Brilliant Uber Driver Wins the Internet with Menu of 5 Different ‘Ride Types’

Uber has undeniably revolutionized the transportation business. One of my favorite aspects of Uber is the rating system, which lets drivers and passengers rate one another out of 5 stars.

One Uber driver recently went the extra mile to give his passengers more control over their ride experience. This was first brought to the world’s attention via Twitter user @LuisLovesGoats.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The options include: Stand Up, Silent Ride, Therapy Ride, Creepy Ride, and (surprisingly) Rude Ride.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Since Lui was feeling a little down that day, he chose the “Therapy Ride.” It wasn’t long before Lui’s tweets went viral.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Naturally, people absolutely loved it.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Sadly, Lui only had the driver’s first name (George) to go off of, and he had some difficulty getting in touch with him to let him know he’d gone viral. But, the internet being what it is, people eventually tracked him down.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

George even got on Twitter himself to thank everyone.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Thanks to the exposure, George now has thousands of new followers, and he shared a clearer shot of his menu for people to enjoy:

Photo Credit: Twitter

He also added how humbling and enjoyable this entire experience has been.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

If you’d like to show some love to George, you can hit up the GoFundMe he started to get an automatic car, since Seattle’s hilly terrain can be pretty rough on his transmission.

The post Brilliant Uber Driver Wins the Internet with Menu of 5 Different ‘Ride Types’ appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ People Share the Dark Secret a Loved One Took to Their Grave

You’ve probably heard that joke about how “If I die, my bestie needs to delete my hard drive” or “grab the box under my bed and burn it.” Basically, it’s just a way to avoid having embarrassing details about you come to light after you’re gone. But what if you never made that pact with someone?

These 15 people know a little bit about that, because they discovered some doozies after saying goodbye to family and friends.

#1. He had his demons.

“My grandfather was apparently very abusive to my grandma and my dad when he was growing up.

He was also a heavy alcoholic at the time, and I think that played a large role in it. At some point, he stopped drinking all together and that that apparently helped things a lot and their family life stabilized.

It’s just weird because I only ever knew him as a sweet frail old man who wouldn’t even curse in front of me. But he had his demons and likely caused a lot of emotional damage to my father and grandmother.”

#2. A donor-father.

“My boss at my first job was a donor-father to a lesbian couple that he was friends with.

He was older when he got married. Reading through the lines of conversations over the 8 years I knew him, I learned that he and his wife tried to have kids together but it never worked out for them.

A few months after retirement, he was diagnosed with cancer, and passed away less than a year later.

When his obituary was published, it mentioned a daughter, and again it was mentioned at the funeral. He had only mentioned this to a few people, despite maintaining a relationship with the daughter for 10 years, travelling to see her on a regular basis.”

#3. Why did he lie for so long?

“I guess it’s not that dark, but apparently my grandfather’s middle name was secretly Ralph.

He was 80 years old when he died. He lived with us for years and years and years. All that time he told us very emphatically that he didn’t have a middle name, and as far as we all knew, he never used one for anything. I assume my grandmother must have known, since she did all their legal paperwork, but she died before anyone else found out and she took his secret to her grave too. Even my parents only learned that he had lied about it when they went to execute his will and saw a middle name printed on his death certificate, then found it on a bunch of his other papers.

It was just a really bizarre revelation. Nobody still alive has any idea why he lied to everyone for so long about it. Maybe not a dark secret per se, but he certainly acted as if it was.”

#4. At family dinner.

“My grandpa gave my grandma crabs when he cheated on her with his future wife. For some reason my grandma brought it up at a family dinner. Out of no where.”

#5. 3 families.

“my grandfathers other family.

my grandfather was a sailor (cook) in the Canadian navy. while in port down in the Caribbean he and a friend went around the island exploring both the island and the local women.

well a few years before he died he showed me a picture of him, a kid and a women while he was in uniform, it was ONE of the kids that was his.

when he died I got his big trunk of military stuff and in a wallet in the bottom was another picture, with 2 more kids and him with a women.

my grandfather had 3 families my mother doesnt know about.”

#6. A really difficult time.

“My mom passed suddenly this February and my aunt couldn’t wait to tell me about the abortion my mom had when she was 14. She spared no detail. I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that. It put some distance between me and my grandparents during a really difficult time when we should have been supporting each other.”

#7. No one knew.

“She had full blown AIDS. She was always very thin because of another medical condition, but no one knew she was HIV positive, let alone dying of AIDS.”

#8. Secretly a Klan member.

“My girlfriend’s great grandfather was a sweet old man that died when she was a very little girl. After he died, the family was going through his things, and found his diary. Turns out that he was secretly a Klan member.”

#9. Gangsters and guns.

“For much of my childhood, my mom helped out an older lady named Mary with groceries, doctor’s appointments, etc. It began as a charity effort through her church aerobics group (90s), but the rest of the group lost interest, and my mom kept it up for many more years. Mary’s family was a mess, poor all around with various members either strung out or in various states of dysfunction. Her great-granddaughter actually lived with us for a while, and my mom did something with, or for, Mary probably 3-4 times a week.

When Mary eventually died a few years ago, my mother went to her funeral and met Mary’s sister for the first time, and got to talking. My mom knew that Mary had been married and widowed twice. What she didn’t know is that Mary’s first husband was a gangster, and that he died when Mary took his gun and shot him in the head. She managed to get herself committed on mental grounds rather than incarcerated, and met her second husband at the mental facility.

EDIT- A few add-ons. Although it was not explicit in the story as I heard it, there was an implication that the first marriage was abusive, not a stretch to imagine for a Baltimore mobster in the 40s. According to the sister, one day husband #1 was getting picked up by his friends to go do mobster things, and left his holster and pistol inside. He told Mary to go get it, and she did, then shot him with it in broad daylight outside their house. Apparently she was always a talented actor/manipulator (which rings true), and put on a good show at the trial, hence the very light consequence.”

#10. Not so dark.

“Not so dark but as we were cleaning out my grandfather’s car after he passed we found a huge tub of cheese puffs (something he wasn’t allowed to have because of his strict diet) in the trunk.”

#11. My poor dad.

“I have two.

My grandfather was a bastardized his entire life. Abusive and cruel. The family lived in poverty,very hand to mouth and scraped for every thing they had, which was not much.

On his deathbed he told my grandmother that he had been hoarding money his entire life. He saved a couple of million. Grandma took herself on a trip around the world and then gave the rest of the money to a zoo. Gave none to her children.

Grandfather and grandmother had fourth child, who was born with disabilities. Grandfather declared he would not have made a child with disabilities, therefore the child was a product of an affair. He allowed the child (whose life expectancy was a few years) to come home, but demanded his wife ignore the child. My dad and his siblings (who were still young children themselves) provided all the care, until the child died in toddlerhood.

My poor dad. Between his home and Vietnam he was so messed up. He couldn’t rise to the challenge of sticking around and parenting, but damn after all he experienced I give him credit for never laying a hand on us, trying his best and then leaving when he knew he just couldn’t.”

#12. Did not get the tattoo.

“My dad committed suicide when I was 11. He had longstanding issues with all kinds of drugs, and I always had a soft spot for him because 1. he was my dad and 2. I felt like my family just hated him bc he did drugs, even though he wasn’t that bad of a guy. I was strongly considering getting a tattoo to memorialise him when I turned 18.

When I was 17 I found out that he used to beat and rape my mom on a regular basis. She said he would literally corner her when she came out of the shower and force her to have sex. He was also physically abusive toward my brother (we have different dads). Also, also, while my mom was pregnant with me (actually on her due date), he pushed her down our basement steps, which are the most jagged, stiff, wooden steps leading to our concrete basement.

Did not get that tattoo…”

#13. He never took his hat off in public.

“Our farm caretaker always wore a ballcap… always, for a 40 yr+ history He died from a tumor on his scalp that had eaten into his skull. He never took his hat off in public, none of us had any idea.”

#14. Fascinating stuff.

“I volunteer at a research library as an amateur genealogist, so I have so, so many. I find all the skeletons in the closet. My personal favorite is a woman who wanted to find out about her great aunt– she’d been told her aunt ran away from home at sixteen and was never seen by the family again.

Turns out the aunt actually was jailed for stealing a bunch of money from her brother. While in jail it came out that she was secretly married to a guy who was wanted as part of a ring of thieves stealing silver cutlery from fancy hotels. That was her third marriage and she was 20 and Catholic, so her family cut her off. She eventually moved across the state and remarried twice more before eventually getting hitched to a farmer. They were married 18 years when she died. Oh, and the great uncle my client had been told died of the flu? Was murdered on his front porch in a fight over a beer bottle.

Also: sooooo many people had two families. Tons of secret adoptions. Lots of moving around for less than savory reasons. Genealogy is fascinating stuff.

So I guess I mostly deal in things that weren’t secrets at the time but are now.”

#15. Actually.

“My grandfather always told me growing up that his sister died after being struck by lightning. He always had great, vivid, not always child-friendly but definitely colorful stories, and i thought nothing of it.”

Fast forward ten years, I’m talking to my dad about it after doing some digging through old photos. I told him what his father had told me about his aunt, and commented on how sad it was. After five minutes of laughing so hard he couldn’t catch a breath, he told me that she had actually blown herself up in a meth-cooking accident.”

Make the pact with your besties today, y’all. You’ll feel better.

The post 10+ People Share the Dark Secret a Loved One Took to Their Grave appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Married People Share The Quirks Partner Has That Aren’t Cute Anymore

When you first start dating someone, your passions are aflame and everything your significant other does seems so adorable. The way they sneeze, the way they hang their towels, the way they place certain items.

Once you start settling in for the long haul, however, those quirks start getting a little less endearing. Suddenly, the fact that they always wake up grumpy isn’t cute – it starts looking like grounds for murder.

Here are 15 awesome examples.

#1. Minecraft mistakes.

“She doesn’t take precautions playing Minecraft. It was funny seeing her wooden house burn down, or her losing all her stuff digging straight down.

But since I ran the server, she would keep asking me to go to use my admin powers to get it all back. A lot.

She also still sends settlers unescorted in Civ V (I just triggered all civ players, sorry). Other than that she is still perfect after 10 years :D”

#2. Get to the verb.

“He can not tell a story. Rambling, unnecessary details, and the listener is three steps ahead the entire time, just waiting for it to slowly unspool.”

#3. Forgetfulness.

“His forgetfulness used to be cute and fun. Waking up to fresh gallons of milk sitting on the counter for hours is annoying as fuck now.”

#4. Hair.

“Her hair. She has such long, beautiful hair, but it gets everywhere. Drains. Sinks. Carpets. I’ve had to sit and cut hairs out of the vacuum so it would work again because it had tied up the roly bit. Not to mention I’ve had her hair on me and all through my clothing.”

#5. A bag of magic beans.

“His spontaneity.

It used to be really fun and sexy…but now it’s like living with a real life Homer Simpson/Phil Dunphy hybrid.

No joke, I am just waiting for the day he comes home with a bag of ‘magic beans’.

Edit: I’ve had a lot people asking for more stories of my husband doing crazy shit.

I think my favorite is: on our first date we got caught in a rain storm. I was wet to the bone and wearing a skirt…so he offered me his pants.”

#6. My way’s better.

“First off, still very happily married and in love! However, there is one thing that does cause a ruckus every now and again. When we were dating and living together, we would do diy stuff around the house. I know a little past the basics because my dad made sure to teach me things and of course there is always youtube, so I’m not helpless by any stretch. In fact I owned several of my own power tools before we got together.

When doing one of these projects, he often wouldn’t let me do much. Back then I thought, “What a gentleman, doesn’t want me to get dirty.” or whatever. Nowadays I’ll be watching him do something and know a better way of doing said task, and it’s like he doesn’t believe me. So he’ll try 18 other ways before landing on the way I suggested and it working out just dandy. It’s pretty frustrating. I can do more than hold something while you work!

It’s not a deal breaker, but sometimes I let him know just how stupid he was acting, and how much time it wasted by not just trying my way first. Even if my suggestion doesn’t work, what did you lose?”

#7. Slow eater.

“Takes forever to eat a meal. It was very well-suited to long dates, romantic dinners, those intense getting-to-know-you conversations at the beginning. 15 years later and I just want to have a meal where I’m not done before he’s barely taken a bite!

His whole family is like this and I simply don’t understand. It’s food, you put it on a plate and you eat it and go on with life! Not for them, mealtimes often stretch on for hours, occasionally into the next bloody meal if it’s a family event. I just don’t get it.”

#8. NOW?

“My husband always tries to make me laugh. I honestly hope he never stops trying, but there are times when it’s like “really?? You’re trying to make me laugh NOW?!”

#9. Some pedantic loophole.

“Debate with me. At the beginning it was great because I felt like I met my intellectual equal. Now I realize she’s just a disagreeable person. I’m 90% sure if I told her the sky was blue, she would find a way to dispute my assertion with some pendantic loophole

EDIT: ok people, it feels like half of these responses came from my wife. I just double checked out the window, the sky is definitely blue. Do you want to know what shade of blue? SKY BLUE!! Explaining WHY it’s blue doesn’t make it not blue. Baaaah!!”

#10. More than me.

“Not married, but engaged and have been together for almost 5 years now? Everyone likes her. She’s a very likable person, but my friends and family like her more than me. Just gets to me sometimes when she tells me something about a friend or family member that I should have heard from them.”

#11. A choral piece.

“Her having to sing everything like it’s a perfected choral piece.”

#12. He needed me.

“In the beginning he used to really need me and he always required a LOT of attention.

I loved it, at first.

I loved to feel needed and I 100% absolutely loved to lavish him with my adoring attention endlessly…

I was absolutely devoted.

Fast forward 15 years…

I feel used up and taken for granted.

He has never reciprocated, our relationship has always been strongly one way.

His behaviour was exactly what I wanted and needed – at one point.

Now it’s just something that upsets me. A lot.”

#13. Bathroom stalking.

“Constantly watching me in the bathroom. It was fun at first, we always make/made jokes. But now there are times I just want to be left alone to shit for fucks sake.”

#14. Clumsy

“Clumsily break things accidentally. It’d be a teaspoon one day or a shoelace the next. Little insignificant, ‘how-on-earth-did-you-manage-to-break-that?’ type of things. Started out quite cute and amusing. Now it’s a case of ‘Babe, that’s like the fourth vacuum cleaner this year, and it’s a fucking Dyson.’”

#15. What’s for dinner?

“Her indecisiveness. It was adorable to see her struggle when we were dating but goddammit I’m just trying to figure out what to make for dinner.”

The post 15 Married People Share The Quirks Partner Has That Aren’t Cute Anymore appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Reveal the Worst Places They’ve Ever Been To

Have you ever been to a city that was absolutely terrible? Like, the kinda place that you just hated and considered yourself truly unfortunate to have visited?

While I’ve never really been anywhere I truly despised in that way, these AskReddit users apparently have.

Share your thoughts in the comments.

#1. Sounds awful

“Baker, California

If you’ve ever driven between Vegas and Southern California, you know what I’m talking about. It’s constantly the hottest place in the summer. Literally 10 degrees hotter than 5 miles down the road. The gas prices are insane. They have an alien themed jerky and hot sauce store (which is pretty awesome). And they have the worlds tallest thermometer because that town is the butthole of the country.”


And when I returned half a day later to pick it up, the lady at the reception said “we found it and put it in a safe.” Everything was still there.

(Note: this was 20 years ago. Things may be different today).”

#2. I’ve heard this from numerous people

“Niagara Falls (US side) was depressing as sh*t. We went with low expectations, because we were only going there for a punk show and figured we’d stay in the tourist district and see the sights, and still left feeling disappointed.

The falls were cool, but the few blocks surrounding it are full of sh*tty, crowded tourist traps, and if you leave that small area you are immediately surrounded by extreme poverty and sketchy neighborhoods.

A local told us that pretty much all of the money made in the area gets sent back to NYC because that’s where the companies who own the casinos and business are located, so nothing really ends up going back into the local economy. A lot of bullsh*t. Show was good, though.”

#3. Not normal

“Grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa. It’s entirely unmaintained, and has a very unique style of absolute apathetic violence against innocent people. I moved to New Zealand and years later realized that hearing screams that ended in the sound of a gunshot wasn’t a normal thing to go to sleep to during the night.”

#4. UK


Its talked up as a great seaside destination with a world famous pier. Its awful, dingy, grey and signficantky worse than Scarborough and Bournemouth.”

#5. A British entry

“Slough. Full of grey buildings, endless industrial estates, half-assed ‘modern’ architecture and mobile phone accessory shops. And it’s surprisingly expensive to live there. However, it produced my mom who is the nicest person ever.”

#6. Ugh

“Dubai. A monument to excess and unhealthy consumerism built on slave labour. Once your awe of the magnificent buildings fade it feels like a soulless tourist trap with a sinister undertone. Everything just feels off. I think it’s an abomination of a city.”

#7. Not a good place

“East Saint Louis, Illinois. It would have to improve to be a ghetto. Broke ass buildings, broke ass roads and broke ass people. Don’t even slow down on your way through.”

#8. The Philippines

“Angeles in the Philippines.

It’s the home of a former US Air Force base, but that base got destroyed by the Pinatubo volcano.

Angeles became the town where aging and fat former US military personnel goes on vacation to relive the heydays of their youth. One where you’d rent one or more women for the night for next to nothing. One where you walk into a bar and see those men feed shots to young girls, followed by empty laughter because they really don’t have a lot to say each other: they’re all just passing time until they go to their seedy bedrooms with the girl for the night and their one shot.

The city has nothing else going for it, no industry or anything. Their life blood was cut off when the base closed and they had to make do with sex work.

We were passing through while visiting the destruction of the volcano and stayed for 2 nights.

And here’s the thing: I forgot my pouch with money, credit cards, passport in that seedy hotel with mirrors on the ceiling when I left for the next city, 4 hours north.

#9. Rough city

“Camden, NJ – where I found my car sitting on blocks with its wheels removed.

Our friends sold their Camden home at a huge loss just to get away from what they called “a nightmarish place to live.”

#10. Don’t go out alone

“Fayetteville, North Carolina. Never go there alone or at night. Most of the shops cater to the tastes of young men, because of the military base.”

#11. Middle East


Food wasn’t that great. Traffic. Roadside bombs. Air quality wasn’t great.

For a city I’ve been to not at a time of war, Cairo was one of the most disappointing and disgusting experiences I have ever had in my life. Everything is a tourist scam.”

#12. Not a fan

“Its a tie between Kayenta, AZ and Cuba, NM. If you get out of your car, you will be swarmed by feral or abandoned dogs and drunk locals asking for gas money. Very tough to avoid colliding with drunk drivers or adopting a dog when driving through.”

#13. Camden again

“Easily Camden, New Jersey. I only went there to see a show at the venue there, but driving to the venue looked like I was in a third world country. I also took a wrong turn when walking from the show to my car, and it got sketchy really quick. Camden is such a sh*t hole!”

#14. What a nice place!

“Paisley Scotland.

Watched a bunch of kids get their ass kicked for gang beat ins, then bought Chinese food from some guy who tied a tshirt around his hand to stop the blood.”

#15. Haiti

“Port au Prince, Haiti

The place makes the infrastructure of Gary, Indiana look state of the art.

I haven’t been back in 20 years, but it began with leaving the airport. You go through the exit doors to be completely mobbed by people. I can’t tell if they are trying to carry your luggage for money or just outright steal it.

The one time we flew in after dark….holy shit getting a rental car was an adventure. Evidently they keep the rental cars off the airport property at night. We got driven to this steel walled compound to get our rental car. The doors open and men with rifles come out to cover our entry. They had this makeshift bunker type of thing they jump into.

Driving? The roads have potholes you could bury a body and the car that the body was driving in. We used to rent a 4×4 SUV just to drive on the public roads. Power lines down everywhere, no road signs…..just hire someone to drive you.

Police and customs? Corrupt beyond belief.

Poverty? The worst I have ever seen. The tin huts in the shanty towns were about the size of my walk-in closet back in the states. I always recall my driver telling me about the locals eating dirt. There was good dirt to eat and bad dirt to eat. I have no idea WTF made dirt good or bad to eat (I guess they would mix it with some type of fat and make like a pancake or cookie out of it). The water in those shanty towns? It was a common well that looked like a mud puddle where a 3 year old just spent the last 20 minutes tap dancing in it.

The people were wonderful for the most part. There were some really bad parts of town, but for the most part people were good to us.”

Idk about you, but I definitely just made a few mental notes…

The post 15 People Reveal the Worst Places They’ve Ever Been To appeared first on UberFacts.

20 Hilarious Snapshots of Squirrels and Foxes to Brighten Your Day

Wildlife photographer Julian Rad spends a lot of time in the woods of his native Australia, where he takes the most amazing shots of local woodland critters – like squirrels and foxes –frolicking through the forest. His work is so good, he’s even won the Comedy Wildlife Photography Award in 2015.

Take a look at Rad’s intimate snapshots of animals like you’ve never seen them before – and be sure to check out his Instagram and Facebook pages for more!

1. Red Squirrel

2. Make a wish

3. Almost… there…

4. Happy

5. Stop and smell the roses

6. A nice fragrance

7. Ahhhhh

8. Made a new friend

9. Your replacements

10. Run for it!

11. Can I help you with something?

12. Picking flowers

13. “I have found the chosen one. It is I…”

14. Oooooooooohhhhhhh

15. I have something for you

16. Hang in there

17. Cheese!

18. Loving it

19. Thirst

20. Fight night

So glad I’ve already got my squirrel fix for the day!

The post 20 Hilarious Snapshots of Squirrels and Foxes to Brighten Your Day appeared first on UberFacts.

Behind-the-Scenes Photos of Famous Movies Showing How Special Effects Work

Modern movies have the ability to create entire worlds in ways that were completely unimaginable to our parents, thanks to advanced CGI.

If you’re a skeptic, check out the photos below that highlight just how complicated special effects are and how movies have the power to transport all of us to another world.

The Instagram page movies.effects shows its followers how incredible CGI is these days – here’s how the Hollywood big shots pull it off.

1. Atomic Blonde

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

2. Harry Potter

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

3. Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

4. The Jungle Book

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

5. Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

6. Alice In Wonderland

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

7. War for The Planet of the Apes

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

8. Game Of Thrones

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

9. Jurassic Park (1993)

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

10. The Matrix

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

11. Deadpool

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

12. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows – Part 2

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

13. Deadpool

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

14. Beauty And The Beast

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

15. Doctor Strange

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

16. The Avengers

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

17. Pirates Of The Caribbean

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

18. Guardians Of The Galaxy

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

19. Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

20. Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them

Photo Credit: Instagram,movies.effects

Like I said, it’s magic!

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10+ Photos That Prove Dogs are Just Too Awesome

Dogs are man’s best friend, and they are SERIOUSLY awesome. That said …they’re also total weirdos.

Even that weirdness is way too adorable for words though because it’s what makes each one unique.

1. I can’t leave you alone

Photo Credit: Tumblr

2. On her own

Photo Credit: Tumblr

3. Hiding out

Photo Credit: Tumblr

4. Lazy dayz

Photo Credit: Tumblr

5. Sorry, Charlie

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. That is great

Photo Credit: Tumblr

7. BFF

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Hello!

Photo Credit: Tumblr

9. Derping

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Boop time

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Zen

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. That’s a very good boy

Photo Credit: Tumblr

13. Why not?

Photo Credit: Tumblr

14. Part of the family

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. No biggie

Photo Credit: Twitter

Good dogs! Weird ones, too…

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15 Incredibly Helpful Books for Kids Struggling with Anxiety

We tend to think that things like anxiety or depression wouldn’t affect children, but that’s actually not true. As a matter of fact, these can often be tougher for kids because they tend to go unaddressed, or thought of as just being a “phase.”

These 15 books were written to help parents approach the subject of anxiety and other negative feelings. They range from illustrated children’s stories to workbooks that actually help kids cope with anxiety.

1. “Is a Worry Worrying You?

Photo Credit: Amazon

2. “Help Your Dragon Deal With Anxiety

Photo Credit: Amazon

3. “What to Do When You Worry Too Much

Photo Credit: Amazon

4. “Stuff That Sucks

Photo Credit: Amazon

5. “My Anxious Mind

Photo Credit: Amazon

6. “The Worry Workbook for Kids

Photo Credit: Amazon

7. “Listening With My Heart

Photo Credit: Amazon

8. “Wilma Jean the Worry Machine

Photo Credit: Amazon

9. “Always

Photo Credit: Amazon

10. “Outsmarting Worry

Photo Credit: Amazon

11.  “Wemberly Worried

Photo Credit: Amazon

12. “Coping Skills for Kids Workbook

Photo Credit: Amazon

13. “Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now

Photo Credit: Amazon

14. “Up and Down the Worry Hill

Photo Credit: Amazon

15. “Pilar’s Worries

Photo Credit: Amazon

Now get to reading so you can kick that anxiety in the butt!

The post 15 Incredibly Helpful Books for Kids Struggling with Anxiety appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Stories of Times They Got the Help They Needed, and We Can All Learn from Them

While the narrative of the “self-made man” is one that’s been pushed a lot over the last few decades, the fact of the matter is that everyone needs a helping hand now and then. Even the world’s most powerful CEO is helpless if his sports car breaks down on a remote country road. There’s no shame in it, and it’s important that we give people the help they need when they need it, because you never know how much it might mean to the person you’re helping.

These 10 Twitter users shared their personal stories about when they were in dire straits and received a helping hand that they haven’t ever forgotten about.

1. “It is never wrong to help someone.”

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. It gets better.

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Everyone deserves a chance. 

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. A little goes a long way…

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5. “…more than many will ever know.”

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6. “Quite well” ain’t too shabby.

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7. Teach your children well.

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8. “You can’t teach a hungry child.”

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9. Pay it back x 100.

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10. Hard work.

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This is why it is important to never assume anything about anyone, because you never really know where they’ve been and what they are going through unless you’ve walked in their shoes. And if you know someone is in need, help them out in any way you can. Paying it forward is real.

The post People Share Stories of Times They Got the Help They Needed, and We Can All Learn from Them appeared first on UberFacts.

Here’s Why Young People Prefer Saying “No Problem” Instead of “You’re Welcome”

Millennials take a lot of heat from older people for the way they do things. In many cases, it stems from the older generation wanting the younger one to do things their way. But things change, and it’s not always bad – like how the youth respond to “thank you”.

Professor Tom Nichols branded himself the quintessential grumpy old man back in 2015 when he tweeted this angry response to what he perceived as a rash of poor customer service.

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“Dear Every Cashier in America: the proper response to ‘thank you’ is ‘you’re welcome,’ not ‘no problem.’ And *you’re* suppose to thank *me*”

He received a number of responses, the vast majority mocking his attitude, but it one person’s detailed and thoughtful reply makes a lot of sense.

Bottom line? It’s not about being polite, it’s that our views on gratitude are evolving.

Image Credit: Imgur

“Actually, the “you’re welcome/no problem” issue is simply a linguistics misunderstanding. Older ppl tend to say “you’re welcome,” younger ppl tend to say “no problem.” This is because for older people the act of helping or assisting someone is seen as a task that is not expected of them, but is them doing extra, so it’s them saying, ‘I accept your thanks because I know I deserve it.”

“No problem, however, is used because younger people feel not only that helping or assisting someone is a given and expected but also that it should be stressed that your need for help was no burden to them (even if it was).”

Image Credit: Pixabay

“Basically, older people think help is a gift you give, younger people think help is a requirement.”

The explanation, of course, doesn’t apply across the board. There are people in every generation that view service as “no problem” and people who feel like they are doing others a favor, but the idea that “no problem” is somehow disrespectful just isn’t right.

The people who use it are, quite genuinely, sharing that helping you out is “no problem.”

Image Credit: Pixabay

Maybe, if we realized that doing the right thing – simple or not so much – is actually “no problem” we’d have fewer problems in general.

I mean, maybe not, but it’s worth a shot.

The post Here’s Why Young People Prefer Saying “No Problem” Instead of “You’re Welcome” appeared first on UberFacts.