These 15+ Pictures Prove There’s a F*$#ing Karen Around Every Corner

Life is hard, people, so why do some people feel the need to make it harder? Seriously, there’s just a “type” of person who will always try to create trouble, ready to call the manager for the smallest complaint.

The absolute last thing anyone needs is an uppity middle-aged lady with a Kate Gosselin haircut calling the manager every time someone farts in the wrong direction. These people are known as Karens. Don’t be like Karen.

1. Please return to the alto section, Karens.

Photo Credit: TheChive

2. That’s so Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

3. Karens in their natural habitat…

Photo Credit: TheChive


Photo Credit: TheChive

5. Patience, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

6. You’ll have to wait, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

7. Why do you think, Karen?

Photo Credit: TheChive

8. Can you not, Karen?

Photo Credit: TheChive


Photo Credit: TheChive

10. Stop being so dumb, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

11. How’s that espresso with Red Bull treating you, Karen?

Photo Credit: TheChive

12. I AM the manager, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

13. Jaden called while you were at Pottery Barn, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

14. This is not a f$#*ing game, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

15. Stay tf in your lane, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

16. And now it’s your turn to die, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

17. Come on, Karen! (see what I did there, Karen?)

Photo Credit: TheChive

18. What did you do today, Karen?

Photo Credit: TheChive

This is Karen.

Don’t be like Karen.

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15 Tweets That’ll Make You Feel Really, REALLY Old

I can’t deny it any longer: I’m getting OLD. My bones have started to make random noises when I move (especially in the morning), and I find myself constantly thinking, “That was so much better when I was a kid,” every time I check out the movies, shows, and music that my nieces and nephews are into.

These tweets aren’t helping matters much – I have a feeling they’re gonna affect you the same way they affected me: they’ll make you feel ANCIENT.


Photo Credit: Twitter

2. How does this work?

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Gen Z

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. That’s a very telling sign…

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. And here we are

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Back in my day…

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. 1955? SMH…

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Time’s up

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. It was thrilling

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Old as SH*T

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. I remember it well

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. That is not good

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Not exactly

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Were they ever wrong?

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. What could it be?

Photo Credit: Twitter

Well… it’s 2:30. Time for my nap… ::sigh::

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10+ Acts of Vandalism That Are so Perfect, You’ll Almost Wish You’d Thought of Them

Now, I am by no means condoning the willful destruction or defacement of private property (that would be wrong). But, you can’t deny that every now and then, you see an act of vandalism that goes beyond destructiveness and actually makes you laugh or think. When that happens, it’s only natural to sometimes wish you’d been the one to have been that clever instead. I mean, hey man, game recognize game.

And these 13 acts raise vandalism to the level of art.

#1. Somebody’s got your number two.

Image Credit: Reddit

#2. That’s going to cost you on Yelp.

Image Credit: Reddit

#3. It’s more interesting already.

Image Credit: Reddit

#4. *snort*

Image Credit: Reddit

#5. Seriously SO much free time.

Image Credit: Reddit

#6. Just one little piece of tape.

Image Credit: Reddit

#7. Oh, man, I wish I could have been a fly on the wall of that Burger King bathroom.

Image Credit: Reddit

#8. An addendum that could save your life.

Image Credit: Reddit

#9. Yeah, I don’t know about the last piece of advice.

Image Credit: Reddit

#10. Some people never outgrow their childhood sense of humor.

Image Credit: Reddit

#11. It’s just common sense.

Image Credit: Reddit

#12. I mean, what else do you need?

Image Credit: Reddit

#13. Now that’s what I call the holiday spirit.

Image Credit: Reddit

I’m not saying break the law…I’m just saying impress me!

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PETA Tried Dissing the Late Steve Irwin and the Internet Was NOT Having It

Steve Irwin, the Australian conservationist known as “The Crocodile Hunter,” was the Dr. Dolittle of the millennial generation. We grew up watching his show, we were deeply influenced by his passion for wildlife, and we all wept when he died tragically in 2006.

On what would have been Irwin’s 57th birthday on February 22, Google honored him with a Google doodle on its homepage.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Most people on Twitter were moved by the tribute.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

And then PETA decided to get in on the action…bad move.

Photo Credit: Twitter

People, predictably, got pretty fired up and decided to try to put PETA in its place.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

As you can see, people feel pretty strongly about Mr. Irwin and work he did while he was alive.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

And finally, we have this…

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter


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15+ Tweets from Kansas Police Departments That are so Funny, They Should be Illegal

Kansas seems to be a pretty funny place. I’ve got some coworkers from there who are hilarious, and Kansas also has Paul Rudd and Rob Riggle among its native sons. It seems everyone in Kansas is pretty funny, even the police departments.

The Twitter feeds for the Lawrence Police Department (Rock Chalk Jayhawk!) and the Topeka Police Department have been getting a lot of attention lately because of their hilarious posts.

1. E’rywhere

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Stepbrothers quote FTW

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. They mean it

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Way more than half

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. It is what it is

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Dummies

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. That’ll work

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Cuddle time

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. We promise

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Pt 2

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Way too cold

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. We’re here for you!

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. That is beautiful

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. To do list

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Don’t break the law

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. In training

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. Not a smart move

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. C’mon, Carl…

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Not a winner among them

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. LOL

Photo Credit: Twitter

You have the right to remain amused! See what I did there?…

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7-Year-Old Destroys Bigot at Grocery Store Who Says Gay People End up in Hell

Sometimes, children catch us by surprise with their wisdom. Sure, we all know kids can say some pretty silly, random stuff that’s great for a laugh, but every so often they also say stuff that restores your faith in humanity.

Take, for instance, the story of a dad in Bath, England, whose 7 year old didn’t even bat an eye when standing up to a homophobic bigot at the supermarket.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

As the father explained, he and his son went shopping for a birthday present for a girl in the son’s class. They settled on a tiara, a fairy wand, and some pretty jewelry. As they waited in line, the son put a few of the items on and pretended to be the Queen, ordering the line to move faster.

That, apparently, was just too much to take for the jerk in the next line. Here’s how it all went down:

Son: (In a posh voice) I’m the Queen and I say this line should move faster!

(I and a few others smile at his playfulness when a man in line at the next till yells at me.)

Man: You can’t let your son do that. If he turns into a f****t it’ll be your fault.

(Everyone stops and stares at him in horror whilst the cashiers call for a manager.)

Son: What’s a f****t?

Me: It’s a nasty word that only nasty people use so you mustn’t say it.

Man: It means gay, kid.

Son: What’s gay?

Man: It means you’re bad and going to Hell for being evil.

Me: It’s when a man loves a man and a lady loves a lady.

Son: Oh, like Uncle James and Uncle Ian?

Me: Yep, just like Uncle James and Uncle Ian. They’re not bad, are they?

(My brother is a paediatric oncologist and his partner is a paediatric nurse. We’ve tried to explain what cancer is and how my brother and his partner make children feel better when they’re poorly.)

Son: My uncles make children better when they have poorly blood and poorly bones. If you make them go to Hell that means you want the children to be poorly.

(The manager and a security guard turn up but my son looks this man in the eye and holds his stare.)

Son: Do you want the children to be poorly? Do you want them to be sick and have to go to Heaven?

(Everyone is now staring at my son. The man has gone red and is looking around.)

Manager: Sir, I believe you’ve just been outwitted by a child. You should leave now and keep your disgusting views to yourself and out of my shop.

Kids like this give me hope for the future.

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15 Older People Share the Things They Actually Like about Millennials

Millennials have taken a lot of criticism from older generations, seemingly for every little thing they do. But it’s not all bad. There are plenty of things millennials do that older people actually admire, as this Reddit thread will show you.

1. Memes!

I’m 48 and I love memes. I’m facebook friends with many of my college students and I’m sometimes in tears laughing over the memes they post. I love the levels of cultural knowledge required to “get” them. Even at 48, I still feel rebelliously like I’m getting something that my parents don’t get.

2. Kindness rules

How kind and understanding they are to kids who are different.

My first grader just went to a party for a kid with Downs this last weekend. He invited his whole class and at least 2/3 of them showed up to celebrate with him. Warmed my heart.

3. Dabbing

Dabbing. I dab the f**k out of my wife and kids. I open my arms and walk to them like I’m going to hug them, then I dab away.

4. Fun music

My kids laugh because I like rap as much as they do.

They do get tired of me telling them the original sampled sources and musical roots.

5. Smashing gender divides

I’m 62, and I’m impressed that boys and girls in junior high and high school actually are friends with each other. I even saw the kids playing a quick pickup game of touch football – boys and girls – at the middle school while waiting for the bus to come over from the elementary school. Never would have happened in my generation.

6. Tolerance

You guys are tolerant as hell. I work in a school and kids can wear nerdy shit and not wonder who they’re gonna have to fight first.

Back in the 90’s I smuggled my Star Wars books into the cafeteria like I was carrying enigma machine codes.

7. Advanced technology

I am amazed that you all can play game consoles with what seems like twenty different god damned buttons on the controller. And use them all almost simultaneously!

8. More living

I like that they are less into stuff and more into experiences.

9. Acceptance

I was a teen when “gay” was still an insult.

Kids these days are so friggen cool.

10. Hilarious slang terms

Yeet. I don’t know what it is, but that word just makes me laugh. I’ll be 48 this year, and hopefully still have many years before I yeet the f**k off this mortal coil.

11. Changing priorities

Putting more of a priority on personal life and goals than on “career”. The realization that devotion to employer is a dead-end is one that not so many of my fellow Gen-Xers have cottoned to.

12. Video games are awesome now

61 years old here, and I love my video games as much as younger people.

13. No worries

The phrase “No Worries” after you apologize for a delay holding someone up. Has a much warmer feel than any other equivalent.

14. Adopt don’t shop

They adopt pets rather than buying the designer ones.

15. Keepin’ it casual

Casual dress codes!

Some of the managers are younger than me now and they do not care what anyone wears to work.

Die, high heels!

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When His Ex Sent Him an Apology Letter, He Graded It and Sent It Back

There’s nothing worse than being cheated on. It really hurts, and that’s why anyone who’s ever been cheated on loves a good revenge tale. Well, settle in because this one is GOOD.

Nick Lutz, a student at the University of Central Florida, ended his eight-month relationship with the lady in question after he found her suspiciously hiding the names of other guys in her phone. When he also blocked her on social media, she decided to write him a four-page letter trying to win him back.

Instead of grabbing his notepad and writing her back, he grabbed a red pen and started to grade the letter.

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz

He didn’t spare any punches, beginning with a critique of her formatting choices:

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz

He also went in on her spelling mistakes and lack of citations:

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz

Additionally, he took her to task for her excessive use of fillers:

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz

Ultimately, he gave her a D- (though he did give the option of revision for half credit):

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz

Nick’s ex apparently took the grade gracefully and chose not to revise.

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz

Unfortunately, she ended up having a change of heart and reported him to UCF for disruptive conduct and cyberbullying, for which he was suspended.

He ended up having to get an attorney to appeal the suspension, which he eventually won.

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz


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“Don’t Get Under the Table:” Teacher Shares Tips to Survive an Active Shooter Scenario

One of the sadder aspects of life for younger generations of Americans is that they’ve had to live with the specter of school shootings their whole lives. For a lot of kids, practicing active shooter drills is just a fact of life.

The nagging reality of this threat was further highlighted in this Twitter thread by “V” (@lareinavicc).

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

“V” recently received active shooter training through her job, and felt that the lessons she learned needed to be more widely shared.

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

A lot of people took her to task with her comment of “and likely,” which she felt she needed to clarify further:

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

The sad truth is that in 2017, nearly 40,000 Americans were killed in shooting accidents – a number that is truly staggering considering we’re one of the most prosperous, developed nations in the world. While V did admit later on that the word “likely” was a bit of an exaggeration and probably not the best choice of words, the survival tips she shared are still incredibly useful.

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Some of these tips might seem obvious as you read them, but rational thinking often jumps out the window when you’re in a panic-inducing situation, so it’s important to really internalize the information as much as possible.

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

It’s critically important to be aware of your surroundings in a survival situation, and find ways to use those surroundings to your advantage.

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

When all else fails, you’ll have to fight for your survival. Going up against an armed and dangerous opponent requires you to outsmart and outmaneuver them.

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Even the best-laid plans can end up getting you injured, however. If that happens, you’ve got to keep your cool and take some critical steps to stay alive until you can get medical help.

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

If this knowledge was more commonly dispersed, it’s possible that a lot of the tragic shootings we’ve seen in the past few decades may have been significantly less lethal. As much as we wish never to have to need it, this kind of training could save your life should the worst ever happen to you.

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

Photo Credit: @lareinavicc

For real – stay safe out there.

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20 Hilarious Tinder Profiles Created by One Man (Before He Got Banned From Tinder)

Back in my single days, having just a single Tinder profile was honestly exhausting so I can’t even imagine how someone could create/keep up with more than that. And yet this guy clearly doesn’t think so, and also probably has wayyy too much time on his hands.

Tinder use Jake made more than 30 profiles on the dating app before Tinder finally banned him for good.

I really hope at least one of these got him a date.

1. Here are the chances

Photo Credit: Tinder

2. A sweet poem

Photo Credit: Tinder

3. It’s worth it

Photo Credit: Tinder

4. That should do it

Photo Credit: Tinder

5. Just swipe

Photo Credit: Tinder

6. Awwww

Photo Credit: Tinder

7. Special delivery

Photo Credit: Tinder

8. Don’t get ghosted

Photo Credit: Tinder

9. One shot

Photo Credit: Tinder

10. Did that attract anyone?

Photo Credit: Tinder

11. Can’t keep us apart

Photo Credit: Tinder

12. See what he did there?

Photo Credit: Tinder

13. Getting political

Photo Credit: Tinder

14. The Rocket Man

Photo Credit: Tinder

15. Classic

Photo Credit: Tinder

16. Too good to resist

Photo Credit: Tinder

17. Lots of baggage

Photo Credit: Tinder

18. RIP Leg Day

Photo Credit: Tinder

19. Impressive

Photo Credit: Tinder

20. No, Leo

Photo Credit: Tinder

If that profile pic with Kim Jong-un doesn’t get him a woman, I don’t know what will…

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