll send me an email saying “Product X doesn’t look good. What happened. We need to fix it” and I have even less to go on..

I don’t have all the answers, and scientists aren’t fiendishly withholding knowledge from people.”

#4. One big hat

“That “science” is one big hat. There seems to be this assumption that an astronomer and a biologist are one and the same.

While there is an extremely small subset of scientists that are cross-trained in multiple fields, the vast, vast majority of scientists have one small area of expertise.”

#5. Two misconceptions

“Zoologist here there are two misconceptions that drive me up a wall:

1.) When people say, incredulously, that humans evolved from monkeys, as if to denounce the whole idea of evolution as some crackpot idea. No, we did not evolve from modern day monkeys, we both share a common ancestor.

2.) Whenever people say that modern AZA zoos steal animals from the wild. They did do that in the past, but nowadays pretty much all animals you see in a reputable zoo are bred in captivity using SSP guidelines. Of course the same people who like to spout such nonsense also support shoddy “reserves” that have less funding and less support for their animals, and sometimes are no better than those roadside zoos that only see their animals as money makers.”

#6. It’s not

“That ‘cancer’ is one disease process and can be cured in aggregate.

Its not.”

#7. The things that are natural

“That things that are “natural” are automatically safe and effective. Toadstools are natural. All kinds of dangerous, poisonous things are natural. What natural really means is not tested in a scientific manner therefore potentially unsafe, almost always ineffective and somehow grandfathered in.”

#8. Some great global conspiracy

“That there could ever be some great global conspiracy of scientists to hide the “truth” about climate change or evolution.

Research science is as filed with pettiness and ego as any corporate boardroom. Everyone is trying to get out the next big discovery, and the competition between labs is fierce and sometimes nasty.

There is no way 97% of climate scientists are getting together and sharing a cheese plate while discussing how to take away your Suburban.”

#9. Multiple universes

“Physicist here! People often think that multiverse theory suggests that literally anything you can think of is true in some parallel universe (i.e. in some universe everyone lives on giant turtles).

This is not the case. Multiverse theory (which has very little evidence of being true) suggests that there are multiple (possibly infinite) universes. Although there could be infinite universes, that does not imply that they satisfy all possibilities. The sort of standard way of describing it is that there are an infinite number of numbers between 0 and 1 (i.e. 0.1, 0.01,0.001 etc) but none of them are two.”

#10. As seen on TV

“I work in the field of forensics. Yes it is cool, no it is not nearly as cool as on TV. Typically lab scientists (at least all the ones I know) NEVER go out to the scene to collect evidence. Results take so much longer than what they show on TV and are not always as clear cut either. Don’t even get me started on wearing PPE.”

#11. How little we know

“Geologist here, people don’t understand the massive time scale of the earth, and how little we know absolutely beyond the last 100-1000 years.”

#12. What’s the use?

“What’s the use?”

Most of the time, we either don’t know or have a vague idea of how research could go out of the lab. It is usually written in conclusion of articles, sometimes a bit too emphatically, which gives sensational headlines.”

#13. It’s just a theory

“About three months ago I went on a huge pseudoscientce and conspiracy theory binge for the hell of it. You would not believe the number of times they will pull the, “It’s just a THEORY, that means it’s NEVER BEEN PROVEN,” bullcrap.”

#14. Human calculators

“Mathematician here, but it’s astounding how many people think that people get Ph.Ds in the subject simply to be “human calculators”. I once told someone I had a degree in math, and the person proceeded to ask simple mental math questions. Once I answered them (toughest was 17*15) he admitted that I really was amazing at math and that my degree was put to good use. I don’t think I’ve facepalmed harder.”

#15. That one thing…

“Neuroscientist here. If everyone stopped repeating that “we only use 10% of our brain” thing, my blood pressure would probably drop significantly.”

I hope you were listening, folks!

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