Dad Melts Hearts with His Wheelchair-Accessible Snow Fort

Parenting is a hard job, and I’m literally only saying that with the experience of being a puppy parent! Whether you have a fur baby or a real baby, it’s hard to always find the energy to play with them – especially when it’s cold outside.

That’s why I gotta give mad props to Greg Eichhorn of Ohio, who is a father to 9 adopted, special needs children. Although two of those kids are wheelchair-bound, Greg figured that shouldn’t stop them from enjoying a snow fort like every other kid on the block.

Photo Credit: Reddit

“We built a bigger igloo – one that had a handicap-accessible hole so Elijah and Zahara could experience it, because I did when I was a kid,” he explained.

The adorable, thoughtful act garnered attention on social media when a friend of Eichhorn shared a picture of the fort and his buddy’s ingenuity on Reddit.

Comments poured in and were, true to Reddit form, all over the board. That said, the majority of people thought he was a pretty awesome dad for not only getting out there, but going above and beyond to ensure that all of his children were able to enjoy the day.

Photo Credit: Facebook

As far as Eichhorn himself, he doesn’t think he did anything special. But he is using his moment in the spotlight to advocate for adoption.

“Our family is getting kind of full and it would be great if people stepped up, took on the same roles and enjoyed the kind of joy that we do. Because yeah, we get a lot of joy out of life.”

What’s more, when people reached out with offers to donate money to Eichhorn and his family, he declined, suggesting they donate the money to their local adoption agencies instead.

He sounds like a stand-up guy – and one with some pretty serious snow fort building skills. I’m not sure what else you need to be voted Dad of the Year.

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Banker Quits His Job, Dresses as Spider-Man on His Last Day

Over the years, a lot of famous actors have donned the red-and-blue tights of Spider-Man to thrill movie audiences around the world. While they’ve all been (mostly) great, I’d argue that this anonymous bank worker from Sao Paolo, Brazil, might have worn the outfit best.

He decided to slip into the spandex on his last day of work, and naturally, hilarity ensued.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Is it good or bad that he worked in the analysis department of a bank and therefore saw no customers in “uniform?”

Photo Credit: YouTube

I suppose it depends on who you ask.

Photo Credit: YouTube

His fellow employees obviously enjoyed the prank, and one of them Instagrammed the picture-perfect moment saying: “Last day of work and this person is driving the boss mad.”

Photo Credit: YouTube

Overall, everyone else was pleased he decided to show up for his last day in full Spiderman regalia. Especially since he handed out candy as part of his schtick — which perhaps makes him the best Spider-Man ever.

If you’re leaving your job and have no need of a recommendation or referral in the future, then, I mean, why not go out with a bang?

Or a web?

I, for one, salute you, sir. I just hope there were no encounters with actual radioactive spiders to make this day possible.

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These Memes About Marriage Will Make You Laugh and Cry

Marriage is one of those things that you’ve gotta laugh through, or else it’ll never survive. It’s a (hopefully) lifelong journey with plenty of ups and downs, so having a sense of humor is pretty essential.

These memes perfectly capture the hilarious (and at times terrible) realities of marriage. Even if you’re not married, you’ll totally sympathize (and giggle).

1. Quit cleaning the weird shit

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. You have 30 minutes

Photo Credit: someecards

3. That is terrifying

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. The answer is ‘no’

Photo Credit: someecards

5. That’s my spot

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Not very long

Photo Credit: someecards

7. You ready?

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Forever nachos

Photo Credit: someecards

9. May I ask why?

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Just don’t

Photo Credit: someecards

11. A bit of a difference

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Prepare

Photo Credit: someecards

13. Proof

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Not so hard

Photo Credit: someecards

15. Ah, Sundays

Photo Credit: someecards

16. Life revolves around food

Photo Credit: someecards

17. This is gonna be close

Photo Credit: someecards

18. I’ve never heard that

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Too real

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. That’s what it’s all about

Photo Credit: Twitter

Ahhhhh, married life. Isn’t it glorious?

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This Viral Post Shows Exactly Why People with Mental Health Issues Don’t Seek Help

According to the World Health Organization, over 300 million people worldwide have depression. Sadly, at least in the United States, your health insurance coverage dictates what treatment options (or lack thereof) you’re allowed to get. So what happens if you’re stuck between mental health concerns and financial trouble?

Nicole Vlaming experienced this firsthand. She was having suicidal thoughts. She went to an emergency room for help, which is absolutely the right thing to do – what we’re told to do, in fact.

She posted about her experience, and the resulting bill, in a post that went viral on Facebook.

Photo Credit: Facebook

She starts with explaining her initial treatment in the ER:

It’s time to go public with this shit. Two weeks ago today, I walked into the ER because if I didn’t I was going to kill myself. I was stripped of all my clothes and possessions, given disposable scrubs and put in a room for the next 5 hours. In the US, this costs nearly $3,000.

She owed almost $3,000, which, to be clear, didn’t include any medications or actual care. She continues:

I was then placed in the behavioral health ward until Sunday at noon. Three nights, two and a half days. Because it was a weekend, all therapy was scaled back, both in number of sessions and the quality of sessions. During one we simply played a trivia game. I sat around watching TV all day and chatting with a Vietnam vet. In the US this costs nearly $10,000.

Sure, she was monitored and received some counseling services. But three days of scaled-back care for $10,000? And that’s not even all the charges:

During this stay, I had blood drawn twice. That was another $3,800. Not shown are the “physician charges” that bring my grand total to over $18,000. I saw an MD once and had once daily sessions with a psychiatrist. Those sessions consisted of rating my depression on scale of 1-10 and asking if I want to hurt myself or anyone else. Real stellar care. /s Oh, I almost forgot to point out the $145 for 3 days worth of meds. I normally pay less than $50 for an entire month.

It’s natural to assume that her health insurance would cover these costs. You’d be mistaken.

My employer sponsored insurance does not cover inpatient mental health care in any capacity. I do have a supplemental insurance plan that will hopefully cover $6,000, leaving me on the hook for over $12,000.

You want to know why people don’t seek help? This is why.

It’s really sad. She did exactly what she should have done. She sought help when she needed it, and now she has a crippling amount of medical debt to contend with. As a country, we can do better. In fact, we have to do better – for her and other vulnerable populations.

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Walmart Banned This Heroic Woman After She Was Caught in the Parking Lot Drinking Wine from a Pringles Can

Times are tough out there, and the success of Marvel movies is clearly a sign that we as a people are desperate for heroes in our lives. It’s important to remember that heroes come in all shapes, sizes, and, apparently, degrees of sobriety.

This week, a new hero emerged, and the world was quick to embrace the Texas woman for exactly who she is – a woman who rides motorized carts around a Walmart parking lot while guzzling wine out of a Pringles can.

Photo Credit: Twitter

No word on what kind of wine or what kind of Pringles, which only proves that people reporting the “real” news don’t understand what we all need to know.

The woman had been galavanting about since 6:30 in the morning and was still at it when the police arrived at 9.

All joking aside, if her mental state is precarious or worse, I hope that she gets the help that she needs. If she was merely capping off a great night with friends, then more power to her.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The Walmart permanently banned her from their store (which is pretty much a blessing in disguise, if you ask me), and most people online seem to see nothing but a woman interrupted while living her best life.

This is America, after all, and she wasn’t hurting anyone or herself.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The responses are almost as funny as the story’s headline, with most people choosing to see her as a great symbol of someone with no f*cks to be given.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

We can all agree that the woman should get help if she needs it, but otherwise, I agree with the masses and say more power to her.

Carry on, good lady.

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No Matter Who You Are, We Can All Agree on These Tweets,

There’s just too much division in the world these days, so it’s nice to find something we can all agree on. Like these tweets, for instance.

So, let’s all take a chill pill and get ourselves on the same page.

1. I’ve been to Level 113

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. They sense fear

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Two different worlds

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. It’s over

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. A bad situation

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. You’re not my father

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Get rid of that

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. I’m still waiting

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. There are many types

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Instant anxiety

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. I need you, mommy

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Please stop

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. It gets ugly sometimes

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Like zombies

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Such a pleasure

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. Smitty!

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. Time to clean that off

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. Me, too

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Bye bye

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. I’m in the latter category

Photo Credit: Twitter

All for one and one for all!

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10+ People Confess the Most “Loser”-ish Thing They Do

We all have something we do that’s kind of lame. Some silly, nerdy behavior that others might look down on if they knew, but that we just can’t stop enjoying. These 15 things definitely fall into that category.

I say let your freak flag fly!

#1. Alone in my house.

“Act out conversations with people…alone in my house.”

#2. At least 5 hours a day.

“I spend at least 5 hours a day watching meme compilations and gaming videos. Sometimes I won’t even be watching them. I’ll have them playing in the background as I work. I swear to god I know like every single Vine by heart.”

#3. I hate small talk so much.

“You have no idea how many times I’ve pretended I’ve never met someone with the hopes that they would pretend they never met me too. I hate small talk so much. It’s worked more than half the time.”

#4. Real life.

“Cry over fictional characters more than I cry over my own real life scenarios.”

#5. My precalc teacher.

“go to tutoring everyday because my precal teacher is honestly one of the only people i relate to”

#6. It stung.

“There was a shop that offered to rent rooms by the hour for games. Good for groups of four or six since they offered interactive motion detect games like Just Dance. The console was put at the top middle of the room so it could project the image in the entire surface of a wall. Imagine an enclosed room and an entire section of the wall was the game. It was fun playing with people. I asked my friends out to play there many times but they always had some excuse so I decided to go there alone and enjoy it.​

The look the girl gave me when she learned I was renting the room by myself stung. Normally I don’t pay attention to those kind of things. In my mind, I’m here to have fun and I’m not bothering people but still, that look she gave me made me self-conscious. I spent my hour there and never came back.”

#7. Mommy dearest.

“I’m 36, single, child-free (prefer it that way), live with my mother (She had a stroke a few years ago, so I came back to help out). Last year she had a blood clot in her leg that freaked us out. She asks me to quit my job so I could be here full time with her. I did.

Now I have no job, no money, and rely on my mother to pay my bills. Since my mom is mostly independent (She can’t drive anymore, but can get around with the help of her cane or wheelchair), I have a ton of time on my hands, so I just play video games all day when I’m not doing house work.”

#8. League of Legends.

“I’m 29 and I play League of Legends. And I honestly prefer making some coffee and nachos, putting on some music in the background, and just jamming on a Friday night playing League while just hanging out on my own.

I feel like a loser explaining this haha.”

#9. A dinosaur Instagram page.

“Im 19 and i run a dinosaur instagram page”

#10. Nothing better to do.

“I work weekends because I have nothing better to do. At least I’m making money”

#11. I literally sit at home.

“I moved to a new city three months ago and I have 0 friends herel, so I literally sit at home alone every single Friday and Saturday night.”

#12. To unwind.

“I love to drink alone. I have a family, I have friends, I’m more than happy to go out and hang with them, but I also like to just chill by myself and have a few drinks to unwind. I usually watch a movie, listen to music, or read, and just unwind.”

#13. 100% more relaxing.

“Every day on my lunch break at work I take my lunch to the stairwell and just sit by the window on the top floor and watch youtube videos while I eat . It may be loser-ish but it’s also 100% more relaxing then listening to people loudly talking in the break room.”

#14. Play video games.

“Play videogames instead of worrying about my future”

#15. All the ideas.

“I add ideas to my Wedding Pinterest Board. I’m not in a relationship, nor engaged.”

Love yourself, friends. Loser-y tendencies and all.

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People Reveal the Scams That Most Folks Don’t Even Know Exist

They say there’s a sucker born every minute, and thanks to the internet that number has only gone up exponentially.

We all know the infamous Nigerian prince emails, but it might do you good to read up on these scams that AskReddit users shared. You never know when someone will come at you with some shady business.

1. Try again next year

“School fundraisers. My kids school tells the kids they can win a grand prize (junk toy) if they have the winning ticket. They send forms home for the parents. You have to go to their website where you learn that you have to validate your email and give them 5 other emails of friends and family and after they validate those you can enter your ticket number to see if you won. It provides me a good time to talk with the kids about scams.

This year I told my 7 year old that I’m thinking of a number 1-100 and if he guesses right on the first try he can have the grand prize. He guessed wrong and I said he can try again next year.”

2. A common one

“This almost got me but it is pretty well known. They send you an Email saying that they need someone to buy things for them. They will pay like 13 an hour. They send you a check for like $3,000 tell you to put it in your bank. It has a wait time on it to go through in like 5 days. They than say they need you to send money to their wife or husband somewhere, and go to Walmart and do the money transfer thing.

Transfer like $2,700 to their wife who is stranded somewhere in Africa. The check “clears” in 2 days. you don’t do it the first day, but they harass you for the entire second day to try and have you send them the money. Of course the check doesn’t go through and the bank charges you for it, and if you fall for the scam you are out $2.7K. it is so common that in money transfer places they have pamphlet explaining the scam.”

3. No thanks

“Hey, we see you’re using an ad blocker. Please disable the blocker on your browser to be able to view or website”.

No thanks. I’ll just look up how to beat this difficult boss on one of a thousand other gaming websites.

Look, I get the websites are maintained by ads. I have no problem with that. But f*cking “popups” and other intrusive ads are bullshit. And not one single person in the world thinks they’re cool. Not even the dickheads who make them. And another reason I use an ad blocker? Because even with high speed internet I have to wait 30 seconds for your g*ddamn page to load because you have half a dozen videos embedded on it. This is one of the reasons I had to stop going to the aggressive ads kept causing the browser on my work computer to crash.

And while we’re talking about scams on sh*tty websites: “Click this button to see the next slide” only to have to wait for an entire new page to load (with another 25 banner ads and popups) just so I can see one pic and a half a paragraph to find out what these celebrities from 80s sitcoms are up to.”

4. Not those teeth

“Delta dental told me 80% of fillings are covered so I would sign up. Got work done, wasn’t paid for, found out they cover 80% except all your back teeth.”

5. Haven’t heard that one yet

“Received an e-mail from “me”, threatening to release a split screen video of me pleasuring myself on one side, while the other side shows the porn video I was watching. But for the one time only, low price of $587 bitcoin, the video would be deleted. Closed off with “Best wishes!”. At least this was more entertaining than a Nigerian prince.”

6. Total scam

“If anyone calls and tells you they can get rid of your interest on your credit cards, or anything credit card related, it’s a scam. The only person who can really do that is your actual credit card company, and you can call them yourself to see if you qualify for any deals.

If anyone calls and says “The IRS is going to pursue legal action if you do not act now” it’s a scam. The IRS will not call you. They will send you official mail.

If you are sleuthing through ads on one of those bootleg TV sites and an ad comes up saying “your mac needs to be cleared of viruses!” it’s a scam.

These might be common knowledge, but I have a friend who fell for all of these.”

7. The spectrum

“First the mild end of the spectrum. It’s not legal to cold call people on the do not call list for sales. You can do so for surveys though. Some companies, most prolifically in my area Eagle Water, abuse this They call for a survey which is only 2 questions and they really don’t care about your answers. Afterward you’ll get a call back saying you’ve won something, where they try to get you to let someone from their sales team into your house for some dollar store piece of junk.

Recently they’ve also taken to sending out mail spam with the same general concept. Basically fake scratch-off tickets which always say you’ve won something, possibly even a jeep or other nonsense. It’s all just a scam to sell massively overpriced water filters though.

On the infuriating side of things some shady apps will claim you have to hold your finger on the home button for several seconds as some kind of login or scan. Then when your finger is held there they’ll try to process a large payment hoping you’ll accept it accidentally. Here is one such app.

One of the more successful scams, the baby formula scam. Someone with a child in a store will say they can’t afford formula for their baby, and they’ll even let you know they don’t want money. They’ll try to get you to buy baby formula, diapers, and things like that, then they’ll return all the items later for money.

Finally one of the worst scams which seems far more common than it should be and which has the potential to really screw someone. People will try to rent out properties they don’t own. Any listing for renting a property which seems too good to be true, often is. Really they just want your deposit.

I had to move for work at one point and didn’t really know the area at all. So I was just looking to rent for a bit before finding a more permanent arrangement. I picked up on the scam pretty quickly after contacting anyone, but there were so many of them that I ultimately gave up on that plan. I just became way too uncomfortable with the idea of giving money to someone for something I hadn’t seen when half of the listings seemed to be scams.”

8. Sketchy

“I’m a freshman in college looking for internships and someone messaged me on LinkedIn and said they would like the talk on the phone. I asked for the company name, company website, and what the internship was about but they said they’ll tell me everything over the phone. This was a bad mistake, if they’re reluctant to give the information when you ask then they’re hiding something. It turns out they wanted me to pay for this special program at her company.

I kept asking her what the name of the company was but she just brushed it off and continued talking about how she thinks I’d be a great entrepreneur. After the phone call, every time she messaged me on LinkedIn I would keep asking for the company website until she eventually sent it and I looked it up and it was a pyramid scheme.

I told her I wasn’t interested but she kept calling me so I blocked her number and she contacted me from at least 7 other numbers after that (I could tell because I can see the location of the phone calls and they all came from the same location). I regret giving her my phone number because I still get phone calls and I believe she gave my information to telemarketers because I’ve gotten calls from random numbers too which I haven’t before.”

9. Listen up

“Publishers Clearing House’s various sweepstakes.

Source: I spent almost three years working at their distribution center.

In a legal sense, they do the absolute bare minimum required to not be a “scam,” but that doesn’t mean they don’t screw a LOT of people.

First of all, there’s the legal definition of a contest vs. a sweepstakes. A contest can’t require an entry fee, purchase, etc. or have any kind of payment improve your odds of winning, while a sweepstakes can. PCH is TECHNICALLY a contest, but they do everything they can to hide the “no purchase necessary” disclaimer. You’re automatically entered with a purchase, which is fine, they just can’t REQUIRE it. They make this even less clear by using the terms “contest” and “sweepstakes” interchangeably in their literature.

So you probably think PCH just sells books and magazine subscriptions right? You’d be surprised. You know all those late-night infomercial products? Flex Seal, Slap Chop, the Thighmaster, and all those crappy CD compilations? Pretty much any “As Seen on TV” product is distributed by PCH (side note – the majority of these products are also available through regular retailers, despite what they’d have you believe). The infomercials aren’t exactly forthcoming about this, and when you order any of that stuff off a TV ad, you end up on the PCH contest/mailing list. That wouldn’t be so bad, except…

Regardless of what you buy, being put on the PCH mailing list is actually a subscription service. This is yet another thing they purposely avoid telling you. You buy one thing from them, and every month after that they’re going to send out some other product that they “think you’ll love,” and automatically bill you for it.

Now of course there’s a returns process and a way to cancel your subscription (and technically there’s a way to opt out of subscribing when you make a purchase in the first place, but again, you have to know that because they aren’t going to tell you), but as you might expect, it’s purposely as convoluted as possible to discourage people from canceling. Oh, but you get another contest entry every month that way, so that’s cool, right? Well…

You know how you get that cute contest entry form with your package? I bet it was like a peel-and-stick bingo card or a scratch-off lotto ticket kind of thing? I bet it said you were pre-selected as a finalist for the contest! That’s exciting right? Well no, because every single one of those inserts they send out is exactly the same.

Everyone is a “finalist,” and back to the “no purchase necessary” thing, they conveniently package the contest form with an insert that lists other products, to make it look like you have to order more stuff to get entered in the (non-existent) “next round” or whatever. The golden rule we had to follow packaging products was to NEVER accidentally put two contest inserts in a package – can’t let people catch on that they’re all the same, and therefore meaningless!

It’s a pyramid scheme, except there isn’t actually even a pyramid, they just want you to think there is! When all is said and done, they just randomly select a winner the way any other luck-of-the-draw contest does.

So how do they get away with all this and not have angry people show up at their HQ? This is the best part – the return address on the packages they send out is fake! The warehouse IS in St. Cloud, MN, but the street address flat-out doesn’t exist and the zip code is one that isn’t assigned anywhere in the United States. They have a special arrangement in place with the post office so their workers all know where stuff sent to that address is actually supposed to go. The same is true of their customer service address in NY -both use a fake “Winners Circle” street name.

Also, said warehouse is listed as “Office of the PCH Controller” or something like that on the envelope, but nobody from PCH actually works there (I never met a single PCH employee the entire time I was there, although SUPPOSEDLY they show up to tour the place every once in a while…)! It’s a third-party distribution center whose only client is PCH, and in turn is the only place PCH distributes through. There’s no PCH signage on the building, it’s purposely as nondescript as possible.

So yeah, people do win and the Prize Patrol shows up and all that. But pretty much everybody who doesn’t win is getting screwed, or at least deceived.”

10. Avoid them

“Activated Charcoal products: They are more harmful than good.

That activated charcoal toothpaste…it’s nothing but an abrasive powder that will slowly erode away your enamel. It will leave you with whiter teeth but weaker ones

That activated charcoal lemonade…all that will do is actually absorb the essential nutrients…this is why doctors use them in case of poisonings. The activated charcoal would absorb the poisonous compounds to a certain degree…

EDIT: I am referring here to the AC products that are being ingested or used for toothpaste etc.

AC is widely used in many other applications like water filters etc where they work great.

They are just not recommended at all to be ingested.”

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“Game of Thrones” Actress Sophie Turner Taught Twitter a Lesson on Why Jokes About Mental Health Aren’t Funny

Sophie Turner, whom most of us know as Sansa Stark on HBO’s Game of Thrones, doesn’t shy away from controversy. She’s a fiercely outspoken person who always speaks her mind, regardless of the potential blowback.

Turner has spoken out on mental illness before, and her recent foray into the Twitter swamp seems to suggest that the issue remains near and dear to her heart.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Her latest Twitter diatribe about why we should never joke about mental health is one we should all remember, so let’s go to school, shall we?

It began when Piers Morgan, famous jerk, popped off about how he agrees celebrities are trying to make mental illness “fashionable” and perhaps they’re not really suffering. He was responding to an original comment from Beverley Callard, an English actress who talked about her own struggles with depression in an interview.

Photo Credit: Twitter

“Real mental illness is very dark and it takes a great deal of strength to ask for help. I think we are now definitely chipping away at the stigma. But we have to be careful mental illness doesn’t become like a Gucci handbag. There is a danger it can become ‘fashionable.’”

The last sentence, obviously, is the bit Piers Morgan agreed with and many people, Turner included, couldn’t take sitting down.

Photo Credit: Twitter

I’m not sure how Callard could say in one breath that we’re making headway when it comes to de-stigmatizing mental illness, then in the next breath say that celebrities were in danger of treating them like a new handbag. Actresses like Julia Louis Dreyfus spoke out about their breast cancer and treatment, yet no one would think of accusing her of trying to make cancer “fashionable.” So why should mental illness be any different?

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Every voice counts when it comes to fighting the battle against mental illness, so people should speak their truth if they feel comfortable, whether they’re celebrities or not.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Because the best way to change minds, hearts, and, eventually, the healthcare system is to make every single person realize there is someone in their life who has struggled, is struggling, or will struggle with mental illness.

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13 People Who Really Don’t Have Luck on Their Side

There are some folks who are born with a horseshoe up their butts. It’s like literally nothing bad can ever happen to them.

These people, however? They do not fall into that category.

1. Epic fail

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Thanks for the extra headache, parking officer

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. Good job, Father

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Now you’re down $20

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. That’s not good

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. Oops

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. The sh*t on the floor goes round and round

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Gotta lock that price in

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Doh!

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Best seat in the house

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Damn!

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. In the shower for fire drill

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. Disaster

Photo Credit: Reddit

Good luck to all of you!

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