What Are Socially Acceptable Things That Really Shouldn’t Be? Here’s What People Said.

It’s funny what society tells us is acceptable and what isn’t, don’t you think?

I see some things that people do that the majority of folks view as totally normal and I think they’re whack as hell.

And then I’ll see something that I think is ludicrous or even dangerous that isn’t frowned upon one little bit.

Life sure is weird…

Folks on AskReddit talked about things that are socially acceptable but really shouldn’t be.

1. Enough of that.

“Going to work sick some how makes you a team player……”

2. Loyalty?

“Company loyalty. It’s completely fine and expected for the employee to be loyal to the company.

But it’s also acceptable for the company to fire someone who’s been loyal to them for years without even giving them an explanation.”

3. Not cool.

“Being asked to work off the clock.

Checking work emails and texts at home is work and should be paid.”

4. That’s just weird.

“Touching pregnant women’s baby bumps is apparently socially acceptable… it should not be.”

5. Where are my breaks?

“I work retail, so this should be familiar.

In a convenience store you don’t get breaks per se because of the nature of the business, especially if you are the only employee in the store at a given time.

I am a non-smoker. Guess how many smoke breaks I get, let alone a “regular” break? That’s right: zero. If a smoker needs a “smoke break” guess who has to cover that break? Yup, me.

If you aren’t sure where I am that’s OK, I’m in the US. Breaks for an addiction is fine apparently, but God forbid you need a quick 5 minute break to destress due to stupid people.”

6. Doesn’t work for everyone.

“The definition of a successful career being related to income rather than job satisfaction.”

7. Amen!

“The entire concept of the paparazzi.”

8. So annoying.

“Bringing a small child to an R rated movie.

If it’s not appropriate, then don’t go if you can’t find a sitter. If I’m watching a horror or comedy flick with an R rating in theaters, I shouldn’t be able to hear chattering and crying 5-year-olds.”

9. Just don’t say anything.

“Telling people “oh you’re so quiet” when you are the one obviously uncomfortable with their quietness.”

10. Kinda weird.

“That dads are “babysitting” their kids.

Not only is it often rude to the father, but it is also perpetuating this idea that the mom has to be the main caretaker of kids and makes it so that dads are in the right when they are basically babysitting their own kids because mom is busy.”

11. All work, no play.

“The fact that life revolves around work.

You work 8 hours a day, 5 times a week to do something you enjoy for a few hours per weekend.”

12. Enough of that!

“Older family members constantly asking and pressuring younger people to get married and have kids already.”

13. I agree 100%.

“Wine mom culture.

The idea that it’s fun and quirky for a mom to need to drink excessively to deal with her kids and husband.

No it’s not okay to drink a half a bottle of wine before noon.”

What do you think is socially acceptable but really shouldn’t be?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Thanks a lot!

The post What Are Socially Acceptable Things That Really Shouldn’t Be? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Weird Things They’ve Found After Music Festivals and Other Events

I’m not really one for big music festivals these days, but when I was a teenager I loved going to the Warped Tour every summer.

All the biggest punk bands playing on a few stages in the miserable heat for ten hours? Count me in!

And the people watching was just great, as you can probably imagine.

But I often wondered about the people who had to clean up the place after all the fans left for the day…

Some of these responses give me a good idea of what they saw.

AskReddit users talked about the unusual things they’ve found at festivals and events. Let’s get weird!

1. All the good stuff.

“I used to walk around the raves and look on the ground with a flashlight, found a multitude of great things.

In one night I would find a baggies ecstacy pills, cocaine + assorted drugs, 30+ lighters, hundreds of dollars in cash, jewelry and so many articles of clothing.

That was the average each weekend.”

2. Carny life.

“Worked as a carny a few seasons.

The zipper operator would straight up guard his ride’s area to loot it in the morning after it’s use. Many cell phones, wallets, cash and tons of change.

He knew how to operate it so well that he could spin certain tubs (full of riders) excessively if they looked drunk or like they might be unwilling donors. He made more in ground scores than he made operating and moving the ride.”

3. Raiding party.

“Having had all our sh*t stolen (including train tickets home) when I went one year, I was stranded at the campsite with my mates after everyone had left.

After 2 hours we managed to find bus tickets home, an LV bag, 200 cans of beer (and two buggies to carry them on), around twenty power banks, an iPhone, loads of tents full of excrement, about ten unknown pills.

A couple of bongs, loads of pairs of crutches, about an ounce of weed… Came across a YURT style tent worth about £1k and disassembled that to take home too.

W came across other groups of people raiding the abandoned tents and all congregated and piled every single inflatable mattress we could find in a giant pile and jumped onto it from up a tree.”

4. You probably need this.

“I’m an event manager for corporate conferences and trade shows.

Best thing I’ve seen left behind was from a large well known medical company. They left an unopened / brand new defibrillator that you’d see in an emergency room. When I called and told them they had left it behind they said to keep it.

So naturally I googled the item – retail cost $5K.”

5. I wonder who it is…

“I can’t disclose much due to the NDA I signed but I cleaned for an annual Christmas party thrown by a multi billionaire type guy a couple years in a row.

I’ve found little baggies of pills and powders, jewelry of all kinds and n*pple pasties and panties in all sizes. I’ve seen a half naked drunk chick try diving into a pool and splitting her head open and ODs of all kinds.

Man I miss cleaning for those parties. I got to attend the wild parties AND get paid for it!”

6. Gross.

“A pig’s head.

Crew had roasted a whole pig during set up and someone off their head decided to take the left over head for a walk around site Monday morning of the festival.

It was actually a bit messed up, saw a few freaked out people afterwards and had to convince them it wasn’t real so they would calm down. It was dumped in a hedge somewhere until crew found it and disposed of it properly.”


“Talladega, circa 2005.

Dead body under a mountain of beer cans.”

8. I’ll take that!

“I was cleaning after a festival once and a guy next to me found a gallon ziplock bag half filled with weed.

Once he look at it further he realized there was an iPhone and a roll of money in the bag as well.

Needless to say, he was happy.”

9. How does this work?

“I have no idea how people are getting it on in the middle of the dance floor, but my god I have become desensitized to used condoms at this point.

Some genres are worse than others, but I just want to know how?

Like you are literally surrounded by people, you have security watching the crowd like a hawk, and some how you manage to get it on. What?”

10. Biker rallies.

“Sturgis Motorcycle Rally: Millions of bikers converge into one small town every August here in South Dakota.

There’s a huge venue/campground called the Buffalo Chip.

Keys and blowup dolls are some of the most common things left behind.”

11. Yeehaw!

“I worked Talladega clean up.

For those that don’t know, it’s a NASCAR track in Alabama. The most savage rednecks go here to be absolutely crazy. S*x, drugs, and TONS of alcohol. Well I’ve found condoms, full bottles of liquor, bunch of weed, syringes, a drone, a pistol buried in mud, and a destroyed cell phone.

That was one time. And I was one of about 50 workers.”

12. Wild.

“Best time to go is Saturday and Sunday night. Just take a walk in high traffic areas with your head down. You’ll find lots of drugs and cash.

The craziest thing I’ve ever came across though was just a huge coincidence. I was at a festival about 750km from my home town. It was Sunday midnight and I was just dancing through the darkness on half an Oz of mushrooms I noticed a flash of white out of the corner of my eye near the forests edge. Turns out it was someone’s provincial ID card.

Not just anyone’s. It belonged to a girl from my hometown I haven’t seen in years. Given her lifestyle its not strange she lost her ID while f*cked up at a festival.

It was just a crazy coincidence that the only ID I’ve ever found in years of festival going, far from home, at a festival with 9000 people, happened to be someone I knew pretty well.”

How about you?

Have you ever found something weird at a festival or an event?

If so, share your stories with us in the comments. Thanks a lot!

The post People Discuss the Weird Things They’ve Found After Music Festivals and Other Events appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Things That Were Around 10 Years Ago That Don’t Exist Anymore

I remember when I got Nintendo.

My brother and I BEGGED my parents for it for a few months and boom! There it was under the tree on Christmas day.

And you know what? I never, ever upgraded. I never got another gaming system ever again in my whole life. Which was fine with me, because I loved (and still love) the original Nintendo.

But everyone else I knew seemed to forget about it and moved on to other systems in a hurry…

I guess some things just fall by the wayside…

What was around 10 years ago that doesn’t exist anymore?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. Remember when?


I mean, it still exists but when the Russians bought it everyone bailed.”

2. Cool animation.

“Flash animation on youtube before YouTube’s copyright went on steroids.

There were some really funny and good animations on there with music that you can’t use now in your videos. A lot of these flash animations started on newgrounds and moved to youtube to only die out.

So many good artists who made these got screwed over thanks to the bs copyright strikes.”

3. Not fun anymore.

“Fun pop music.

Nowadays it’s all sad gloomy stuff that just floats and doesn’t go anywhere with overproduced trap beats.”

4. What did you stumble upon?

“Man I would spend hours on StumbleUpon back in the day.

Found a ton of awesome sites and resources.”

5. All of these.



Kizi Games

Borne Games

My favorite game personally was sly and fox, it captivated me as a kid.”

6. Too spread out now.

“Netflix streaming that had everything in one godd*mn place.

I can’t wait for all these streaming services to start making deals and bundling with each other, effectively just reinventing a moderately better version of cable.”

7. A good spot.

“RadioShack is the ONLY place I can ever think of when people come into my work looking for fuses that we don’t carry, or can’t get.

I honestly don’t know where to refer them to anymore. RadioShack was THE place to go for that stuff.”

8. What did I do?!?!

“Pressing internet button on your phone accidentally then spending 2 minutes frantically pressing the back button for fear of charging your parents what felt like hundreds of dollars to load google.”

9. That’s crazy.

“The median house price in Sydney is $1.68 million.

Australian house prices have compounded at 7% for 30 years, wages have increased 3%.

If your parents aren’t rich you can’t afford a house.”

10. The phone game.

“Blackberry smartphones. The real ones, not the fake ones they kind of have now.

The old school BlackBerry with brick breaker is hands down the best phone I ever had.

I miss it so much.”

11. What happened to them?

“Do you guys remember those snap bracelets that you would snap on your wrist?

I swear I haven’t seen one of those since like 2010/2011.”

12. I miss mine!

“Flip phones.

I had 2 over the years.

Loved those phones.”

13. This is sad.

“My three adult son’s sweet childhood days.

Oh, how I LOVED being a mom to little boys, having a purpose, how much fun we had, how much we laughed, always having a house full of kids, love, the wonderful chaos of three little boys, brothers, childhood, becoming a teenager, and young men. I adored them.

They are grown now, and not one of them speaks to me. Two I haven’t seen in over two years. I recently moved to a new home about a half hour away, not one helped during the move, and not one has come to visit, even though I bought it in a place I know they’d love to come.

I don’t expect anything different anymore. The Loneliness is Deadening. My grief profound. My heart numb. Never in a million years did I see this coming. I miss my children’s love. I miss it so much.”

What are some more things that were around 10 years ago that aren’t around anymore?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

Thanks in advance!

The post People Discuss Things That Were Around 10 Years Ago That Don’t Exist Anymore appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share What They Really Wanted as Kids That Seems Crappy Now That They’re Adults

Did you ever want something when you were young and when you got a little bit older, you thought to yourself, “actually, that sounds pretty terrible”?

I’m sure you have, because we all do that.

Hey, you’re not gonna want the same things in life when you’re 12-years-old AND when you’re 25, ya know?

What did you really want as a kid that just seems downright sh*tty now?

Here’s how AskReddit users responded.

1. Not into it anymore.

“Like 40 dogs. Inside.

Little me thought it would be a wonderland.

Adult me just sees the food bills, vet bills, smells and maintenance.”

2. Dreaming of horses.

“A horse.

A really pretty dappled gray with a long wavy mane and big dark eyes. And he would run right up to the fence to greet me and beg to go for a ride, and riding him would be my whole job because someone would pay me to do it, and I’d have a big house and a nice clean barn and a covered arena and acres upon acres of green pastures.

Man, I was a stupid little kid. Can’t even afford a second cat right now, let alone a privacy fence between my yard and the neighbor’s. Acres of land, my *ss.”

3. No more swords!

“A collection of sharpened, combat ready swords.

Katanas, longswords, claymores, falchions, cutlasses, I wanted to own all of them. Not just prop swords either, gotta be the real deal.

As an adult, I realize that 1) having a bunch of swords is pointless, and 2) unless it is a legit collection of historical pieces, it comes off as pretty trashy.”

4. Pretty expensive.

“A pool, as a kid I was always jealous of my neighbours because they had one. I now realise that a pool is basically a really expensive pet.

It needs your constant attention and, if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can kill it.

The cost of maintenance alone was enough of a turn off for me.”

5. Didn’t work out.

“From watching Spongebob, I used to think being a fry cook was the coolest thing ever.

Then I actually got a job as a fry cook and it was the shi*ttiest thing ever, with low wages and borderline abusive management.”

6. This still sounds amazing to me.

“I wanted a moat around my house, filled with alligators, and you had to get across on a rope swing.

There would be a drawbridge, but only my grandma would be allowed to use it cuz I liked my grandma.”

7. No, thank you!

“Tons of snow. I loved snow days.

As an adult it’s anxiety inducing.

Wondering if you will get in trouble for calling out of work, childcare and how to get the car out of the d*mn snow.

It’s too much.”

8. FAME.

“To be extremely famous.

I believe that if I were to ever achieve fame I would want it to be for something in my career or if I had an insane talent. Otherwise, I feel like I am unworthy of fame.

Even now, I like to edit videos for youtube and while I could be a YT I can’t ever want to be EXTREMELY “famous”, I’d like to be underrated but still seen.

I wouldn’t want to be in shows, or how other young people who are famous in media are unless it was similar to my brand.”

9. How much is this gonna cost?

“A car.

I was never a “cars” boy, but I did have the sort of understanding a car was a necessity. Now that I have one, I realize that these things are a constant tug-o-war between great convenience, and massive money-drain.

Anytime something goes wrong, I can’t help but dread what I imagine will be a major money sink.”

10. It’s not fair!

“To be an adult.

Too many responsibilities and obligations and bills and… just f*ck it all.

When you’re a kid you spend all your time wanting to be an adult.

When you become an adult you keep wanting to go back to being a kid.”

11. Probably a lot of work.

“A monkey.

There were a lot of movies and TV shows on when I was growing up where they featured monkeys that people dressed up like babies.

They just fit into the family somewhere between babies and pets.

WTH was I thinking?”

12. No TVs in the bedroom!

“A TV in my room.

As an adult, I can’t stand having a TV in the bedroom.”

How about you?

What did you think looked awesome as a kid that seems pretty sh*tty these days?

Talk to us in the comments. Thanks a lot!

The post People Share What They Really Wanted as Kids That Seems Crappy Now That They’re Adults appeared first on UberFacts.

Medical Folks, What’s the Worst Misconception a Patient Had About the Human Body? People Responded.

I feel like when a lot of people are having health issues, they go one of two ways: they either self-diagnose from Web M.D. and they think they’re dying, or they totally ignore it and only go see a doctor at the last minute when a lot of damage is already done.

That’s why you go see a professional in these situations, people!

Medical workers on AskReddit talked about BIG misconceptions that people have had about their bodies. Let’s take a look.

1. Wrong!

“Nurse here.

We work with patients with kidney issues. Our biggest misconception…

The product “No Salt” is totally safe to eat…..WRONG!

No Salt is a potassium based product to mimic salt texture for food…but now puts you into a whole new issue with having high potassium from frequent use, leading to cramping, arrhythmias, and even death.”

2. Magical honey fortress.

“Patient with seafood allergy presents to ER with swollen lips, hives, itchy throat.

Provider takes a history asking if the patient could’ve been exposed to seafood or cross contamination. Have they eaten new food or at a new establishment? The whole nine. While being treated, patient adamantly denies this. They keep trying to figure out what the allergen could’ve been because it’s a pretty strong reaction.

Eventually the patient gets frustrated and admits they ate shrimp pasta but it CAN’T be from that because he took two tablespoons of honey first and “it coats things in there.” As in, shrimp can somehow not penetrate the magical honey fortress.”

3. Are you sure about that?

“I’ve had male patients in my audiology clinic tell me they have fallopian tube issues.

Perhaps I shouldn’t assume they mean eustachian tube issues, but I do.”

4. Trippy.

““How are you feeling today?”

“Not great, I have a cough that starts from an emotion in my throat and chest. That emotion disturbs me.”

It was a bacterial pneumonia. His roommate is a neighborhood “spiritual guru”.”

5. Where’s the face?!?!

“Baby came out face down .

The father freaked out his child was born without a face.

We had a good laugh after.”

6. Not exactly…

“Had a mother ask if it was true that the soft spot of her baby’s head was “like a whale blow hole” that he could breathe out of.

Apparently her own mother had told her that.”

7. Oh, boy…

“Well, I had one girl that really thought if she had s*x in the shower she could not get pregnant because all the sperm must fall out and go down the drain.

Her boyfriend had been convinced as well…

They did, indeed, end up pregnant. There had been A LOT of standup shower s*x.”

8. Ugh!

“I caught a patient drinking his own urine once.

He thought it would help heal him, somehow.

I have never looked at a water pitcher the same way and I always check to make sure it’s water.”

9. It’s normal, sir.

“I had the father of a baby absolutely beside himself because his newborn baby had no teeth.”

10. Please don’t do that.

“”What do you mean, I can’t eat an entire fruit cake? Isn’t fruit supposed to be healty?”

From a diabetic type 2 with a blood sugar level of 450 mg/dl.”

11. Missed that class, I guess.

“I had to explain to a pregnant woman once that the baby is coming out of her v*gina.

She was almost six months pregnant and was horrified, I think she thought all babies were just C- sectioned out.”

12. What are you talking about?

“I had a patient who needed a tooth extracted.

Young teenage girl, obviously very sheltered. She was telling me how bad it hurts and I asked her what she takes for pain.

“I apply a little clove oil to it when it keeps me up at night.” I asked if that works and she goes “Um… not really.”

When I told patient and mom to control post-operative pain with ibuprofen and acetaminophen, they looked at me like I had grown a second head.”

13. It goes away, right?

“There seems to be a common misconception that diabetes only needs to be treated temporarily and then it will go away, in the absence of lifestyle changes. I have seen this a lot in primary care.

“Do you have diabetes”

“No, I used to and finished my medication”

Check labs and surprise surprise, extra uncontrolled diabetes.”

Have you ever heard someone talk about really bad misconceptions about the human body?

If so, please tell us your stories in the comments.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The post Medical Folks, What’s the Worst Misconception a Patient Had About the Human Body? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

13 Ridiculous Reasons People Lost Their Jobs

Losing your job sucks. It can mess with your head and your self confidence.

Getting fired brings so any new worries, at a time when you don’t have the headspace to deal with them.

But it’s even worse, when you’ve already got a lot going on.

1. How long is too long though?

Are we talking days? Hours?

A good boss might have suggested a nice fiber supplement.

Image credit: Whisper

2. I’m sensing a theme

Why are employers so obsessed with potty breaks?

What do they think you’re doing in there?

Image caption: Whisper

3. They were afraid she’d spend all day crying in the bathroom?

This one is so heartless I don’t even know what to say.

Image caption: Whisper

4. Don’t they know there’s a movie about this?

They were afraid she’d stay after hours to make amazing new flavors of pie.

Image credit: Whisper

5. What a headache

Whether or not it’s wrongful termination, you gotta hope karma gets them in the end.

Image credit: Whisper

6. I guess that’s one way to avoid a lawsuit?

Or to get out of paying short term disability?

Image credit: Whisper

7. It’s called the Emergency Room for a reason, guys

It’s nice to actually see one where the good guy wins.

Image credit: Whisper

8. I guess their boss wasn’t a family man

Anti-family, even. Just wow.

Image credit: Whisper

9. There’s a special place in hell for this employer

I mean, what exactly is a “good excuse” if not this?

Image credit: Whisper

10. Pretty sure working there would give me a panic attack

That guy can join the other one in The Bad Place.

Image credit: Whisper

11. Do they think it’s a gourmet celery restaurant?

No, really, do they?

Image credit: Whisper

12. If they didn’t immediately get their job back then this one wins them all

I mean, you can get a doctor’s note for that right?

Image credit: Whisper

13. I feel like there’s got to be a better way to say it

Somehow I’m in awe of both the worker and the boss.

Image credit: Whisper

I don’t think I’ve ever heard such awful reasons–beyond the workers’ control–for being let go from a job.

What about you? Share your story in the comments.

The post 13 Ridiculous Reasons People Lost Their Jobs appeared first on UberFacts.

13 Ridiculous Reasons People Lost Their Jobs

Losing your job sucks. It can mess with your head and your self confidence.

Getting fired brings so any new worries, at a time when you don’t have the headspace to deal with them.

But it’s even worse, when you’ve already got a lot going on.

1. How long is too long though?

Are we talking days? Hours?

A good boss might have suggested a nice fiber supplement.

Image credit: Whisper

2. I’m sensing a theme

Why are employers so obsessed with potty breaks?

What do they think you’re doing in there?

Image caption: Whisper

3. They were afraid she’d spend all day crying in the bathroom?

This one is so heartless I don’t even know what to say.

Image caption: Whisper

4. Don’t they know there’s a movie about this?

They were afraid she’d stay after hours to make amazing new flavors of pie.

Image credit: Whisper

5. What a headache

Whether or not it’s wrongful termination, you gotta hope karma gets them in the end.

Image credit: Whisper

6. I guess that’s one way to avoid a lawsuit?

Or to get out of paying short term disability?

Image credit: Whisper

7. It’s called the Emergency Room for a reason, guys

It’s nice to actually see one where the good guy wins.

Image credit: Whisper

8. I guess their boss wasn’t a family man

Anti-family, even. Just wow.

Image credit: Whisper

9. There’s a special place in hell for this employer

I mean, what exactly is a “good excuse” if not this?

Image credit: Whisper

10. Pretty sure working there would give me a panic attack

That guy can join the other one in The Bad Place.

Image credit: Whisper

11. Do they think it’s a gourmet celery restaurant?

No, really, do they?

Image credit: Whisper

12. If they didn’t immediately get their job back then this one wins them all

I mean, you can get a doctor’s note for that right?

Image credit: Whisper

13. I feel like there’s got to be a better way to say it

Somehow I’m in awe of both the worker and the boss.

Image credit: Whisper

I don’t think I’ve ever heard such awful reasons–beyond the workers’ control–for being let go from a job.

What about you? Share your story in the comments.

The post 13 Ridiculous Reasons People Lost Their Jobs appeared first on UberFacts.

Things Romanticized by Society That Are Actually Toxic

There are so many things that are called romantic in books and movies and songs but, when you apply them to real life, are nothing but creepy and/or toxic.

Singer and songwriter Naya Ford took that truth head on during a TikTok video, asking her followers to weigh in on “something that people glamorize that’s actually just extremely toxic.”


What’s something that glamorized but is ✨toxic✨ #NewYearNewMiO #WordsOfWisdom #toxic #withouttellingme #fyp

♬ original sound – Naya A Ford

She began with “I want a significant other who is rude and mean and not friendly to anybody” because that somehow means they won’t cheat, and her followers really piled on.

Below are 13 great answers!

13. That women can fix broken men.

“The idea that broken men can only be healed through the love and labor of a woman. This perpetuates the idea that men cannot find healing or support from anybody except for women — which means that they don’t seek it from their friends, they don’t seek therapy, they don’t have connections outside of their [female] partner to support them. This obviously puts a huge burden on women to care for men, heal them, rehabilitate them. That same energy is not given to women.

Also, if you want an example, I recommend looking at almost any movie targeted to teenage girls that is about a ‘bad boy’ (the pure, loving ‘good girl’ heals the wounds of the tortured ‘bad boy’ trope).”

12. Couples pranking each other on YouTube.

“YouTube couples who do pranks — they’re so obvious that they’re doing pranks, and they just get more and more extreme with…embarrassing each other on camera.”

11. Drinking wine.

“Wine culture.

Especially mom wine culture. “The reason mommy drinks.” “Mommy juice.”

And look I am guilty of it too. I used to make jokes about it until I realized I actually had a problem.

We’re grown women. It’s not cool to joke about drinking every day. It’s alcoholism.”

10. Heartbreak in general.

“The way that we romanticize getting our heart broken and then forgiving and getting back together with the person who broke our heart. That dumb notion of ‘you always hurt the one you love’…If somebody cheats on you, lies to you, manipulates you, that is called emotional abuse. And there’s this media depiction that all it takes is the right grand gesture and then everything is resolved — it will never happen again, and you should forgive them. I’m not saying redemption isn’t possible because every situation is different, but that’s not romantic — that’s called work.

And if I have to watch one more gosh darn movie where we sympathize with the person who did the abuse, and we look to the person who was abused asking them to forgive them to suit our romantic narrative. … It is not glamorous, it is not romantic; it is abuse, and we need to stop idolizing it.”

9. Being in a relationship.

“By no means am I saying that relationships are toxic, but what I am saying is that society and social media’s obsession with relationships — yeah, that’s not healthy at all. It’s as though everyone is more focused on the cute pictures, the matching outfits, and being able to say you have someone than actually accessing and considering ~who~ you have.

Daniel Sloss said it best…: It’s people out here trying to force things that shouldn’t be forced with one another because they would much rather have somebody than nothing at all. Like…there are really couples out here who don’t need to be together, should NOT be together, but they stay together because their cute couple pics go viral. And the obsession promotes the idea that being single is a flaw. It’s getting weird!”

8. Gender norms.

“Gender norms. Blue is for boys, pink is for girls. Girls show emotion, men do not. Women are feminine, men are masculine.”

7. Professional modeling.

“The modeling industry. I’m surprised to this day, it’s still glorified. It’s such a toxic industry, people get away with so [many] atrocious things in that industry because they have power and control over your work, your body, and so many other things that you renounced when you started your career as a model.

Like, they don’t prepare you to be objectified, s*xualized, and preyed on by predators. Played by people you trust, told that you’re not good enough, [and] expected to be of a standard that you will never attain. Jeopardizing your self-worth and mental health at their expense for them to make money off you. It’s such a problematic industry that we need to stop glamorizing it…

Please don’t…be something you’re not and let people (who don’t care about you) dictate what you should (or shouldn’t) be in this industry. If you start out, do you.”

6. Having children.

“Having kids. No wait. It’s not toxic in its entirety. There are aspect in it that are really toxic hear me out. Having children is glamorized and prioritize over very necessary pieces of actually raising children.

People are not addressing their past traumas, they not addressing their stability, mentally, physically, financially. All of these thing are taking a back seat to an idea bringing children to this world and having a baby shower, and having a gender reveal, Both the children and parents are forced in this reality that they can’t recreate their favorite TV show family.

The life is very real but having children are glamorized and the kids will group with not addressed traumas and repeat the cycle.”

5. A “morning routine.”

“Bloggers who have the perfect morning routines with their kids and they cut up all the little lunch into bento box with the love notes and a shaped apple with an octopus and their house is cleaned and they are dressed.

The moms are dressed their hairs are brushed, they have make up. Where are you going, where are you going and then their kids are in perfect outfits and then they go out of the door like that. No, it doesn’t work that way, that’s toxic, it’s a lie”

4. Dieting.

“Diet culture and the idea that your value and morality is tied to how much you weigh.”

3. Codependency in relationships.

“The idea that you guys need to be obsessed with each other when you’re in a relationship…Apparently we have to text each other every day — all day long — and if we don’t text back within a reasonable amount of time, or we don’t explain why we didn’t text back, then all of a sudden that means we’re not into you anymore. If you’re not texting each other, then you’re probably on FaceTime until your phone dies or on FaceTime until you fall asleep. And some people like to be on FaceTime while they’re asleep, which is kinda weird…

Basically dedicating all your time to your significant other — that’s kind of unhealthy. ‘Cause imagine you dedicated so much time and energy to a relationship that you had nothing else going on in your life. You’re gonna feel so broken if that relationship fails, because you got way too attached.”

2. Having a friend’s back.

“Vouching for your friends no matter what, even when they’ve done something bad.

Like, if my friend cheats on their partner, and they expect me to lie for them if their partner calls me and asks where they are, I’m not lying for you and your [bad] behavior.

If your partner knows me well enough to have my phone number and ask where you are, why would I want to participate in lying to them? Obviously there are worse things, but it’s a no for me.”

1. Beauty standards. Period.

“Any beauty standard.

It’s too much.”

Don’t be fooled, y’all – if it seems toxic, it probably is!

The post Things Romanticized by Society That Are Actually Toxic appeared first on UberFacts.

These People Were All Selling Really Weird Stuff Online

I’m warning you: if you start wandering down the rabbit hole of Facebook Marketplace and other places where folks are selling stuff on social media, you might never come back from the abyss.

Because it is just plain WEIRD out there in the world of selling and reselling online.

But, if you can only dip your toes in the water and get in over your head, we think you’re gonna enjoy the weirdness.

And here are some perfect examples.

Let’s take a look.

1. That cat needs some exercise.

Maybe you shouldn’t sell that stuff quite yet…

Found on marketplace in the Facebook! Lol!😹 from Chonkers

2. I wouldn’t keep this thing in my house.

You honestly don’t think this thing is haunted?

He haunts you from WTFgaragesale

3. Only worn once, huh?

That doesn’t look right.

I was scrolling Facebook marketplace and stumbled upon this gem. from quityourbullshit

4. That should make the sale a little bit easier.

And we hope you get some action soon!

From my local Facebook marketplace from ihavesex

5. Is this still available?

A once in a lifetime opportunity!

Never change, Facebook Marketplace. from CrackheadCraigslist

6. For the bean lovers out there.

What a deal!

7. This would look great right over the fireplace.

Welcome to my home!

I mean.. someone is gonna like it, right? from WTFgaragesale

8. You can put an animal or a person in there.

It’s totally up to you!

Plenty of room! from CrackheadCraigslist

9. A hard pass on this one for me.

I appreciate your art, though.

I have no idea what this is supposed to be. from CrackheadCraigslist

10. Now this is CLASSY.

You can’t pass this one up!

This is how you treat em right from CrackheadCraigslist

11. It’s only $300.

I think that’s a steal.

12. From a master craftsman.

People…you should jump on this.

Found this in my local Facebook marketplace.. from delusionalartists

Okay, now we want to hear from you.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever bought or sold online?

Talk to us in the comments and spill your guts!

The post These People Were All Selling Really Weird Stuff Online appeared first on UberFacts.

Do You Need a Laugh Today? These Memes Should Do the Trick!

You need a laugh. I need a laugh. WE ALL NEED A LAUGH IMMEDIATELY.

And I’m gonna let you in on a little secret…you’re in the right place!

We have some hilarious memes in store for you that we are 100% certain will make you laugh your godd*mn *ss off.

Does that sound agreeable to you?

Good! I thought you’d say yes!

Enjoy these memes, okay? You deserve it!

1. They’re really gonna do a number on you.

But I guess you have to respect that kind of teamwork.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. Tim? Tom? Tony?

Am I getting close?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. That’s a very rare banana-too.

Only found in the wilds of the Amazon.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. Whatever you say.

It’s good for everyone!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. Was that really necessary?

Seems like you overdid it a little bit…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. The story of social media.

At least for some people…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. You are a hero, sir.

You’ve seen it all…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. This look really did not age well.

Ouch…are you embarrassed?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. Bringing back some very bad memories.

I remember it like it was yesterday…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. Don’t do it!

I’m trying to save your life!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. It was a rough year.

So we’ll cut this guy a break.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Those sure did the trick…

But now we want more!

In the comments, we want you to share more funny memes that you think will make us laugh.

Please and thank you, friends!

The post Do You Need a Laugh Today? These Memes Should Do the Trick! appeared first on UberFacts.