Gynecologist’s Viral Twitter Thread Sets People Straight on Late-Term Abortions

Late-term abortions have been in the news quite a bit lately due to recent decisions by some states to allow abortions after 24 weeks when medically necessitated.

But, there’s a lot of misinformation out there about late-term abortions.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Like, a lot.

The phrase “late-term abortion” is used to refer to abortions later in pregnancy, typically those after 21 weeks or more of pregnancy.

Dr. Jennifer Gunter, a board-certified gynecologist, took to Twitter to share her experiences and drop some truth regarding these abortions.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Non medically indicated = for no health-related reason. Dr. Gunter means that every single late term abortion she ever performed was for a significant medical reason.

Photo Credit: Twitter

She can think of one case where there are no fetal anomalies, and that one has some pretty horrific circumstances. The rest …

Photo Credit: Twitter

Clearly, no one is making these decisions lightly.

Photo Credit: Twitter

These are tragic situations, and those who are facing these decisions should be treated with empathy and understanding, not judgment.

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Son Posts Mom’s Painting Online, Sets off a Chain Reaction of Creativity

Having your work critiqued is always difficult. It’s a very vulnerable position to put yourself in, because you never know how someone will react to your work.  Particularly for beginners, it can be a disheartening process.

A Reddit user wanted to encourage his mother, Cindi Decker, to stick with her artwork, so he decided to post a photo of her holding one of her first paintings.

Here is the photo of Decker and her painting with the caption, “My mom painted this and said no one would like it. It’s her 2nd painting.”

Photo Credit: Imgur

Little did mother and son know that the online floodgates were going to open, in a good way. A Reddit user suggested “Someone paint the photo of his mom holding her painting and repost it with the same title for extra extra karma.” And what do you know…

Photo Credit: Facebook

And then, well…the Internet spiraled into a vortex of fun creativity.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

And we continue further…

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

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Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

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Photo Credit: Facebook

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Photo Credit: Facebook

Cindi Decker said of all the hoopla, “Even though people say, ‘You inspired me to paint,’ I don’t know that it was so much me. I really give credit to the first artist who painted. You know, I’m not a painter. I’m just somebody who went out and did a little painting thing, so I got lucky to get caught up in all this fun craziness.”

I love when the Internet comes together for good instead of evil! Let’s see more of this!

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People Share Their Biggest Pet Peeves and We Can All Relate

We all have our pet peeves. I know I certainly do. Some of the things I’m petty about are, admittedly, pretty stupid – like my hatred of large tablespoons. I hate the way they feel in my mouth. I’m #TeamSmallerSpoons all day.

With that in mind, let’s have a look at the seemingly inconsequential things that really annoy the hell out of other people, shall we?

This tweet got the ball rolling:

Photo Credit: Twitter

1. What even is that

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Sidewalk hogs

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Drives me nuts

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Doesn’t work like that

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Relax, buddy

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Grammar patrol

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. What would the south think?

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. That’s what it means

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. The least you could do

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. STOP

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Mobile etiquette

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Yeah, so anyway…

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Just wrong

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. *Rips hair out*

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. Hmmmm

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. Oh lord, yes

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Please clear. PLEASE.

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. Don’t get her started

Photo Credit: Twitter

I don’t know about you, but I see myself in some of these tweets.

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Woman Shares a Heartbreaking Photo of Her Mother’s Decline After Her Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

Degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s are absolutely devastating. They affect not just the person suffering, but also all the loved ones who can only watch helplessly as someone they love so much gradually fades away. Alzheimer’s steals a person’s mind and memories. What’s worse, as the Reddit post below illustrates with heartbreaking accuracy, it also robs them of what makes them unique.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

A 34-year-old Redditor from Camden, NJ, posted a photo that captures exactly what Alzheimer’s took from her mother — her ability to crochet, along with so much else.

The photograph shows 14 crocheted pieces that the woman knitted during the 2 years after her diagnosis, and the progression is breathtaking in the worst way possible.

You can clearly see her abilities fade along with her mind as she goes from knitting squares to circles to nothing at all.

“She made squares for a while, then the circles, then the little pieces of crochet, until she got to the point where she just carried around the needles and yarn in her purse,” the woman’s daughter wrote. “It has been a few years since she was able to speak and several since she was able to identify who I am.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Her mother is just 66, and has already lived 12 years with her diagnosis, though it’s surely hard to say whether that is a blessing or a curse.

Others on Reddit responded with commiseration, stories of their own experience with the disease, and simple messages of encouragement to remind the woman she’s far from alone.

Photo Credit: Reddit

If you’re worried someone you love might be showing signs of Alzheimer’s or dementia, or if someone you love is suffering and you’re struggling to cope, please call the Alzheimer’s Association Helpline at 1-800-272-3900.

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A Little Girl Insisted on Dressing up as a 100-Year-Old for Her 100th Day of Kindergarten, and it’s Priceless

Kids: they do the darndest things don’t they? For example, there’s this adorable little girl decided to dress up for her 100th day of kindergarten in a pretty unique way. Her father, who happens to be a Reddit user, shared the story about how his 6-year-old daughter dressed up as 100-year-old for her 100th day of kindergarten.

Of course, it didn’t take long for the story, and photo, to go viral, because it’s hilarious and all around awesome. See for yourself:

Photo Credit: Reddit

He said his wife and mother-in-law deserve credit for the hair, makeup and wardrobe.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The old lady look is strong with this one. Dad said, “Her friends and teachers loved it, she got a lot of attention in class that day. The cafeteria ladies were obsessed with her, and her friends were all gathered around her first thing in the morning like she was a zoo exhibit.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Here is the little lady without her makeup and costume.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Of course, the internet went crazy for it.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Who doesn’t love a little girl with imagination?

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This Guy’s Duck Story on Tinder Is Easily the Greatest Way to Score a Girl’s Number

Dating these days is… well, let’s just say it’s not like it used to be. Thanks to Tinder, manners and charm have seemingly gone out the window. Welcome to the world of the insta-date. Swipe right, swipe left, match, get the number, set up a date, sleep together…then what? Lather, rinse, repeat, I suppose.

Well, this guy has all the other Tinder men beat with his funny and intriguing story about a duck – all to get the girl’s number. His creativity charmed her, and I bet he actually made her laugh enough to hand over the digits.

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/mattythegee

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/mattythegee

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/mattythegee

Many people applauded his creativity and are thinking of trying it out for themselves.

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/LUCIEN

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/drkrogue

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

Take note gentleman (and ladies)! This is a game changer.

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10 Hilarious Illustrations That Perfectly Sum Up Parenthood

Adrienne Hedger is the writer and illustrator behind the edearingly funny Hedge Humor. She’s also a wife, mother of two, and dog mom of one. The 10 illustrations below could very well make you fall in love with her work, so make sure and follow her on Instagram before you go!

#1. No one said raising a human would be easy.

Photo Credit: Instagram

#2. Some days you’re a superhero. Some days…not.

Photo Credit: Instagram

#3. “Go back to being cute.” Ha!

Photo Credit: Instagram

#4. Moms would pay good money for this.

Photo Credit: Instagram

#5. I mean. Just take the compliment and move on.

Photo Credit: Instagram

#6. High five, because at least something still works.

Photo Credit: Instagram

#7. There is no shame.

Photo Credit: Instagram

#8. True story. Make it count.

Photo Credit: Instagram

#9. Guilty.

Photo Credit: Instagram

#10. Little angels.

Photo Credit: Instagram

I love these sweet, funny reminders that we’re all in this parenting thing together!

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Viral Facebook Post Shows Just How Men Can Be Allies

For those who may be unfamiliar with the term, “mansplaining” is the incredibly frustrating experience when a man explains something to a woman under the assumption that she has no knowledge or experience on the subject. While it’s always rude and patronizing, it’s even worse when the subject at hand is one the woman actually has professional expertise in.

Hilary Jerome Scarsella is a Ph.D. candidate in Theological Studies at Vanderbilt University whose work focuses on the relationship of traumatic experience to religious faith and liberation theology. She recounted an experience of mansplaining, and how men can respond, in a viral Facebook post.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Honestly, she’s already been much kinder than I would be in similar circumstances. She listened to him respectfully, challenged his points, and he doesn’t engage productively; he doubles down on his opinions and leaves. In many cases that would be the end of the story.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Her new friend pointed out this guy’s mistake, and that it was too late for him to rectify it. He had a subject matter expert right there, and he didn’t take the time to listen or to learn.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Her friend speaking up created a safe space, and it stemmed from a practiced commitment to challenging male patterns of behavior. He isn’t a savior; he was simply doing what decent men can and should be doing whenever they see sexism in their daily lives.

Just taking on one or two of these guys a month would make a big difference.

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10+ Dog Posts Guaranteed to Make You Smile

If there’s one thing that’s a surefire cure for those times when you’re feeling blue, it’s gotta be dogs!

I mean, really, who doesn’t love dogs?

Trust me, these posts of dogs living their best life are going to make you one happy human.

1. Robber stopping doggy

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Big ‘n little

Photo Credit: Twitter

3 There he goes!

4. Happy birthday!

5. Treat time

6. This is the best thing EVER


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*edited* For everyone who found joy in this video, thank you so much for sharing and passing on pompom’s happy awwra. I’ve spoke with the owner and turns out her daughter has created an Instagram account for Pom and their other dog Pixel (a maltese). Do give them a follow and show them some love. . PLEASE DO NOT REPOST THIS VIDEO. Thank you. . Instagram: @Pom_and_Pixel . . So much Zen in such a tiny body. PomPom the Pomeranian Groomed by: Me ? Instagram of groomer: groomer_andrea . #dogs #dogstagram #dogsofinstagram #doggram #instadogs #insta_dogs #friends #petgrooming #pet #petsagram #petgram #grooming #groomer #work #friendsatwork #instalove #instadorable #sgig #igsg #shiroro #petgasm #Homegrooming #homegroomer #onlypomeranians #pomeranian #pomeranians#pomgram #pomeraniansofinstagram #pomstagram #bootcutjeans

A post shared by ❤?The Colourful Groomer ?? (@groomer_andrea) on

7. Where could she be?

8. Cuddle puddle

9. Classic cocktail

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. I need this dog in my life

11. Loophole

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Superspy

Photo Credit: Twitter

I don’t know how you feel, but I’m I’m in a much better mood now.

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Netflix’s “Tidying up with Marie Kondo” Inspires Massive Wave of Thrift Store Donations

Tidying up with Marie Kondo hit Netflix on January 1st, and exploded in popularity almost instantly. You’ve almost certainly seen some people on your friends’ list talking about it and maybe also going a little nuts purging their stuff. The signature “KonMari” method helps you keep your spaces clutter free and encourages people to get rid of anything that doesn’t “spark joy” – i.e. it’s better to have 5 shirts you love and look forward to wearing than 15 shirts you’re “meh” about. The show has not only inspired thousands of people to take stock of their possessions, it’s also had an unintended (but awesome) side effect.

Photo Credit: Netflix

People aren’t tossing their joyless items – they’re donating them.

A Chicago bookstore reported getting as many donations in 2 days as they typically receive in 2 months, and Goodwills and libraries around the country are reporting the same or similar upticks in generosity.

That said, Goodwill’s public relations and multimedia manager Malini Wilkes told CNN that it’s tough to attribute the increase in donations to Marie Kondo and her methods alone: donations are typically up this time of year.

“People have New Year’s resolutions, people have time to get their boxes together, that kind of thing. Unfortunately, at the current time, it’s too soon to determine the impact from the Marie Kondo show.”

Photo Credit: Netflix

Regardless, people who shop at thrift stores are ready and waiting to scoop up your castoffs. One person’s joyless blouse is another person’s ruffled chiffon pleasure, right?

Or something like that.

Photo Credit: Netflix

If you’re into tidying up, I wish you luck. If you’re excited about gorging on other people’s purged items, it seems that, whether or not Marie Kondo is responsible, now is the time to head to your local Goodwill or used book store.

Just be ready to fight for the best stuff.

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